Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

When I came to, I was in the infirmary and I looked over to see John lying down next to me. He had a series of tubes sticking out of him and as I looked at myself I to had a series of tubes sticking out of me. Rebecca was by my side in an instant as she noticed me moving.

“Don’t move. You almost died. You took all of your strength and John’s, your both really weak. I tried to heal you, but I couldn’t. All I could think of was that the spell you were under is keeping your injuries from being healed magically.” She stopped and stared at me with sorrow and something else in her eyes, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

I tried to speak, but there was a tube in my throat. Rebecca noticed and she removed it. She gave me some water to wet my throat and after that I talked, it sounded raspy, but at least I could talk. “In my vision quest or dream state I was in, I don’t even know what to call it, but someone else had your ability to wield an iceball. I was almost frozen alive to be shattered later. They had me held down on the frozen cement floor whipping me. I tried with all I had to break free but I couldn’t. I heard John telling me I was getting weaker and I had to fight to get out. So I did. I used his power and strength to get out.” Tears slid down my cheeks as I tried to continue my story. “I had to make it back. I had to for him, for me, and for this.” I said putting a hand over my belly. “I knew I was pregnant for two days and I was waiting to tell you guys till after the fighting calmed down some. I didn’t want you to sideline me, when we need each other.” Crying now I tried to roll over but Rebecca stopped me.

“I knew you were pregnant. My wolf knew. Your smell your scent changed. I didn’t know why until now, but Alana, I’m afraid.” I cut her off.

“Don’t tell me that. Don’t tell me I lost my baby. I can’t take that. I know I didn’t lose it. I would feel that I did.”

She got up said “I’m sorry.” and left the room. I stayed there crying for what felt like hours before I fell back asleep.


When I left Alana’s room I went in search of Sebastian. We haven’t had much married couple time since we got mated and I was in desperate need of a talk with someone I could trust in. The truth is I’m not sure if she really did lose the baby, but the different smell she had gotten is suddenly gone.

I found him in our room. He was reading which didn’t surprise me. He was always reading something; whether it was the potions and spells books or the books on all the different kinds of demons. This one he was reading was for fun. I’m not sure what it’s called but I saw a picture of a vampire on it. So I guess maybe it was research. He put the book down as soon as he saw me and got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss.

“Hi honey. How are things going? Did they wake up?” he asked as he walked with me to the sofa that sat in front of the window. I took a seat and looked up at him and nodded my head. “So why don’t you look relieved?” He asked curious as to my reaction.

“Well Alana woke up but she told me she was pregnant. That she fought so hard to make it out of there for her, John, and the baby.” I paused thinking how to go about saying this. I mean how do I tell him that I knew something and didn’t share it with anyone. “She had a different scent before she went into that spell. I couldn’t figure out why she smelt different, my wolf knew instantly, but I pushed it aside. When she woke up the scent was gone. I feel bad but I don’t understand why she doesn’t smell that way anymore. I’m sure John smelt the different scent too, but he hasn’t woken up yet. I’m afraid she used to much of his energy and he wont wake up.”  I laid my head on his shoulder and let out my tears that I was holding back. He rubbed my back gently while I let it out.

“If she thinks she is still pregnant, then maybe she is. A mother always knows these things. Maybe you should turn and let your wolf out, she will know instantly Alpha’s are protective and with her being pregnant she would guard her instantly.” He said as he was rubbing my back and trying to comfort me. I took in his words of wisdom and realized that I was keeping my wolf at bay and I should let her out.

I looked up at him and kissed him. The kiss lasted a few minutes before I pulled away. I looked into his eyes and said “You know you’re quite smart when you need to be. I think I’ll go to her room now, she should be asleep again.”

“When I need to be?” he said playfully. “How about always darling, that’s why we were made for each other, were both smart and need the other to help guide each other.” He said and kissed my forehead.

I got up and left to the infirmary. I wanted to try and heal John too, but I don’t know if it will work because he is weak because Alana is weak. I hope her baby is ok. I hope I’m just going crazy and this is all a dream.

When I get to the infirmary there was a lot of visitors. John surprisingly was awake and talking to Peter. He looked as if he was struggling to stay awake and talk, so I told everyone to leave. John looked over at me relived and smiled while he laid down and went back to sleep. I focused my attention on Alana. I sent her a message through her mind to let her know I was trying something out and not to freak out when she sees me turn. She nodded her head in agreement and I quickly undressed and turned.

