Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

We all looked shocked at the same time as we all received a message from Rebecca. The witches and warlocks were wondering what was happening, but we were getting our message fully before we told them anything. Then all of a sudden as she was telling us to hurry up it went black again. The roar from the wolves was loud enough for the others to understand that something happened to their Alpha and they were not happy.

“Alana, tell us what happened please tell me they didn’t kill her.” Clarisse pleaded with me.

“I honestly don’t know what to tell you. She was telling us that Arianna has her and Sebastian and they are locked in the cells. She took her wolf away and that is why we couldn’t contact her before. It went black before she told us what was happening but she told us to hurry up. Arianna must have something planned if Rebecca sounded that panicked.” I felt more stressed now than I had before. “I felt her pain, when she was hit, if she survives she is going to need a lot of healing and she is the only healer we have. I don’t think they are able to heal themselves but with her we never know the limits to her abilities. At least we know that they are being held in the Elements cells. It gives us an advantage they won’t see coming.”

We spent the next hour going over our plan on how to rescue them and take out Arianna. I know she has dedicated followers but if she dies maybe the spell she has on them will go away and they will see to reason. I don’t like the idea of killing a fellow witch especially one that I knew so well growing up. I have to believe she only used my parents as a distraction and they are gone for good. I feel an empty hole getting bigger at the thought of it being filled and then taken away just as quickly.

I tried to focus on the task at hand. Get in, get my friends out and to safety, and get Arianna. I am to be the one to take her down. I will not stop until she is dead. I have someone to live for now and I will not let Arianna come between my precious daughter and her family.


I’ve had many nights to think about how I grew up and how my parents abandoned me, but I never thought I’d see this even in my wildest dreams and all the magic in the world.

It was a chilly morning and I was playing out in the garden with Alana. She was teaching me how to tie my shoes and I just couldn’t get it. I heard mom and dad yelling saying that they had to hide me away because she won’t let me live. I tried to hear more but I only got bits and pieces of it. Mostly my dad was demanding I get dropped off somewhere and they never look back. My mom was furious and she left and went back inside. Then this shimmer appeared and my dad was talking to someone else, a woman, he said I’ll take care of her she will be dead by morning. That is when I heard the unmistakable laugh of the woman he was speaking to. It was Arianna. “Are you really going to kill your own daughter so I can kill this covenant, your covenant? I don’t believe you but if in fact you do go through with this I will grant you immunity. I will not harm you or your mate. But you must kill her by morning or you suffer the same fate as the rest of them.” And then she was gone. My dad came out to get me and Alana and took us inside with him.

Then I woke up in a cold dark cell. I saw blood on the floor and a gash in my chest where the energy ball hit me. I tried to get up but I couldn’t I was in so much pain. That’s when I felt a tingle on my skin where the gash was. I looked down and it was healing itself. I don’t know much about healers, but I was sure they couldn’t heal themselves, but I won’t complain. I got up and looked for Sebastian. I looked over at his cell and fell to my knees at the sight of a crumpled Sebastian on the floor.

I felt my wolf wanting to get out and take the lead and I was compliant when I took my clothes off and turned in the tiny cell. It didn’t hold that long after my wolf came out I took advantage of the crappy steel and pushed hard once and it came apart. I raced over to Sebastian’s cell and broke it down too. I tried to get my healers power to work in my wolf form and it surprised me when it worked. He had the same mark on his chest that I did and I had to wonder if we are that connected that he went down the same way I did, but why didn’t he heal when I healed myself? It took a little longer to heal his wound than it did mine, but he healed and he smiled up at me with some other emotion in his eyes, Sympathy? Then I remembered we share visions and he probably saw that dream one too.

“Sit up, how are you feeling?” I asked. He looked up at me and smiled again with that same look.

“I’m fine thank you. And I’m sorry. You should have never had to deal with that dream alone. I’m sorry your dad wasn’t a good man. Now let’s get out of here.” He said standing up on shaky legs. Guess he wasn’t recovered fully but he didn’t let that stop him.

