Human and Stars by Hana Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


We're stuck in having to stay at one of the pubs. Kuron's not going to like this, but at least we won't won't be staying anywhere near the Duchess's Delight place with its expensive scenery and its cantankerous owner. As soon as I told him that we'd be staying elsewhere which I was careful about it, the man became really irate and began to scold us about wasting his time. It's not like he had anything really to do at the time except to go back behind his desk. Anyway, we managed to find a pub that wasn't too crazy with remotely decent rooms for real cheap. The rooms are above the actual bar itself so we don't have to worry about much. We're just now waiting on the owner who is much friendlier to take our pay. The three of us, Giggs, Shibba, and me are seated at one of the tables. The place isn't real busy right now so he shouldn't be too long. While we wait I remove the coin purse from my waist to count out our stay's expense.

Some of the coins dance across the table after being dumped from the bag. I'm quick to retrieve them and keep them close by just in case someone comes around with sticky fingers. As I begin to count the money out, my companions start to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I ask not bothering to look up. Did I miss something? Giggs snorts with laughter while my other companion tumbles from his seat. I hear the thud as Shibba lands on the floor. Covering up the small stack of coins with both hands, I allow myself to gaze up.

“Take a look over there” the navigator says trying to point straight. “Where?”

“Over there” he says pointing again. As I turn my head, I catch sight of a man with a water pitcher crammed over his face.

“How the heck did that happen?” I get no response. The poor victim stumbles around trying to wretch the sucking dish from his face. With a big body like that, you got to wonder how his big head was able to squish in there. Quickly do I scoop the coins back into the pouch. I'll count them once the owner comes back out. That guy seems to be really struggling with that pitcher. I scoot my chair out and then stand up. The cook notices me beginning to walk over.

“I wouldn’t Corshawl” he chuckles. I ignore him and head over.

“Hold still” I say once I reach the victim. Then getting a hold of the handle and good grip on the other side, I begin to yank. This thing is really stuck. Whoever shoved it on his head did a good job of making sure that it would stick. Pulling it is not going to work. Suddenly the man begins to wiggle and jerks himself backward in attempt to detach the dish. The end result is me sent flying towards him then landing on top of him. Alright you idiot, that's not going to work. Taking his hand, I help him back on his feet. A piece of the pitcher falls from behind landing on the floor. Well, I guess that did work to a small degree. Picking the small piece up, an idea pops inside my head. I know how to get this off. Considering that the pitcher is now unusable, I can just break the rest off. “Hold still and don't move.” I tell him again. Hopefully he listens to me this time. Taking the small pistol I have, I turn it so the butt of it is up. “Don't move, I mean it.” I aim carefully. I don't want to hit this guy in the head.

“Uh Corshawl...” I hear Giggs begin to say. This is the only way I can think of getting this off. With one last measure, I swing downward. A giant crack springs up from the bottom near the man's chin causing the pitcher to shatter around his face. More pieces fall to the ground. Some are me from pulling them off the man's neck while the rest are from when the pitcher was shattered.

“Are you alright?” No response. With wide eyes does he move his head around before noticing me. Anyone home? Did I hit him on the head? No, I couldn't off. The pitcher itself was much taller than his skull. Still...I wonder. “Hey you-” Before I can get another word out, my hand is grabbed and shaken real violently.

“Thanks for helping me out there. That server girl really jammed it down. Thought I'd never get it off.” he says cheerily. That's great, now let go of my hand. Yanking my arm away, I back away a little to put some distance between us. He stands somewhat taller than me with eyes that keep looking around at the door. Is he expecting someone to come in?

“You okay?” I question again. I'm a little bit worried about this guy. He's acting kind of strange. Now I'm thinking I might have nicked him.

“You hungry?” I'm suddenly asked.

“What?” I give this odd man a funny look. When I don't answer, the man wraps an arm around my neck to lead myself to a nearby table.