When I went closer to her my wolf perked up a lot as I heard a very faint and very weak heartbeat. I left the mind communication open between Alana and I so we don’t wake up John. “I need to heal her, she is very weak I don’t think shes going to make it, that’s why you don’t smell the same way.”

She looked at me with watery eyes and said “She?” pausing to wipe her eyes she then asked “How? I thought you couldn’t heal me, wouldn’t that mean you cant heal her?”

“Yes she, that’s what my wolf says. And as for healing I think if I concentrate only on her it should work.” I said hoping that it works. I went back to the bathroom and changed back and got dressed. When I went back into the room Alana was half asleep. I guess she is tired too. I hope after doing this I can get her strength up more.

“I’m going to try it now, please stay still.” I said with concern lacing my voice. I took a seat next to her and concentrated on the tiny weak beating heart inside her belly. I laid my hand over her abdomen and focused on healing the baby. I slowly heard the heart beat faster as she grew stronger. I felt my wolf get excited at the baby’s progress. “I think I did it.” I said and looked over to see her sleeping.

I went over to John to see if he was doing any better and he was awake. I wondered how much of that he saw and what he would think that I knew and he didn’t. “How do you feel?” I asked him as I approached his bed. He looked at me dumb founded as if I should know.

“I actually feel better, what were you doing to Alana?” He asked me.

I looked at him and felt sorrow. I didn’t know how to tell him that his mate was going to have a baby and that I just saved her from dying. So I started from the beginning and told him how my wolf took in a different scent and knew instantly that she was pregnant. Then when she came out of the spell she didn’t smell that way anymore. I left out the part of me talking to Sebastian, the less people he thinks that know about her being pregnant before him the better. I told him that if I turned into my wolf that I would sense the baby. I sensed her and she was very weak, so I healed her.

“I think it worked anyway, because Alana is asleep I don’t know how that affected her. You’re awake though, so it must have been enough to heal you too.”

He looked at me thoughtful and said “Yes, it must have been. I hope she is alright. How do you know that the baby is a girl?”

I laughed a little at the question. “It must be connected to my wolf powers. The Alpha wolf knows all that goes on with her pack, it must be a way to keep track or to let me protect them. I’m not really sure, but you are having a girl. And by the strength of the heart I would say she’s about two months along.”

He smiled a big smile and got up to lay down with Alana. “Thank you Rebecca. I don’t know how to repay you for bringing my family together.”

“You’re welcome. Get some rest.” I left them and went in search of my hubby. I needed to tell him the good news.


Walking down the hall towards Sean’s room I spotted Rebecca. I haven’t seen her much since she has been so worked up about Arianna and her becoming a wolf and everything else that has happened. I was in need of some alone time with her and this was the perfect time. I walked right up to her and pulled her into the weapons room.

“Hey what are you doing?” she said as her eyes turned yellow. I know she would never hurt me it was just the instinct of the wolf.

“I’m just trying to talk to you. I haven’t really had any time to talk with anyone apart from Sean because you and Alana have been so busy trying to figure everything out. So talk to me. How are you and Sebastian? How is being a wolf?” pausing to wait for her I thought of what I really needed to talk about Sean.

“We are great. I love being a wolf. It’s a different feeling but it feels great. It is so much more than words can describe. I feel free when I’m in my wolf form. I have no stress except keeping my pack safe.” She said with the happiest look I have ever seen on her face yet.

I closed the door and put a spell around the room to keep others from hearing what I was about to talk about with her. I could trust her and Alana only and I know she would do everything she could to help me out. She must have seen me struggling with how to tell her what’s going on because she asked me “Honey what’s wrong? Is everything ok?”

“No” I said with a tear streaming down my cheek. “I think Sean may be involved in whatever it was or is that Jacob is in. He’s been acting very sketchy lately. Sneaking around being secretive and I can’t take it no more. I don’t know how else to just come out and tell him off. We are newly mated so I know he may have some things he won’t want to share with me right away but I need something. He hasn’t talked to me the way he did when he first found me in about two weeks. Rebecca I’m dying here. How can this be happening? We’re mated together forever and he’s just going to cut me out right in the beginning?” I was balling now, I couldn’t help myself. “I feel so betrayed.” I said in a sob with my head against her chest.

