Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

They landed in the field of Morris Street Park and they went to go and wait by home plate. It was exactly one when they arrived and Alana told them that they have until one fifteen before we decide to head in. We could see their hideout from where we were and it didn’t look like any one was there. It looked deserted. But they don’t have people on the outside of the building holding weapons; the humans would get suspicious and involve the police. They are probably stationed right at the door on the inside.

About fifteen minutes later Alana was getting restless and she called Sean, he picked up on the first ring and she told him to send the troops. A few minutes later they all arrived in the field with us. She had us separate in our groups and we took off.

Alana and John took the lead. She figured since they were weres it might distract them a little to at least get by. They reached the door and John opened it with Alana right behind him fire ready if they were to fire at her first.

He opened the door wide enough to see the first guy at the top of the stairs walking back and forth from his little area. I saw his gun and called for it. And it was in my hands. I’m frightened of guns so I handed it to Sebastian and he took it with a smirk on his face. He must like guns.

It didn’t take long before he realized he didn’t have his gun and he turned around looking for who or what could have taken it, then he spotted us. He was yelling at the wolves that were below him on our level and we had to move fast after that. Alana threw some fire and I did as well as summoning their weapons. I had three guns in my hands and Sebastian had four. I was about to hand them off to Alana when I heard a familiar voice call to me.

“Rebecca! Rebecca look out it’s a trick. Don’t be fooled by the shape shifters.” And then it got cut off. But when I looked to find the voice I couldn’t see her anywhere. We kept throwing our fire and Sebastian had decided to stash the weapons, apart from one so we could take more. He caught the next one before I could even blink my eyes, he was just about to fire and then Sebastian had it in his hands. I told Sebastian that he will take the weapons and I will use my fire. We separated from John and Alana it was us two and Clarisse. And we were moving towards where my mother’s voice came from.


Jacob and Sean went in before Peter and Jessica. And they led them to the door. So far there wasn’t much down there; it looked like a basement like every other one you would see boxes everywhere and dust and dirt. Sean got to the door first and used his power to open the door. It wasn’t much just a little wave of his hands and it turned on the other side. When he heard the click he readied himself in case there were weres on the other side. He grabbed for his Wolfsbane and his dagger and opened the door ever so slowly. He was surprised to see that no one was in there; it didn’t look like there was much of anything in there except for a long closet. Then they heard it a banging and it sounded like someone talking but he couldn’t make it out. Sean motioned for the others to join him in opening the closet door.

Sean got the door opened no problem, but what he saw in there shocked him so much he backed away and bumped into Jacob who steadied him and looked in to see what had his friend on edge. There they were Alana and Samantha’s parents locked up and chained to a wall all far enough apart to keep them from helping one another.

“What? How? I don’t understand. I thought you were dead.” Jacob said shocked at seeing Serenity and Christian chained to the wall with Samantha and Robert.

They all stared at him with renewed hope, and since they were gagged they couldn’t respond, so they all went to get one of them undone and when they were all free Jacob asked them “Can you all use your powers; because we are in for a hell of a battle.”

They all nodded their heads but Christian said “We haven’t used our powers in a very long time so they may not be as strong as they once were.”

“Well I guess it’s a good thing we found you. Your daughters are both here as well and they can surely kick some ass.” Jessica said surprising everyone at her outburst.

They all took off on a sprint and headed up to the next level. Sam and Robert filled them in on how to get to the main door and they were heading up there now. As they turned the corner to where the door is they all stopped as they saw at least twenty weres all unarmed and tied together with what looked like Wolfsbane mixed with the rope. “That will keep them there.” Peter said looking at the red marks welling up around their hands.

“If they already came through here where would they have gone?” Sean asked concerned for his mate.

Robert answered him saying “There are two different ways they could have gone. That way,” he said pointing up to the next level, and then pointed down the hallway to the left of us and said, “Or that way.”

“Ok let’s split up into two groups. I hate to do this but Sam and Robert you both know this place so one of you with each group. I’ll go with Robert, Serenity, and Christian. Sean you go with Sam, Peter, and Jessica. We will go up and you go left.” Jacob said taking the leadership role.

“Ok.” They all said in unison. They split up and went separate ways all ready to face what was ahead of them.


Monika heard the woman who sounded like her mother again, and they were following that sound. They were being led through the building by the voice talking to her. “Rebecca, sweetie, come find me, I need your help, daddy is unconscious and I’m tied up.” That is all any of them heard the whole way through the hall. It was getting louder and Monika was picking up a strange vibe of power, unlike any she has felt before and that made her slow her pace. “I think we are walking into a trap.” She whispered to Sebastian and Clarisse. “I don’t know if you can feel that, but it doesn’t feel good.” She said indicating the level of power she was feeling. They must have felt it too because they were both on high alert now. Clarisse looked as if she were trying to sense what kind of power that was and Sebastian looked as if he were sniffing the air, and if they were in any other predicament she would have laughed at him and asked him what he was doing.

