Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The next morning Clarisse was at the door bright and early. She was dressed in fighting gear as expected but she looked different, like she was glowing. I didn’t want to ask her why while Sebastian was there, so I quickly dressed and went with her down stairs. While they were walking down to the kitchen Clarisse told her how she saw Sean last night. That he felt the pull too and had to see her before they went out on their mission. They stayed up all night talking about things that she never told anyone and he told her as well. Monika continued on how her Sebastian talked and she shared with her the one thing she will keep from everyone apart from her and Alana, the fact he shares her visions. “He thinks it will get stronger after we are fully mated, and he thinks that my mom and dad were able to do that as well, it gives me another reason to go and find them. I feel him in my head when I have the visions, so I know he can see them, it feels weird, having the feeling of someone in your mind.” She turned her head to make sure no one could hear her and she continued, “I kind of like it though, it lets me feel his emotions while he sees what I see. When I saw the one of us when we were little I felt his surprise and his happiness at seeing us young together. It felt good.”

Clarisse looked at Monika and smiled a knowing smile, since she found her mate she knows what she means, except not completely. “I wish I could feel that, but I would not pass up having Sean as my mate. Now we have two ceremonies to complete and I cannot wait to see what you have to do. I’m sorry for the excitement but I really want to watch a vampire and a witch mating ceremony. If it wasn’t you I’m sure you would want to watch it as well.”

She was right of course but I didn’t say anything we got to the kitchen and every one was there; we took our seats and ate quickly since we were the ones who were going out on a mission. After we were done Alana instructed us where to go and how to proceed if we get caught. We left shortly after and were at the weres hideout in no time.


“Clarisse, how do I get up there?” Monika asked as she was trying to levitate but was completely unsuccessful, on the other hand Clarisse was high above her head and was just floating there, waiting for me to get up. “I can’t believe they thought I could do this with no practice, how did they think I would be able to get up there?”

“Monika, just relax, and if it helps think I’m in trouble to help motivate you.” She paused and looked past Monika and continued, “Or better yet picture two big wolves coming after you, one gray and one brown, their dark yellow eyes targeted on you.”

“Wow, can you have any more details it’s like you can see them…ahh! Oh my God, why didn’t you tell me they were really behind me?” she said as she was floating up toward Clarisse. “I could have been bitten, can you imagine a werewolf and a vampire living happily together forever?” she said laughing and Clarisse giggled a little too.

“Ok, now that you are finally up here lets go along the floors from the first floor up, but don’t go to close to the ground, because then you might land and I wouldn’t doubt them having more down on the ground, since they know were here.” She looked down and realized that Sean and Jacob are still down there, “We have to warn them, got any ideas?”

“Um actually yes. So I just think of where I want to go and it brings me there?”

“Yes, just don’t close your eyes doing it because you’ll definitely teleport. I have done that when I was first learning, fell and busted my butt too.”

“Ok.” I got to the other side without incident and I spotted them, in a tree they must have been hoping to see us, because they were looking up and spotted me.

“We can’t get any information with them out here hunting us. I didn’t want to go back without letting you girls know first, but were heading back now since that one,” he pointed to a smaller wolf with black fur who was just sitting looking up at them in the tree, “won’t go anywhere.”

“Ok, were almost done anyway, so go back and let Alana know we should be back in twenty minutes tops.”

They both shook their heads and the next thing I knew they were gone. If I didn’t already know about this stuff I would have been freaked out. The little black wolf was still there, but now it was looking at me, and suddenly it became a beautiful woman with long black hair and she was kind of tall from this point, she looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place her. Then she spoke and Monika knew immediately who it was.

It was my mother.

“Rebecca, you came for me? You found our letter?”

“Yes I found it, but I dint come here for you, I came here on a mission.” She stopped when Clarisse came up beside her and she gasped when she saw Monika’s naked mother standing there. Samantha returned back to her wolf form, to make it easier for Clarisse.

“I can’t believe we found you! I mean we were planning on finding you soon, but not today. You need to come with us. Alana will be so happy.” She stopped and spoke in Monika’s ear “we can’t trust her yet, she looks as if she is battling the urge to attack us, and if we can get her to come with us maybe we can get the cloud out of her mind.”

