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T he Biggest Secret Revealed

November 2017, Army Hq, Gulmarg

As my last day in the picturesque land of Kashmir approached, a sense of bittersweet anticipation filled my heart. I had relished every moment spent in this paradise, from the enchanting landscapes to the serene atmosphere that seemed to cradle my soul.

The climatic conditions in Kashmir had left a lasting impression on me, offering a contrast to the hustle and bustle of city life that I was accustomed to.

However, despite the enchantment of Kashmir, I was drawn to another world, a world within the pages of Vikrant’s diary. It had become a source of intrigue and fascination for me.

So, on my last day in this land of serene beauty, I made a choice. I decided to spend some time delving into the depths of Vikrant’s diary. The breath-taking landscapes and the cool mountain air outside my window couldn’t compete with the allure of the uncharted territory that lay within those pages.

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I opened the diary and started reading.

“Today was the day I met Pranali’s father, Pranav, a day that would change the course of my life. I hadn’t anticipated the depth of the revelation that awaited me. When Pranav, Pranali’s father, informed me that he wanted to meet in Kolkata, a sense of apprehension welled up within me.

He had requested this meeting, and I couldn’t ignore the gravity of the situation. Pranav’s request was accompanied by a condition, a condition that added an even deeper layer of complexity to our meeting. He made it explicitly clear that I should not utter a word about this to Pranali, his own daughter, the love of my life.

The weight of that condition hung heavily on my shoulders as I contemplated the upcoming rendezvous. The urgency in his tone hinted at something significant, something that could potentially alter the course of our lives. I couldn’t help but wonder about the nature of this meeting, the hidden truths that might be unveiled, and the ramifications it could have on Pranali and me.

While Pranav’s intentions remained a mystery, his plea for secrecy underscored the gravity of the situation. I knew that I had to honour his request, even if it meant keeping secrets from the woman I loved more than anything in this world.

We decided to meet in Victoria Garden, a place where the winds whispered secrets, and the lush greenery offered solace to troubled hearts.

Pranav and I sat on a weathered bench, the evening sun casting long shadows. It was a surreal moment, and as we began talking, I realized the enormity of the secret that had been buried beneath layers of time and silence.

Pranav cleared his throat and said, ‘Vikrant, there’s something I need to tell you, something that Pranali must never know.’

As his words hung in the air, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. I nodded, urging him to continue.

He began, ‘Pranali is not our biological daughter. She’s adopted.’

210  In the Arms of a Soldier I was taken aback, my mind racing to comprehend the revelation. Pranali, the woman I loved with all my heart, was not their biological child.

Pranav continued, ‘In the quietude of our Mumbai home, Anjali and I had built a life filled with love and dreams. Ours was a story painted with the hues of happiness, entwined with the hope of raising a family, watching our children grow, and cherishing the joys of parenthood. Our love story was like many others, born from the simple dreams of an ordinary couple, deeply in love.

‘Our world was redefined by a single moment, an unexpected twist of fate. The accident that befell Anjali shattered our lives, leaving us grappling with a harsh reality. My beloved wife, who had always carried the dream of becoming a mother in her heart, was robbed of that chance. The accident left her unable to bear children, and it was a cruel blow to her dreams.

‘The pain that consumed Anjali was incomprehensible. Her once-joyful eyes were now veiled by sorrow, and her laughter, once a melody in our home, was silenced by the despair that had gripped her. The scars of the accident were not confined to her body; they had left an indelible imprint on her soul.

‘As I stood by her side, I could only offer firm support, but I couldn’t mend the wounds that cut deep into her spirit. I witnessed her daily battle with her own body, her struggle to come to terms with the injustice fate had dealt her.

‘The pain was a shared burden, one that tested the foundation of our love. The dreams we had woven together, of raising children and experiencing the joy of parenthood, now seemed distant and unattainable. Yet, our love remained steadfast, weathering the storm that life had unleashed upon us.

‘In our shared pursuit of a glimmer of happiness, Anjali and I made a life-altering decision—to adopt a child. The day we welcomed Pranali into our lives was a bittersweet moment, marked by both joy and heartache. We became parents, though the knowledge that she was not our biological child was a secret we vowed to carry with us, locked away in our hearts.

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‘In the quiet hours of the night, Anjali and I would sometimes allow ourselves to wonder about the child we had lost, the child who might have had her eyes or my laughter. Yet, we knew that our greatest gift was Pranali, the child we had chosen to love with all our hearts.’

The gravity of his words sunk in. Pranali, abandoned by her biological parents, had found love and a home with Pranav and Anjali. The weight of the secret they had borne all these years, the love and care they had given her, became painfully evident.

Pranav’s voice quivered as he said, ‘Vikrant, I’m telling you this because I can’t bear the thought of Pranali marrying a soldier. I beg you to break up with her, to spare her the pain and uncertainty that comes with loving a man in uniform.’

As Pranav’s words hung heavy in the air, I found myself facing a choice that no one should have to make. The weight of his revelation pressed down on me, and I realized the depth of his love for his daughter, Pranali. It was a love so profound that he was willing to bear the burden of this secret for years, all in an effort to protect her from the tumultuous life that came with loving a soldier.

Pranav’s voice quivered, and his eyes betrayed the agony he had endured in silence. The story of Anjali’s accident, the loss of their dream of a complete family, and the adoption of Pranali was a testament to the trials they had faced. The pain and heartache they had suffered were etched into every line on Pranav’s face.

As I stood there, I realized that Pranav was not making a demand; he was making a heartfelt plea.

He fell at my feet saying, ‘Please Vikrant, I beg you. Please break up with my daughter.’ I became stunned. It brought tears in my eyes. I brought him on his feet as soon as I gained my consciousness. He begged me to break up with Pranali, not out of spite or resentment, but out of love. He wished to shield his daughter from the uncertainty and challenges that came with being in a relationship with a soldier.

