Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

When we got to the room we were surprised to see not only Sean’s group but Maia’s as well. I was disappointed not to see my dad there, but shrugged it off as him still looking for our other groups. Jacob gave every one a few bottles of potions and handed out some spells. He didn’t bother with weapons because everyone was prepared with weapons. After he was done handing everything out Alana blew open the door. No seriously she blew it open with her power. She can blow things up with her hands, and she says it’s advanced from her fire power so that was something I could look forward too as my powers grow.

We walked in now that all eyes were on us potions and fire ready for whoever dared to attack us. But no one did. Instead they pulled someone out from behind them. It was my dad he was tied up and gagged and he looked badly beaten as well. And Raphael was the one with the smug smile on his face. He looked so proud of himself for getting my dad away from us. I wanted to incinerate him with my fire if only he wasn’t the one holding my dad. I was too afraid I was going to get him as well.

Sebastian must have read my mind or something because he held my hand which was twitching with the urge to throw the ball of fire right at him. I pulled my hand free of his and I closed my eyes and concentrated. I conjured up in my mind the biggest ball of fire I could hold in my hands. I rolled it around in my hands and waited for it to get bigger. I knew it was getting big enough to scare Sebastian away because he was no longer by my side.

“Let him go and I may just let you live.” I said to him from across the room.

“You foolish child, do you think you are a match for me and my army? I will let him go when the poison finishes going through his body; and at that time it would have killed him and his mate.” He paused letting it sink into their minds and then continued “Oh did you think I didn’t know that what happens to one will happen to the other? I have studied your people a very long time and I plan on executing every last one of you.” He said with an evil laugh as he finished speaking.

That was all she needed to go forth with her plan. She released the fireball that she was creating. It was now the size of a basketball and she needed both hands to throw it. She threw it and it soared through the air and hit… not Raphael one of his many followers. He immediately turned to ash with a ball that size. That was all it took for him to release the onslaught of demons and weres. The group split up into pairs of two.

Clarisse and Sean went together facing a big demon that was grotesque looking with a scaly body and big beady eyes. He was at least two times their size. And when they threw a potion at him it didn’t do anything to it. “A greater demon” she said as she noticed they were going to need a lot more help than they all thought.

Sean gave her a knowing look of disappointment that they didn’t have the right stuff to defeat their enemy. He grabbed for one of his daggers and threw it at the demon aiming for his head, and hitting him right in the middle between his eyes. That weakened him enough and Clarisse said a quick spell to vanquish him.

Not even a second after she got rid of that one they were being attacked by another. She jumped over it using her levitation power and sending a dagger through his head as well. That didn’t work to well on this one. This one was the same size as the last only it had a slimy looking body that just so happened to be puncture proof. So she tried a potion, and that didn’t help neither. The demon was looking at her now with what looked like a smile but with its nasty looking teeth and snake like tongue it made her want to vomit. It threw out some kind of ball, it wasn’t a fireball, it had a yellow glow to it and it felt cold like ice as it skimmed her shoulder. She fell to the floor and screamed as her arm felt like it was just stuck in a bucket of ice water and left there for hours. Sean came running over and throwing a warm cloth over her arm where she was hit. She wondered where it came from but she didn’t pay much attention to it as they were getting another thrown at them. He jumped out of the way and using his power of reflection sent it right back at him. It hit him dead in the chest sending him flying across the room and turning to ice. Alana was there and almost got hit by his big body sliding across the room but jumped out of the way and sent a fireball at him. He burst into flames and turned to ash.

Just as they were getting their bearings Sean heard Clarisse scream from the other side of the room, he didn’t hesitate as he darted for her and just as he was about to get to her he was stopped by a big black werewolf. He was twice the size of John in his wolf form and he wondered how he was so huge. He quickly took out his supply of Wolfsbane and whipped it at the wolf. It skimmed his back as he tried to move out of the way and reached for Sean with his mouth but was cut off short by a dagger striking him in the chest. Sean looked to see who it was and was surprised to see Monika and Sebastian running by and striking any were that got in the way of them taking down the demons.