“I noticed that too, but we can’t leave my dad here, what if Raph plans an attack on him, since their connected, what if we try and take the cloud out now? It could help, then we can tell her our plan, and have an insider helping us.” She sounded desperate, and she was. She wanted so bad to run up to her and hug her like she had seen in her visions of them. Clearly that was not a good idea she could kill her if she tried. She spoke louder this time, “Mom, we will be back, I need to get something for you, something that might help. Get some clothes on and I’ll meet you right back here in ten minutes.” She turned to Clarisse and said “That picture of her, dad, and me, that has to work, if I could get her to have a vision and see what she has missed all these years, maybe it will break the spell or whatever it is on her memory. We have to try and while there let Alana know; maybe she’ll come with us.”

“Ok.” Was all she said and I took her hand and we were gone. When I opened my eyes we were in the dining room, and Alana was sitting there with Jacob and Sean.

“I was expecting you to be here sooner what took so long?” she said as if she were angry with us.

“I found my mother.”

Alana’s eyes lit up, and she had a calmer look on her face now, which didn’t make me feel like a little girl getting in trouble for missing curfew any more. “You did; but how? You were not supposed to look for her.”

“It was the black wolf that was sitting under the tree the boys were in. After they left she switched back to her human form and I didn’t recognize her until she spoke my name. Clarisse saw her too; I came to get a picture and to have you come with us. She’s supposed to be there fully dressed in about five more minutes.”

Alana looked pleased, and very excited. “Ok, go and grab that picture and we’ll leave when you get back down.”

Monika nodded her head and teleported up to her room and got the picture and teleported back down. She smiled a little when she seen the look on Alana’s face, she wasn’t supposed to use that power like that, but this was an emergency. “Ok I’m ready.”

They got there in no time, but they held onto Alana’s hands to keep her up off the ground as well, they still didn’t want to take any chances. Samantha was there waiting when they arrived, and looked very happy when she saw Alana. Alana’s eyes were watering, and she called out to her, “Auntie Sam, you have been gone for twenty one years and you don’t look a day older than the day you disappeared.”

“Alana, I have missed you so much, I’m sorry I took Rebecca from you like that, I can imagine the toll it had on you, and for that I am so sorry, but I didn’t want Raphael knowing that she was alive and with you, he would have killed her for sure. And I couldn’t bear losing my baby.” She broke off sobbing, and wiped at her eyes trying to see. “Now my dear Rebecca, what did you bring me? If he sees me out here talking to you he will kill me.”

“I brought you this.” She held up the picture and then let it fall so it would hit the ground. “I’m sorry that you couldn’t see me grow up, but my foster parents did what they could. They named me Monika, since I couldn’t remember my name, which I’m assuming you and dad are to blame for that.”

Samantha looked a little guilty, but she told the truth “It was a memory potion. You were supposed to get them back slowly after age eight, but I’m sure your dad made sure you couldn’t remember at all, since you look like you just found out who you are.”

“Your right I don’t remember much, except what I’ve seen in my visions.” I sounded a little upset and I should be, what the heck man, they took away my memories, I couldn’t even remember my own name when they found me, all I could day was Annie and I pointed at the doll every time I said her name, and soon they stopped calling me Annie and the people who adopted me called me Monika. They never really treated me like theirs it was more like a friend’s kid they took in because they needed to. I was always a good kid; I just kept to myself a lot since they didn’t really care what I had to say. When I graduated high school, I moved out, I had a job at a local fast food place and got a roommate, she was my best friend, but when I started acting weird and didn’t talk to her she decided to move out. Then I found Alana and I’ve been with her ever since.

“I’m sorry Rebecca, I know I can’t repay you for what we have done, but I will make it up to you.” She bent down and picked up the picture and paused. Monika was pulled into her vision with her. It was of her mom and dad talking, no not talking fighting about her. “We have to take her away from here. You heard him; he will make sure she dies so no one will ever know what happened to us. She seen my bite on my arm, she knows too much. I’m sorry Samantha but we cannot leave her here we will be putting the whole covenant in danger. I may be a monster now, but I will not let it destroy my family and friends. I’m a Luna at heart no matter how much of me is a monster.”

“I know Robby I don’t want to endanger them, but to just abandon her with no memory, how do you think I can live with that? I’m her mother I just can’t abandon her.”

“She will get her memory back slowly after she turns eight. The potion isn’t permanent, when she starts to remember she will be drawn here and then she can come and help us, until then she has to have no memory of us, magic, or this family.” He motioned to the whole room they were in. But she was pulled out of the vision as she fell from the sky; and was caught by a very handsome man that looked exactly like her father did in the vision she’d just seen.

