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T he Twist of Fate

August 2016, Newtown Kolkata

I gazed out at the Kolkata skyline, a sense of unease settling in my chest. My father’s unexpected arrival had left me with a heavy heart, and I couldn’t help but feel that something was amiss.

His usual cheerful demeanour had been replaced by an unspoken tension, and it was clear that there was more to his visit than met the eye. He had mentioned coming to meet me, but it felt as if there was a storm brewing within him, something he wasn’t sharing.

In just a day, he left just as suddenly as he had arrived, leaving me bewildered and confused. What puzzled me even more was that he hadn’t even met Vikrant, the love of my life, whom I had hoped he would come to know.

The unanswered questions swirled in my mind, intensifying the whirlwind of emotions that had taken hold of me. I couldn’t get over the feeling that his visit had held a deeper purpose, one that remained shrouded in mystery. As I stood there, staring at the cityscape, I couldn’t help but wonder about the secrets my father

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had carried with him and the impact they might have on the path ahead.


The following day, as I reached for my phone, a pang of dread washed over me. A message from Vikrant, my beloved, awaited my gaze. With trembling hands, I opened the text, and my world shattered into a thousand fragmented pieces.

The words on the screen formed a breakup letter, each sentence piercing my heart like shards of glass.

“I have spent many sleepless nights trying to find the right words to say, but I fear there is no easy way to express what I am about to write. Our journey together has been filled with beautiful moments and cherished memories, but I have reached a point where I believe it is best for us to part ways.

I wish I could provide a clear and definitive reason for my decision, but the truth is that my feelings have become clouded and uncertain. It pains me to admit this, but I have found myself questioning the depth of my love for you. It would be unfair to continue our relationship when my heart is no longer fully committed. Please understand that this decision has not come easily. I have wrestled with my emotions, hoping that clarity would emerge, but the doubts persist. I believe it is only fair to both of us to seek a path that allows us to find happiness and fulfilment, even if it means doing so separately.

With a heavy heart, I say goodbye, Pranali. May life’s blessings be yours, and may you find the love and happiness that you truly deserve.”

I read the message over and over, hoping to find some hidden meaning, some reason behind this sudden demand for a breakup.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of what had gone wrong, but there were no answers, only uncertainty.

Tears blurred my phone screen as I struggled to grasp the weight of his words. It felt like a thousand knives had pierced my heart, leaving an unbearable ache.

128  In the Arms of a Soldier I tried to call him, text him, but he was not replying to any of it.

Confusion overwhelmed me. How could everything we shared, all our promises and dreams, crumble so easily? I clung to memories of our laughter and the warmth of his touch, but it all felt like a cruel joke, slipping away. Doubts crept in, whispering that I wasn’t enough.

I questioned every moment, seeking a sign or clue to unravel this mystery. But there was nothing, only silence and unanswered questions. Anguish gripped me, tearing through my facade of strength.

I felt lost, with a future that once seemed so clear now distant and unattainable. Clutching my phone, I allowed myself to grieve, to mourn the loss. Healing wouldn’t come easy; the wound was deep.

Days turned into nights, and I found myself descending into a pit of darkness. My heart ached with a profound emptiness, and each passing moment felt like a lifetime of sorrow. Depression engulfed me, casting a shadow over even the simplest joys of life.

The world seemed colourless, devoid of the vibrant hues that once illuminated my existence. But amidst the abyss of my despair, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Vikrant without an explanation. I yearned for closure, for a chance to understand why our love had been torn asunder.

Weeks turned into a painful and seemingly endless stretch of time, and I found myself unable to fully recover from the emotional impact of Vikrant’s abrupt breakup letter. The days felt heavy, filled with longing and unanswered questions. It was a period of deep reflection and soul-searching, as I grappled with the ache of lost love and the haunting uncertainty of our future.

One day, as I was lost in thought, my phone rang, jolting me back to reality. I glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was my

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father calling. His name on the screen brought a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

‘Pranali,’ he began, ‘I need you to take some time off from your job and come back to Mumbai for a few days.’ His voice, usually warm and reassuring, carried a sense of urgency that immediately caught my attention.

