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I W ill Wait for Him

October 2018, Andheri East, Mumbai Dr. Sameer arched an eyebrow while looking at his phone.

‘I’m sorry, Pranali, but I have to take this call.’

Pranali responded, ‘Yes sure, go ahead.’

After picking up his phone, Dr. Sameer moved a short distance away from her. Pranali observed that while their conversation was going on, they had arrived from a great distance. Finding someone with whom she could discuss her background gave her a sense of relief. Dr. Sameer approached her and took a position in front of her.

‘Pranali, I’m really sorry, but I have to go to the hospital. One of my patients in the ICU is in pretty bad shape, and he needs me there.’

Pranali responded, ‘Ohh... then you must leave as soon as possible.’

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‘Yes. However, I’ll listen to the entire earlier story without a doubt.’

‘Yes, absolutely,’ Pranali replied with a smile.

Dr. Sameer remarked, looking for his car key in his pocket,

‘You wait here and I’ll bring my car.’

‘No. You need to get out of here as quickly as possible. So just go away right now. I’m going home alone.’


‘Yes. Now depart.’

‘All right, then,’ Dr. Sameer remarked, ‘See you,’ and then he left.

Pranali reserved a taxi. She was forced to stay there till it arrived. Pranali spotted one or two people whose faces were concealed by black hoodies. She stood up and looked at their shifting shapes in confusion.

Are they thieves?

As Pranali walked, lost in her thoughts, someone suddenly collided with her from behind. It was an unexpected jolt that nearly sent her tumbling forward. But in that very moment, strong arms reached out and caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.

Pranali’s heart raced as she realized that the person who had caught her was wearing the same black hoodie as the mysterious individuals she had seen earlier, the ones who had raised her suspicions. Their face remained hidden in the shadows, but a few intriguing details caught her attention.

Beneath the hood, she glimpsed a pair of striking blue eyes that seemed oddly familiar. It was a gaze she couldn’t forget, even if she tried. The touch of the person’s hands against her skin resonated with a sense of recognition, like an old friend or a loved one she hadn’t seen in a long time.

As she steadied herself in the arms of this hooded figure, Pranali couldn’t help but notice the strong and familiar frame that

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held her. It was a body she knew well, and the scent that enveloped her was undeniably recognizable.

In that fleeting moment, Pranali’s mind raced with questions and possibilities. Who was this person hidden beneath the hoodie, and why did they seem so strangely familiar? The encounter left her both bewildered and intrigued, setting the stage for a mystery that was yet to unfold in her life.

Is it “HIM”?

Pranali became more perplexed as she noticed tears forming in the hooded figure’s eyes. Hooded finger left her and fled as soon as she regained her equilibrium.

Who was he? Everything about him—his touch, his eyes, his scent—felt comfortable. Was he really him? What on earth is he doing in Mumbai? What made him run? If it was indeed him, why did he flee even after plainly seeing my face? No. It must be a mistake on my part, I believe. He couldn’t be the one. He wouldn’t have treated me like a stranger if he really was him. The most crucial thing is that he would be in Kashmir rather than Mumbai.

I would have let you know when he came back.

The taxi has arrived. She entered it while contemplating the hooded person she had just crashed into.

Pranali’s father, Pranav was waiting for her in the living room as she returned home. Pranav approached her as soon as she arrived and began asking about her visit with Dr. Sameer. Anjali, Pranali’s mother, asked him to wait till she was feeling better before telling him.

Pranali entered the living room after getting up.

‘How did your meeting with Dr. Sameer go, Pranali?’ As soon as she had rested on the couch, Pranav asked.

‘I wanted to discuss that with you, dad. It didn’t go as planned,’

answered Pranali. Anjali entered the living room and sat besides Pranav.

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‘What happened Prana? Sameer is a genuinely nice person.

He appears to be really interested in you.’ Pranav tried to persuade her by saying, ‘I think he would make a wonderful husband.’

‘I am confident in his goodness. Dad, but I had to be open with him throughout our meeting. I informed him of Vikrant. I expressed to him my affection for Vikrant. And I expressed my eagerness to see him.’

‘We don’t even know if Vikrant is still alive,’ Pranav added, sighing to Pranali, ‘He had been absent for several months.’

‘I know that, Dad, but he has my heart,’ she said. ‘Even if Sameer seems like a perfect match on paper, I can’t just move on with someone else.’ Pranav became irritated while listening to this. Anjali simply listened in silence.

‘Pranali, things changed, and sometimes we had to make tough decisions. You can’t hold out hope that someone might come along.’

Pranali interrupted and said, ‘Dad Although it’s difficult to take, I promised Vikrant that I would wait for him, and I can’t go back on that commitment, not even for someone as great as Sameer.’ Pranav and Anjali both felt a brief hush.