“You here by yourself? You can come and have dinner on me.” Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested. I duck out from underneath his arm then make my way back to where Shibba and Giggs are. The owner is still nowhere to be seen. What is taking that guy so long? “Oh you have friends with you.” My two companions glance at me once I sit down. The strange man pulls up a chair then makes himself comfortable. Nothing is said at the moment. I tap my fingers on the table still in wait for the owner as well as trying to figure out what to do with this man. Looking around, I spot a serving girl. She appears to be busy with something at the moment. I do wish she would come over here. Maybe she's the one who shoved the water pitcher down on this guy's head. “You guys planning to stay long?” We're asked.

“Not really, we're just here for repairs.” Giggs replies. “Our ship was damaged during a storm.” Looks like our navigator is going to try to make small talk with him. As long as his attention isn't on me, I perfectly fine with it.

“The one that just hit? Aye, there were some other poor sailors caught in the mix. Unfortunately, their ship didn't make it and neither did they.”

“My sympathies to the families of those men” they start to talk a little bit more now sharing stories, well mainly the strange man. Some of the tales this guy is sharing is leaving me along with Giggs somewhat disturbed. I haven't heard all of it, but the parts that I catch lead me to the conclusion of not wanting to know the rest. How long is this owner going to make us wait? We just want a room....Aside from our new “friend's” storytelling; a small snoring sound is heard. I look over at Shibba who has fallen asleep. Being exhausted out from the storm then having to do repairs calls out for an early turn in although, I don't think our cook is fully asleep just yet. His eyelids keep twitching.

“So that's how that turned out.” That's how what turned out? My hearing has picked up another piece of the conversation and what I can tell from the face of my companion, it looks as though he could have done without the story. With a small sigh, I go to rest my head on the table only to shoot up in result of the man smacking its surface as hard as he can while calling out. Shibba is now wide awake...startled, but awake. He rubs his forehead.

“What do you want? I thought I told you to leave!” Our friend's ruckus has brought out the serving girl I saw a little while to go. She doesn't look too happy to see him.

“I just want something to eat and something for my friends too.”deervictim moans. I have no doubt now that she was the one who made him suffer with the imprisonment of the pitcher. Me, Giggs, and Shibba are then gawked at. At first, it's with the same angry expression until I dart my eyes away as if saying...he's not with us. Please make him go away. It takes her, but a moment to walk over to get a full view of us.

“What can I get you boys?” the woman then chirps. Just like that, it's an entirely different mood. She even has a smile ondeerface. What are you staring at? Suddenly, I feel eyes tracing my face then making themselves down my neck.

“Could you bring out some stew? That would be real nice.” replies the strange man. Our waitress takes a moment to gaze at him before movingdeereyes back over to me.

“Uh, for me too?” I manage to get out. Don't know why, but this woman is making me nervous. She won't stop eying me. Shibba and Giggs then add that they will settle for the same meal.

Might as well get this over with. Disappearing and reappearing within a few minutes, our waitress returns with piping hot bowls containing a brown slosh in them. What kind of stew is this? She begins to pass them out being sure to give our friend his first who starts in on it as soon as the bottom of the bowl touches the table. An expression of anxiousness sets itself on Shibba's face after his is put in front of him. You're not the only one who is having issues finding out if this is kosher or even safe to eat.

Finally is mine brought around. This does not look appetizing in the slightest. I think I'm going to let it cool for a bit. Maybe our host will be back by then to give us a room. Maybe I won't have to eat whatever this is. There are chunks of some kind of meat sticking out of the surface with whatever these yellow pieces are. Picking up the spoon that was set beside my meal, I begin to stir the stew all the while leaning my head back. Suddenly, I freeze. What did my head just run into? Nervously, do I glance up. It's the waitress. What do you want? Seeing that now she has been acknowledged; a drink is then set out. Apparently, she already gave drinks to the other three.

“Thank you...” my cheeks are burning and my voice just cracked. The guy has already made me uncomfortable; you don't need to join in on that. With one last look does the woman finally leave. Oh bother...I let out a sigh while catching my companions' gazes. Giggs, there's no need to look at me like that. I didn't know she was right there. To avoid talking about what just happened, I stuff a spoonful of this gruel in my mouth and suffer for it. Ugh, what the-

“That's the special ingredient she adds.” laughs our friend. The revolting taste swishing about in my mouth causes me to shudder and continues to do so as I swallow.

