Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

We all got together in the basement so we could include Sebastian. That was my idea I desperately needed to be near him and I fought for him to be included the whole time with Alana stating “I saw it in a vision, he turns into a vampire, but he doesn’t attack us. He was smiling and laughing with us.” She let me have my way, I guessed since now she knew that we were to be mated there wasn’t much she could do to keep us apart, we will find a way to be together, and she was right I would. So now here we were down in the cold basement discussing what we were going to do.

“Well I think we plan an attack. We need to take down Raphael and the sooner the better. He’s getting old, it should be easy” said Peter.

“Um did you forget that they age differently than we do? They stay younger longer than we do which is why Raphael has been in command for twenty years. Yes he’s getting older, but he is still strong.” Jack said.

I didn’t know they lived that long and they stayed young basically forever. Man this world is so confusing and much to learn and remember I don’t know how they remember it all. But I’m a fast study and I’ll get it and retain it.

Peter looked at Jack as if he had ten heads. Then said “Your right I forgot, but I still think he is getting weaker with age, we should case the building they are in and check for Sam and Robert. We could use them, if they haven’t been turned evil.” He said with a hint in his voice that he doubts we could count on that part, but didn’t want to kill our joy completely.

“You know what maybe that is what they meant in the letter. I mean I have to be able to see them. Do you have anything they might have owned still laying around maybe I could get something off of it.” Then I stopped. I forgot that I hadn’t yet told everyone that I have had and still have visions. But with everyone reading the letter I was sure they would figure it out, they aren’t dumb.

“What do you mean ‘maybe you could get something off of it’?” Peter said looking as if he was lost.

Apparently some of them were dumb I thought but I said, “I get visions like my mother. I have the gift of premonitions and levitation which is why I found this.” I said shaking the letter in my hand to indicate that that was why we were here. “It was stuck up on the roof in the leisure library. I was in there with Clarisse when I found it; she helped me use my power to get it. Oh yea and incase I forget, I have the ability to throw fire from hands. I’m not an expert on these gifts of mine yet, but I want to learn how to control them before I go into battle with the weres.”

Everyone turned to look at me as if for the first time. Taking in every detail of me and then the one to speak was someone everyone forgot about. Sebastian, and he sounded stronger, much stronger. “Rebecca, you and Alana were meant to run Luna together, you will know how to use your powers when you need to, but I can train you if you would let me.” Me not used to being called Rebecca turned and faced him. He was looking only at me and me at him. He looked a lot healthier and stronger. Just Like with John, his muscles now stood out. I wondered if his change was complete no one ever talked about how long it took to change into a vamp, so I wasn’t sure. But the fact that they quickly brought him down must mean that he was close to his change.

He went on “I’m not going to hurt you, so you can stop studying me like that. I’m stuck in this cage for one and I would never hurt my mate for two. I will always choose to protect my mate weather we were mated by ceremony or not. I feel you in my soul and I am so sorry we were separated for so long, but I will do everything to keep you at my side forever. I will be alive forever, which means you will too.” He looked as if he were struggling with something then he said “Alana let me out, so I can be with my mate. Please I can’t stand being this close and being restricted from touching her.” He pleaded.

Alana thought about it for a few seconds and looked at John. He gave her confirmation and she went to let him out, before unlocking the cage in a whisper she said, “You try anything and I will set your ass on fire you understand me? This isn’t just one warlock with his mate; this is a vampire, with a witch and the rest of her covenant members. I will protect them from you, I promise you that; even if it means she hates me forever for doing it. I know about the vision you shared during your first kiss, but not all visions are true. So you promise me you will not attack them.”

“Alana you know me, you know I will not hurt them. I will find a way to live without fresh human blood. I’ll get bags of blood or I’ll try animal blood, although I have never heard of a real vampire living off of that stuff, I want to be with my mate. Every bone in my body is pulling me to her.” and he bent his head to the left to indicate he was indeed talking about me.

Alana knew exactly what he meant, that is what it felt like with her and John before they were matted by ceremony. After the ceremony it gets easier because you can feel them in a different way. Your minds become one. You cannot hear each other’s thoughts but you can feel when one another is hurt or happy and it lets you ease up on needing to touch one another so much. “Ok.” Was all she said.