The request struck me as odd and left me with a flurry of questions. Why the sudden urgency? What could be so important that required my immediate presence in Mumbai? My mind raced with possibilities, none of which seemed to fit the usual rhythm of our family’s life.

I asked my father for more details, but he remained somewhat cryptic, only stating that there were matters that needed to be discussed in person. His tone carried a weight that left me feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

As I listened to him, I couldn’t help but wonder if this had anything to do with Vikrant or the recent events that had transpired.

‘All right, Dad,’ I responded with a sigh, ‘I’ll make arrangements to come to Mumbai as soon as I can. But please, can you at least give me a hint about what’s going on?’

It will distract my mind from the thoughts of Vikrant.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then my father replied, ‘I promise I’ll explain everything when you’re here, Pranali. Just know that it’s important.’

With a sense of resignation, I began the process of requesting leave from my job and preparing for my return to Mumbai. I texted Vikrant that I am going to Mumbai. But it too remained unrepelled message just like those hundreds of messages I sent him over the past few weeks.

Why is this happening with me?

My journey from Kolkata to my hometown began with a flight, and it was a mix of excitement and apprehension as I made my way to the airport. I had packed my bags the night before,

130  In the Arms of a Soldier ensuring that I had everything I needed for my trip to Mumbai, my hometown.

I arrived at the Airport with plenty of time to spare before my flight. The bustling terminal was filled with travellers, each with their own destination in mind. After checking in and going through security, I made my way to the departure gate.

As I settled into my seat on the airplane, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Flying always brought back memories of past journeys, and this one felt especially significant, given the mysterious summons from my father that had prompted my return.

The flight took off, and soon, the city of Kolkata was nothing more than a distant view outside the window. I watched as the landscape below changed from the bustling city to the serene countryside, and eventually, the vast expanse of the Arabian Sea came into view. I dared to close my eyes because I don’t wanted to think about Vikrant. It would all bring sadness and nothing more.

As the flight made its descent into the Airport in Mumbai, I felt a mixture of emotions. It was always a heart-warming feeling to return to my hometown, with its familiar sights and sounds.

I tried hard to stop myself from informing this to Vikrant, but I couldn’t.

Once the plane touched down, I collected my luggage and made my way through the airport. As I stepped out into the arrivals area, I scanned the crowd, looking for my father’s familiar face among the waiting passengers. Whatever awaited me in Mumbai, I was determined to face it with resolve and an open heart, prepared to uncover the truth behind the mysterious call that had brought me home.

As I entered my childhood home in Mumbai, the familiar sights and sounds of the place washed over me. It was heartening to be back, but my return was clouded with the mystery of my father’s urgent request. My mother, Anjali, was the first to greet me with a warm embrace, her eyes reflecting a mother’s love and concern.

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‘Pranali, it’s so good to have you back,’ she said, holding me close. ‘Your father has been waiting eagerly to see you.’

I smiled at my mother’s warmth, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. ‘I’ve missed you, Mom. Is Dad around?’

She nodded and led me into the living room, where my father, Pranav, was waiting. His expression was a mixture of anticipation and seriousness, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of apprehension as I approached him.

‘Pranali,’ he began, ‘There’s someone I’d like you to meet.

He’s here for dinner tonight.’

My curiosity aroused, I nodded in agreement. ‘Of course, Dad. Who’s coming over?’

It was then that Dr. Sameer arrived, and I couldn’t help but notice the recognition in his eyes as he looked at me. But the truth was, I had never met him before, and his presence left me feeling slightly puzzled.

Dr. Sameer extended his hand and greeted me with a warm smile. ‘Pranali, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.’

I shook his hand politely, a bit surprised by the familiarity of his tone. ‘It’s nice to meet you too.’

As the evening progressed, we engaged in polite conversation, discussing our respective backgrounds and interests. Dr. Sameer was an amiable guest, and I appreciated his efforts to make me feel comfortable.