“I know the way out and I’m sure you do too since you were there for some of our missions. Let’s take the left and then I’ll send a message to the wolves that we are fine and to get here quickly.  

We opened the door to find that it was unguarded. Stupid witch, she must really underestimate me if she thought I was out for the count. I looked around the corner and back at Sebastian he had a bag slung over his shoulder and I looked at him and he shrugged saying “You’re going to need your clothes love if you want to change back to your human form.” I just shook my head smiling. We went left and dodged a sleeping guard on a chair a little ways away from our door. It looked to me like he was supposed to be guarding someone or something else but I didn’t want to wake him to find out what was behind that door, so I kept going. When we came to a corner I stopped and sent Alana and the others a quick message saying we are safe and we are trying to escape as we speak. What surprised me most was she said they were already here. So I pushed harder and faster to get out and help my friends and family, because what Arianna is planning may be the end of us and I don’t want them to face it alone. Sebastian my lovely Sebastian must have read my thoughts as he matched me step for step with the same urgency that I felt. I am so grateful for having him as my soul mate. We came to the last corner that leads to the stairs and Sebastian stopped me. He must have heard something because he told me to change back and hide in the shadows I did as he told me and I quickly dressed. I heard the door open and Sebastian was holding me to the wall one hand on either side of my head and he pressed me tight to the wall as whatever it was he was hiding me from passed by.

He gently kissed my lips and then moved away and said “Be very quiet but quick because they are about to find out we are gone.” I loved his vampire hearing. He ushered me up the steps and I focused on my walk so I wouldn’t be so loud. Calling forth my wolf a little helped quiet my steps and helped me go faster.

As soon as we opened the door the strength of my pack hit me like a ton of bricks. They were all here and hiding until it was time. I heard a collective “Alpha you’re ok.” in my head as they all must have felt my presence. I nodded and moved quietly into a spot that was big enough for the both of us. This big meeting room was covered in chairs and tables and long dark drapes that covered the two huge windows. I was hiding under a drape and Sebastian was in another one close to me.

“What are we waiting for? And what’s the plan?” I asked to all of them sounding every bit the Alpha that I was.

It was Alana who spoke to me and she said, “We were waiting for you. But before we could do anything we saw two demons go downstairs and then right before we were about to go down there after them you came out. We didn’t really have a plan but I didn’t bring many demon potions I wasn’t expecting her to have a demon party.” She said sarcastically.

I felt her out, it wasn’t hard since her babies heart beat was extremely strong now. And I felt her worry and fear. Fear of losing the battle and of losing her baby. Worry that we weren’t ok, or would get severely hurt in the process. I sent her an image of me healing myself and then healing Sebastian and felt her shock and ease at the same time. “We have everything we need right here in the very room. Where are our witches and warlocks?”

“They are outside around the premises guarding and looking out; I have two wolves out there to communicate to us as well.” She said sounding more confident now than a few moments ago.

“So what are we waiting for?” I yelled thorough the bond. “Let’s go give them what they deserve!”

I heard the wolves outside howl and my wolf itched to howl as well, but I kept her calm. The longer they don’t know we’re in here the better off we will be. We came up with the plan to split up. This was a big compound and even though the numbers were on our side there was still a lot of ground to cover before we could attack. And the demons may be our biggest problem.

We had three wolves with every group of witches and warlocks. Each group was set up into four plus three wolves. We had three wolves left over after the five groups. They came with us. My group consisted of Clarisse, Sean, Alana, John, Sebastian, Jorge, Eva, and Avery. I know we are all the strongest, but we are heading upstairs to Arianna’s room and I know she will have reinforcements with her. I carried up the rear with Sebastian. Alana and John were in the front and the rest were in the middle. We searched every room on our way up and found them all empty as if they were expecting this to happen. When we reached her room, Alana signaled to me to change and I did so without preserving my clothes. Sebastian just chuckled and I shook my head, no way was I going to strip down in front of my pack and fellow covenant members.

