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Appendix 4

Geographical Names


It was only logical that the Mongols would not name geographical features the same as generations of European explorers. Like the latter, some of their names would reflect their ancestral homeland and heroes. Also like the latter, some of the names would be those used by the local inhabitants, or the name of a nearby tribe or village. Where possible, the local names were used. Below are the names used in the book coupled with the names found on modern maps.

Absaroke River—Yellowstone River, NW Wyoming to NW North Dakota.

Ahatam River—Gila River, SW New Mexico to SW Arizona.

Aiti—Hispaniola Island, West Indies (Haiti and Dominican Republic).

Albayamule River—Tallapoosa and Alabama rivers, EC to SW Alabama.

Alnanbai  River—Kennebec River, WC to SE Maine.

Alsi River—Alsea River, W Oregon.

Amgun River—Amgun River, SE Siberia.

Amona  Island—Mona Island, between Puerto Rico and Hispaniola.

Anahuac—“the One World” the Nahual term for the Valley of Mexico.

Andahualya —also called Chanca, Inka province west of Cuzco in SC Peru.

Andahuaylas —capital of Andahualya province. It is still so named and is in SC Peru.

Angara —Inka province south of Wanka on lower Montero River in SC Peru.

Apurimac  River—major river in C Peru.

Aralbalikh —port near site of Port au Prince, Haiti.

Ashiwi River—Salt River, SC Arizona.

Atacames —principle city of the tribe now called Esmeraldas just east of the town of Esmeraldas in NW Ecuador.

Bayern —the German word for Bavaria a state in S Germany.

Bear River—James River, E North Dakota to E South Dakota.

Beaver River—Silver Creek, W Montana.

Bio Bio River —large river in C Chile.

Bira River —Bira River, SE Siberia.

Boriquen—Puerto Rico, West Indies.

Black Hill River—Cheyenne River, W South Dakota.

Bright Burning River—Blackfoot River, W Montana.

Caiyukla River—Siuslaw River, W Oregon.

Capawake —Wampanoag name for Martha’s Vineyard, SE Massachusetts.

Cara —Trinidad, West Indies. The name means “Land of Hummingbirds.”

Cathay —Medieval European name for China.

Cautin River —river in S. Chile, flows into the Imperial River.

Cayambe —town NE of Quito, Ecuador. It was the principle town of the Cara tribe.

Champa —ancient kingdom in southern Viet Nam.

Chan Chan—capital of the Chimu Empire, near Trujillo, NW Peru.

Chesapeake—Great Bay Tribe (Powhatan) town in south Norfolk, Virginia.

Chicama  River—NW Peru.

Chingis River—Delaware River, E Pennsylvania.

Choapa  River—C Chile.

Chosin—name of Korea under the Yi Dynasty (1392–1910).

Chot —(or Chotuna) Chimu city near modern Chiclayo, NW Peru.

Chuncumayo—Almodena River —larger river south of Inka Cuzco into which the Huatanay and Tullumayo rivers flow. It is a tributary of the Urubamba River.

Churning White Water River—Clearwater River, N Idaho.

Cincay Qoca —Inka province just south of Huanuco around Lake Junin in C Peru.

Cincay Qoca  Lake—Lake Junin in C Peru. The name means “Lynx Lake.”

Cipango —Medieval European name for Japan.

Coal River—Powder River, NE Wyoming to SE Montana.

Coaxomulco —Coajomulco—town on road from Mexico City and Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Column Tower River—Belle Fourche River, NE Wyoming.

Coosa River—Coosa River, NW Georgia to C Alabama.

Cozumel—large island off the NE coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in SE Mexico.

Cuauhnahuac—Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Cuautla —town about 25 miles ESE of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Cuba—Cuba, West Indies.

Cusabo River—Chattooga, Tugalu and Savannah rivers, Georgia – So. Carolina Border.

Cuttatawomen River —Rappahannock River, N Virginia. Cuzco—the Inka capital, still so named in S Peru.

Da-a-gelma’n River—Rogue River, SW Oregon.

Dark Boiling Creek—Donaker Creek, W Montana.

Deep Cut River —Hay River, NW Alberta, Canada.

Dehcho River—Mackenzie River, W Northwest Territories, Canada.

Donostia —Basque name for San Sebastian in NC Spain.

Dsidsila’letc —Salst (Duwamish—Salishian) village on site of modern Seattle, WA.

Duwamish  River—flows through Seattle, WA.

Dzilam —Dzilam Gonzalez—small town near NC coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in SE Mexico.