She rubbed my back and stayed silent for a few moments and I wondered if she was talking to Sebastian. I know he wouldn’t defy her trust, but I didn’t like thinking she was already talking to him. “I don’t know what to say to that except that maybe you should go talk to him. I mean he could have a perfect explanation for all of it if you just sat him down and talked to him. Tell him how he’s making you feel and tell him you’re concerned for your newly blossomed relationship.” She said in the sweetest voice; concern clearly lacing it. She continued to sooth me as I tried to get myself together.

I sat up and wiped eyes and as I did I let the shield down around the room. I heard a lot of commotion outside the door but I ignored it. Rebecca stood up and smiled. “Are you better now?” she asked me. “I have something I want to show you. Can you follow me?” she asked and started walking towards the door. I agreed and followed her out.

She brought me to the ballroom. We never ever use this room and I forgot we even had it. It’s located downstairs under the first floor but over the basement. It’s huge with stained glass windows and big glass doors that are partially tinted. And the floor is hardwood and shiny. It’s beautiful in here but I had no idea what she was doing down here though, no one comes in here. “What are we doing down here?” I finally asked.

She looked at me smiled and then said “Open the doors, but keep your eyes closed it’s a surprise.”

“Ok.” was all I said in return and closed my eyes and pushed open the doors. I felt Rebecca leave my side but I still didn’t want to open my eyes not until she said I could.

“You can open them now.” She said from what sounded like across the room.

I complied and when I opened them and looked around I was completely shocked. But before I could say anything a big “SURPRISE!” erupted from the crowd of people. I didn’t know what to say but I was glad for the momentary loss of speech because I was about to cry.

Sean walked out from the group and handed me a gift and a bouquet of flowers that looked like he picked from the garden. But it didn’t matter because he picked all my favorites. “Happy birthday my love. I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you when you needed me, but I was trying to put this together for you with the help of Rebecca and the others of course.” He said with the cutest grin on his face.

“Man now I feel stupid forever thinking you had a part in whatever it is I thought. Thank you so much and I’m very happy for this special day.” I said and kissed him. I was taken away by everyone and brought around the room dancing and talking with everyone including the wolves. This day made me forget about everything. “I have the best man in the world and the best family I could ever ask for. You all are like my family, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. Even if you aren’t my blood I would never trade this family for any other.” I said to every one as the night ended.

Rebecca came to me last and told me that Alana is awake and well and she has a very special gift to give me. I told her thank you and went hand in hand with Sean up to see John and Alana. When we got there Alana and John were sharing a bed which must mean they are doing a lot better. I had to smile as soon as I saw them they looked like a happy couple even on a sick bed they still looked so happy.

“Hi guys.” I said as I walked closer to them. Sean took a seat next to the bed and I joined him.

“Hi.” They both said in unison. “Happy birthday Clarisse. How did you like your surprise? And I’m sorry we couldn’t make it there.” Alana said sounding really sorry for missing the party.

“It was great and so unexpected. And don’t you worry about missing anything I understand that you couldn’t make it and trust me your health is much more important than a party anyways.” I said to them both. “So Rebecca says you have something for me? Can I just say that you didn’t really need to get me anything. I have everything I could ever want or need right here with all of us.” I said motioning around.

They looked at each other and smiled and I saw John nod his head. “We are going to be having a baby.” Alana said sounding so happy.

“Really? Oh my god! When did you find out? How far are you?” I couldn’t contain my excitement. They told me everything including how Rebecca saved the baby and that ended up making them both stronger. “Wow.” Was all I could say after they finished. I was in awe with Rebecca’s courage to save Alana and Alana’s courage to make it out alive.

“Yes, it is a lot to take in at once but we know that she is definitely on our side and I am very grateful for that.” Alana said to me. She still sounded very drained; but I figured that was because of the baby and the battle. Her wounds were still there, unable to be healed by magic, but she still looked a lot stronger.

I left them so they can rest and I went to my room. Sean and I showered quickly and then climbed into bed. I had the best night’s sleep I could have ever wanted and I was very grateful for the first nights full rest in a long time.


I awoke to a loud thump outside my door. I tried to get up and see what it was but I was still attached to tubes and I couldn’t move that well. I turned over to see that John was no longer in bed with me. That didn’t make me feel any better. I tried to tell myself that nothing could happen to me in here surrounded by my covenant, but it didn’t work. Would you believe it if you were attacked in your own covenant surrounded by the most powerful witches and no one could do a damn thing about it?

