Labyrinthine Beast by Tami Elder - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 ~ Wishes and Innocence


The goblin nursemaid laid the babe in a bassinet and hustled to the King's side. "Now, none of your lip, Yer Majesty. You're not well."

He glared down at the small woman. "I'm fine!"

"Yer still not too old for me to bend yer royal self over my knee, Jareth Kinwellen! King or no, I will not allow you to lie to me! Now, you sit down here for a minute and let me takes care of you!"

He sighed, but gave in as another wave of dizziness washed through him. "Bea, what's wrong with me?"

The little goblin woman snorted. "It this damnable curse you gots us all put under, Majesty! It's killing ye! Ye have to finds a way to break it!"

He quirked a brow at her. "You know, you're the only one aside from maybe Killik that has the courage to talk to me like that?"

"Well, considering that we's been with you since you was just a wee thing, yer Highness…"

He waived away any apology she was about to make. "No don't! I appreciate it. I would have been lost all these years without you two." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Quite honestly, I know I have to break this curse. I believe the man that is currently in the sitting room is the key… or rather his beautiful daughter is."

The woman narrowed her intense golden eyes at the king she had raised from a babe. "What sort of trickery are you working up, yer Majesty?"

"None… per se. Just allow things to play out. Now, I really must go lie down… I am sorely tired… I did too much this day." He rose, staggering.


The Goblin Steward popped into existence in the middle of the room startling the child to wakefulness. "Ye bellowed, Bea, my loves?"

"I did, ye ignoramous! Ye jest woke the new babe from its slumber, and ye needs to takes the King to his chambers."

The Steward looked at his feet for a moment. "I's sorry Bea. Come along Kingy!" Taking Jareth's hand, he popped them out of the room before he could get into more trouble.

Bea went about settling the baby.

Killik made them appear in the King's chambers just as another petal fell from the enchanted rose, and swore as his monarch crumpled to the floor. "Get in here and give me a hand!"

Several smaller goblins appeared and helped him get the king out of his armor, into a sleep shirt, and onto the bed. Killik dismissed the other goblins swearing them to silence with the threat of being fed to the Minotaur if they spoke of the King's state of health. Tucking the blankets about the King's shoulders, the Steward sat beside him. "Oh Jareth, what are we going to do? What is it that you plan to do with the human that you allowed into our castle?"

"He is the key to our salvation, my friend. His daughter must come to the castle… she must break the curse…it must come to pass… soon."

The Goblin Steward looked at his King who had lapsed into a deep slumber and frowned. "I will take care of everything, my King." The fairy had granted certain powers to him for aiding the king in his tasks of taking the unwanted children afterall, perhaps he could bend the rules just this once and use them to help his King break the curse. Taking his human form, he popped into the throne room and sat on the throne. "Show in the first applicants."

A pair of well-kept peasants from the village came in slowly.

Sighing, Killik growled. "Come closer!"

The couple scuttled closer. "Forgive us, my lord! M…my wife and I are unable to have children. We came after we received this message." The man held up a scroll with the Goblin King's sigil on it.

Killik smiled. "Magard? Bring me the girl child."

When a goblin in full armor brought in a blanket-wrapped bundle, he smiled again. "Do not fear. This is your new daughter, Evangeline. She will be strong and healthy. Go with the King's Blessing."

"Thank you, milord!"

When they were gone, he gestured. "Let the next couple in."

A farmer and his wife came in. "I thank you for seeing us, milord."

Killik recognized the man as one who had wished away his eldest son. "Guards, show this man out. We do not cater to those who wish away their children." When the room was once again clear, he looked at his guards expectantly.

"There is one last couple, milord."

"Let them in."

A young man and his pretty wife came in slowly. "Thank you for seeing us, milord."

Killik steepled his fingers considering the two. "Come forward."

"Y…yes milord." The man guided the woman to the base of the dais.

Killik smiled down at the couple. "Magar? Bring me the boy." He looked at them. "This child is a little older than most. He needs parents who will love him unconditionally. Do you think that you can do this?"

The woman straightened and revealed the disfigurement of her right hand, arm, and face. "Milord, unconditional love is not a foreign concept in our home. My own family threw me out in the street for my disfigurement after I saved the life of my vain eldest sister from the fire that claimed our home. My Rudolpho is my savior. He has taught me much about life and love… I cannot give him children of our own. So I prayed for a child."

Killik waived a hand. "I believe that you will be perfect parents for this child." Gesturing the General forward, he smiled. "Gabriel, these are to be your new parents, Rudolpho and Sarina. You will be happy in your new home."

The little dark-haired boy ran up the short steps and threw his arms around the seated man. "Thank you," he mouthed.

"You're welcome." Turning to the couple, he guided the child down the steps to his new parents himself. Tipping the child's chin upward, he pointed out a scar. "He was two years old when his mother was killed and his father cut his vocal chords. The boy is unable to vocalize. He may yet heal, but he does communicate. You will learn in time. Be patient… kind, and loving. Teach others as well." He smiled down at the child. "Good luck to you all."

When the goblins had closed and locked the door, he sighed and dropped his form for a few moments. "See to it that this room is cleaned from ceiling to floor by morning. We will be having a special visitor. Also, someone will need to see to it that the stables are cleaned and readied for one occupant."

"As you command, Master Steward."

Taking his human form again, he disappeared and reappeared in the shadows of the sitting room.