‘We only want the best for you, Pranali. We believed that Dr.

Sameer could offer you a safe and happy future, but if Vikrant is your heart’s desire, we won’t force you into something you don’t want,’ stated Anjali.

Pranav gently replied, ‘I may not agree with your decision, but I respect it Prana,’ while keeping his hand on Pranali’s shoulders.

‘Whatever path you pick, just promise me that you will be careful and take care of yourself.’ Pranali was able to sense compassion and love in her father’s eyes.

‘I promise, dad,’ Pranali said as she grabbed Pranav’s hand in hers. ‘And I’ll always be appreciative of your support and love.

Even though accepting my decisions is difficult.’

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‘That’s my child. Prana, I want you to be happy. regardless of where life leads you.’ Pranali nodded before walking into her room.

Pranali lay on the bed, leaving her phone on the table, as she contemplated her future and looked at the sealing. Not that waiting for Vikrant is worthwhile or not, but she has been jobless for months. She left her work without giving it a second thought when she learned that Vikrant had gone MIA. She made the decision to wait till Vikrant returns with his family. But after being persuaded by both families to continue living, she went back to Mumbai, where she was born. She was now in dire need of a job. Pranali stood up and began to observe the constellations that decorated the night sky.

When Anjali entered Pranali’s room, she discovered her daughter sitting by the window, lost in concentration, admiring the constellations in the night sky. She could clearly see the worry that had been engraved on Pranali’s face ever since her Para commando boyfriend, Major Vikrant, vanished in combat.

Anjali walked over to Pranali and sat down next to her with a soft grin on her face. She was aware of the depth of her daughter’s suffering and the persistent presence of Vikrant’s need. Pranali’s unshakeable devotion to her love had always been something Anjali admired, but she also wanted her daughter to be happy.

‘Pranali,’ Anjali began softly, ‘I respect your decision to wait for Vikrant. Your love for him is deep and genuine, and I’ve seen the strength it gives you. But, my dear, I want you to remember something crucial – your happiness matters just as much.’

Pranali turned to her mother, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. ‘I know, Mom. It’s just that I can’t imagine being happy with anyone else. Vikrant means everything to me.’

Anjali placed a reassuring hand on Pranali’s shoulder. ‘I understand, sweetheart. Vikrant is a remarkable man, and your love is a testament to that. But life can be unpredictable, and sometimes it takes us down unexpected paths. I want you to be

114  In the Arms of a Soldier open to the possibility of happiness, even if it’s not the path you initially envisioned.’

Pranali nodded, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

‘I’ll try, Mom, but it’s so hard. Vikrant is the love of my life, and I can’t imagine loving anyone else.’

Anjali leaned in, offering her daughter a comforting embrace.

‘I know, dear. But remember, happiness can take many forms.

It might not replace the love you have for Vikrant, but it can complement it. Don’t close yourself off to life’s possibilities.’

Pranali sighed, resting her head on her mother’s shoulder. ‘I’ll keep that in mind, Mom. It’s just that I miss him so much, and the uncertainty is hard to bear.’

Anjali stroked Pranali’s hair gently. ‘I know, my love. We all miss Vikrant, and we pray for his safe return every day. But while you wait, don’t forget to live your life. Pursue your dreams, find moments of joy, and surround yourself with love and support.

Vikrant would want that for you.’

Pranali wiped away a tear and smiled weakly. ‘You’re right, Mom. I’ll try to find happiness in the small moments, even as I hold onto hope for Vikrant’s return.’

Anjali hugged her daughter tightly. ‘That’s my girl. You’re strong, and your love for Vikrant is beautiful. Just remember that your happiness matters, too. We’ll get through this together.’

In that quiet moment, mother and daughter shared an understanding that went beyond words. Anjali would always support Pranali’s unwavering love for Vikrant, but she also hoped that her daughter would find happiness, whether it was in waiting or in embracing new opportunities. Their love would guide them through the uncertainty, and together they would face whatever the future held.

Pranali’s phone rang as soon as Anjali left the room. As soon as she took it up, “Mr. Khanna” began to flash on the screen. The call reached her.

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‘Hello, sir’.

‘Hello. How are you today, Pranali?’

‘I’m fine, sir. How about you?’

‘I’m okay, too. Look Pranali, Sonal informed me what had happened with you,’ Mr. Khanna continued, ‘We have a job vacancy, which is why I phoned you. Therefore, you can re-join us if you need the position.’

Pranali grew ecstatic. She agreed to his offer and informed him that she would start working for the company in seven days.