I unplugged my wires and took out my tubes and quietly got up. I had to steady myself because I haven’t walked much since the spell. My legs felt like Jell-O and I practically dragged myself to the door. When I got to the door I was almost knocked over by John pushing the door open. Good thing he was trying to be quiet about it because I would have eaten the floor.

He was carrying a glass vase with yellow, red, and pink Tulips, my favorite flowers. He looked at me apologetically and said “Did I wake you?”

He looked so sweet and concerned I wanted to lie and say no, but I could never lie to him. “Yes, but its ok I was ready to get up and out of this room anyway.”

“You sure?” He asked me sounding genuinely relived to get out of here as well. He helped me shower and dress then he took me out for a walk around the garden. We sat there for quite some time just soaking up the sun and enjoying the freedom from the infirmary room that we’ve been locked in for days. 

I looked over at him and smiled. He looked so happy and I mimicked him. We were finally getting what we wanted, a baby, a family, and most of all I have my best friend back. She truly is the most powerful witch of our time. I couldn’t compete with her, not that I would want to, but if she had stayed with us and received her training from the beginning she could have changed everything that has ever happened to us.

I felt a strange tingling on my stomach and immediately lifted my shirt and checked it out. When I lifted it up John was right there to see what I was doing. “Are you ok? What’s wro…” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw that all my wounds were all of a sudden gone. And left in their place was smooth skin. “How did that happen?” he said to me in awe.

I didn’t know what to say. I honestly didn’t know myself. “I don’t know. Do you think? No it couldn’t be. Could it?” I asked John at a loss of words. Then we both said at the same “The baby?” and I got right up and ran to Rebecca.

I couldn’t stop until I found her. I tried to send her messages through the Alpha bond, but all I got was blankness back. I ran to her room to find that it was empty. I ran to where she liked to hide out in the unused library, she wasn’t there neither. I checked all over the compound and she was nowhere to be found. I looked for Sebastian and but I couldn’t find him neither. “Where could they be?” I asked John. He just shook his head and kept running with me. “We have to call the team together. In her absence I can claim the alpha powers and call the wolves to us you go and get the rest of us.” I said in a panic.

I tapped into the Alpha power and told the wolves “Rebecca and Sebastian are missing I need you all here now. I’m in the meeting room, and any witch or warlock you see on your way down here, tell them to come too.” I said trying to put authority in my voice to them. It worked because I heard them all say “Yes, Alana.” Well it’s no Alpha but I’ll take it.

I was the last one to the meeting room. I was originally the first one there but I went to Westville Dam just to check if I would see Rebecca there. I felt even worse when I realized that she wasn’t and that Arianna had probably gotten to her. We never made our plan on getting into and out of the compound because of the spell that the imposters had me in and then me being hospitalized. It just took too long for all of us to be well and together at once. I guess this is the thing that is going to bring us together and on such bad terms. When I’m pissed anyone who gets in my way will wish they hadn’t.

I took my seat at the head of the table. I waited for everyone to quiet down before I started. Most of what I heard was them worrying about what happened to Rebecca and hoping she and Sebastian are ok. When they noticed me there waiting for them they immediately stopped the talking and waited for me to begin.

“As many if not all of you are aware we have been trying to figure out a way into the Elements Covenant’s compound. Until recently Rebecca and I have undergone some secret missions there and back. We were trying to watch out for anyone keeping watch and any signs of the magical alarms that we use.” Pausing to watch the faces of our very big and very powerful covenant, I thought of how much to tell them. Do I tell them it all? They looked hurt as it was that we didn’t use any of them in our missions.

“I can see the hurt in your faces. I am sorry. We were trying to protect you all. And since we are the two strongest of us all we thought we could handle anything that happened. Besides Rebecca has ways of contacting her wolves and we could have sent out signals to our mates to come to our rescue if things went bad. Any ways the point is we found a hidden entrance that isn’t visible unless you are on the inside of the compound. The door is just around the corner of a bush, the problem is we might set off the alarms if we enter that way. There is a guard in the front and one in the rear. We haven’t seen any other guards on duty apart from the two that were keeping watch. The bad part is that I am pretty sure they have fire power or some other active power because they weren’t armed.” I stopped as I got interrupted by Eva and by Clarisse.