East Chesapeake River —East Branch Elizabeth River, SE Virginia.

East Tsoyaha River—Cumberland River, SE Kentucky, N Tennessee to NW Kentucky.

East Union River—Black Warrior River, W. Alabama.

Estatoe—Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) town below junction of Chattooga and Tallulah rivers in NW South Carolina.

Etiwaw River—Wando River, SE South Carolina.

Etnemitane River—Umpqua River, SW Oregon.

Feather River—Rosebud Creek, S Montana.

Fujian Province—province in SE China across the Taiwan Straight from Taiwan.

Fuzhou—port near Charleston, South Carolina.

Gaztela—Basque name for the province of Castile, C Spain.

Georgbalikh—port on site of Lima, Peru.

Gichigami Lake—Lake Superior.

Gipuzkoa—Basque name for the province of Guipuzcoa, NC Spain.

Great Bay—Chesapeake Bay, Virginia and Maryland.

Great Falls River—Sun River, W Montana.

Great Open Place Among the Mountains River—Big Hole R., W Mont.

Great Sea—the Asiatic term for the Pacific Ocean.

Great Sound—Currituck, Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, No. Carolina.

Guanahani—Lucayo name for “San Salvador” Columbus’ first landfall.

Guaura River—Huaura River, WC Peru.

Haton Xauxa—capital of the Inka province of Wanka, modern Jauja in SC Peru.

Hehlashishe River—Wabash River, W Indiana.

Henribalikh—port on site of Valparaiso, Chile.

Hewaktokto River—Little Missouri River, SW North Dakota.

Higuey—province in SE Aiti (SE Dominican Republic).

Hokomawanank River—Roanoke River, S Virginia to NE North Carolina.

Hopitu River—Colorado River, Colorado to Baja California, Mexico.

Hormuz—Arab city on the north shore of the Straight of Hormuz SW Iran.

Horn River—Tongue River, NC Wyoming to SE Montana.

Huanuco—northernmost Inka province at the time of the book, 1460. It was centered around the city of the same name in C Peru.

Huatanay—western of two rivers that framed Inka Cuzco.

Huaxteca River—Tamesi River, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Huaxtepec—(Oaxtepec) town 21 miles E of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Huaylas River—the Santa River in WC Peru.

Huichahue River—S Chile, flows into the Tolten River.

Ignacebalikh—port on site of Puerto Montt, S. Chile.

Imaklik—Big Diomede Island, Bering Strait.

Inaklik—Little Diomede Island, Bering Strait.

Inuit Bay—Hudson Bay, NC Canada.

Inuna-ina River—Assiniboin River, S Manitoba, Canada.

Ipai Bay—San Diego Bay, SW California.

Isadowa River—Canadian River, NE New Mexico, NW Texas to C Oklahoma.

Ishak River—Sabine River, NE Texas to SW Louisiana.

Itsati—a Cherokee town (Echota) located on the south side of the Little Tennessee River below Citico Creek in Tennessee (Monroe Co.). Several other Cherokee towns shared the name but this one was the first and most important in the time frame of the book.

Itsati River—Little Tennessee River, SW North Carolina to E Tennessee.

Kaachxana-aakw—Tlingit village—modern Wrangel, AK.

Kadohadacho River—Arkansas River, SE Colorado to SE Arkansas.

Kaidubalikh—port on site of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Kalinta River—Salinas River, WC California.

Kalinta-ruk—village near mouth of the Salinas River, WC California.

Karakorum—the old Mongol capitol, in NC Mongolia.

Karamuren River—the Mongol name for the Amur River, SE Siberia.

Kasihta River—Chattahoochee and Apalachicola rivers, W Georgia to NW Florida.

Kayung—Haida village on Graham Island, BC, Canada.

Kensistenoug River—Sheyenne River, E North Dakota.

Keowee—Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) town near Port George, South Carolina.

Keowee River—Keowee and Seneca rivers, NW South Carolina.

Keres River—San Jose River, WC New Mexico.

Khanate River—Athabasca River, WC to NE Alberta, Canada.

Khanbalikh—the Mongol name for Tatu (later Beijing), the Yuan Dynasty Capital of China. In the book it is also the name of the capital of the Khakhanate of the Blue Sky, in the area of Sioux City, Iowa.

Khartsgaibalikh—(Hawk City)—town that evolved from the old Hawk Ordu, near Riverdale, ND.

Khereekhot—(Mongol for Crow Town) Baie St. Paul, Quebec, Canada.

Khilbalikh—(Mongol for Boundary City) settlement on site of modern Brownsville, TX.