She opened the door slowly and signaled for all of us to follow. I stayed behind with Avery and Sebastian. The rest went in and searched and found nothing. No Arianna, no entourage, nothing just an empty dirty room. “What the hell? Did she know we were coming? How could she have known we were coming?” then it hit me. “The basement! She wanted to lure you all down there and we have a team of six going down there as we speak. Not to mention they aren’t the strongest of us. Jorge and Eva you two head down there now and try to send them a message if you can, and we will teleport the rest of us. If you find anyone else on your way down tell them to meet us down there.” I said and they took off but not before “Yes Alpha.” Shot out of their mouths faster than I have ever heard someone speak before.

We made it to the basement just as Arianna introduced her demon friends to the basement group. I watched Jake’s face light up when he saw us just as one of the demons threw a high voltage energy ball at him. Clarisse screamed and then the whole room froze. I turned to look and Clarisse winked at me. Everyone in the room apart from our team was frozen. Jake stood there in shock for a few seconds while it registered that he almost died. Peter and Jessica yelled at him to move as the room unfroze. I wasted no time shooting my iceballs at them. They froze and then I threw fire at them to burn them. I heard Jessica scream as she watched a demon shove a dagger into Peter’s side. She fell to her knees and I raced to her to try and heal him before he died and left their children without parents.

Jumping over fallen bodies of demons, witches, warlocks, and one were, I made it there faster than I thought possible. I laid my hands over his wound and healed the gash, but the dagger had demon poisoning on it and he needed help. “Take him to the infirmary. I healed the easiest part but the most deadly part is the poisoning that was left on the blade of the dagger. They need to treat him and take the poison out I can’t heal it.” I said and Jessica nodded her head and then they were gone.

I was up and fighting off a demon with ugly blisters on his face and one eye in the middle of his forehead. He had green ooze all over him and I was afraid to touch him. He came at me and I threw a fireball at him. He dodged it, how? I couldn’t explain. He was a fat lazy looking demon but he was fast. I tried an iceball and it hit him. He froze long enough for me to kill him. So I threw a fireball right at him and he exploded leaving a nasty smelling green ooze in the spot he had been frozen in. I turned just in time to see a witch from the elements covenant coming straight at me. She had a wicked grin on her face and I threw an iceball at her. It hit her but then she disappeared. When I turned to look where she went it was to late she had gotten her arms around my neck and was choking me. Since I was in my wolf form I couldn’t get loose and I felt my breathe getting shallower the longer she held me like that.

 I was just about to turn into my human form to break free when I felt her arms get ripped away from me. I gasped trying to catch my breath and I turned my head. When I saw who it was I couldn’t believe it. It was a warlock from the Elements covenant. He had bright blue eyes and bleach blonde hair he had crooked smile, in a way that reminded me of my father. He killed the witch with a fireball and I had to make sure my mouth was closed, because I could have sworn he was my brother. I remember Alana telling me that only certain and few witches and warlocks have the ability to throw fireballs and with him looking like a younger version of my father I had to wonder.

I didn’t have much time to ponder those thoughts because a dagger came and hit me in the shoulder. I whined like a wounded dog and turned back to my human form. The blue eyed stranger took the dagger out and threw it back at the warlock who threw it at me; got him right in the chest and he went down. I didn’t have to look to know that was a kill shot and I thanked God that he was on my side at the moment. My healing powers took over and it a few seconds my wound was healed and I was able to get up again. Using the shirt he gave me to cover myself I stayed in my human form and fought like that. I didn’t keep my wolf to far from coming out because with her I’m stronger.

I told him thank you and he had my back as we fought off his covenant and the demons that this covenant seemed to have in their pockets. I was still in awe at how Arianna was able to get these demons to do her dirty work. I haven’t been able to see her nor get to her. I reached out to Sebastian and felt his encouragement through our bond and I kept going. I looked everywhere for her and I couldn’t seem to find her. Then I realized I couldn’t see Alana either.

