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Love in the Air

August 2016, Newtown Kolkata

Six months elapsed. In those six months with Vikrant, our love had been tested in ways I could have never imagined.

Loneliness and depression had become unwelcome guests in our lives, threatening to overshadow the love we held for each other.

But despite the trials, we found our way out of the darkness.

Four long, agonizing days had slipped by without a single word from Vikrant, and it felt like an eternity. Frustration had been building within me, like a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding. My phone had become a constant companion, an instrument of torment that I couldn’t put down, hoping against hope for a message or a missed call that never came.

I had sent him texts, one after the other, each carrying a mix of concern and longing, but they had all vanished into the abyss of his silence. It was driving me mad, this relentless uncertainty that had taken residence in my mind. I replayed our last conversation

120  In the Arms of a Soldier over and over, desperately searching for clues to explain this sudden disconnect.

Finally, my call connected, and his voice came through the phone. ‘Vikrant,’ I began, my voice tentative, ‘I feel like we don’t spend as much time together as we used to. Is everything fine?’

Vikrant, his mood already soured by a difficult day, had reacted defensively. ‘Pranali, you don’t understand what it’s like out there. I have responsibilities, and it’s not always easy to make time.’

‘I’m just asking for a little more of your time, Vikrant,’ I implored, my voice trembling with emotion.

But he snapped back, his frustration palpable, and abruptly disconnected the call. I was left in disbelief. How dare he speak to me like that?

The uncertainty continued to gnaw at my thoughts, and in my frustration, I made a decision. I wouldn’t be the one to break the silence; it was up to him to reach out first. The ball was in his court.

The next evening, my phone rang, displaying Vikrant’s name on the screen. Anger still smouldered within me, so I ignored the call. He tried calling again, and I disconnected once more. This happened several times, and with each call, my frustration grew.

By the sixth attempt, someone rang my doorbell, interrupting the phone’s insistent ringing.

I chose to ignore the call again and went to answer the door.

To my utter surprise, there stood Vikrant, dressed in black trousers and a white t-shirt. He called out to me, and I couldn’t help but think he was acting a bit crazily.

‘May I come in, madam?’ he asked, but I responded with a glare, saying nothing. He entered, closing the door behind him, and followed me to the couch, where he took a seat beside me.

‘Still angry, ma’am?’ he inquired, placing his hand on mine.

I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms over my chest.

‘No. Who am I to be angry with you?’

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‘Sorry, babes,’ he said, but my silence persisted. I was enjoying my little act.

Then he mentioned he had something for me and began searching his pocket. He revealed a pair of jasmine-shaped jhumkaas, my favourite. My heart leaped with happiness, and I had already forgiven him for his behaviour, but I wanted to keep him on his toes a bit longer.

So, with a typical girl’s drama, I responded, ‘Thank you,’ with an expressionless face, watching as his gaze fell.

‘Do you like it?’ he asked, his eyes hopeful.

‘Hmm,’ I replied, keeping up the act.

‘Do you want Gillette guard?’ he asked, baffling me.

‘Why?’ I asked in confusion.

‘Shave with Gillette guard and say whatever you want,’ he said, laughing. However, his laughter died down as he received no response from me.

‘That was a very unfunny joke,’ I said irritably, leaning back on the couch, which inadvertently caused my t-shirt to ride up, revealing my navel.

Vikrant’s eyes widened as he fixed his gaze on my navel.

I quickly covered it when I noticed, and he averted his gaze, embarrassed. A soft laugh escaped me.

‘I want something to eat,’ he added, shifting the conversation.

I walked towards kitchen unknowing that he was following me. When I reached the door, he grabbed me from back and rested his right arm around my waist. I closed my eyes, because it was the first time he touched me their.

‘When I said I want to eat something. I meant you,’ he whispered in my ears and kissed the back of my neck. He pinched on my navel.

‘I haven’t forgiven you yet.’ I whispered still my eyes closed.

122  In the Arms of a Soldier He turned me. When I faced him, he pulled my hair back and kissed my neck. His tongue glided on my neck.


‘Now?’ he asked.

‘No,’ I replied.

He picked me up and headed towards the bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and started scanning my whole body with his dark blue eyes. He started opening the button of his shirt, his gaze still fixed on me. He undressed himself and started to head towards me slowly. Like a hungry lion.

He kept his right hand on my cheeks and started kissing me.

First my forehead, then temples, then eyes, cheeks, jaw and chin.