Then she opened the cage. Once the door was opened he went running to me and picked me up in his arms and hugged me so tightly he had to loosen up his hold on me so I could breathe. Then he put me down and took my chin and lifted it up to meet his lips and he kissed me the way I wanted the first to be, full of passion and love. I could feel love coming from him and I poured love into him as well. It was everything I wanted, a loving man and a great family, but reality hit faster than I wanted it too when the others coughed to get our attention.

“Sorry to break up the reunion, but I’m sure there was a reason behind them wanting to turn you into a vamp and I want to find out what it is, so we can come up with a plan to see why they wanted you turned as well as my mate turned into monsters.”  Alana said. We all went upstairs to a more comfortable setting.

We all sat around the dining room table. “Ok so we know that Raphael has turned Rebecca’s parents as well as us.” Alana motioned between her and John. And she continued with “What we don’t know is why? Why target us? Why not just kill us?”

Clarisse was the first one to answer. “Because he wants the power on his side, why else would he go through the trouble of turning the most powerful warlocks into weres? I mean come on he took down Samantha and Robert by one bite and now he thinks he took down you. He is probably trying to get this covenant weak to take us all out.” She sounded like she knew what she was talking about, and everyone took the time to take in what she said, I guess because they knew she was on to something.

“So answer me this. Why did the vamps turn Sebastian? I mean the weres and vamps are known to work together when they need to take care of things. But for them to both want to take us down? Do you think they planned that, or was that just icing on the cake?” I said exasperated. I’ve been going through this over and over in my mind all day. “First there is a kind of spell or something to cloud the memories of John and Alana and now we have Sebastian who is a vampire and oh yea my parents abandoned me because they were turning into werewolves and now I have to use my gifts to find my parents; and what exactly, bring them back? What if they are evil?” I covered my mouth once I realized everyone was staring at me with questions written all over their faces. I didn’t mean to say all of that out loud but it just poured out of my mouth. No one knew what I meant about John and Alana’s memories being clouded so now I had to explain what happened, well no better way to figure everything out than to just go in and tell every detail.

So me and Clarisse explained everything that happened including the feeling of being watched. Everyone had the same thought that Clarisse and I had, it was Raphael and he needed to see that they were turning evil so his plan of whatever it is will work, but he didn’t anticipate me being Rebecca, I’m the reason for them not being evil. I spoke out loud saying “What if they aren’t evil weres at all? What if they have clouded memories as well, I mean that would explain why only a few break free. And you two,” I motioned to John and Alana, “were a part of his plan and now you probably pissed him off.”

“Your right, but before we come up with a plan for Raph can we please take care of that damn Banshee.” Sebastian said looking over at Monika. “We can go, I mean now I’m a vamp and you saved my ass back there last time, plus we need to stop somewhere and get me some blood. I could try animal blood first, but if it doesn’t work I’ll go to blood bags, I will not ever drink live, and I won’t hurt you.” He added as he seen Monika’s face show horror at the mention of him needing blood. He rubbed her back and brushed the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“I’m not afraid of you; I could hurt you if you ever tried to hurt me.” She motioned to fire in her hands and all he could do was laugh at her. He was so happy to have someone so strong as his mate.

“I have a question Alana. How is this mating ceremony supposed to happen now that I’m a vampire? I mean I know how the witch and warlock one works but what about the witch to vampire?”

Alana looked startled as if she hadn’t thought of that yet herself. He wouldn’t hurt her of that she was certain, but to mate with a vampire she was sure he needed her blood to complete the ceremony and she wasn’t exactly on good terms with a vampire. So she told him what she thought was the truth and she didn’t leave anything out. “I think you need to drink her blood to complete the ceremony. Only a sip, but I’m not certain on the how of this but I’m pretty sure she needs to drink from you as well. I have never had to preform one of this magnitude and I wonder if that will turn her as well, how else is she to cut your skin and drink from you without fangs?” she looked at everyone and back to Sebastian and Monika and said “Maybe we should finish this conversation later, while we are alone. As for the Banshee, let’s go in separate groups. Peter and Jessica go together land at the top of Cross Street. John and I will go together and land at the bottom of Cross Street; and then you two go towards the middle. The rest of you stay here and try and figure out a way to get into the weres hideout and how we can get Samantha and Robert out of there. If you have to go and case the building do it carefully and don’t go alone, got it?”

“Got it.” Everyone in the room said at once.