However, as the evening came to a close and Dr. Sameer departed, my father finally revealed the truth that had been shrouded in secrecy. With a heavy heart, he confessed, ‘Pranali, there’s something important I need to discuss with you. I want you to seriously consider marrying Dr. Sameer.’

His words hung in the air, leaving me stunned and confused.

I couldn’t fathom why my father was pushing me towards this

132  In the Arms of a Soldier decision, especially after the events that had unfolded in Kolkata.

My heart ached with the weight of this unexpected request, and I knew that a deeper conversation was inevitable, one that would reveal the motivations behind my father’s sudden insistence on my marriage to Dr. Sameer.

As my father, pressed on with his insistence that I seriously consider marrying Dr. Sameer, I felt a wave of frustration and helplessness wash over me. I had returned to Mumbai with a heart heavy with unanswered questions, broken heart, and now, faced with this unexpected demand, my emotions threatened to overwhelm me.

With a deep breath, I mustered the courage to speak my truth.

‘Dad, I appreciate your concern and the thought you’ve put into this. But I can’t marry Dr. Sameer, or anyone for that matter, right now. I need to focus on my career, and there is someone else in my life that I love deeply.’

My father’s expression hardened, and he shook his head, clearly not pleased with my response. ‘Pranali, you can’t just throw away your future for a soldier. You know the risks involved in loving someone in the military. It’s a life of uncertainty and danger.’

I felt my patience wane as I retorted, ‘Dad, you’ve always taught me to follow my heart and pursue my dreams. Vikrant means everything to me, and I can’t imagine a life without him.

I’ll wait for him, no matter how long it takes.’

The argument between us escalated, neither of us willing to back down from our positions. The tension in the room grew palpable, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Frustrated and hurt, I decided it was best to remove myself from the heated exchange.

I stood up abruptly and made my way to my bedroom, my steps heavy with sorrow. As I closed the door behind me, I couldn’t contain the tears any longer. I sat their resting my back on the

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door grabbing my head, sobbing uncontrollably. The weight of my father’s expectations, the pain of our disagreement, and the enduring love I held for Vikrant all overwhelmed me, leaving me sobbing in solitude.

‘What am I doing? Fighting for him who don’t even trying to reply my messages? Am I doing right or wrong? Is this love or madness?’

In the quiet of my room, I knew that this was a battle I couldn’t win through arguments or tears. The path I had chosen, the love I had committed to, was my own to walk. And as I cried on that night, I vowed to continue following my heart, even if it meant defying the wishes of those I loved most.

Despite the lingering tension, I tried to make the most of my time in Mumbai. I spent quality moments with my mother, Anjali, cherishing the warmth and love of our bond. We shared stories, laughter, and even the occasional comforting silence that only family can provide.

Yet, as the days passed, the unspoken sadness and unresolved issues continued to weigh on my heart. My father and I shared polite conversations but carefully avoided the topic that had caused our argument. It was a difficult situation, one that left me torn between my love for Major Vikrant and my desire to mend the strained relationship with my father.

When the fifth day arrived, I knew it was time for me to return to Kolkata. As I packed my bags and prepared to leave, the sadness I had carried with me from our family dispute remained palpable.

My mother, sensing my unease, offered me a reassuring hug and whispered, ‘Pranali, remember that love and time have a way of healing wounds. Stay strong and true to your heart.’

Her words provided some solace, but the lingering sadness I felt from my father’s unspoken disappointment was hard to ignore. I hugged her tightly, knowing that I would miss her deeply and that our family’s dynamics had irrevocably changed during this visit.

134  In the Arms of a Soldier As I left my childhood home, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of melancholy. The relationship with my father had been strained, and the uncertainty of when or if it would ever be repaired weighed heavily on my heart.

The journey back to Kolkata was a sombre one. The skies outside mirrored the sadness within, and I found myself reflecting on the complex dynamics of family, love, and the difficult choices we sometimes must make in life.

As I landed in Kolkata, the familiar sights welcomed me back, but the emotional baggage from my visit to Mumbai was not so easily left behind. I knew that my path was fraught with challenges, both in my personal life and my career, but I remained determined to follow my heart, no matter where it led me.