Sebastian spotted the werewolf first about to get his teeth into Sean’s leg. He threw the dagger and Monika got her fire ready just in case he missed. He didn’t and she put out the fire as she ran past them. She was running toward the demon that had her mother pinned she knew it was a hopeless cause, the demon had already got her and she was bleeding badly. With that wound and the poison going through her dad’s body they were both as good as dead, but she couldn’t let her die by a demon like that so she threw a big ball of fire at the demons back and it went right through his body. It fell to the floor with a thud. And then it disappeared. She didn’t know why and she didn’t care she went to her mother’s side and looked at the wound. As she was looking at it to see if she would be ok, her wound was closing up, she immediately removed her hand and it stopped. She looked up at her mom and asked her “What was that?”

“It was you; you have the power to heal the wounded. You are very strong.” She said as she turned pale white. “It’s the poison. It’s killing him. I can feel his heart beat slowing. Rebecca you need to get to him and save us before it’s too late.”

She looked for him and saw that Raphael still had him in his grip. She also saw that he was surrounded by more weres and demons. What a coward. She thought. “Mom he is surrounded by demons and weres how do you expect me to get through them?” she asked still looking at the wall of body guards surrounding Raphael. When she didn’t respond she turned to look at her mom, what she saw broke her heart. She was lying on the floor blood still coming out of the wound that was partially healed, and her pale white face was paper white. She was dead, and now Raphael would pay.

“Sebastian, we need to get through that wall of bodies because I am going to kill that dog.” She said to him with such malice in her voice she couldn’t believe how evil she sounded, but they were her parents that he just killed and he will pay.

“How do you plan on getting through them?” He asked her concerned that she was going on a suicide mission.

“By blowing them up with my fire.” She paused and then yelled as loud as she could “ALANA!” She and John came running over.

“What? What’s wrong?” Alana asked concern lacing her voice.

Monika pointed to her mother lying dead on the floor. “He killed them.” She said and then looked over at the wall that was blocking Raphael. “I’m going after him. I want your help. If we both use our fire we can take out a whole lot of them. The guys can watch our backs but once it’s clear enough I’m jumping over them and killing him myself.” She told her as she started towards the wall of bodies.

She started throwing fireballs as she was racing towards them, and she saw a few pass her head as Alana was throwing hers as well. When they got there she noticed that they took out a few wolves but not one demon. She threw a big ball of fire at the first demon she could reach; she made sure to aim it at his chest this way if it had a heart it wouldn’t be beating anymore. It hit it and went right through his chest just like it did the last one. Before it even fell to the ground it vanished. She was about to jump over and kill Raph when a wolf jumped in and tried to stop her. She took a dagger out and whipped it at him. It missed and she turned around and summoned her dagger back into her hand. She got it and aimed it at him again. He jumped for her as she let it go and it hit him in the thigh. He couldn’t move much after that so she summoned her dagger back to her and took off toward the wall which was gradually shrinking in size. The only threat left there was the demon. The wolves she could handle and she did it well. It was like she had her powers forever how well she was controlling them.

She went to go help Alana when she felt a hand on her shoulder. At the moment his hand touched her she got a vision. The vision frightened her as what she saw showed who the intruder into her room was. It was Jacob. He was in her room going through everything throwing her things everywhere and talking to himself saying where the hell could she have put it? He didn’t know what he was looking for until he found the box with Annie in it. “This has to be it.” He said talking to himself. Then he must have heard a noise because he left in a rush teleporting out of there. Where he went shocked her even more. He went to the Elements Covenant. “I don’t know what you want with a doll but here it is.” He said handing her Annie.

“I want this doll because she is connected to the girls of your covenant, and it being in my possession will help to give me some leverage over them.” She paused as if in thought and then continued “They don’t know it, but this doll holds a lot of power, only the owner can access, and after they do they become more powerful than you or I could imagine.”

Jacob looked at this woman that she didn’t recognize but assumed that she was the leader, with anger. “So what is it to you if my covenant is more powerful than yours?” he said to her with malice in his voice. “Are you afraid that now that Rebecca and Alana are reunited it will ruin your plan to take down my covenant? Well I hate to say it but you couldn’t have taken us down before that happened, and now that Sam and Robert have been reunited with Rebecca I don’t think you can do much.”

“What? How did she find them? He was supposed to keep himself and Samantha hidden from her until after I took down Alana.” She screamed.

But before she got the answer she was thrown to the floor and held down by a huge seven foot brown wolf and even in his wolf form she knew it was Raphael. He was trying to take a bite out of her but she was holding him back with all she had. She was wriggling and trying to call on her powers but nothing would come, it was like her powers were being blocked by something. He took another snap at her just as a dagger came at him. It hit him right under the ribcage and he whined as he loosened up his grip on her. He didn’t let go completely but she didn’t need much room. She was able to get out from under him and Sebastian was there to help her up to her feet.