“Clarisse you speak first, then Eva. Please next time don’t interrupt me.” I said a little upset that I was interrupted by Clarisse who knows that I like to finish what I was saying first and then by Eva, who doesn’t quite know much yet but she will soon.

“I don’t understand one thing why are you telling us this? I mean we don’t even know for sure that they are there we could infiltrate their compound and then what? They have been brainwashed to follow ridiculous rules and they have probably been ordered to kill us all on sight.”

I thought about that and I had to agree. We had no idea what we’re getting into but I couldn’t let them suffer. “You’re right of course but that is why we need to get into there without being caught. As for knowing where they are being held, I have no idea neither but they could be there in their cells and they may not be locked in the same cell, but they could be in the same room.” pausing to stop the tears from coming I took a deep breath and continued. “I’m going in with or without you guys, I’d prefer with you but I can handle myself.” I stood up tall and held my head high so they all knew I was serious. I could not and would not let anything happen to them without a fight.


I awoke to a cold dark room. I sat up straight and examined my surroundings. I was definitely not in my room where I was when I went to bed last. I rolled over and looked for Sebastian but I couldn’t see him. “Sebastian?” I called out. I heard a faint noise on the other side of the room. I got up and realized I was in a cell like the ones in our compound but much worse. These walls were not being taken care of. They had scorch marks on them presumably from the demons they held captive here. The mattress smelt like mold and it was colder than it should be considering the temperature outside is in the mid-eighties. I must have been taken while I was asleep but how?

I called to Sebastian again and I heard him moaning. They must have knocked him out. “Sebastian, are you ok? How did we get here?”

 “I’m fine, apart from the lump on my head on a sore back from lying on this crappy bed. I saw someone come into our room around one. I was still up but I didn’t get a good look at them before they hit me with something and then I passed out. I don’t remember anything else apart from that. Are you ok?” he asked sounding concerned.

“I’m fine too. Did they put a spell on me? I don’t understand how I wouldn’t have woken up from someone touching me.” And then it hit me. I couldn’t see that well in this dark place when I first woke up. I can see fine now but I can’t feel my wolf. “I can’t feel my wolf. They did something to me to take away my powers. They know I can communicate with the pack and Alana that is the only reason they would have taken away my wolf.” I was panicking now. I haven’t even been a wolf for that long but I relied on her for a lot since I came to be one. “Babe what am I supposed to do?” I was angry now and panicking a lot. I didn’t want the others to walk into a trap. I needed to get my wolf back, but how?

“Calm down love. There is nothing getting that angry is going to do other than backfire when you let that fireball go.” He said as this huge red ball of fire was growing bigger and bigger the angrier I got.

“I can feel her. She is being repressed by some kind of spell or potion. The more angrier I get the more I can feel her.” and just as I was about to reach my wolf the door to the cellar flew wide open and in walked a middle aged woman with dark red curly hair. Her dark brown eyes looked evil from here. She snarled when she seen my fire ball and I let it go straight at her. I knew it wasn’t going to go through the cage but I wanted to show her that I wasn’t afraid.

“You must be Arianna?” I said in my calmest voice ever. My wolf was surfacing more now and I felt her calm me down from the inside out.

“Why yes I am. And let me say I am very disappointed in you Rebecca; I pictured you much more powerful than that. But let me guess your wolf helps you with that part too bad huh? I had to get rid of that dog while you’re in here I can’t risk you breaking my cages that you two are in. I hope you slept well.” She said with an evil smile playing at the corners of her lips. At least she didn’t know my wolf was back already; guess she didn’t picture me being as powerful as I really am.

“Why did you take us here? What are we to you? You do know that they will come for you right?”

“I count on it. Which is why I took you both. You see I needed them to not worry so much that you were both gone. They would figure you went to spend some time alone and you would be back, by the time they figure out where you are it would be too late. I would have gathered my forces and you would all lose and your powers would be mine.” She said as if it was the best plan she ever came up with.

“They know we never leave without telling them no one does. So I guess your plan failed after all.” My wolf itched to be let out but I held her back I couldn’t let her know that I had the upper hand. Not just yet. Lying to buy some time so I can send a message to Alana and my second I said, “What are you going to do to a vampire? He has no powers left in him. When he turned he lost them all. Are you just going to kill him for nothing?”

Her face fell and I could tell she wasn’t expecting me to tell her that she took the wrong guy. “What do you mean he has no powers?” she sounded furious.

“I mean transitioning into a were is much more different that transitioning i