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T he Choice He Made

November 2017, Army Hq, Gulmarg

Vikrant had already left for his duty, and there was a quiet solitude that enveloped me. As I sat up in bed, I contemplated the day ahead.

With no particular tasks or responsibilities on my agenda, I decided to start the day by tending to the simple routines that defined my life in the army. I proceeded to freshen up, embracing the familiarity of this regimented morning ritual. The cool water refreshed my senses, awakening me to the day’s possibilities.

The army canteen beckoned, offering a place to satiate my appetite. I enjoyed a hearty breakfast amidst fellow soldiers, the camaraderie in the canteen adding a touch of warmth to the otherwise structured surroundings.

As I finished my meal, my thoughts naturally gravitated towards the diary. Vikrant and I had not yet made any specific plans, leaving me with a sense of openness in my day. It was a

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quiet morning, and the prospect of delving further into the diary was an inviting one.

With the diary tucked away in my bag, I retrieved it and held it gently in my hands. With the weight of curiosity and anticipation, I opened the diary.

“It was a moment that had taken me by surprise. Pranali had proposed to me, and her words had left me momentarily speechless.

I had never anticipated this, even though I cared deeply for her.

Her eyes held a mix of vulnerability and affection, and her words were filled with sincerity.

But as she awaited my response, I couldn’t immediately say yes. My heart ached to accept her proposal. I loved her, and I could feel the depth of our connection. Yet, a nagging concern kept me from giving an immediate answer. I knew the life of a military person was far from simple, and it would bring significant challenges and uncertainties into her life.

I wanted to shield her from the pain that countless military spouses endured—long periods of separation, uncertainty about my safety, and the emotional toll that came with each deployment.

I couldn’t bear the thought of her suffering as my mother had when my father was on missions. I couldn’t subject Pranali to that kind of life.

So, I did the only thing I could think of. I asked for some time to think it over. Pranali’s hopeful expression didn’t waver, and she agreed to give me the space I needed.

When I felt really tensed and depressed, I found myself sitting with Captain Manish in the dimly lit room, the weight of my thoughts heavy upon me. I had come to him seeking guidance, seeking answers to the questions that had haunted me since Pranali’s unexpected proposal.

With a furrowed brow and a heavy heart, I began to speak, my voice tinged with uncertainty. ‘Manish, I need your perspective on something.’

204  In the Arms of a Soldier Manish leaned in, a look of concern in his eyes. ‘Of course, Vikrant. What’s on your mind?’

I hesitated for a moment, gathering my thoughts and emotions.

This was a decision that would shape my future and, more importantly, Pranali’s. ‘Pranali... She proposed to me,’ I finally admitted.

Manish’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘She did? That’s a big step, Vikrant. What did you say?’

I took a deep breath, the gravity of the situation sinking in. ‘I asked for some time to think about it.’

Manish nodded thoughtfully. ‘I see. And why did you need time to think?’

I began to reveal the turmoil within me. ‘Manish, I care about her deeply. You know that. But I’m concerned about what being with me would mean for her.’

Manish leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. ‘What do you mean?’

I spoke with a sense of unease, my words carefully chosen.

‘The life of a soldier is unpredictable, you know that. Long deployments, dangerous missions, the emotional toll it can take...

I don’t want her to suffer like my mother did when my father was away.’

Manish paused, absorbing my words, and then responded thoughtfully, ‘Vikrant, you’re looking out for her well-being, and that’s admirable. But have you considered that she might be willing to face those challenges with you?’

I nodded, my mind flooded with the image of Pranali’s unwavering determination. ‘I have, and I’ve seen her determination.

But I still have doubts.’

Manish, ever the supportive friend, offered me a fresh perspective. ‘Vikrant, your concern is valid, but you should also consider that love can be a powerful motivator. Pranali may

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be willing to make those sacrifices because she loves you and believes in your mission.’

I took a moment to absorb Manish’s words, realizing the truth in what he was saying. ‘You may have a point. I just want to protect her from the hardships I’ve seen others go through.’

Manish’s gentle and reassuring tone continued to guide me.

