Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 ~ Goblin King


Jareth perched on the edge of the forest in his owl form watching the girl retrieve her wet clothing with a satisfied smirk. I must find a way to make her mine. She is perfect! When she moved off, he followed her to the farm where she lived. Landing on the thatch of the lower floor roof, he walked over as close to the open window as he could without going inside.

"Where the devil have you been, Sarah? Where did you get that cloak?"

"I fell into the stream washing my clothes, Karen. A nice young man helped me out and he gave me his cloak when mine was lost in the current."

"Liar! You probably stole it in town!"

"I did not! How dare you!"

"Give it to me right now you impudent little trollop!"

"Ow! You have no right!"

The Goblin King heard the tearing of fabric and peered in under the eave to see a tall blonde woman holding the cloak with a large tear where the pin had held it closed. His keen owl eyes also saw the red marks on the girl's throat from the cloak being torn away. Narrowing his gaze he spread his wings prepared to enter the modest kitchen. Sarah's words stopped him.

"Fine! Keep it then! You're a selfish spoiled harpy; Karen and I hate you! I bet that baby isn't even Daddy's!" Turning, she stormed up to the attic.

The raw pain in the girl's voice infuriated the King, but it also gave him an idea. Swooping upward to the apex of the house, he listened intently to figure out where in the structure she had gone. Hearing her moving around just below his claws, he hopped to the edge of the roof and looked down to see if he could find a way in. There was a window, which had been left open a crack. Flying down, he nudged the window open a bit more and landed on the ledge, hooting softly.

Sarah spun around, wiping futilely at the tears on her pale cheeks. "Oh! Hello, little one, you must be lost."

"Who…hoot!" He ruffled his feathers and stepped onto the edge of her washbasin. "Hoot!"

She giggled and stepped forward cautiously. "Now don't you bite me, okay?" She held out her hand. "I'm just going to close the window to keep out the cold. I'll let you out when you want to leave, I promise."

The owl hooted softly, surprising the girl when he leapt onto her shoulder as she leaned in and latched the window to the frame.

Sarah squeaked in fright and stumbled backwards, wincing as the bird's sharp talons gripped her shoulder painfully. Staggering to her knees she reached up and petted the bird's soft feathers, cooing gently, "Easy my friend, easy." When he hopped off, she pulled the shoulder of her dress aside and looked at the puncture marks. Biting her lip, she rose and put water in the basin. She was cleaning the wounds when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Forgive me, Precious."

She screamed.

He clamped his hand down over her mouth and pulled her back against his chest. "Easy, my lady. I mean you no harm." He almost sighed when she went limp in his arms. Removing his hand, he turned her to face him. "Let me see your shoulder, Precious."

She pulled the edge of her gown away, exposing her creamy skin to his view.

His arm slipped along her back, pulling her closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "Forgive me, my clumsiness, my dear precious thing. I have repaid your kindness with cruelty time and again. Please," he drew out the syllables, "allow me to repair the damage I have caused, my lady Sarah." Dipping his head, he brushed his lips over her bare shoulder.

Wherever he touched felt like fire was brushing her skin.

Dragging his long tongue over the damage, he tasted her blood. His magic responded forcefully. Tightening his hold, he bit his tongue and ran it over the wound again, mixing their blood. When he heard her moan softly in his arms, he knew that he must remove himself before he press too far too soon. Pulling her gown over the now healed shoulder, he tangled his fingers into her hair and pressed his lips below her ear. "You turn my world, you Precious thing. I will find you again, I promise!" Lifting her into his arms, he laid her on the bed. Conjuring a small crystal figurine for her, he left it in her hand and disappeared with the whisper of a kiss on her cheek. "Mine!"

"Yours," she murmured dreamily.

Karen jerkily stitched the cloth together. "Stupid little brat! This is her job! She's been shirking too much of her work around here lately! I wish she was doing this instead of me?"

"You're selfishness is going to be your downfall, Karen. You haven't the skill of the young woman who slaves to take care of this home. Be careful what you wish for."

The blonde looked around for the owner of the dark rich voice. When the cloak was jerked from her hand, she raised her eyes to the hand's owner and found herself stricken by his beauty. She smiled seductively. "Surely kind sir, you are not going to punish me for my stupid step daughter's perfidy? I was repairing your lovely garment so at to return it to you whole."

Raising an elegant brow, he looked down his nose at her. "Really madam? I gave this to milady Sarah to see her home. I do not believe it was her that ripped the broach from it, was it?" He re-clasped the now impeccable item about his shoulders.

Karen rose ponderously. "Why, kind sir, I have no idea what you mean."

"I'm sure." Sweeping towards the door, he glanced at her. "Know this Karen Williams, I do not take kindly to what is mine being damaged. Mend your ways lest you find life becomes unbearable." Running a gentle hand over the hair of the young blonde child in the bassinet, he softened for a moment. "Value what you have before you lose it entirely." With that he disappeared. In moments he was winging away from the house towards the town. The first snow of the year was beginning to fall and he let out a screech when he saw the weary traveler on the road below him.  Flying closer, he saw that it was Sarah's father. Ah, there it is… my chance… Weaving his magic, he made the storm worse and "helped" the man become lost in the outskirts of the Labyrinth surrounding his castle. Flying from tree to tree, he ensured that the man found the castle at the center. Leaving strict instructions with his servants that the man was to be taken care of, and no one but Killik was to be seen, the Goblin King went to handle other business.

Robert Williams, weary from traveling through the heavy snow and battered by the less than lucrative trip that he'd made to sell their meager trade goods was glad to find the castle at the end of his journey through the twisting maze he'd found himself in. Pushing open the doors, he stumbled inside and collapsed on the elegant rug.

A group of small and medium goblins broke away from the shadows. The largest straightened and began barking orders. "Kingy says to makes man comfortable. Gives him food and shelter. Takes hims to sitting room. I's have cooky makes him trays. Puts him nears fire so's he warms ups. Is too cold tonights. Makes sure he no sees Kingy though. Kingy was adamants!"

"Yes Killik!"

Seeing the smaller goblins begin carrying out his commands, the larger goblin hurried to the kitchens.

"I work and I slave all day long, and for what? His majesty never eats nuthin I cooks!"

"Oh stop yer grousing! We haves a guest! Makes up a tray of foods and tea for the poor gentleman and sends it up to the sitting room, right away!"

"Y…yes Killik!"

The goblin Steward hurried away to see to the rest of the King's commands.

Jareth frowned at the woman who stood before him holding the babe in her arms. "I normally do not like to appear before my subjects like this, but I am pressed for time this evening!" His black cape swirled around his leather-clad legs. The light glinting off the diamond hard black armor he wore. "Now, you have wished away the child to me. You must make the choice… do you want the babe to be turned into a goblin forever or are you willing to run my Labyrinth in order to regain her freedom?" The white lie usually garnered results. The Wisher would realize just how much they really wanted the Wished-Away and run the Labyrinth in order to rescue them.  Taking pity on the inept Wisher, the King would make the maze less or more complicated depending on the person's intellect.

"I don't want this squallin' brat! She's the biggest mistake I ever made!"

Jareth looked at the quiet child in the odious woman's arms. "Very well." With the snap of his fingers the child was in his arms. Conjuring a crystal on his fingertips, he tossed it at the woman. "For your troubles." Turing with a flourish of his cape, he faded from sight. Reappearing in his castle, he made his way to the East Wing. "Beatrice?"

"Yer Majesty?"

"Make sure this babe is taken care of. I will be in the Throne Room hearing petitions for her adoption."

"Yes Majesty."

He turned away and caught himself against the wall.