Chapter 13

I spotted Arianna from across the room. I didn’t try and fight with any one as I made my way to her. I killed as I needed to, to get across the room. When I got to her she had disappeared. I looked and noticed there was a passageway still open in the wall. I knew it was dumb but I was determined to kill her myself and I had the power to send a message to any wolf in this room. I followed it down and it led to another hallway which after three turns led to an exit. The door was closed already and I tried it and it opened. I had my fire ready and I stepped into the dark room. With my wolf vision I could see the room perfectly and I was thankful for that. I took a good look at the room and noticed there was another door and that this room was empty. Like a big empty room to waste space.

I went to where the door was and stopped. I couldn’t help but see the outline of where there was something hung on the wall. I touched it and moved along the wall looking at the marks of everything that used to decorate the walls of this empty depressing room. I stopped when I came to an outline of a name. “Wyatt.” I said out loud and wondered why they would keep a child down here. I jumped as I heard the door open.

I stuck to the shadows and stayed quiet. I tried to see who it was and failed. The smell let me know that it was Arianna and she wasn’t alone. They weren’t talking but she lingered near the door for a while. I was ready to get out of the shadows when she spotted me. I don’t know how she did in the dark and across the room, but she was next to me in less than a second.

At that moment I wished for Rebecca to be here with me to throw an iceball at her. For some reason I became scared for my life, I knew it was because I wanted to protect my baby, but I couldn’t allow myself to get like this. I picked up my hand and shot a fire ball at her. She dodged around it and then I was held down by some shadow. I knew it was a demon and I have never heard of this demon before. I needed help. I needed to know how I could get it off of me. I couldn’t touch it and if I couldn’t touch it then how could I get loose? I struggled and struggled and heard Arianna laughing because she had me and I couldn’t get free.

“What do you want from me?” I screamed at her. “Let me go and face me by yourself instead of hiding behind demons and your loyal followers.” I said it to see if it would bother and maybe let the demons let me go, but it didn’t work.

“Are you a fool?” she asked me in the wickedest way possible. “I have you right where I want you. You see, you and Rebecca will be the ones to change the way we all live and fight. I’ve seen it in a vision. You two will lead longer than any witch has ever been able to. And yes it’s because of your wolves and her vampire. I want to end that vision right now.” She said and jammed a dagger into my abdomen.

“Ahhhh!” I cried out and heard her laugh. She pulled the blade back and the pain immediately subsided and my wound healed. I know I don’t have the power to heal anyone let alone myself, so it must be the baby.

Relived and worried at the same time I found more strength and adrenaline to keep going. I kicked out at her and knocked her down. She was shocked to see me moving after taking a dagger to the abdomen. I rocked myself up to kick my legs over my head to knock the demon down. I didn’t knock him down but he definitely let go of me when I came near his face with my foot.

Free and feeling stronger by the second I sent a fireball towards the demon. And surprisingly it hit him right on although he didn’t die it definitely wounded him. I threw a few more at him until I knew for sure he was down and not able to come after me and then I threw one more just for good measure. That one finally blew him up. And then he disappeared.

I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Arianna running through the door her and the shadow demon came through. I chased her this time well aware of the fact that if I let her go I would never get the chance to kill her. I chased her down the hall into yet another empty room. This time though she just stood there in the middle of the room. I sensed it as soon as I walked into the room. The power flowing through her was suffocating.

This is where she controls the demons. This is how she gets them to follow her. I felt the flutter of my baby girl inside of me, which made me feel that she was well aware of the danger we are in. I fought the urge to run as I forced myself to stand my ground.

“I know you can feel the power in this room. I watched the puzzled looked on your face and heard you catch your breath. This is my room. This is where I perform my spells; not just any spells, my demonic side has been fighting to come out for some time now and I kept pushing it aside. Until the day my mate was taken from me. That pushed me over the edge and I will never be that same pathetic little half witch again.” She said as she stalked closer towards me.