Clarisse confirmed what she already knew “It’s definitely not good magic and I think it might actually be demonic.” She said sounding a little unsteady. “We didn’t bring potions we might have to go back and get your parents another time.”

Sebastian confirmed its demonic power, but said “We need to act now; we cannot risk keeping her parents here what if they kill them?”

“What if they are already dead? You can’t know that they are fine. I’m sorry Monika but it is the truth and I knew we would be severely outnumbered here today but I wasn’t anticipating demons!” She finished yelling at them.

Before he could respond I spoke up, “She’s right you know, I don’t mind going back but I am not leaving the rest of our covenant here. We have Alana and John on their own and then us as well as four more people who came in shortly after us and the group down stairs or did you forget about your mate?” I said to Clarisse and even though I didn’t mean for it to come out as it did my words brought a spark back in Clarisse’s eyes and she was more determined to fight now.

“Ok, let’s go and get them.” She said.


Alana and John were walking along the second floor room when they heard a familiar voice. They both stopped and turned in every direction to see where or what it was coming from. They didn’t see where but they thought they heard them coming from behind them, so John turned into his wolf form, as did Alana, she still could use her powers in her form and she was stronger than being in her human form. They walked back to where the voices were coming from and that is when she spotted them. Jacob, Robert, and she couldn’t believe her eyes, there were her parents, looking a little weak but alive and walking towards them. She wanted so much to turn back to her human state so she wouldn’t frighten her parents but she couldn’t without being naked. So she walked up to them as she was.

“Jacob. Robert. How? Why? Where did you find them? I thought they were… I thought they were dead.” She said trying to keep the pain out of her voice.

Jacob answered her saying “We found them behind that door in the basement. They were chained to the wall with Sam and Robby. There powers are weak from not being used, but they are alive and well, and capable of using them a little.” He said as he motioned for her to go towards them.

“Mama. Papa.” She said to them as she walked slowly towards them so she wouldn’t frighten them from being in her wolf form.

“Alana what happened to you? Why are you… like that?” Serenity asked curious as to why her daughter was half a wolf and half a human. “And who is that behind you?” She motioned towards John who was of course in his wolf form.

“Mama, this is my mate, John. John this is my mother and father Serenity and Christian. He was bitten by Raphael a month ago and his turning made me turn. But for some reason I didn’t turn all the way, which is ok because I can still use my powers, which is why I am in this form instead of my natural form. We are trying to take down Raphael and Rebecca is dead set on killing him herself for taking Samantha and Robert from her, but now I’m not to set on having her do the job that I now want to do for him keeping you here. Have you been here this whole time? Did your sister know?”

“Yes we have been here this whole time. Do you really think I would have left you all alone this whole time? Your aunt and uncle knew which is why they had a fake funeral for us, to throw off any suspicions. It’s been seventeen years since I last saw you and I am so proud to see that you have grown up to be such a powerful witch. Am I to assume that you are now leading our people?”

“Yes mama I am leading our people. And Rebecca came home last year. She is known as Monika now because Robert thought it would be better for her to be away from us than to be with us. So he erased her memory of us, she has all of Samantha’s powers too, you should see her, she is so powerful, maybe more than I am especially now that she has found her mate.” She stopped before she told her anything more and then said “We should move before they send more weres to aid the others.” As a true leader would talk and protect her people.

They continued along the path they were headed down and then they met up with Monika and the others. They all gave a brief description of what happened. “Did you see Peter, Jessica, Sean, and your mom?” Jacob asked Monika when they were done giving them the details of what happened.

“No, why are they looking for us? There is nothing down that way except a lot of demonic power. It was very strong, so we came in search of all of you. We still need to find Maia and the others, we need to go back to the compound and get potions and spells. We can’t face them unprepared.” She stated matter of fact.

Alana pulled Monika off to the side and explained that with her new power that is coursing through her veins and Alana’s powers together they could hold off a lot of demons. “Who is to say that we can’t kill them with some fireballs anyway? My powers are super charged and apparently yours are too. Let’s try it out what is the worst that could happen?”

“Um, we could die Sherlock. I’m not ready to die. I just met my mate, I’m reunited with my family and I don’t want to lose the time that I could have with them.”

“Ok Monika but just listen to what I am saying we can do this, trust in your powers that you and Sebastian both have. I know that John and I are a lot stronger together than we are apart and I know you feel that too. If the demon throws something at us summon it to you and throw it back at it. I don’t know if that will kill it, but it is worth a try. We can send Jacob to get some potions, spells and weapons. But I am telling you that we don’t need them.” With that she walked away to Jacob and told him to go and get the things we needed and he was gone before I had the chance to protest.

He was back quicker than I thought possible but then again we are magical. We sent Robert to go and look for Sam and the others because we didn’t want them to be left alone. And he was told to look for Maia and her group as well after they found Sean’s group. Then we made our way back towards the room that held the demonic power.