“What is the special ingredient?” Shibba questions after seeing my disgusted look. I don't even want to know what the special ingredient is. Yuckth!

“Don't know, but it adds a bit of a fishy flavor to it, don'tcha think?” That's it for our cook. He pushes the bowl away from him causing Giggs to do the same. He apparently knows something about this dish that I don't. I think I'll pass on trying to finish this. Laughter is now heard from the strange man. “It takes one with a unique taste to enjoy this. Ya mind?” All of our heads shake. Then helping himself to our bowls, the man begins to dump the contents of our dishes into his. After all of the stew is in his bowl, he begins to talk. Great, more mental scaring facts about the man's past. Just what I need to end my day, but the torture doesn't stop there. Oh no, we get to watch him engorge himself. Where the heck is the owner? I'm about ready to pay the six hundred at the Duchess's Delight.

I feel really stupid for helping this man. I should have listened to Shibba and left the water pitcher on the man’s head. Who knows he might have wandered outside with it and manage to get it smashed out there along with his head, but we'll never know. No, I just had to help him because I felt sorry for him. I now feel sorry for myself along with my two mates that have to sit here and endure this. Oh my sanity...He's begun to babble endlessly now.

“Listen mister” I begin.

“Name's Boutka” Boutka says cutting me off. “Boutka, don’t you have somewhere to be?”

“No, I have nothing planned for the evening. I think it be best to spend it with you chaps.” He replies continuing to engorge himself.

“I think I'm going to be ill.” God forbid...

“So what do you have planned for the evening?” The question causes me to grimace. Why? You're not coming with us.

“What’s it to you?” Giggs asks looking quite disgusted. Aw come on, just go away. Food keeps flying out of his mouth. You think he would be done eating by now with the way he keeps stuffing it full of the brown gruel.

“Just curious…no need to be rude.” Rude?! I'll give you more than rude! You're driving me insane.

“You don’t have anyone else that you can be an annoyance to; family, friends, or even the waitresses?” I have become desperate. Where's the owner? A part of me would hate to leave the woman here alone with him, but I'm sure she would manage. Having left him in a fix with the water pitcher, I highly doubt he would have caused any more trouble.

“Why do you think I had that water pitcher on my head that you graciously helped me with?” he points out talking yet again with his mouth full. Where's another one? I'll be able to have some peace with it planted down on that big marble of his.

“I’m beginning to wish that I hadn’t. It’s no wonder she did it, you don’t shut up.” The words fly out of my mouth uncontrollably. I've tried to be nice, I've tried to be patient, but there's just no way around it. This guy needs help. Boutka is now miraculously quiet. I look over at Shibba who appears to be sending me a message with his hands…I think. “What?” I mouth the words so the

stranger sitting next to me doesn’t hear. Our secret conversation is interrupted when the strange man speaks again somewhat in a different tone.

“You fellas ever heard of the ‘Black Knight?”

“Who?” all three of us ask at once sharing similar facial expressions. He belches then replies

“He preys on ships during the day and attacks’em in the dead of night.” Seeing that we have no ‘rude’ remarks he goes on. “They say that his victims never see it comin’. He’s hunting every last one down.”

“Wait, who is this guy hunting exactly?” I ask perplexed at this loon’s story.

“Pirates; so many have disowned the king causing his majesty to disband them all that come from Shersia.”

“Shersia? What do they have to do with the Black Knight?” I question. I’m not a doctor, but I can tell this man has been out in the sun for far too long. I highly doubt there's any juice left in his brain from it being baked in the heat. Giggs and Shibba make a sign that it’s time to leave.

“Corshawl I think we should try elsewhere or comeback when the owner is here.” My companions say.

“Yes, I agree.”

“Wait this is important, especially if you’re sailors.” The man says grabbing my wrist. Of all things! He's got some of the gruel on his hand!

