Kung Fu Hare 1 by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 – Benefits


The days go by and he has not dreamed of kung fu anymore. Master Mouse is worried about that.

The hare has not dreamed more of Spinning Fox. The hare he is a real master of.

Pick carrots. The boss is very happy because now he earns more and more.

The boss gives the hare double carrots a day and mother hare are so happy for Mother hare has 15 kids who are very full every day. The hare really benefits the family.

After the day's job is over, he runs as fast as just that and comes to the big stairs

and quickly bounces up and makes a forward volt. The master mouse had seen this all along

and sees that his student is learning fast, a little too fast, he thought. Master mouse arrives.

"Today we will have a test and see what you have learned. Said Master Mouse.

"Okay, what a test, I'm ready, I'm ready," Hare said eagerly.

"You will meet me in a fight," said Master Mouse.

"But, but you're a master of Kung Fu and I've only been training for a year," said Hare

"Yep, but I see you're learning very fast," replied Master Mouse

Master mouse raises his right hand up and goes into a defensive position

"Attack me now" shouts Master Mouse

The hare thinks and thinks

"Think not so much, attack now" said Master Mouse

"But, how did you know I'm thinking” Says Hare

"Everyone thinks so there was a 99 percent chance you thought," said Master Mouse.

"Eh" said the Hare

"Attack me now or I will do it" shouted master mouse

The hare was a bit shocked and raises his left hand and goes to attack. 

The hare tries with a flying left leg attack

Master mouse he blocks with his right hand, and strikes the hare in the head with his left hand

"Oh, you really hit me," Hare shouted

"Yes, this is a fight or," said Master Mouse a little casually

The hare, got a little angry and came with lightning speed and hit with right and left several

times and Master mouse blocked easily and then see how the Hare increases the speed and it goes faster and faster as the hare strikes with his left and right hand

Master mouse has a hard time keeping up and kicks with his right foot on Hare's left foot.

The hare jumps with one leg

"Oh, it hurt," said the hare

You start to get much better, but train every day and do not forget to train on the Crouching Ear Attack. Said Master Mouse

"But, I was good at kung fu then," said Hare

"Yes, you're getting a little better," said Master Mouse

“What, just a little, no more? Asked Hare

"Yep, A little better" Answering Master Mouse casually

The hare, was a little happy to have gotten a little better at Kung Fu but Master Mouse did not want to tell that he had become much better because it can give him arrogance and, in some cases, cannot be Good. The hare runs home and tells Mother Hare

"Yes, I've gotten a little better at Kung Fu," said Master Mouse

"I'm so happy for you, but the most important thing is that we have food every day, so go to bed now so you can work tomorrow” Says Mother Hare

The hare he ate a couple of carrots and was very happy and went to his bed but he was so happy that he could not sleep, but after a few minutes, yes after a few minutes he fell asleep quickly