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‘O…all right…sir,’ I said with a heavy heart, wiping my tears.

‘I will break up with Pranali.’

His plea made me confront the profound sacrifice he was willing to make for Pranali’s happiness. It was a sacrifice born out of love, the kind of love that places a child’s well-being above all else. Pranav’s revelation was an intimate glimpse into a parent’s heart, one that would go to any lengths to ensure their child’s happiness and security.

As I grappled with the weight of his words, I knew that a life-altering decision lay before me. It was a choice between the love Pranali and I had found in each other and the selfless love Pranav had for his daughter. The path forward was uncertain, and I needed to decide whether to honour Pranav’s request or forge ahead, knowing the challenges that lay ahead for both Pranali and me.

In that moment, I understood the depth of the sacrifice and the complexity of the love that intertwined our lives. The future was far from clear, but one thing was certain: whatever decision I made would shape the destiny of our love.

After a long, painful pause, Pranav added, ‘And, Vikrant, promise me that you will never reveal this secret to Pranali. Let her continue to believe that we are her biological parents.’

As I sat there, the weight of Pranav’s request pressed upon me. I realized the enormity of the decision that lay ahead. I had to choose between my love for Pranali and the anguish it might bring her, or the selfless act of breaking up with her to spare her from a life of uncertainty and anxiety.

We left the park with heavy hearts, the unspoken decision hanging in the air like an invisible storm cloud.

Back in my room, the suffocating silence enveloped me, a stark contrast to the lively moments Pranali and I had shared just hours ago. I sat alone, the gravity of the situation bearing down on my shoulders, and the weight of my decision feeling like an unshakeable burden.

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I knew that what had to be done was far from easy, but it was the only path I could choose to protect Pranali from the heartache that lay ahead. As I picked up my mobile, my fingers trembled as I began to compose the most painful letter of my life—the breakup letter. Each word I typed felt like a dagger to my own heart, but I couldn’t allow Pranali to suffer because of the secrets and circumstances that were beyond our control.

The room, once filled with warmth and laughter, now felt cold and desolate, mirroring the void that was growing inside me. I couldn’t bear to see the love in Pranali’s eyes turn into pain, to be the source of her heartbreak. But I also knew that the love I had for her went beyond the confines of a romantic relationship. It was a love that sought her happiness above all else.

As I finished writing the letter, the mobile seemed to weigh a ton in my hand. I put it down, and the finality of my decision settled in my chest like a leaden burden. The room felt like a prison, and my isolation was a painful reminder of the chasm that was growing between Pranali and me.

I knew, with a heavy heart, that this was the right thing to do, the most selfless act of love I could offer to Pranali. But it didn’t make it any less painful. The tears welled up in my eyes, and a profound sadness washed over me, one that I knew would linger long after this moment had passed.

In the midst of my own sorrow, I could only hope that Pranali would find happiness, even if it wasn’t with me. I prayed that she would never uncover the secret her parents had kept for so long, a secret that had led to this agonizing decision. I had to believe that in the end, love would prevail, and she would find a path to happiness, even if it wasn’t the one we had envisioned together.”

The weight of the truth I had just uncovered in Vikrant’s diary bore down on me like a heavy burden. The revelation that I was adopted hit me like a tidal wave, washing over me with a rush of emotions I could hardly contain. As I read about my adoption, I couldn’t help but reflect on the profound love and care my parents had showered upon me throughout my life. Their

214  In the Arms of a Soldier unwavering support and the unbreakable bond we shared took on new meaning, and I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family that had chosen me.

Vikrant’s selfless act, his willingness to break up with me at my father’s request, showcased a depth of character that was truly exceptional. He had sacrificed his own happiness for my sake, driven by the desire to protect me from the pain and uncertainty that could come with loving a soldier. As I read about his decision, I couldn’t help but admire his integrity and selflessness, even if it meant that he had to keep this secret from me.

The emotional turmoil I experienced as I read Vikrant’s diary was overwhelming, and tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably. The room felt suffused with the intensity of my emotions, as if it couldn’t contain the depth of what I felt.

It was at that moment that Vikrant entered the room, and his presence didn’t go unnoticed. He saw my tear-streaked face and the diary in my hands, realizing that I had uncovered the secret he had intended to keep hidden - the truth of my adoption. His expression was a mixture of concern and understanding.

Unable to contain my emotions, I stood up and approached him, my heart heavy with the weight of the truth. I couldn’t find the words to express the storm of feelings within me, so I did the only thing that felt right in that moment. I embraced him tightly, seeking solace in his comforting presence. The embrace conveyed a multitude of emotions - gratitude, love, understanding, and forgiveness. It was an acknowledgement of the pain he had endured in silence and the depth of his care for me.

He looked into my eyes, holding my hands gently, and said,

‘Pranali, you have to promise me one thing. Promise me that you’ll never let your parents know that you found out about being adopted.’

My eyes were still wet from the tears I had shed after discovering the truth. I nodded slowly, my voice quivering as I replied, ‘I promise, Vikrant. I won’t let them know.’

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‘Thank you, Pranali. It’s to spare them from any more pain.’

I squeezed his hands, showing gratitude and understanding.

‘I know, Vikrant. I’ll keep their secret, just as I’ll keep our love.’

A faint smile crossed his lips, and he pulled me into a comforting embrace. ‘That’s my Pranali, always strong and loving.’

In this moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, our unspoken connection grew even stronger. I had uncovered a profound secret, but I had also discovered the unwavering love and support of a man who had always been there for me, even when I didn’t fully understand the sacrifices he had made. It was a moment of acceptance and a testament to the enduring bond between us.

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