Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 ~ Never Alone


When Sarah awoke it was dark. Her cheek was pressed to something hard on the bed and she wasn't sure of where she was. Pushing upright she saw vague outlines of furniture in the room dimly lit by the moonlight coming through the window. Groping on the coverlet for the hard thing, she came across a necklace. Carrying it to the window for a better look, she was surprised to find the amulet she had given to her father two years prior. Tying the leather around her neck, she hung the stone over her heart and felt strangely comforted. Her stomach grumbled its continued discontent at not having been filled in two days. Giving in, she made her way to the door and opened it slowly expecting to see a guard outside. When she saw the hallway was clear, she ventured forth leaving her door open a crack so as to find her way back later.

Jareth nodded in the chair before the fire. His anger was long since spent and now he was just incredibly weary. Sighing as he woke to the sound of footsteps outside his door, he rose to investigate. No one is awake at this hour. Who would be wandering the halls this late at night? Opening his door a fraction, he peered into the dimly lit corridor and saw a flash of midnight flicker passed at eye level. "Who goes there?"

Sarah spun around, a frightened squeak escaping her lips. Seeing who was coming towards her, she turned and ran.

Dropping his hand from the door, the King returned to his chair and sank further into his depression. "Killik?"


"Go find the girl. She is running somewhere in the castle." He gestured towards the door. "She took one look at me and ran away. I give up, Killik. I'm a failure. I'm never going to break this curse!"

The older man sighed. "Majesty, have you ever thought that maybe if you were to just talk to the girl…"

"Talk to her? Killik, do you know what I've already done to that poor terrified girl? I saved her from drowning… and when I visited her in my owl form I hurt her. I healed her… and… shared…"

Killik groaned. "Oh, my King… you didn't? You shared your blood with her?"

"I did."

"Does she know?"


"You are playing a dangerous game, sire. Be honest with the girl and yourself."

"Go find her and make sure she is safe, Killik. She doesn't want anything to do with me. Make sure she eats something, as well. That harridan her father married was denying her meals."

The man bowed low. "As you command, Majesty." Gone with a soft pop, he appeared in the corridor in front of her as she ran. Absorbing the impact of her running into him full force, Killik grunted softly, "My Lady? From what do you flee? Is there someone or something chasing you?"

Unable to contain herself any longer, Sarah broke down. Burying her face in her hands, she sobbed. Had he not been supporting her, she would have fallen to the floor in a heap.

Killik lifted the young woman into his arms and transported them the opulent rooms that had been made ready for her. Settling her into a chair before the roaring fire, he knelt before her. "My Lady Sarah, what is it that troubles you so?" He held her hand gently. "Surely you can tell me what it is that brings forth such heart wrenching pain?"

She met his eyes, revealing emerald green orbs filled with such pain and longing that is tore at his own heart. "I have to tell someone," she sniffed softly.

He produced a handkerchief and handed it to her. Settling into the chair beside hers, he folded his hands. "I promise, I will listen to everything you have to say without judging you, My Lady, and I will not tell a single living soul… not even the King."

She favored him with a watery chuckle. "I couldn't ask you to keep secrets from your King, Master Killik, but I would like someone to talk to, so I thank you." Fingering the pendant around her neck, she began with the death of her mother when she was but a maid and ended her tale with coming to the castle. "I don't know what to do. He terrifies me. One minute I thought he was a kind stranger… a gentleman whom I could be friends with… now… he is the King…Killik…the Goblin King. What am I to do?" She shuddered. "I've grown up on tales of what he does. Karen used to tell me that if I didn't behave that she would send me away to the Goblin King. Now…" her voice broke and she looked away into the flames.

"Now you are here in the castle of the Goblin King forever." Killik frowned. "The stories that the villagers tell are meant to frighten little children into being good. The King is really a very gentle soul if you get to know him."

"Does he steal children?"

"He takes wished away children, yes."

"What kind of monster takes children away from their homes and is still a good person?"

Killik rose from his seat to tower over her. "Now you listen here, young lady! That man may have been rude and selfish and cold at one time, but he has never been a monster! He doesn't take the children because he wants to! He is cursed! We all are! The children who are wished away by parents or caretakers who don't want them… He comes to take them and gives the Wisher a single chance to reclaim the wished away. He looks into the Wisher's heart and asks them if they truly want to wish away the child. If they do he takes the child and finds them a new home where they will be loved and cared for. If the Wisher repents, they are given the chance to run the King's Labyrinth and reclaim the child. If by the end of their run they truly do not want the child, then the child will go to a new home, but the Wisher will forever remember the child they wished away and regret. The King never forgets… He remembers every child… every Wisher… every trauma and heartache. He is not a monster, My Lady, people are!" With those parting words, Killik disappeared and in his place sat a leather bound book.

Stunned by his harsh reaction, she sat with her mouth hanging open for several long moments. Snapping her lips closed, she picked up the red leather book and stroked her fingers over the silver embossed cover. Opening to the first page she lost herself in the tale of the spoiled King.




Killik reappeared in the King's chambers. "The next time you want someone to talk to that infuriating female… do it yourself!"

Jareth raised his tear-soaked sable lashes to look at his long time confidant. "Gods, Killik. I never knew. I never knew that parents could be so horrible to their children and keep them. There is no way I will ever be good enough to deserve her." He rose and crossed to the crystal encased enchanted rose. "I'm nothing but a spoiled, selfish, useless King, Killik. I've never done anything good with my life."

"What about all of the children you have saved, sire? What about the compassion you have learned for others? Have you gained nothing from this curse?"