‘Is this enough?’

‘Not at all’.

He grinned like a devil and rested his lips over me gently.

Slowly he accelerated and started kissing me passionately. His tongue was inside my mouth, exploring every corner of my mouth.

I closed my eyes tightly and grabbed his naked back. Slowly he started to kiss my neck. His tongue was doing magic.

He grabbed my shirt and said, ‘This thing… is irritating me.’

‘Then remove it,’ I said with a sigh. He removed my shirt and fixed his gaze on my navel. His mouth reached it and started kissing it mercilessly. He was kissing it, biting it, sucking it and doing everything he could.

‘Huh,’ I groaned and grabbed his hair.

‘Oh god Prana. You are like a drug. I want to devour you completely.’

‘Then eat me,’ I said, my eyes still closed.

When he had finished, he brought his face near me.

‘Is this enough?’

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‘Enough for now. But I want more after our marriage,’ I said.

He grinned.

He rested his head on my naked bosom.

Not completely naked.

I started playing with his hair.

‘Prana,’ Vikrant’s voice called out to me.

I responded with a questioning ‘Um?’

‘Have you planned anything about our future?’ he asked with innocence in his eyes.

I pondered for a moment before admitting, ‘Not yet.’

He suggested, ‘Then let’s plan it,’ and locked his gaze with mine, resting his chin on my chest. His presence was comforting.

‘After our marriage, we will settle in Kolkata, so that you can continue your job,’ he shared.

Curious, I inquired about his own plans, ‘What have you decided to do after your retirement?’

Vikrant’s face lit up as he replied, ‘I am thinking of working as a teacher in the army training academy. I want to help the youngsters fulfil their dream of joining the Indian army.’

I smiled warmly at his idea. ‘That’s a really great idea,’ I acknowledged, appreciating his dedication.

The conversation shifted to a lighter note as he playfully moved his attention lower, reaching my stomach, which had turned a delightful shade of red due to his earlier affections.

‘Hey, how many babies do you want?’ he asked, his tone still innocent.

I considered for a moment before responding, ‘Um... 1.’

With a twinkle in his eye, Vikrant inquired further, ‘A boy or a girl?’

I playfully replied, ‘A boy.’

124  In the Arms of a Soldier He looked at me and kissed my stomach. ‘But I want a girl,’

he countered, disagreeing with my choice.

Curious, I questioned, ‘Why?’

His answer was filled with warmth, ‘Because I heard that daughters are close to their father.’

I chuckled, ‘Oh really?’

With affection in his eyes, he rested his head on my navel, his longing evident as he said, ‘I am eagerly waiting for that day, Prana.’

Then, his tone grew sombre, and he broached a difficult topic.

‘But what if anything happens to…’ I quickly hushed him, placing my hand over his mouth.

Exasperated, I implored, ‘How many times do I have to tell you? Please don’t talk about such grim things.’

He removed my hand gently and requested, ‘Please promise me one thing.’

I asked, ‘What?’

‘If something happens to me,’ he began solemnly, ‘You will carry on. If something happens to me before our marriage, you will forget me and marry a nice guy. If something happens to me after our marriage, then also you will consider a second marriage.’

Tears welled up in my eyes as frustration and sadness intertwined. ‘Why are you talking about such heart-breaking possibilities?’ I asked, my voice laden with frustration.

Vikrant reminded me of the harsh realities of his profession.

‘Prana, I told you before. Our lives are not certain. We face death matches every day. We have to perform dangerous missions in extreme situations.’

I relented, saying, ‘Okay, I will promise you.’

He looked at me, his eyes searching mine for sincerity.

I declared firmly, ‘I promise you that I will wait for you. When

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you are at the army HQ, I will wait for you. When you are on your postings, I will wait for you. When you are on your missions, I will wait for you. And even if you never return, I will wait for you. If I have to wait for six lifetimes to be reunited with you in the seventh, then I will wait for you.’

Tears from Vikrant’s eyes fell on my chest, a rare display of vulnerability from a strong soldier. It was the first time I had witnessed tears in his eyes, a sight that didn’t quite suit him.

He kissed me passionately, his words unspoken but filled with the depth of his love. ‘I love you so much, Prana,’ he whispered as his lips met mine.

My heart swelled with love as I responded, ‘I love you too, Vikrant,’ and hugged him tightly, cherishing the warmth of our embrace.

We kissed throughout the night, savouring each moment of our profound connection.

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