‘Sometimes, protecting someone means allowing them to make their own choices, even if they are difficult. Pranali should have the opportunity to decide if she’s willing to face the challenges with you.’

With a sense of clarity dawning upon me, I nodded. ‘You’re right, Manish. I’ve been too focused on what I can control. It’s time to give Pranali the choice.’

Manish smiled, his eyes filled with understanding and support.

‘Vikrant, love can be unpredictable, just like our missions.

Sometimes, taking the risk is worth it.’

I expressed my gratitude for his wisdom, knowing that his guidance had set my path in motion. ‘Thanks, Manish. I needed this perspective. I’ve made up my mind.’

Manish, ever the curious friend, inquired, ‘So, what’s your decision?’

I spoke with unwavering determination, a newfound sense of purpose in my words. ‘I’m going to accept Pranali’s proposal. It’s time to follow my heart and face the future, no matter what it holds.’

With this newfound clarity, I knew what I had to do. I needed to accept Pranali’s proposal and embark on this journey with her, ready to face whatever challenges came our way. My heart had made the choice, and it was time to follow it. I had found the courage to tell Pranali that I loved her and was prepared to be with her, no matter what lay ahead.”

My immersion in Vikrant’s diary was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, a chime that signified his return. I swiftly

206  In the Arms of a Soldier closed the diary and placed it back into my bag, a sudden flush of anxiety washing over me. I hadn’t wanted Vikrant to know that I was delving into the pages of his deeply personal diary.

With the diary now concealed, I moved to the door and greeted Vikrant, hiding any trace of the guilty curiosity that had occupied my moments before his arrival. His presence in the room was comforting, and I quickly regained my composure.

Vikrant, standing at the threshold, had a purposeful look in his eyes. His words were concise, delivered with a sense of urgency.

‘We are going out to Kargil,’ he informed me.

The mention of Kargil stirred a mixture of emotions within me. It was a place with profound significance, and the prospect of visiting held both anticipation and apprehension. I had come to understand that Vikrant’s life was entwined with such missions, each one a testament to his unwavering commitment to duty.

Without delay, we made our way, stepping out of the room and onto a path that would take us on another journey, one that was bound to be filled with challenges and unforeseen twists. Our shared mission awaited us, and we set forth, each step drawing us closer to the unknown but inextricably tied by the unspoken bond we had forged.

As the door closed behind us, the diary remained safely tucked in my bag, a secret world of Vikrant’s experiences and thoughts that I would revisit in quieter moments. This new journey was a testament to the ever-changing nature of our lives, and I was prepared to face it, guided by Vikrant’s side.

The rough terrain spread out in front of us, bearing silent witness to the conflicts fought and the suffering endured. Over the area, a sense of solemnity and awe pervaded the air. As he stood next to me and viewed the sacred ground where the Kargil War had once raged, Vikrant’s eyes were filled with a mixture of pride and sorrow.

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‘This place is where heroes were born, Vikrant said, speaking with a tone of genuine respect. Captain Vikram Batra, a man of unmatched courage and unyielding resolve, was one of them.’ My heart was heavy and filled with inspiration as I listened closely, anxious to learn about the brave individual who had made a lasting impression on Vikrant’s own military career.

Vikrant went on to say, ‘Vikram Batra was known as “Sher Shah” for his brave spirit. He was also known as Vikram Batra. He was the epitome of a warrior, inspiring his men with unyielding resolve and an unrelenting sense of duty.

Vikrant pointed out numerous landmarks as we strolled through the revered grounds; each one held a story of bravery and sacrifice. He talked about the perilous peaks that had been scaled, the valiantly taken enemy positions, and the unyielding spirit that had characterised the warriors who battled here.’

As he told me these tales, Vikrant’s voice was tinged with a mixture of reverence and awe. I paid close attention, fascinated by the stories of troops who had overcome obstacles and demonstrated unflinching resilience.

As we explored and thought, Vikrant’s dedication to performing his military responsibilities grew stronger. He worked tirelessly to prepare for the trials that lay ahead, pushing both his physical and mental capabilities. My previous nightmare had changed into a source of inspiration, inspiring us to fight to commemorate the sacrifices made by those who came before us.

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