Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 ~ The Rose


Sarah fought back the tears as she looked down at the twins. Bethany and Castor… a boy and a girl. Daddy was so proud. I've never seen him so proud. She sighed sadly. I see the fear and pity in his eyes when he looks at me these days. I cannot let him go and pay the price for this rose. She looked at the delicate flower in her hand. No! I will not let him pay the price for me. He has Toby and these two new precious babes to keep safe. Wiping away her tears, she put a folded parchment under her father's hand while he slept and crept from the room. "Farewell, my loves." Wrapping her cloak tighter around herself, she hurried out into the pre-dawn chill and made her way to the stable. Leading her horse from its stall, she guided her to the path at the end of the lane. Above her on a branch she saw the white barn owl she had befriended. "Hello, my friend. This will be the last time I will see you, I fear. I must away."


She smiled sadly. "I must repay a debt. Forgive me, little friend. Fair flying." Pulling herself into the saddle, she headed in the direction her father had given her, praying that it was correct. When she noted the owl flying overhead, she couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips. "Thank you my friend," she murmured as she wiped away her tears. "I did not wish to be alone, either."

The owl, really the Goblin King in disguise, hooted at the girl when she got to the correct path.

"What is it, little friend?" She began to go passed.

The owl hooted again and took wing further down the path.

"You want me to follow you?"

"Hoot…hoot!" He flew back to her, landing on her shoulder and nuzzling her cheek.

She giggled. "All right, have it your way." Turning her horse towards the forest, she applied her heels. "Come on Felicity. We must hurry. The Goblin King only gave Daddy three days, and already one is up."

The King re-ordered the maze to allow the girl the easiest path through the Labyrinth to his castle. Flying above her in his owl form, he safeguarded her from the Minotaur and dangers she knew nothing about.




Sarah arrived at the castle as the sun was passing mid-day on the third day. Throwing the hood of her cloak back, she reveled in its warmth for a moment before she slipped off the horse and led it forward to the steps of the great edifice. "Oh, my lord! This place is huge!"

Goblin guards rushed out the doors, spears at the ready. "Halts! Who be you trespasser!"

Jumping back in surprise, Sarah released the reigns of her horse and tripped over the hem of her cloak at the same time. Landing on her rear in the damp gravel, she cried out and scrambled backwards away from the loping advance of the terrifying guards.

"Guards halt!"

Her eyes huge and terrified and her breathing shallow, Sarah screamed as the spear tips halted only inches from her chest. Falling back in a dead faint, she wasn't aware of the tall man who came to her rescue.

"Fools! How dare you charge the King's guest! See to the lady's horse!" Lifting the prone woman from the ground, Killik carried her up the steps into the castle and spirited her away from prying eyes into the same sitting room where her father had first stayed. Settling onto the table beside her, he patted her hand. "Come, my dear… awaken."

Sarah's eyes fluttered open. "Wh…what… where am I?"

"You are in the sitting room, My Lady."

Her breaths came in rapid pants. "Who…"

He smiled. "Forgive me for startling you. I am Killik, the King's Steward."

"Sarah… Williams, milord. I am here to…"

"Ah… I see. You are here to negotiate with the King."

She sat up and pulled her hand away. "No, milord. I am here to take my father's place. My stepmother gave birth to twins last night. My father is needed at home. They do not need me, and since the rose was to be a gift for me… I would offer myself as a replacement for my father."

The Steward was taken by surprise. "You would do that?"

"I would like to speak with the King… please."

Killik frowned. "He is indisposed at the moment. I will let you know as soon as he becomes available. However, until then, please allow me to see to your comfort." Offering her his hand, he guided her out of the sitting room and showed her to the same room that had been her father's. "You may stay here for now. I will send a maid to attend you." He paused at the door. "Would you care for something to eat or drink, My Lady?"

She shook her head. "No thank you."

Killik bowed slightly and closed the door behind him. Disappearing and reappearing in the King's chambers, he tapped his foot expectantly. "Your Majesty! What devilry are you playing at?"

"I play at nothing. I assume you found the girl to your liking?"

"She is too young!"

"She is a woman, Killik! She is old enough to know her own mind, and be married thrice over by now. Do not speak to me as if I was a child! This young woman is sweet and gentle." The King sighed wistfully… "I will never deserve her."

"Sire, you have to do something… and tricking the girl is not the right thing to do."

"She must stay here, Killik! There is no other way!"

"I hope you know what you are doing sire."

Jareth waived the man away. "Leave me alone. Make sure that I am indisposed until right before the deadline. I want her to be stuck here."

"She has already come to take her father's place willingly, sire."

The King turned. "What? Willingly?" Disappearing, he reappeared in Sarah's room. "You would willingly take your father's place? He stole that rose from my garden for you, Precious, and yet here you stand in his stead… why?"

Her heart stopped as she heard his voice. He's the King! Turning around, she stared at the man she had dreamed about for many months. "Milord!"

"Why would you take his place?"

"B…be…because I delivered my stepmother's twins last night and he is needed at home." She avoided his gaze. "I am not needed… nor wanted at home. I gladly come in my father's stead."

"The price is forever, Precious. Did he not tell you that?"

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I will pay the price. My freedom for my father's." She turned towards the window.

He stood watching her, processing what she'd said. That bastard! "My dear, I will leave you to rest. If there is anything you need, my servants will attend you."

"Th…thank y…you, y…your M…majesty." Do not cry before the King! Do not let him see that you are weak… Do not let him see that you care.

He stood for several minutes unsure of what he should do. When he saw her shoulders start shaking, he sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "Shh… it's all right, Precious."

Sarah pulled out of his arms. "No! Nothing is all right! I'm… oh just forget it!" Pacing away from him, she wrapped her arms around herself, periodically wiping furiously at the tears falling down her cheeks.

Her rejection stung. She hates me… she blames me for this fate… "Very well. We will speak again, Precious. You will join me for dinner." Turning, he started for the door.


"That was not a request, madam!"

"Get out!"

He whipped back around. "You are in my kingdom now, Precious. You will do as I wish. You will join me for dinner this evening…"

"No thank you!"

"Then go ahead and starve! If you do not eat with me, you do not eat at all!" Turning, he slammed the door and was gone.

Sarah flung herself on the bed and sobbed, all of the built up pain and frustration from dealing with Karen, and the heartache of leaving her family behind finally pouring out of her until she was asleep.

The King in his frustration appeared in his own room flinging furniture and storming around in his rage. Twisting his wrist, he conjured a crystal and watched the young woman weep. "She hates me. She is my prisoner and she hates me. She'll never love someone like me." Throwing the crystal against the wall, he watched it shatter as he slumped into a chair before the fire, his head in his hands. Behind him, on the table, another petal fell from the wilting enchanted rose.