Idea and Stories From a Vodkaholic by Timothy McGee - HTML preview

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"Does your business's website get a lot of traffic?" Mac asked.

"Most of my new jobs are drummed up by my websiteWhy?" Jeanette replied. Jeanette's truck was a block away from Mac's complex when the question of social media popped into his mind.

"Getting this crusade on line would be a good ideaFrank and somebody at alcohol sessions mentioned it."

"There's a few websites offering the user the opportunity to build their own site or have it built for them.  Tell you what, since I'm enslaving you once again, I'll have more time on my hands. I'll get a hold of Karla and we'll get together sometime soon.  You can have a website up and running in no time these days."

"Enslaving me? My rave reviews merit enslavement? I was expecting a huge pay raise and a piece of your pie."

"Mac, did you really use Q-tips to reach tough places when cleaning the offices you cleaned.  Tina asked me because one of her employees asked her one Monday morning why all these Q-tips were in her waste basket.  You're the only other person where they could have come from and the cotton ends were covered with dirt, so we figured you must have been using them to clean with; and Lisa-she's Tina's employee-did notice how clean all the crevices were in the office."

"You mean you never have? Jeanette, I'm shocked.  Yeah, that was me; must have forgotten to dump them before I left.  At least I showed up to clean the joint. They're perfect for those tough-to-get-at places, like right here around your console and such. You know I'm a very neat person."

"Yes, I do. But Q-tips? You're out of control. I love it. I have my crew use them at a couple of other places now.  Dude, that was an excellent idea, pulling in some extra revenue with it.  How did you go from ear use to crevice cleaner?"

"Mommy dearest, I'm sure. My God, that woman made us do a thorough job cleaning our bedrooms.  You'll have to dream up some marketing gimmick; might give you a short term competitive advantage."

"Already have. 'Jeanette's Cleaners-With a Q-tip Touch'"

"Not bad, catchy, I like it. Inquiring minds must be calling to ask what the hell your 'Q-tip Touch' is all about." "They have. I think I'm fine as far as using their registered trademark name since I am using their product, but we'll see; haven't taken the time to research it yet. Okay buddy, jump out, I'm running late. I'll call Karla later today and then get a hold of you, all right?  Whoa, hey, almost forgot.  Here's the key to CBM. You start this weekend, okay?"

"Sounds good, take care." "You too, bye now."

Nine that night Mac answered his phone, "Hello." "Hey Mac."

"Jeanette! How nice to hear your ring, I've missed it."

"Me too. Listen, I can't talk long, wanted to let you know that Karla is away on business at the moment.  Did you ever think of maybe just getting a Facebook page up to get your word out? It's probably the quickest way I can think of. People do that kind of stuff all the time."

"Do they?"

"Yes! I got my page up and running in a few hours, that's with tons of distractions. I'm telling you it will be your best approach, best of all you won't have to pay the monthly webhosting fee.  At least get signed up with Facebook tonight and check it out; you'll see how easy it is, and I'm sure tomorrow you'll be coming up with some great ideas. Now put your anti- mega-billionaire crap aside.  You know, you've called that Facebook founder Mark Superdick one time too many; I can't remember his true last name any more."

"It's Mark Zuckerberg. Damn Jeanette, like I've told you, paying those Winklemoose dudes off wi