Determined to meet Vikrant one last time and resolve the lingering questions that had haunted me for weeks, I set out for the army headquarters. As I approached the imposing entrance, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation. The security measures were stringent, and entering the premises without official business was not something I had ever attempted before.

The thought of facing Vikrant, the man I loved deeply but who had pushed me away with his heart-wrenching breakup, spurred me forward. I knew that the only way to find answers was to confront him directly.

With each step, my heart raced, and my palms grew clammy. I was aware that I might face resistance from the security personnel, but my determination to see Vikrant one last time fuelled my resolve.

Upon reaching the entrance, I approached the guards and explained my intention to meet someone inside. Their stern expressions softened as I mentioned Vikrant’s name, perhaps recognizing the genuine urgency in my voice. After a brief exchange, they allowed me to enter but with strict instructions to

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proceed directly to the specified location and not to Loiter. One soldier kept following me for the security issues.

As I walked through the corridors of the army headquarters, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. Each step brought me closer to Vikrant, but it also brought me closer to the moment of truth, where our fate would be decided.

Finally, I reached the designated area and saw Vikrant standing there, his familiar figure framed by the surroundings of the army headquarters.

As I reached him, Vikrant turned to me, his expression a mixture of surprise and frustration. Before he could say anything, I took a step closer and whispered, ‘Vikrant, we need to talk.’

Time seemed to stand still as I approached him, the distance between us narrowing with each step. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and I knew that this meeting held the key to our future.

His eyes narrowed, and his voice carried a stern tone as he responded, ‘This is not the time or place, Pranali. We’ll talk tonight.’

I felt a pang of disappointment at his refusal to address the issue at that moment, but I respected his need for discretion. With a heavy heart, I nodded in agreement and stepped back, my eyes locked on his as I silently pleaded for answers.

Without further words, I turned and left the army headquarters, my mind racing with questions and emotions. The day seemed to stretch endlessly as I anxiously awaited the call that would hopefully shed light on the truth behind our unexpected break-up.

As I retreated from the army base, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty. My determination to uncover the reasons behind Vikrant’s actions was unwavering, but I knew that the answers might bring even more complexity to our already tumultuous love story.

136  In the Arms of a Soldier The phone call came at night, and as I heard Vikrant’s voice on the other end of the line, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety welled up within me. I had been waiting for this moment, hoping to unravel the mystery behind his sudden change in behaviour.

But what I heard was far from what I had expected.

‘Pranali,’ Vikrant’s voice was firm and resolute, lacking the warmth and affection that had always defined our conversations.

His words sent a chill down my spine, and my heart seemed to skip a beat. I could sense the distance in his voice, a stark departure from the love and tenderness that had always defined our relationship.

He continued, ‘I don’t love you anymore, Pranali. It’s best for both of us if we move on and never try to contact each other again.’

His words hit me like a tidal wave, and for a few moments, I was engulfed in a deep sense of despair. The man I had loved, the one who had promised to stand by my side, was now telling me to let go. I started sobbing as it was a pain unlike any other, a wound that seemed impossible to heal.

But even in that moment of heartbreak, a flicker of doubt crept into my mind. This wasn’t the Vikrant I knew, the man who had shared my dreams and whispered promises of a future together.

There had to be a reason behind this abrupt and cruel declaration.

Summoning all the strength I could muster, I replied, my voice trembling but determined, ‘Vikrant, I don’t believe this. The man I love would never say something like this without a reason.

Please, tell me what’s going on.’

I expected answers, but he disconnected the call. I couldn’t accept this as the end of our love story, not without understanding the reasons behind his actions.

As I hung up the phone, sadness weighed heavily on my heart, but I also felt a newfound resolve. The Vikrant I knew wouldn’t give up on our love without a fight, and I was determined to find

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out what had led to this abrupt and painful decision. Our journey was far from over, and I was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in my quest for the truth and the restoration of our love.

By the way, that Dr. Sameer is none other than you.

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