Khon Kheree—(Mongol for Raven) port on site of San Francisco, California.

Kimooenim River—Snake River, NW Wyoming to SE Washington.

Kitikitish River—Neosho River, E Kansas to NE Oklahoma.

Kituhwa—the principal city of the Cherokee. It was on the Tuckasegee River near Bryson City, North Carolina. Although the individual Cherokee towns were independent, this one held a sort of primacy of dignity if not authority. It was held to be their first town in the area after they migrated from the north.

Kitwilksheba—Tsimshian village at mouth of Skeena River in WC BC, Canada.

Koryo—old name for Korea.

Koryo River—Sutton Creek, W Oregon.

Kubilai River—Susquehanna River, C Pennsylvania.

Kujujuk—port near Houston, Texas.

Kuli—now Calicut, a Medieval kingdom on the SW coast of India.

Kuriltai Balikh—(Kuriltai City)—village that was founded on the site of the proclamation of the Khanate of the Blue Sky about 9 miles NNW of Blue Ridge, AB, Canada.

Kusa River—Coos River, SW Oregon.

Kutcha River—Porcupine River, NE Alaska, N Yukon Territory, Canada.

Kwakwakas—Kwakiutl village on west coast of Guilford Island, SW BC, Canada.

Kwesh River—Brazos River, C Texas.

Kytmin—Inuit name for a mountain on Cape Dezneva, NE Siberia.

Laha River—Laja River, C Chile. It flows into the Bio Bio.

Lambayeque River—the Chancay River, NW Peru.

Lanka—Sinhalese name for Ceylon, modern Sri Lanka.

Lapurdi—Basque name for province of Labourd, SW France.

Leni Lenape River—Hudson River, E New York.

Liamuiga—St. Kitts, West Indies. The name means “The Fertile Island.”

Liao River—Liao River, S Manchuria.

Limari River—N Chile.

Little Sungari River—Milk River, NE Montana.

Lollelhue River—S Chile.

Longjiang—port and shipbuilding center in north Norfolk, Virginia.

Madinina—Martinique, West Indies. The name means “Island of Flowers.”

Mahican River—Mohawk River, C New York.

Malacca—Medieval kingdom on site of modern Melaka, Malaysia.

Malindi—Medieval kingdom on site of modern Malindi, Kenya.

Manta—principle town of the tribe called Manta on NW coast of Ecuador.

Maricao River—W Puerto Rico.

Mataquito River—C Chile.

Mathilde Lake—Sutton Lake, W. Oregon.

Maule River—C Chile.

Maullin River—S Chile.

Merkit River—Madison River, W Montana.

Mexcala River—Balsas River, Southern Mexico.

Michigamaw Lake—Lake Michigan.

Mingue Lake—Lake Ontario.

Missi Sipi River—Mississippi River, NC Minnesota to SE Louisiana.

Mixquic—town 7 miles SW of Chalco now on the SE edge of Mexico City, Mexico.

Moche River—NW Peru.

Mongol River—Missouri River, SW Montana to EC Missouri.

Montauk Island—Long Island, New York.

Murenbalikh—“Cahokia” near East St. Louis, Illinois.

Nanih Waiya—sacred place of the Choctaw, now an historical site in EC Mississippi.

Naishandina River—Bighorn River, N Wyoming to S Montana.

Nanjing—port and shipbuilding city near Everet, Washington.

Nansamund River—Nansemund River, SE Virginia.

Naparoa—Basque name for the province of Navarre, NC Spain.

Nashanekammuck—small Wampanoag village on Capawake (Martha’s Vineyard), in SW part of island.

Nauset Peninsula—Cape Cod, E Massachusetts.

Nikwasi –Cherokee town on site of Franklin, North Carolina.

Nimipu River—Salmon River, N Idaho.

Nitsiza River—Liard River, SW Northwest Territories, Canada.

Nomo River—Boise River, C Idaho.

North Aniyunwiya River—Shenandoah River, WC Virginia to NE West Virginia.

North Branch River—Henry’s Fork, S Idaho.

North Chahicks River—North Platte River, SW Wyoming to E Nebraska.

North Chesapeake River—Lafayette River, SE Virginia.

North Dzitsiista River—Red River, W Minnesota to S Manitoba, Canada.

North Numakiki River—Knife River, C North Dakota.

Ocheti Lake—Mille Lacs, E Minnesota.

Onawmanient River—Chickahominy River, C Virginia.

Onon River—NE Mongolia to SE Siberia.

