Idea and Stories From a Vodkaholic by Timothy McGee - HTML preview

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What a schizoid state this would be.  One face granting people the freedom to go ahead and twist up that zeppelin and pass that puppy around, another face telling the hoi-polloi if you're too fat to drive you gotta lose the weight. But this is Colorado, and any area offering such vast arrays of spectacular natural scenery is destined to attract the gamut from the stoners to athletic minded people to the athletic minded people who enjoy getting stoned.  So many people thinking the state's influx, especially blue Californians, has morphed the state into a crucible generating transformative ideas at the country's vanguard, must mean that Colorado must be the state issuing the proclamation saying you must eat your junk in moderation.  Broadcasting the message from the state year after year, if not at the top, is near the top of the list of states boasting the lowest obesity rate would be perfect; that this is how Colorado intends to maintain and improve its healthy image.

These thoughts Mac had in mind swimming his last laps at Green Mountain Rec Center. The endorphins were back. Jobless, no light visible at the end of the tunnel regarding the completion of his court ordered punishments, out of unemployment benefits and quickly consuming personal savings, he nevertheless was on cloud nine; this paradoxical state possible only with the presence of exercise and the endorphins it unleashed. Any job would be destined to be landed, and now he had a project to occupy his idle time. There was a lot of work to be done and finding help to assist placing all aspects of the plan on the internet ranked as number one on the to-do list.

Mac, never one to take exceptional scenery for granted-a magenta mountain sunset, an effulgent crystal blu- skied autumn day, and such- walked straightaway through the rec's lobby, head turned left with eyes fixated and gazing with utmost respect and admiration at the women bent over determined to clean that window to perfection.  The way her….boom!   "What kinda of a jerk off would put an effin pole here," he uttered to himself.  The laughter was familiar, unmistakably familiar.

"You're supposed to watch where you're walking buddy!  What were you thinking of?" "I was checking to make sure I didn't forget my goggles. I always forget my goggles.

Maybe I was enjoying some seductive scenery as well. It is a beautiful day out Jeanette." "You dickhead, same old Mac!"

"What are you doing here? I mean cleaning. You didn't get into any trouble did you? This place has had a program established for years with the state for convicted offenders and such to fulfill their community service obligations." "No, I didn't get into any trouble like you Mac. I started hearing rumors the rec center was getting fed up with people doing as little as possible, and way too many not showing up at all when assigned to."

"Yeah, I must admit when I did my community service here after my first DUI, I was quite the slacker. But I am proud to tell you that my second round was taken much more seriously.  Do you know Tom?"


"Tom was so impressed that he cut me loose my last night.  He said to me when I arrived my last night of community service, "Mac, how would you like it if I send you home right now. You've done such a stellar job and have earned." I didn't complain; just had to fill out and sign a form and he took care of the rest."

"Well la-di-dah. Too bad more stud, super cleaners like you didn't show up to save the program. I was awarded the winning bid a couple of months ago. Mac, you have no idea how mad I was at you."

"What do you mean I have no idea; that was me on the receiving end of your tirade, remember? Why do think I haven't made a single attempt to contact you? Because I was certain at the time you would try and kill me."

"You're right; <