Sebastian and I went to get some weapons and the potions we had before. The Banshee won’t be able to hurt him now but she can still hurt me, Peter and Jessica. So I had him show me how he made that potion to block our ears and we were done in no time. I grabbed my two daggers from the day before and even though I don’t need them so much now I feel better having them with me. When I’m dressed in my fighting gear and ready to go I meet Sebastian down stairs and we head to our spot on Cross Street. Before we go I yell up to Alana and Jessica and tell them we are ready and they head down to meet us. We exchange looks of approval before we head out.

We all land at our designated spots on the street. We land exactly where we did last time and a wave of panic comes over me. Sebastian must have felt it because he came over to me and told me it was going to be ok, that he was ok, it could have been worse. I believed him even though I still felt like it was my fault. But we didn’t have much time to dwell on that, with the sound of shattering glass coming from the bottom of the street down near John and Alana. I wasted no time and Sebastian joined me we were down the street in a flash. I had my potions in one hand and the spell in the other. I ran to Alana’s side and got startled a little when I saw her in her wolf form, and then mentally smacked myself for forgetting. I handed her the spell and a bottle of the potion. But Alana shook her head and said “I don’t need the spell or the potion. I can take her out without one.” And she started chanting under her breath and got louder.

“I call on the power of the Luna covenant, to help me defeat this evil and to restore the good that once was.” She repeated it two times before anything happened.

And all of a sudden there was a body on the ground of a young witch with a sun on her arm. She belongs to the Charlton Covenant. I believe Alana called them the Elements Covenant. “What do we do with her? Is she dead?” Monika asked

“We take her back to the Elements. I didn’t want to kill her; she will have to go through some serious recovery training before they let her out in battle again. She had a lot of evil in her which means she has killed several people. But John and I will take her back to them, you two go and get Jessica and Peter and go back to the compound and see what they have for us.”

“Ok, but we need to get him some blood first; so I’ll send those two back and then go with Sebastian and we will meet them back there.”

“Ok Monika, call us if there are any problems. We will probably be there before you, but if we are not then, we will see you when we get there.”

“Ok. Bye.”

They walked up the street and met with Jessica and Peter, we told them everything that happened and what Alana wants them to do. Then we went to the woods, so Sebastian could try some animal blood. I suggested that fresh would probably be better since it’s not human blood, it could have a better effect than blood from a dead one. He agreed and I let him go hunt one and stood watch. I didn’t really want to watch him hunt down an animal, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I couldn’t believe that I would spend the rest of my life with him, but I didn’t want to have to bite him neither. That was something for another time to worry about. He came back looking surprisingly satisfied.

“I guess that was good?” She said as he came and picked her up and kissed her as they were walking out of the woods.

He spoke with his lips still on hers “It was perfect. Thank you for trusting in me, and thank you for helping me.”

“No problem. That is what I am here for right, a mate is someone you can confide in and trust and count on? That is what I want and I can’t wait until we are finally mated. But I have a feeling we will need to wait sometime before we figure out what we need to do to complete the ceremony.” She spoke to him in between kisses, and closed her eyes and took them away to the compound. They landed in the unused library and he looked down at her and smiled.

“You afraid of drinking my blood?” he said giggling “Because we can practice now if you’d like? Your blood is calling to me.” He looked so sexy with his light brown eyes shining with that mischievous look on his face.

“No, I’m not afraid of drinking your blood, I’m afraid of you drinking mine. You said you don’t want to drink live blood from a human and honey, I’m human.” She said staring up into his eyes with her arms wrapped around his neck. “But we can’t do anything now, we need to find the others and see what they found out. And then we need to come up with a plan, I’m sorry Sebastian but we have to put us on hold until we finish what Raph started.” She finished with a kiss and walked towards the door.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, “Do not put us on hold. We will get our day and we will have time between battles. Look at Alana and John and what they went through and what they continue to go through. We will go on as any other day and I will not put us on hold. Do you understand Becki?”

“Becki?” she looked puzzled. “If you want to call me Becki then go for it, Alana has always called me Beca, so what is another nickname for a name I’m not used to. Plus my parents will be calling me Rebecca as well, so I might as well get used to it.”

“I will call you whatever you want me to call you, if you want to keep Monika, I’ll call you Nika, but I will have a nickname for your name that only I will call you.” He said smiling at her puzzled face.