“I saw it too.” He said before she could tell him that Jacob was the one to break into her room. “We will deal with that later. Now let’s take care of him.” he said motioning to the wounded wolf in front of us.

“Ok.” Was all she said as she summoned all the power she could; she used all her anger, fear, sadness, and hatred she could muster and created not a fireball as anticipated but a big ball of light? She had no idea what it was going to do but she didn’t care, she sent it at him and it froze him. At the moment he became frozen all the other wolves stopped fighting as if the power he had over them left with him being frozen solid. She went over to him and placed a finger on him to see if he felt cold like he looked, but as soon as she touched it he melted, so to speak, and fell to the floor.

Gasping for air and getting to his knees he said “How did you do that?” and he started choking as if he just got brought out of the water after almost drowning. “I have never seen that power before in all my one hundred and fifty years of life.” Coughing again he fell back to the floor.

“I honestly don’t know what that was, but if it surprised you that I could do that, then I guess it’s a good thing. But I will not let you live, you are going to die.” She said as she walked closer to him. She created quite an audience after the spell was broken on the wolves; they all came over to see what was happening. “But it will be a slow and painful death.” She said then she picked up his head by his fur with her left hand and with her right she reached over and grabbed a dagger. She used that to slice a line through his neck. Not deep enough to kill him instantly but deep enough to have him bleed out and suffer like he had done to her parents. No one stopped her, it could have been the power that was flowing off her at that moment, or it could have been that everyone wanted to see him suffer just as badly as she did.

It didn’t take long for him to die and as he died she stood up and turned to face everyone that was watching her; and one by one the wolves dropped down and submitted to her. One wolf in the front said “You are now our Alpha. You killed the Alpha so now you will be our new Alpha.”

“I’m not a wolf. How can I be Alpha if I’m not even the same species?” she asked shocked at the thought and alarmed that they would want her to lead the wolves.

“You will get the power from our Alpha as soon as he is fully dead. And with the power of the Alpha comes the power to become a wolf if you shall wish. You will not have the eyes of the wolf like we do because you are not a real wolf; but if you shall choose to turn your eyes will change when you change.” He said as he stood to speak with her face to face.

He was in his human form and yes he was naked. He was a smaller man than I would have thought from his big wolf form. He had jet black hair and was very lean; even with his muscles from being a wolf he didn’t appear to be very big.

“Wait, hold on, you’re telling me that I would be able to become fury like my leaders and I won’t lose my eye color unless I’m in wolf form?” I said actually considering the idea of becoming their leader. Hey I was meant to lead and if Alana is leading our people maybe I can lead the wolves and we can both fight evil together. “So what if I don’t want you all living in this rat infested building? What if I want to unite the Luna Covenant with the wolf pack? You would do it because I want it to be done?”

“Yes Alpha, we would.” The little guy said.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Avery, Alpha.” He said not meeting her eyes.

“Avery, I know a little about wolves from movies and books, what rank are you?”

“I’m the next in line to be Beta since the Beta was killed here today as well as the third in command.” He spoke as if he were unsure of himself at being in that rank level.

“AHHH!” Monika screamed as she was hit with the power of the Alpha. She received his memories which meant that Sebastian did as well, they still kept that their secret and she wondered if he would be Alpha too once they were mated.

“She is receiving the power of the Alpha; that means that is he truly dead. She is getting his memories and his powers. It is going to feel like a really bad migraine as you receive all of the necessary information. Once it all has been given to you the headache will subside a little. You should feel the pain for twenty-four to forty-eight hours.” Avery spoke as if he has seen this before. And she was thankful for that at least she knew what to expect. Everyone was in awe as Sebastian fell to his knees in pain as he was seeing what she was seeing and most likely in the same amount of pain as she was. Guess they got some explaining to do, but not as long as she was hurting.

After about thirty long minutes of excruciating pain it finally subsided enough for them to be able to leave that rat infested building. She couldn’t walk and neither could Sebastian so Clarisse and Sean helped them out of the building. The pack followed where their Alpha went which meant that we were breaking our number one rule, never let the enemy in our sacred home, but really could you keep them out if their leader now was a witch?

