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Author: Blake Steidler (Bob)
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Pages: 311
Published: 4 years agoRating: Rated: 1 times Rate It
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It's a case like no other. Meddling, Meddling, Meddling. A determined trucker has to go through great lengths to have his voice heard in a courtroom. With an antipathy towards lawyers, Blake (AKA Bob) realizes the only way to chase the money the trucking industry has pilfered from him over the years is to learn the legal system and do the work prose. Copies, ink cartridges, certified mail. Bob is determined to go all the way. One night Blake (Bob) gets a terrifying dream where a mysterious man dances out onto the courtroom just seconds before entire case is about to go south. "Are you going to indemnify him! Are you going to indemnify him!" Shouts the mystery man holding a juris doctorate degree. He can't see the face of the man in the dream but recognizes the uncanny persuasive voice.