I couldn’t believe what she said. She said she was half a witch and half a demon. “How is that possible? How can you be half demon?” I asked her more puzzled this time. But the amount of demonic energy I felt in this room was telling me she was not lying.

“Well since I plan on killing you I guess I can tell you the story of my parents and how it ties into me taking rebecca’s brother. Oh yes she had a brother, but none of you will ever know that because she was brought into this world after they thought they lost their first born, which in a way they did. I cast a spell to make it look like he was a stillborn. Yes I know how tragic? Well the point is I cast that spell to have a baby of my own and to keep your covenant weak. While you’re depressed and grieving you don’t pay attention to much that goes on around you.” She paused and thought for a minute watching how I took in what she was saying to me. I forced myself to remain unaffected by what she said even though it killed me.

“I guess you’re not concerned? Well I named him Wyatt and I kept him close to me, which was down here in the first room. He was locked up in here but had everything he ever needed, he didn’t fight me nor did he try to escape. He more than likely felt the energy from this room from time to time which is what kept him in line. At least that is what I think it is. Anyway my mother, she was a demon. She was a shape-shifter; she took the shape of a warlocks mate. She seduced him to create me. When he found out that she was a demon he killed her, but not before she had me. I have my father’s features and he knew it the moment he laid his eyes on me that I was his. He kept me, raised me like a witch and never told anyone except me what I really was.” She stopped and looked like she was far away lost in some deep memory.

I had to give it to her, she had one hell of a secret to keep, but I was not in the mood to deal with this crap. I took advantage of the fact that she was currently distracted and I charged a fireball and threw it at her. She reacted faster than I thought she would and threw one demon charged fireball at me. I ducked out of the way and threw another one at her. She saw that one coming too and moved.

I was close enough to her that I ducked and spun my right leg around to trip her. It knocked her on her back and knocked the wind out of her. I got up to aim another hit at her but she was already up and slammed her right palm into my chest. It sent me flying across the room and I hit the wall with a thud. “Get up and run.” I kept hearing Rebecca telling me in my head but I refused. I knew I should listen to her, but I couldn’t after everything she has done to my family I couldn’t let her get away with it. So I got up and gave her everything I had.

“What did you do with Wyatt?” I grunted out as I stood up to attack again.

“Why my dear he fights for me. He is upstairs right now fighting off your covenant as long as they haven’t killed him yet.” She said as if she doubted his ability to handle a real battle. “If you saw him you would know instantly it was him, he looks like his father so much it kills me to look at him.” She sounded disgusted.

“How can you send him up there to fight if you don’t even think he would survive? Wouldn’t you miss him?” I asked angry that she has no concern for the child that she wanted to begin with.

“Because I’m a demon and demons don’t love they just create destruction. And is what I intend on doing here today.” She said as she flung a fireball at me and I whirled around and flung one back at her. It hit her arm and she looked pissed, she threw another one and she missed me and I got her again with mine. I leaped in the air and kicked her in the face, it sent her flying back and she landed on the floor with a thud. She looked to be knocked out, but I didn’t risk a glance at her I threw another fireball at her and got her in the chest.

It didn’t do anything so I grabbed for the dagger at my waist and threw it at her it hit her in the same spot and I heard a high pitched screech. And her body set on fire. I felt bad for killing her, because the only reason she turned evil was because the fates were cruel to her and stole her mate before they were mated. Her remains were different from demons remains, because those disappear and hers didn’t. They were burnt beyond recognition and if I wasn’t in the room I would say she was still out there on the loose.

Rebecca and the others came rushing through the room with more of the other covenant members than I would have thought to still be alive. I filled them in on everything that happened and explained everything including Wyatt and her half demon self. We buried her in the cemetery beside her destined mate. I thought it was a perfect fit. Now her demonic self is dead and human self is in her afterlife with her mate.