Chapter 9

It was several days after the battle and they had buried Annabel, Jack, Samantha, and Robert. It had been a sad few days as they did one burial service for each apart from Sam and Robert. No one knew that Annabel and Jack didn’t make it until after they started cleaning up the dead bodies the next day. They should have known considering they weren’t at the meeting before they took off but they just gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Their services all looked the same they used the garden to hold the memorial services and then they buried them on the side of the house with all the other fallen witches and warlocks. There were two separate sides to the cemetery one side for the mated pairs, this way you would always find them together and the other for the unmated.

During my mother and fathers funeral I said a few words not knowing what to say considering my vision I had and the fact that I didn’t really know them. After the last of the services I finally told Alana what I had seen in my vision. She wasn’t sure why he had done it, but she was sure that the Elements Covenant was out to kill us, and we had no clue as to why, except for power.

After the two days of my transition I started hearing voices in my head but I couldn’t make out the words. I spoke to Avery about it and he told me it was a power that the wolves have. We can speak directly to the Alpha and the Alpha to any wolf in his or her pack through their minds. It freaked me out a little at that thought but I was wondering why I couldn’t understand the words. Avery informed me that I have to take the complete power of the wolf which involves me turning into one for me to understand my pack. I didn’t know if I could deal with all those voices in my head but he assured me it would only be heard if they needed me or if I summoned them.

With that in mind I grew more and more excited to finally take on my wolf form with each passing day. He said it would be like second nature for me to communicate to them and try to dig into their thoughts. It required no training and I should get it right away. I didn’t think I would, but then again I am a very powerful witch and now the Alpha of a downtown pack of werewolves. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

I wanted to try out my new wolf form, but kept it on hold until after the ceremony that Sebastian and I are going to be having in three days. I felt it was better in case the ceremony didn’t work because we are not full witch and warlock. Sebastian kept reassuring me that it will work, but I didn’t want to take the chance. It is like a wedding only instead of a ring “tying” you to one another there was a magical rope that connected your two souls binding you together for the rest of your lives. That is why after one dies the other follows. Your souls are connected so if one dies the other cannot live without the one that is missing.

“Monika, I’ve been thinking, I know he is still living here because I am the only one who knows, but what if I ask my mom and dad about her? They might know since they led us for so long.” Alana had come to her in her favorite place the unused library trying to convince her of letting someone else know. I didn’t like it because we didn’t know if he had other people with him or if he was working alone.

“I don’t know. I mean we don’t even know why she wants to take us down. We don’t know what she knows about us and what she has planned for us. I  know it will be better to have everyone on alert but that might get him suspicious of us and I don’t want him to know that the two wolves he has been getting so friendly with are really watching him to see if he messes up.” She said it in a whisper even though she knew no one was in there she still didn’t want to take the chance. “Give me a day and we can discuss it with them, but not until then and I want to be there too. We can go someplace quiet or I can use my new wolf powers and put a shield on this room so no one can hear us.” I said with a little bit of sarcasm, I knew that I didn’t really know how to access the powers yet but I was sure it had something to do with accepting the change into a wolf, and I will soon enough.

“Well you might be able to with your own natural powers. We still don’t know how you did that, and I remember you telling me you healed your mother?” she said surprised and in as much as a whisper she could manage. I was trying to avoid her questions and I was successful enough for a few days anyway.

“Shhh!” I said and looked around the library. There wasn’t any one there but I was still on edge. I have more powers running through me than any witch has had in centuries. I did some research and found out that my great, great, great, great grandmother had almost all of the powers that I have now. She lead the people then, healing them, and helping them understand their powers. It didn’t mention anything about her being able to receive other people’s visions or that she could give her visions to her mate, but I was sure that was something she didn’t tell others neither.

“I am being as quiet as I can with the information over load I am being given. I mean Monika seriously you have got some serious power flowing through you and that isn’t even counting your new Alpha powers.” She paused, thinking and then continued. “How are you and Sebastian supposed to mate? I mean you and him are not exactly human any more. I’m not one to judge considering I’m not a full a wolf nor a full witch any more, but I have to wonder how is the mating ceremony supposed to be complete without you two being full witch and warlock?”

Monika looked at her and studied her intently then answered her question. “I am not accepting the change until after the ceremony this way it keeps us more closely to being the beings we are supposed to be to complete the ceremony.”

