Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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The body count as minimal, apparently the demons didn’t know who was who and went after all of them. Once we all figured out they were under attack of the demons we worked together and killed them off. Then the spell broke around the Elements Covenant members and they went rushing through the doors and found Alana hovering over Arianna’s dead body.

We lost two weres, a warlock and a witch. Peter didn’t make it, which meant that Jessica didn’t either. They got to the infirmary to late and the demon poisoning was too far into his blood stream to take out. We had a beautiful service for them and their two children both spoke at the wake. They were both crying and could barely finish but we were all moved by what they said.

My two werewolves that died were Avery and Alex. They were protecting me and Sebastian and got hit in the crossfire. I tried to save Avery from the claw marks, but the poison went into his blood stream and he died shortly after. I was very upset that he died, and that Alex died as well, and I think as an Alpha it hit me harder. To lose one of my own that I was responsible for, I didn’t know how to handle it, but Sebastian helped me through it. We set up a separate area for the werewolves in the cemetery and buried them there.

After the ceremonies I talked to Wyatt. He told me how he was afraid of Arianna and only did what she asked to keep himself alive. “She kept talking about me having a sister; telling me that she made my father kill her to save his own life. I didn’t want to believe it, but she is one scary person. I never wanted to be on her bad side.” He said sounding embarrassed for admitting being scared of her.

“She wanted to use you against us. She had plans for you. If you would have showed how much you didn’t want to do her dirty work she probably would have killed you. I’m very grateful for that even though you suffered they could have killed a lot of us.” I said to him as we made our way around the garden.

I knew you were my sister. We have the same powers. I have visions and I can throw fireballs as well.” He said a little over excited.

Interesting. I thought. “Did you see me turn?” I asked him. “Is that how you knew to protect me and the wolves? Because most people of our kind would go right after the wolves instead of the witches and warlocks.”

“Yes. I don’t know why they are sent to me, but I watched the day you took down Raph. I also watched the pain you endured as you received his powers.” He stopped walking and stopped talking and looked at me skeptically. He looked as if he was fighting with himself about what to say or how to say it. “Seeing you in my visions gave me hope. Hope that my, our father wasn’t a monster that Arianna made him out to be. Was he?”

Even though every bone in my body wanted to tell him yes he is. He wanted to kill me to save his own life and take down my covenant. Instead he sent me away with no memory of who I am or where I came from. When I started to get my powers I found out I belonged to a very powerful covenant and I’m some super witch. But instead of hurting him and making him think even worse of our father I lied to him. “No he wasn’t. He was just trying to protect us.

Sebastian and I finally got the alone time we needed after being mated for several months. We went away for a week to Hawaii. It was the best relaxing week ever. We lounged by the pool, went swimming with the dolphins, went snorkeling, I learned how to surf, and we spent some time in bed. I didn’t want to come back I was having too much fun. But I knew Alana needed me, and I didn’t want to abandon her when she needed me most.

When we came home Alana was having a lot of problems with her pregnancy. It turned out that the fireballs and fighting that she endured from the last fight has taken its toll on her. I tried healing her and it worked for a few weeks then she would go back into her constant pain and bleeding. I knew the baby was still alive because I could hear her heartbeat, so I continued to heal her. When she turned thirty-five weeks we induced her and let her have her baby. If we didn’t do it then she may have lost her life. Her energy was draining daily and health was at high risk.

She delivered her baby several hours after we induced her. Her baby girl was very healthy at seven pounds and twelve ounces. She had yellow eyes and light brown hair. She was a miracle baby, and she brightened up every ones day. She called her Destiny, because it is her destiny to help save the world and to take over our very strange and powerful covenant one day. As for Alana, she was on bed rest for two weeks. I tried healing her and it worked to an extent, her body was too drained to recover that quickly with magic. I healed her a little bit every day until her last day on bed rest.

As for Wyatt, we are concerned for him, that he may be a danger to us. He didn’t move in with us even though I wanted him to. But I wanted to protect my covenant more. He comes to visit every day, we talk and get to know one another. He told me about some demon activity going on downtown. So we traced it to a bowling alley on North Street.

I sent Maia, Eva, and Jorge to go investigate it. It turns out the owner of the bowling alley is under some kind of spell and is allowing the demons to come and go as they please. When they are there they are killing innocents and the owner is so far gone he doesn’t even know what is going on.

I informed everyone about this and let them know that we have another big problem on our hands and we shouldn’t get to comfortable going after the occasional vampire and were that turned a human or fed on them. Because it looks like this is going to take everything we have.



About the Author:

I was born and raised in Southbridge MA. I have three kids and work full time as a People Department Manager at McDonalds on the Mass Pike. I love to read and I also love writing. I am currently working on Book 2 of Luna Called Luna Possessed. I am also working on another book that is about a serial killer. The name for that is a work in progress.

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