Ottawa Lake—Lake Huron.

Otumba—town 8 miles east of Teotihuacán, Mexico.

Owl River—Republican and Kansas rivers—E Colorado, S Nebraska to NC Kansas.

Pachachaca River—a tributary of the Apurimac River in SC Peru. It formed the eastern border of Inka Andahualya Province.

Pah-Chu-Laka Falls—Shoshone Falls, SC Idaho.

Palta River—the Huancapampa River between the Chotano River and the Maranon rivers in NC Peru.

Pacatnamu—Chimu city near mouth of the Jepetepec River, modern Pascamayo, NW Peru.

Pachacoto River—small river emptying into the upper reaches of the Santa River in WC Peru.

Pansfalaya River—Pearl River, CS Mississippi.

Panuco River—Panuco River, San Luis Potosi to Vera Cruz, Mexico.

Paula River—Judith River, C Montana.

Paulpa—Digueno village on site of San Diego, California.

Peaku River—Pecos River, E New Mexico to W Texas.

Pensacola River—Conecuh and Escambia rivers, S Alabama to NW Florida.

Pioje River—Napo River, NC Ecuador to NE Peru.

Pissasec River—South Anna—Pamunkey River, C Virginia.

Plains Oxen River—Elkhorn River, NC to E Nebraska.

Posol-mi—village at south end of San Francisco Bay, WC California.

Potomac River—Potomac River, N Virginia.

Powhatan River—James River, S Virginia.

Pyeyek—Inuit name for Cape Prince of Wales, W Alaska.

Red River—Red River, N Texas to E Louisiana.

Ruin River—San Juan River, WC New Mexico to EC Arizona.

Sabino—Abnaki village on west bank of the Kennebec River near its mouth. Home village of Aspenquid, brother-in-law of Karl (the Crow) in Book 2 .

Saint Jean de Luz—coastal town in SW France.

Salmon Sound—(Tsagaalzh in Mongol)—Puget Sound, NW Washington.

Salst River—Flathead, Clark Fork, Pend Oreille and Columbia rivers, W Montana to W Oregon and Washington.

Salt River—Saline River, S Arkansas.

Saturiwa River—St. Johns River, NE Florida.

Seagull Lake—Mercer Lake, W Oregon.

Secotan River—Pamlico River, E North Carolina.

Seet Kah—Tlingit settlement at modern Petersburg, AK.

Setacoo—Cherokee town near Decatur, Tennessee.

Sewee River—Santee River, Congaree—Santee River, C South Carolina.

Sharbalikh—(Ox City)—town that evolved from the old Plains Oxen (Bison) Ordu, near Culbertson MT.

Sharitarish River—Smoky Hill River, W to C Kansas.

Sharp Bitterroot River—Bitterroot River, W Montana.

Shining River—South Fork and Sun rivers, W Montana.

Siksika River—South Saskatchewan River, S Alberta to C Saskatchewan, Canada.

Sitka—Tlingit village on Baranoff Island, SE AK.

Small River—St. Regis River, W Montana.

South Aniyunwiya River—Hiawassee River, N Georgia to SE Tennessee.

South Chahicks River—South Platte River, SW Wyoming to E Nebraska.

South Chesapeake River—South Branch Elizabeth River, SE Virginia.

South Dzitsiista River—Minnesota River, SW Minnesota.

South Fork River—Clark Fork to Flathead River, W Montana.

South Numakiki River—Cheyenne River, W South Dakota.

South Salst River—Coeur d’Alene—Spokane rivers, N Idaho, E Washington.

Sparkling Cold Seeking River—South Fork, Flathead River, NW Montana.

Stampede River—Muddy Creek, SC Nebraska.

Stikine River—(Great River in Tlingit) from NW BC, Canada to SE AK.

Stono River—Cooper River, E South Carolina.

Sungari River—Sungari River NC Manchuria.

Tacatacuru Island—Cumberland Island, SE Georgia.

Tamalameque—capital of Khanate of the Clouds, between modern towns of Mata de Cana and Regidor on east bank of the Magdalena River in NC Colombia.

Tamoan Chan—Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Tatar River—Gallatin River, W Montana.

Tauxenent River—Bull Run Creek—Occoquan River, N Virginia.

Tegulunbalikh—port on site of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tenayuca—town at the end of causeway leading NW from Tlatelolco. It is now part of Mexico City, Mexico.

Tenochtitlan—the southern of two island cities in the WC part of Lake Texcoco, settled by the Mexica, leading tribe of what became the Aztecs. It is now part of the center of Mexico City, Mexico.