“Gah! Alright I’ll stay, just let go of me!” I exclaim. My two companions wave me off as I take my seat again. “Tell Kuron, that once I'm finished making arrangements for the room I'll come out and meet her.” That's if the owner ever decides to come at all. My call of exasperation reaches them before they leave. Boutka, now smiles then goes on with another one of his tales for twenty minutes. What I’m told is that the Black Knight, an alleged pirate hunter, has been hunting pirate ships for a few years now. Also, that the Shersians do not want any foreigners on their waters.

Right now Folyianna, Uphoria, and Shersia are allies, but due to what the Shersian governments have allowed over the last couple of months, that bond has weakened. The governments of Folyiana and Uphoria have tried to set up trade with foreigners many times, but anyone entering from the west has to pass Shersian territory and usually doesn't make it. To make sure that they get their goods; Uphorian warships have been sent to enforce the safety of the incoming merchants. Personally I don’t like them; they have caused so much trouble that it's nearly escalated into Shersia becoming our enemy which would not be beneficial for Uphoria whatsoever. I have heard rumors of Uphoria breaking alliance with Shersia. Folyianna has threatened to do the same, but that would mean Shersia would turn to Vexianna for aid.

“You be sure to steer clear of those accursed waters, pirates who go in don’t come back out.” he warns beginning to stand up.

“I’ll do my best.” I reply sarcastically while he leaves. Still no sign of the owner… Sighing with relief, I make my way to the door.

“Excuse me sir, but you’ll need to pay before you leave.” Spinning around, I almost smack in to the waitress.

“Um…” I stop to swallow. “Sorry ma’am, I've been waiting for the owner to return in order to set up quarters for a few days.” I say.

“My boss is due back any minute. I just spoke with him. He had some things to take care of. In fact, seeing how you've waited so long. I could give you a room.” She says beginning to play with my collar. Look, I don't know what you want from me. I just want a room, not you! Very carefully, do I removedeerhand from my clothing. This is very nerve racking! I'm going to kill the owner once he gets in as payment for the torment I've had to endure here!

“Ah hah, actually I need a couple of rooms that will fit eight people.” My response causes the facial expression of the room to morph from happiness into disappointment. My eyebrows raise themselves up.! Shaking my head slightly, I straighten myself out before asking “Where is your boss? I can no longer wait.” Before the waitress can reply, a man walks in from another door. He's dressed with an apron holding in hands a ring full of keys. Please tell me this is the owner. “Um excuse me...” I call over to him causing his head to face itself in my direction.

“Be right with you” I'm told. With crossed arms do I watch the owner lock the door then make his way over. “So sorry to make you wait. I had to take care of some business matters. So how many rooms are you looking to fill?” The question causes me to reply

“Depends on how big they are and how much.” The owner, who is somewhat of an elderly gentleman, escorts me to a door nearby. Once inside, I'm allowed to inspect it. Not as pleasant as the Duchess's Delight, but there are more beds and there appears to be enough. I give a small nod of approval. “This will have to do.” Now it's on to the price which I come to find out is negotiable. It takes only a few minutes to settle on a price per night which is fifty a night making a total of a hundred-fifty for our stay. Once the arrangements are made, I'm handed a room key or rather a copy of it.

“Just let me know if you need anything. Darleen will be around too so just holler.” Our host says merrily. I give him my thanks while keeping the annoyance of waiting to myself. It's just not worth it. Then making my way to the entrance, I'm halted by Darleen, my looker.

“Now look you, I'm not trying to be rude, but I need to go. I really don't have time for this.” Sternly, I tell her. Darleen doesn't pay any attention to a word I just said. And as proof,deerhands latch themselves onto my coat then drag my body towards hers. “Whoa!”

“Now remember,” the waitress whispers. “Holler if you need anything.”deermouth moves closer to mine. Quickly do I snap my head sideways causingdeerkiss to land on my cheek. Sorry madam, I'm not interested. Darleen pulls away after examining the expression of my face. This causesdeerto chuckle. I back away slowly before taking off out the exit. What is wrong with that woman?! With my sleeve, I wipe off my cheek. Ugh, I can still feel the wetness ofdeerlips. I begin to run towards the docks when my ears pick up yelling. I stop to get a brief glance.