“Call me whatever you want Pumpkin.” She said laughing as she walked to the door.

They walked downstairs to the dining room and took a seat with the rest of the group. Jacob was standing at the head of the table talking to Alana and John, and they looked pleased. They stopped as they noticed us taking our seats; and Alana spoke first. “My fellow Luna members, we were able to strip the Banshee of her powers. She was one of the Elements Covenant. She had recently lost the man who was to be her mate when they went out to fight the Banshee who started the attacks. When he died in front of her while the Banshee was still alive she went to kill her and she managed to do so, but got caught in her scream as well. So while she vanquished the first one she became the second one.” She paused and looked around the room, she motioned for Jacob and his partner Sean to stand and come over to her; and then she continued. “The boys have figured out a way to get into the hide out of the wolves, Sean went into the building through the rear of the building, where there is a basement door. He went up two levels and came to a door that was locked from the other side. Even though there was a lock on that door, we are witches and warlocks we can get it off. We need to know the layout of the inside if we want to get Sam and Rob out. We can’t leave them there.

So take the rest of the night off. Get some rest and first thing in the morning we will send out our best seekers and get the layout of the building. Clarisse you and Monika will take the lead of the Seekers since you both can levitate to get a closer look inside. Monika don’t worry about not knowing how to control it when you need it, it will come to you. When we have time after this we will teach you how to control it better. Jacob and Sean you will be the ground seekers. When you are done report back to me and we will figure out what to do from there. But please be careful don’t get caught and watch each other’s backs.”

With that she finished and got up and walked out of the room. She looked exhausted from what Monika could tell, she wondered if it was the whole wolfing out thing that’s got her drained. She will ask her tomorrow, but until then she had a certain Vampire that she needed to take care of. Clarisse walked with her to her room, she was talking about how she has been having this strange pulling feeling to Sean, and she couldn’t shake it. She was happy to be going out with him and Jacob tomorrow this way she could talk more to him. Monika was surprised that she didn’t talk to him more since they were the same age and trained together and had classes together. So she said she would help her if she needed it. Sebastian kept his distance from us to give us privacy, but I knew he could hear us and I’m sure Clarisse knew as well. But she didn’t seem to care.

Sebastian stopped by his room to change and grab a shower. I went into my room and showered. I couldn’t help getting excited for him to come over. I never had a really serious boyfriend so to have Sebastian and be destined to mate with him, sent goose bumps down my arms. I was just finishing up brushing my hair when a light knock on the door made me jump. I looked in the mirror and made sure I looked ok; then went to open the door. Sebastian was there in his pajama sweats and a white t-shirt. He looked so sexy from his gorgeous face to his tight muscles. Being a vampire definitely suited him, he looked breathtakingly handsome. And that definitely made me feel less attractive. She opened the door wider for him to come in and he went in and sat on her bed. He was looking around at the pictures on her walls. Some were of her friends and one of her and her foster parents. And then the ones she just received today from the letter her parents left for her. He looked at those more closely and pulled one off the wall, realizing she forgot to ask him if that was him she blushed.

 She motioned to the picture he was holding and said “I found those in the letter my parents left for me and I thought it would be a good idea to keep them out so I could try and get some clues out of them. That one I was going to ask you about; but I forgot with all this chaos that went on today. Is that you in the picture with me?”

All he did was stare at her. She didn’t know why he was looking so lost so she went to take the picture from him and as she touched it she had a vision. It was of her and the boy in the picture. They were running around chasing after one another and she was yelling “Sebstin please no run so fast. I can’t catch you.”

“Becki you will always catch me.” Said Sebastian and he stopped so she could catch up to him. Then she got pulled out of the vision and looked at Sebastian and said “Sebstin, we knew back then? Well you knew back then, I was just three and you were six. How could you know that at that age?”

He looked at her and smiled “I haven’t heard that name in twenty-one year’s Becki. Yes I knew back then, but only because I was old enough to feel it. I would have never told you until you asked me. I wouldn’t have forced you into anything neither. We were just friends back then.” He paused looking at her and smiled, then said, “I share your visions. I saw that one as well. It might just be when we touch or it could be because we are getting closer. Have you had one without me around since our first kiss?”

“No.” Was all she said and they talked the rest of the night, about everything.