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T he Truth Revealed

December 2016, Newtown Kolkata

As the months passed in silence, the absence of contact between Vikrant and me weighed heavily on my heart. I couldn’t bear the thought of our love fading into oblivion, not without understanding the reasons behind his sudden decision to part ways. Tears in my eyes were all dried up. It was a painful and confusing time. I finally decided to bring this to an end.

‘Vikrant,’ I typed, ‘My father is insistent that I consider marrying Dr. Sameer. After considerable thought, I have decided to go along with his wishes. I have no objections to marrying Dr.


As I sent the message, my heart ached at the prospect of feigning acceptance of a marriage that I had no intention of pursuing. But it was a necessary step, a ruse to re-establish contact with Vikrant and hopefully uncover the truth behind his actions.

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I knew that this was a risky move, one that could further complicate our already complex situation. But I was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

As I anxiously awaited his response, I couldn’t help but wonder how he would react to my message and whether it would lead us back to the path of reconciliation and understanding.

Vikrant’s response came swiftly, and it was laced with a sense of finality that sent a shiver down my spine.

‘I want to meet you for the last time.’

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications.

I knew that this meeting could be our last chance to unravel the mysteries that had driven us apart. It was a daunting prospect, but I couldn’t let fear or uncertainty deter me. I had to see Vikrant, to look into his eyes and understand the reasons behind his drastic decisions.

With a sense of determination, I replied to his message, ‘I agree to meet, Vikrant. Please, let me know when and where.’

‘Vikrant, there’s something I need to tell you. When I was in Mumbai, my father wanted me to consider marrying Dr. Sameer.’

Vikrant’s expression remained neutral, but a subtle shift in his eyes betrayed the depth of his emotions. He nodded.

Vikrant and I found ourselves in the serene surroundings resting ourselves on the same couch which is the evidence of our love in Victoria Garden. The beauty of the place was a stark contrast to the heaviness of our hearts.

As I continued to share the details of my father’s wishes and the pressure I had felt during my visit to Mumbai, I noticed a glistening in Vikrant’s eyes. His attempt to hide the tears that welled up was valiant, but I couldn’t ignore the silent evidence of his pain.

I reached towards his hand.

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‘Vikrant,’ I began, my voice filled with a mix of apprehension and determination, ‘There are so many things I need to know. Why did you want to break up with me? Why did you stop loving me?

Why haven’t you contacted me all this time? Is there someone else in your life?’

Vikrant’s eyes, once so warm and familiar, now held a hint of sadness as he replied, ‘Pranali, it’s not that simple. There are reasons, things I can’t explain right now.’

I couldn’t accept vague responses any longer. The uncertainty had tormented me for months, and I deserved clarity. ‘Vikrant, please, I need to understand. And why did you want to meet me when I told you about Dr. Sameer? Why did tears well up in your eyes?’

‘Vikrant look at me. Look into my eyes. Tell me the real truth.

Am I not worthy to love ?’

‘No, nothing like that.’

‘Then why do you want to break up with me? Answer me.


‘Because your father told me to stay away from you, to keep my distance. He didn’t want us to be together, to marry.’

His words hit me like a tidal wave, and my heart ached with the weight of his revelation. The man I loved had been forced to distance himself from me, not because he wanted to, but because of my father’s wishes. It was a bitter truth to swallow, one that tore at the very core of our love story.

He looked away for a moment, as if collecting his thoughts.

Then, with a heavy sigh, he said, ‘Pranali, I didn’t want to tell you this because I knew it would hurt you’

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend the depth of Vikrant’s sacrifice. He had chosen to bear the burden of my father’s demand, all in the name of protecting me from pain.

Without hesitation, I threw my arms around Vikrant, hugging him tightly, and tears streamed down my face. He held me just as

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tightly, and in that moment, words were no longer necessary to convey the depth of our emotions.

I looked into Vikrant’s eyes, my heart filled with a renewed sense of love and determination. ‘Vikrant, we can’t let my father’s wishes tear us apart. We’ll talk to him, convince him that our love is worth fighting for.’

With a passionate kiss, our lips met in a fiery affirmation of our love and the determination to overcome the obstacles that had stood in our path. The pain of separation, the pain of silence, all faded away as we embraced each other with a renewed sense of purpose.

Victoria Garden bore witness to our love’s rekindling flame, as we pledged to face the challenges ahead as a united front. Our love story, once marred by secrets and misunderstandings, was now infused with a renewed sense of hope and the unwavering belief that together, we could overcome any obstacle that life placed in our path.

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