"Perhaps so, my friend, but I fear it is too late for me. Already I grow weak. The rose has begun to wilt, and before long, like it, I will be dead. I waited too long to even try. I… you cannot change what is wrong with me. After all, the only thing she will ever see is the Goblin King… the monster."

"You must help her to see passed that. Help her to see the man she befriended… the man who saved her from the raging stream… the man who visited her every day because he couldn't keep away." The shrewd little Steward smiled. "You didn't think I knew, but I watch you, my boy. It is my job to make sure my King is safe."

"Killik," the King whined, "she hates me and everything to do with me."

"Then change her mind! Start out by being nice to her… don't be a boor. Be suave…genteel… and don't lose your temper!"

The King sighed. "Fine! Later!" Quickly changing forms, he effectively cut off conversation as he flew out of his open chamber windows.

"Don't think this conversation is done yet, boy!"



Flying around the castle, he made for the window to Sarah's room. Relieved to find the balcony doors open, he alighted on the stone wall and let out a soft throaty hoot.

Sarah's head came up as she heard the familiar sound. Tucking her finger into the book, she closed the cover and walked to the open balcony. Seeing her little friend, she crumpled to her knees. "Oh… my friend… my friend…" Her words were choked by tears as she stroked his feathers tenderly. "You shouldn't be here, little one! The guards might see you and hurt you! I could never live with myself if you were hurt!" Pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his beak, she ran her fingers over his silky feathers lightly. "Fly, my friend. I will see you again… I promise… I don't know how, but I promise." Rushing back into the room, she dabbed at her eyes with the handkerchief.

Jareth felt his heartbeat accelerate when she gave him the innocent kiss on his beak. Her concern for him was also cause for the warmth that flowed through his veins. In a flash of glitter he stood on the balcony. Taking a step forward, he hesitated. Be a gentleman. Raising a hand he knocked gently on the balcony doors. "My Lady?"

Whirling, Sarah clutched the book and the handkerchief to her chest. "Y…yes?"

"May I come in?"

"Y…you m…may."

The King stepped inside from the balcony, dressed in tan breeches, a white poet's shirt with ruffles that opened to the waist, and a black leather vest. His fair hair hung about his head like a cloud. He bowed. "My Lady."

She curtseyed. "Your Majesty. You honor me."

He strode across the room to stand before her. "It is you who honors me. May I join you by the fire, My Lady?" When she nodded, he guided her into her chair before taking a seat himself. "I see you are reading. Is it a good book?"

She glanced at the books she held. "Y…yes." Putting the books aside, she faced him squarely. "Your Majesty I owe you an apology. I should not have said all of those terrible things to you before. I was overly emotional and let my tongue run away with me. I beg your forgiveness for my hasty behavior and glib tongue."

He reached over and took her hand. "Sarah, you were right. I was rude and insufferable. I took you from your home and then gave no thought to how you were feeling. Instead I ordered you about. I have not treated you like the guest you are. Please, it is I who beg your forgiveness." Rising, he offered her his arm. "Please allow me to escort you through the castle. I'm sure you would like to see something of your new home?"

She took his arm and allowed him to show her everything. By the time they were done, they ended up in the kitchens, laughing and starving. The Goblin King opened the pantry, raiding it for a loaf of bread, a small wheel of cheese, and some small fruits. He was turning around when the cook himself came stomping into the room.

"Whats are yous doing in mys kitchen?"

The King, Sarah, and the pilfered food disappeared and reappeared in her chambers. Sarah giggled. "That was close."

"Indeed… Now, let us partake of this purloined feast and get you to bed."

She flushed a bright crimson. Reaching out, she touched his gloved hand. "Majesty?"

He paused in the act of cutting slices of bread. "Hmm?" He looked up.

Her fingertips traced over his cheek. "Thank you."

His breath caught. "Y…you're welcome."

She took the bread and put some cheese between the slices. "Let me show you a trick." Placing the sandwich on the rocks before the fire, she waited a few moments for the cheese to start to melt, then flipped the bread over. Lifting the sandwich from the hot rocks with her bare fingers, she hissed in pain as cheese oozed out the side and she was burned. "Damn!"

He took her burned hand before she could put it in her mouth and brushed his lips over the tender flesh. The moisture from his lips cooled the burning and healed the damage. "Are you all right, Precious?"

She trembled at the husky way he spoke. "I…" The tears that sparkled in her eyes spilled over and trickled down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Precious, Sarah. It tears me apart to see you cry." He leaned forward and brushed his lips over her cheeks drying her tears with his soft breath.

Yearning forward, she closed her eyes. "I…m sorry M…ajes…ty."

He captured her lips in a tender kiss. Desire to deepen the touch got the better of him as he slid his hand into her hair and pulled her closer. He felt her stiffen and immediately released her. "Forgive me… I…"

She put her fingers to his lips. "No… I don't want you to apologize… I just…" She shook her head. Rising with her arms around herself, she walked to the balcony and stared up at the night sky. "No one has ever kissed me… much less wanted to kiss me before. I don't want you to be… I am too inexperienced."

He turned her around to face him. Taking her into his arms, he stood in the moonlight holding her. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Precious. Come, I think that it would be best if I tucked you into bed."

"I'm not a child, your Majesty," she retorted.

He chuckled. "No, my dear, you are anything but a child. I merely want to make sure that you are safely tucked away in your bed where I cannot get at you."

"Oh…um…" She turned bright red and ducked her head.

Taking her chin in his hand, he met her gaze. "Precious girl, you have no idea how you turn my world. I promise I will never do anything you don't want."

She feathered her fingers through his hair. Searching his gaze, she leaned in close to hold him and whispered in his ear. "I promise you will never be alone."