Is that Gimp and Sir John? I’m looking straight ahead of me now; Gimp is arguing with a girl while Sir John is trying to cut in. I wonder what the argument is about. As I continue to watch, the girl swings whatever is indeerhand nailing Gimp in the face. I grimace. Oh, that has got to sting! My body winces as I watch him tumble to the floor. It looks as though I’m not the only one who has had some misfortune with the opposite sex. Sir John is shaking his head as the girl storms off. I walk over.

“What happened?” A red mark is now painted on the oldest of the Three Gunns's face. “Gimp was being his ‘charming’ self as usual” Sir John answers.

“Hey it's of no fault of mine! She started it.” Gimp retorts reddening.

“She also finished it” replies his little brother. The facial expression that his big brother has brings me to laugh.

“What are you sniggering at?” I stop for a moment to endure Gimp's glare. “You don’t know understand women, do you?” Sir John asks crossing his arms. “I do to.”

“Very well, tell me then” a big grin spreads across Sir John’s face. Gimp looks at me then at his little brother. “Well?” A tiny grin spreads from one side of my face to the other. The two of us stand there and watch our third companion fumble around with his fingers for a moment. I keep my mouth shut. Heck, I can’t make sense of them myself. Take Darleen for example.

Finally, Gimp replies

“They’re cats that just like to tease us and when we get too close or pet them the wrong way, the bloody things turn on you and try to sink their teeth into your skin. They’re devious creatures.” I’m just dumb stricken. Never have I heard women described as such… although, I do agree with the sinking teeth part. Sir John looks at me wide eyed.

“Well that’s an interesting observation” he says. Laughter can be heard with its source being myself.

“It’s just the way I see them.” Gimp grunts getting up. Not sure as to why I'm laughing. I'm not sure if I can agree with my crew member or not. The only woman, I've really dealt with is Kuron. Otherwise than that, I really don't have experience there. Well...and that waitress.

“Did you get that from Captain Kuron?” I ask trying to control myself. No offense to her, but there are times when she is like that. It's not often, but it's enough to drive me crazy.

“No! I did it by observation.” If that wasn’t from the captain, then who in the world did he observe? Sir John and I send glances to one another before completely letting go of ourselves. “Oh shut up!” Gimp snaps. The nerves on my face along with my skin begin to tighten up. Oh, I had better get a handle on this. If I go any further, there will be no need to. We continue to laugh until our stomachs ache. Ah, this makes me feel so much better with the encounter of that bar wench. This is something to remember. Finally, the laughter stops. I still have a teasing smile on face as I begin to look around. I just noticed that Sly is nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Sly? Don’t you three always stick together?” I ask suddenly expecting the third brother to jump out at me randomly. He's done it before.

“We have no idea.” replies Sir John

“He must have stayed on the ship.” Gimp mutters. Another matter then hits me. “Sir John, aren't you supposed to be taking care of replacing our cargo?” I ask.

“The arrangements have already been made. Our new supplies will be loaded on the ship tomorrow at nine in the morning. I was told that it was too late to start doing that now.” I'm told

“I see. Is Kuron aware of that?” My question causes Sir John to nod. “Did you find us a place to stay Corshawl?”

“Yes. It's not the best, but certainly was the one of the cheapest.” I reply then suggest “Let's head back to the ship to gather whatever we need for our stay.” Both Gimp and Sir John nod. I don’t know how much progress was made with the repairs. Hopefully, it was a good portion. The three of us start to head in the direction of the dock when Nixon shows up.

“There you are. The captain wants you on guard duty for the ship.” he says to the oldest Gunn. Well, it's a bit late for that.

“We're heading back to the ship now to pick up essentials for our stay. I found us a place just around that corner over there.” I inform him while pointing.

“Hmm, how much was it?” I answer his question as the four of us make our way back to the Star. Once we get there, I notice that Kuron is arguing with the carpenter still over the cost of our repairs.

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