Alana took a second to understand what she was saying and she agreed with her. At least on her part she can still be a witch until she decides to change and then she won’t be a witch anymore. Well not fully anyways. “As for Sebastian, we will have to figure that out as we go. But you will still need to bite him and take his blood in order for the ceremony to be complete with a vampire.” She said trying to get her to remember what she had to do to be mated to a vampire.

Monika looked at her and said “I know and it freaks the heck out of me, but I love him and I want to spend the rest of my long life with him, and I will not back out because of some blood drinking ceremony.” But I was dreading the day it came to that, because I didn’t know if I had it in me to bite him hard enough to draw blood.

They walked out of the library together and walked to the meeting room. Alana finally caved into her calling it that and she spread the word to everyone that it was now called the meeting room. They still didn’t know what they were going to do with Jacob, but for now they let it hang in the air. They had wolves watching him whether he knew that they were or not. And they didn’t quite have enough details of why he did what he did. I found my mark of Luna on my shoulder the other day and Alana just smiled. It still warmed her heart to know that I am Rebecca and finally came home.

A thought came to me at that point and I pulled Alana over and into the Weapons room. “Was he born here?” I noticed her puzzled face and elaborated a little better. “Jacob, was he born here? He would wear our mark if he was right? What if he was born into the Elements and was planted here to be a spy and that is why he did what he did for her. What is her name by the way?”

“Arianna. She was never mated because as she found her mate he died in battle before they could complete the ceremony. You are ultimately stronger once you have found your mate and are mated.” She said looking at a spot on the wall, and continued “She was my mom’s best friend she would come and visit and they were so close until she found my dad, that devastated her. She never came back, only called to make it seem like she was too busy to leave. Maybe she wants to destroy us because we have something she doesn’t… long lasting love of a mate.”

I looked at her shocked. And then said “Maybe that is it, but if I could finish that vision I had maybe I could find the real answer, but I haven’t gotten visions on command I’m usually touching something or someone when I get them.”

“Don’t worry about it today we have a ceremony to be planning and a meeting to attend. So let’s finish this and in four days we can discuss this further.” With that she walked to the door and opened it. They walked the rest of the way to the meeting room quietly as they both pondered what was coming next.

Everyone was in the meeting room including the wolves. This is the first time we were all together since they have joined us. Alana spoke for everyone to sit and the wolves looked to me and I nodded my head in their direction and they all sat down as well. Once every one was seated Alana spoke first “Hello every one, it has been a few days since we have had a chance to get everyone together and explain what has happened. First I want to welcome the downtown wolf pack to our covenant. As most of you are aware Monika is now their leader since she killed Raphael she became the new Alpha. They are to receive the same amount of respect that you would give any one of us. The next thing I want to say is that I am now giving Monika her rightful place by my side as our leader.” The room broke out in hushed whispers as they all thought that Alana was stepping down from her position.

“I want quiet in this room.” she spoke and it had the authority in it that everyone was used to, it quieted down and she continued. “I am not stepping down. We, as in Monika and I, were meant to lead this covenant together. Since her return and her great leadership skills I have decided to let her take her place by my side. She is a true leader in every way possible and now she is the Alpha of the pack we so desperately wanted to take down.” She stopped as she realized they were all baring their teeth. And continued quickly “I didn’t want to destroy every one of you, my only goal was to get rid of the Alpha, due to all he has done to our covenant and I am grateful he is gone and in his place is a very powerful witch.”

And with that all the wolves bowed their heads in front of me. I wasn’t used to being the Alpha of a pack and I knew I would get used to it eventually, but wished it would happen sooner rather than later. I stood up and said “I would love to take my place at your side. With that I want to let everyone know who the Beta is in our Pack and let you know that if he gives you orders it is because I have told him to. Avery would you please stand up and join us?” I said and watched as he nodded his head and stood. He walked more confidently than he did the day I became Alpha. I wondered if he received the power of the Beta that he deserved.

“Guys this is Avery. He is my Beta your second in command.” I spoke directly to the wolves but loud enough for the whole room to hear. “I expect you to give him the respect he deserves and I do not want any one giving him crap. He is the leader when I am unable to be here and I expect you all to obey him for he does what I want him to do. Do you all understand?”

A collective “Yes Alpha.” Erupted among the wolves.

“Another thing is that even though he is a vampire, he is also my mate which means he will be your Alpha as well. Sebastian needs your full cooperatio