Kung Fu Hare 1 by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 – Learning


I am a legend, a kung fu master, quieter than the wind. I am fighting the big fox

, I kick and he blocks, (Kaboom) he strikes with the big tail that spins

like a tornado, I fly backwards but I quickly get to my feet again, I take mine

thumb and hit his chest and he fly in slow motion and lands on a cactus, I am

feeling how the whole ground shakes and I shake.


I wake up and see Mother Hare shaking on me.

"Wake up, you should have been at work several minutes ago," screams mother hare

The hare hurries to the carrot field and sees the boss coming to him. 

"You are 1 hour late, there will be a deduction from the salary, 2 smaller carrots today for you" said the boss

"But, but, I just fell asleep, I can work an extra hour today or 2" said Hare

"No, it will be 2 carrots less for you today." said the boss a little angry

The hare he got sad and picks carrots, he works and works but is a little angry at himself

because he had fallen asleep so hard. He had never done that before.

He hears the boss hit a metal so it rings. Yes, the day is over and he slowly gets up

towards the mountain and thinks of what he had done.

The hare arrives to the house where Master Mouse lives and changes clothes because he will be training kung Fu today, as he always does every day.

Master mouse comes out and sees that Hare looks sad.

” But what has happened? Why do you look so sad today?” Asked Master Mouse

"Yes, I had a dream that I met a fox and it made a spinning tail attack on

me, I knocked him down but then I woke up and arrived late for work. The boss was not happy " said Hare.

"What, did you dream of a fox with the spinning tail?" Asked Master Mouse

"Yes, that dream was so real," Hare replied

Master mouse, thinking and thinking, he scratches his head with his hand

"It's Spinning Fox, who's a vicious fox and he likes to terrorize people and steal from

Them.” said master mouse. 

"But, it was just a dream," said Hare

"No, dreams can come true, we have to be careful and train a lot, because he really is

good at kung Fu,” said Master Mouse

The hare he forgot that he was sad and they started training and training.

The weeks went by and he always arrived on time for work and started pulling up the carrots quickly and kicked them to the cart at the same time, because Master had said that he can train at the same time as he works. 

The boss sees how Hare works and works. He is very happy because now he earns more.

Because he can sell more.

A day at Master Mouse's house

"Today I will teach you, the crouching ear attack," Master Mouse told Hare

"Do you see that tree?" in Master Mouse

"Yep," said Hare

Master Mouse showed how to crouch the ears back and extend the left leg back

"Do you see how I do it?" Asked Master Mouse

" Yes, yes, I see it" Hare replied


"When you are in this position, you have to concentrate and you know when to take the plunge," said master mouse.

The hare saw Master's mouse concentrate and suddenly he saw his left leg shoot

away and he flies spinning against the tree and the master mouse extends his striking hand

against the tree. (Kaazamboom) and the tree shakes, so all the leaves fall down, at the same time the outer shells of the tree fall to the ground. The hare is impressed and walks up to the tree and sees a hand imprint engraved in the tree.

"Wow, have never seen anything like it" said Hare

Master Mouse he smiles and waves his long tail, like a master do.

"Now it's your turn to try," said Master Mouse

The hare he goes to a tree and does as the master mouse says and concentrates.

He shoots away with his left leg and spins, he reaches the tree and succeeded

almost touching the tree, a leaf falls on the head of the Hare.

"Master Mouse, did you see, a leaf came on my head" Hare shouts out

"No, you were not near at all, but practice it every day, it took me 2 years to do it" said

Master mouse

"2 years, but it will take many more years for me" said Hare

"Exercise every day, and you will one day learn it. With that technology, you can almost beat

anyone,” said Master Mouse.

For several weeks, Hare trained on Crouching Ear Attack, but all his attempts were like the first the one.