Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 3~ Everything Changes


The days passed turning into weeks and then into months. Sarah grew tired of Karen's constant complaints and nagging. It seemed to her that nothing she did was right. One morning, she woke to a rainstorm, dreary and bleak. Hearing Karen banging around on the ground floor, she sighed and dressed quickly. "Good morning, Karen. I'll go gather the eggs from the hen house and milk the cow."

"Good, because that god awful storm is getting worse. I wish your father was home."

She smiled at the nervous woman. "Don't worry, we'll be okay. Daddy will be home this afternoon, and we will have lots of fun together."

"Fun," the largely pregnant woman rubbed her distended belly. "I haven't had fun in a very long time!"

"Would you like me to rub the liniment on your belly again?"

"Later! Go fetch the eggs and milk now!"

Upstairs Toby began to cry.

The blonde woman sighed. "Oh!"

Sarah hustled out the door into the quagmire and trudged to the hen house. Gathering the eggs, she stuffed them into the pockets of the apron she wore. Slogging through the mud she made her way to the stable where the cow was and milked the sad beast. Squashing her way through the muck, she did her best not to spill any of the milk in her pail as she made her way back to the house. Opening the door, she carefully set the pail inside and stepped out of her muddy clogs. Stepping inside, she carried the pail to the counter. "The cow didn't give as much milk as I expected, but we have twice as many eggs." Reaching into her apron, she missed her stepmother rushing into the room and fell into the table as she was pushed from behind. There was a resounding Crack as the eggs broke in her pockets.

"You clumsy little fool!"

The girl pulled two unbroken eggs from her pockets. "Two survived. I will make them for you and Tobias."

"No thank you! I will make them!" Karen snatched them from her hands. "You can go without!"

Sarah stared at the cruel woman for a full minute as what she said began to sink in. "I'm sorry I fell against the table when you pushed me. I'll try to be more careful next time. Do you want me to do anything else before I go get cleaned up?"

"No! You've done enough already! Get out of those filthy clothes before you make the rest of my house dirty!"

"Your house? Your house!" The girl scoffed and spun on her heel. "You wouldn't know the first thing about how to take care of this house by yourself, you ungrateful witch! I hate you!" Stomping from the room, she fumed up the first flight of stairs and swore silently as she cut her hand on the ladder in her climb up to the attic where she had been relegated so that her stepmother could turn her bedroom into a sitting room. Flinging herself onto the damp hay that was her bed, Sarah lamented the indignities of her morning. Pulling off her soiled apron and dress, she went to the cracked basin of rainwater and dipped in the cloth she kept there. Washing off the remnants of the sticky egg, she put on a clean housedress and prepared her soiled clothes for washing in the creek. The sound of the rain on the roof alerted her to the passing of the storm and she sighed. Wrapping her shawl about her thin shoulders, she made her way outside to complete her task.




Winging across the dove gray sky the white barn owl surveyed the rain swept countryside. The creatures of the forest still in hiding, he was unable to enjoy his usual sport of hunt and peck, however a lilting sound captured his attention near the edge of the forest forcing him to land or crash like an owlet just out of its nest.


I fell asleep down by the stream
And there I had the strangest dream
And down by Brennan’s Glenn there grows
A briar and a rose
There’s a tree in the forest
And I don’t know where
I built a nest out of your hair
And climbing up into the air
A briar and a rose

He watched a dark-haired young woman kneeling on the banks of a swollen stream singing the soft song. Cocking his head as he listened, he hooted along with her. The tune was not unfamiliar to him, and after a time, he slipped out of the tree to transform into his Fae form and leaned against the tree singing softly under his breath.

Well I don’t know how long it has been
But I was born in brennan’s glenn
And near the end of spring there grows
A briar and a rose
I picked the rose one early morn
I pricked my finger on a thorn
It had grown so high
It’s winding wove the briar around the rose
I tried to tear them both apart
I felt a bullet in my heart
And all dressed up in springs new clothes
The briar and the rose
And when I’m buried and in my grave
Tell me so I may know
Your tears may fall
To make love grow
The briar and the rose


As Sarah finished the dress, she rose to wring it out. Wiping a hand across her brow, she caught a flash of movement from the corner of her eye and turned to look. As she did so, her foot slipped and she toppled backwards into the swiftly moving current of the rain swollen stream. The frigid water stole the breath she would have used to scream as she was sucked along to the right away from her family's farm. "Help!"

The young Goblin King jerked as the girl went into the icy water. Shoving away from the tree, he crossed the distance in a few strides and lunged headfirst into the water. Long powerful strokes took him to her side in moments. Slinging his arm around her shivering, unconscious body; he dragged her to shore. Laying her on the wet grass, he forced the water from her lungs and began rubbing her arms and legs. "Easy… easy…"

"Oh, gods!" Coughing up the freezing water, she tried to lever herself into a sitting position. "It's s…so c…cold!"

A fire suddenly blazed beside them. "Sit by the fire. It will warm you."

Sarah pushed her wet hair from her eyes, as the melodious voice drifted over her and found herself struck speechless.

He flashed her a crooked smile. "Forgive me, you precious thing. I should have taken care of this first." Snapping his fingers, he not only ensured they were both wearing dry clothing, but had wrapped them both in a large warm fur with his arm around her. "Would you care for something warm to drink… or to eat perhaps?"

She shook her head, mute. Her stomach rumbled loudly in protest and she blushed.

He chuckled. "Please, allow me?" Waving his hand with a flourish, he made plates of meat, cheese, and bread appear, and a pitcher of warm mead as well as two goblets. Pouring some mead into a goblet, he held it out to her. "Here, precious one. Drink this, it will warm you."

She cradled the goblet and looked at him over the rim as she sipped the warming liquid. "Thank you."

He smiled and ran a finger down her cheek. "So beautiful." He marveled at her blush. "What is your name, my lady?"

"S…sarah, m…my lord."

"Princess," he breathed. "Very fitting." He smiled and ran a finger down her cheek again. "Are you feeling warmer?"

"Yes, thank you." Her eyes began to feel heavy. "I feel…"

"Shh…" Guiding her head to his shoulder, he slipped the goblet from her limp fingers making it and the food vanish. Lying down, he pulled her slender body flush with his and wrapped the soft fur tighter about them.  Bringing the flames higher, he let her sleep, keeping a watchful vigil.

Sarah turned on her side and wrapped her arm around the warm solid object beside her. Pressing her cheek against the cushion beneath it, she smiled and murmured warmly.

The King ran his fingertips over her arm. "Awake, my Precious thing."

Her eyes flickered open. "Oh!" She sat up with a jerk, the fur falling down around her lap. "I…I…"

He sat up with her. "Relax, Precious. You are safe." With the flick of his wrist, he made the blanket and the fire disappear. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he pinned a woolen cloak in place. "There! That should keep you warm."

"Th…thank you kind sir, but I cannot accept such a costly gift!" She blushed.

He frowned for a moment before running a leather-clad hand down her soft cheek. "Please think of it as payment for both your company and your lovely song, fair Sarah. What kind of a Fae would I be if I did not repay your kindness with my own?

She blushed crimson under the discerning gaze he gave her. "Forgive me… milord… for I do not even know your name."

Lifting her fingers to his lips, he brushed them with the whisper of a kiss and smiled. "Jareth, my Precious girl." Releasing her with a bow, he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "We shall meet again."

"Jareth," she breathed with a girlish giggle.