Teotihuacán—ruins of a large ancient city about 32 miles NE of Tenochtitlan, with well preserved pyramids and other structures. The name means “City of the Gods” and the site was revered in precontact Mexico.

Tepeapulco—town 26 miles ENE of the site of Teotihuacán, NE of Mexico City, Mexico.

Tepexpan—town 24 miles NW of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City, Mexico). It was near the NW shore of Lake Texcoco.

Tepeyac—town on mainland connected to Tlatelolco by a causeway leading NE of the city. Now it is part of Mexico City.

Tepozteco—mountain just north of Tepoztlan, Mexico.

Tepoztlan—town NE of Cuernavaca, Mexico. It is the legendary birthplace of Quetzalcoatl.

Tezontepec—Villa Tezontepec, a town about 50 miles NE of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City, Mexico.

Thanuge River—Rio Grande NC New Mexico to SE Texas.

Theodorbalikh—port on site of Talcahuano (near Concepcion), Chile.

Titskan River—Atascosa River, S Texas.

Tlacotenco—town about 25 miles SSE of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City, Mexico) just north of the Tlaloc Volcano and just west of its extensive lava beds. It is now part of Mexico City.

Tlahuac—town on southern shore of the peninsula jutting into Lake Texcoco from the east. It is now part of Mexico City.

Tlatelolco—northern of two island cities in the WC part of Lake Texcoco, settled by the Mexica, leading tribe of what become the Aztecs. It is now part of the center of Mexico City, Mexico.

Tlayacapan—town about 20 miles ENE of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Tolcayuca—town about 50 miles NNE of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City, Mexico).

Tolten River—S Chile.

Tonggye—Town on western side of Mobile Bay, south of Mobile, Alabama. It was named for a province on the NE coast of Korea from which most of the Korean immigrants in the book came.

Tonggye Bay—Mobile Bay, SW Alabama.

Tsimshian River—Skeena River WC BC, Canada.

Tugaloo—Cherokee town now under Lake Hartwell in NE Georgia.

Tullumayo River—Rodadero River—eastern of two rivers that framed Inka Cuzco.

Tulancingo—town about 70 miles NE of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City, Mexico).

Tultepec—town 15 miles north of Tenochtitlan (center of Mexico City), Mexico. It is now part of Mexico City, Mexico.

Tulyehualco—town on southern shore of Lake Texcoco at the southern terminus of the causeway to Iztapalapa.

Tunessee—Cherokee town north of the junction of the Tennessee and Little Tennessee rivers.

Tungus River—Marias River NC Montana.

Tutalosi—Kofitachiki town near Augusta, Georgia.

Tuxla—Putun Maya settlement at site of Santa Marta, Colombia.

Twanh Lake—Lake Erie.

Ukwunu River—Oconee River, C Georgia.

Uluumil Kutz—Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Union River—Tombigbee River, W Alabama.

Urubamba River –a major river in C Peru.

Ussuri River—Ussuri River, SE Siberia.

Vilcas—Inka province SE of Angara around modern city of Ayacucho in SC Peru.

Viru River—WC Peru.

Wahili River—Altamaha River, E Georgia.

Wampo River—Chotano River in NC Peru.

Wan-ka-pampa River—Huancabamba River, NC Peru.

Warao River—Orinoco River, S to NE Venezuela.

Wazhazhe River—Ohio River, SW Pennsylvania to S Illinois—W Kentucky.

Wendat River—St. Lawrence River, E Ontario and Quebec, Canada.

West Tsoyaha River—Tennessee River, NE Tennessee to W Kentucky.

White Mountain Top River—North Fork, Salmon River, C Idaho.

Winnipeg Lake—Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Winyaw River—Yadkin and Pee Dee rivers, NC North Carolina to NE South Carolina.

Wooded Lake—Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, Ontario and Manitoba.

Xaymaca—Jamaica, West Indies.

Xequetepeque River—Jequetepec River, NW Peru.

Yagueca—town and province in W Boriquen (Puerto Rico).

Yaguez River—W Puerto Rico.

Yangzi—port on site of Boston, Massachusetts.

Yauhtepec—town about 15 miles ESE of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Yecapixtla—town about 17 miles E of Yauhtepec, Mexico.

Yukanah River—Yukon River, Central Alaska, Yukon Territory, Canada.

Yumabalikh—port on site of Baranquilla, Colombia.

Yuma River—Magdalena River, SW to NW Colombia.

Zheng He—Port at site of S Manhattan Island, (New York City) New York.

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