That pleased Mr. Khanna. Pranali wanted to tell her parents this wonderful news right away, but she ultimately decided to wait till the following morning.

‘Dad, I want to tell you something’

Pranali sat infront of her dad on a chair. He was reading a newspaper. Anjali was right their watching news channel.

‘What Prana?’

News reporter from the TV channel said, ‘In a shocking turn of events, tragedy struck the city of Mumbai on a quiet evening when Mr. Ramesh Kumar, a businessman from Delhi and a Russian businessman, Mr. Igor Petrov were brutally killed during their meeting. The incident unfolded in the bustling suburb of Andheri, sending shockwaves throughout the nation.

‘The meeting between the two, shrouded in secrecy, had taken place at the secret place for security reasons in the heart of Andheri, known for its exquisite cuisine and discretion.

‘Peoples recount that several individuals dressed in black hoodies, their faces concealed, exited from the same place where gunshot sounds were heard.

‘The identity of the assailants remains a mystery, and investigators are working tirelessly to unravel the intricate web of events leading up to this gruesome crime. The motive behind

116  In the Arms of a Soldier this brazen attack is yet unknown, and speculation abounds, from political vendettas to international intrigue.

‘The Andheri Police Department swiftly cordoned off the crime scene, launching a thorough investigation into the murders.

The entire area was placed under heightened security, and all possible leads are being pursued with utmost diligence. Close-circuit cameras in the vicinity are being reviewed to identify the suspects.’

Hearing the news left everyone in the living room speechless.

Pranali became submerged in thinking. She was familiar with the person shown on camera by the CCTV system. They were the same people she had seen the previous evening. Additionally, one of them crashed into her.

He wasn’t Vikrant, no. Never would Vikrant do it.

Pranav shouted, ‘Oh god, how ruthless some people can be.’

‘When will all this end?’ asked Anjali.

Pranav asked her, ‘What were you thinking about Prana?’ to get her attention.

‘Dad, I received a call from Mr. Khanna last night.’ ‘Mr.

Khanna? Means your previous boss? Pranav questioned.

‘Yes. He invited me back and gave me a job.

‘What? That’s very wonderful news,’ Pranav exclaimed.

‘Yes. He said if I want, then I can rejoin the company.’ Anjali and Pranav were more joyful than ever.

‘That’s fantastic. What then did you decide?

‘I’m going back to the company. He gave me a week. So I suppose I ought to leave after two days.’

‘Good. Now put the past behind you and concentrate only on the future,’ Pranav said.

When Pranali reached her bedroom, she dialled Dr. Sameer’s number.

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‘How are you today?’ Sameer enquired.

‘Great. You?’

‘I’m fine, too.’

‘I had something I wanted to tell you. In reality, I am going to Kolkata to re-join my previous company.’

‘That is truly wonderful news, Pranali. Congratulations,’

exclaimed Dr. Sameer. ‘It means we have to meet tonight,’ he continued.

‘Well, of course. But why?’

‘Because you haven’t brought your story to a close.’


‘Ahh.. yes’

‘I’ll see you at 5pm, and then we’ll head to Choupatty Beach.’

‘Choupatty beach?’

‘Yes. Any issues?

Never at all.

‘Then be ready.’


Pranali and Dr. Sameer arrived at Choupatty Beach as the sun dipped below the horizon, ushering in the enchanting beauty of the ocean at night. The scene before them was nothing short of mesmerizing.

The beach, now bathed in the soft, silvery light of the moon, stretched out like a tranquil canvas. The gentle waves lapped at the shore, creating a soothing symphony that seemed to harmonize with the beating of their hearts. The sands glistened under the moonlight, resembling a shimmering carpet laid out beneath a star-studded sky.

As they walked closer to the water’s edge, the ocean revealed its secrets. The waves, kissed by the silvery moonlight,

118  In the Arms of a Soldier sparkled like a million tiny diamonds, creating a path of ethereal illumination that extended into the endless expanse of the sea.

Each wave brought with it a sense of calm and wonder, as if the ocean itself held the mysteries of the universe within its depths.

Pranali and Dr. Sameer found a quiet spot, where they could sit and absorb the beauty of the night. They watched as the moonlight danced upon the water’s surface, creating a pathway to the horizon. The scent of the salty sea air and the soft caress of the gentle breeze added to the sensory delight of the moment.

Dr. Sameer, captivated by the scene, turned to Pranali and said, ‘This is truly magical, isn’t it?’

Pranali smiled, her eyes reflecting the moonlight, and replied,

‘It’s moments like these that remind us of the immense beauty of the world. Nature has a way of bringing peace and wonder into our lives.’

‘So, can we proceed?’ Dr. Sameer asked excitedly.



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