“That would have been a nasty fall Rebecca, you should be more careful when your levitating.” He spoke to her as if he has known her, her entire life. And it made her angry.

“Put me down.” She screamed and without even realizing what she was doing she was holding a fireball in her hand ready to throw it at her father. It was Clarisse who got her to look away and put out the fireball.

“Monika stop! That’s your father!” She screamed it several times before she actually put out the fire.

“We need to take this to a more comfortable environment.” Was all Alana said before they were all teleported to the compound. They landed outside in the garden and Monika and Clarisse sat down on their rock next to the pond. And Alana ushered Sam and Robert towards them as well. “Ok listen to me all of you, you could have blown our cover back there and you,” she said pointing at me, “could have killed your father with that fireball. Your father! Did you really want to do that?”

“No, but you should have seen him in that vision my mother I had, he was so determined to just send me away and strip me of everything and everyone I have ever known and loved, while my mom was fighting to keep me here with you.” I said trying to keep myself from crying. “I wanted to find them, but not like this, not to find out he was the reason for me not growing up here with all of you. And why the heck do I see her visions as well as my own? Is that even normal?”

Alana and Samantha both looked shocked “You saw that?” was all Samantha said as she sat down next to Monika. “I didn’t know that your power would be so much more advanced than mine. No one has ever had the ability to see other people’s visions. I have heard of one witch that could project her visions to her mate, but that was once they were mated after the ceremony, she learned how to control it and she ended up dying because she didn’t share the vision of his death with him, and it cost them both their lives. If you never lost your memories and learned how to control that power earlier, you could have been a very powerful witch. I’m sorry that I let your father do that to you, but I was too worried about you to listen to my mother instincts. I know that Alana and her parents would never let anything happen to you and I’m so sorry you had to grow up without the people who cared about you the most.” She took me in her arms and held me like it as going to be the last time she will ever see me again.

Then she heard a cough and felt immediately who it was. She felt that pull instantly before she heard the cough she knew he was there. It was Sebastian. And she was so excited to see him she hasn’t seen him since this morning before they went on her mission. Her mom stood up to greet him and immediately retracted her hand. “Vampire.” She hissed. “You are not allowed in these walls.”

“Mom, that’s Sebastian he was recently turned, like two days ago, and he is my mate.” She went to him and gave him a hug and a quick kiss. “I’ve missed you.” She whispered to him.

He mother looked shocked and happy for her at the same time. She re-extended her hand to him and said “Sebastian Lockwood. It has been a long time since I have seen you. How are you doing? So you are Rebecca’s mate after all? That is such great news, I’m really happy she has you in her life. How did you turn? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“It is nice to see you as well Samantha, and I am doing well, couldn’t complain I’m the happiest I have been in a very long time. I got turned two days ago when Monika and I went out to take care of a Banshee problem, we were attacked by ten vamps, but your daughter here saved my life when the last one got to me she took care of him. She is a wonderful person and still is a very powerful witch considering she hasn’t had any real training on her new powers and she has used them several times during the last few days.” He smiled at Monika and then continued, “So Robert got turned and you’re a full wolf? Did you get bitten as well?”

“No I didn’t get bitten; I just fully changed the same day and time he did.” She looked around confused and her eyes landed on Alana as if seeing her yellow eyes for the first time. She spoke then saying, “You’re a werewolf? When and how come you were able to escape the fog?” and she paused “wait why don’t I feel the fog anymore, I don’t feel Raph in my mind as much as I have before. I can still feel him as if he is trying to communicate to me. Robby, do you feel that as well?”

“Yes I do. It is very interesting; I have not felt this free in such a long time.”

“Keep that connection, you two need to communicate with him. Let him know you are alright you just went out for a run. We need your help. You need to be our insiders, were planning on taking him down. I want to take him down for what he did to John.” Alana looked directly at Sam and Robert and said “You need to do this for us. We will not have him taking any more of us. Can you still use your powers?”

“Yes we do, but since we are forbidden to use them, we are getting weaker, power wise.” Robert said speaking for them both. “He knows that when we use them it makes us stronger, we are stronger when we are at our full potential; and on a full moon we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

“Well we both still have our powers and I feel invincible. I will never stop using them, but you need to go back and act like you’re doing everything he says, just keep in mind that you have your family back and we will not let him keep you or kill you.” She paused and looked over at me looking a little worried and said “We will meet you at Morris Street Park tomorrow at one. If you are not there by one fifteen we will go in and take him down. My girls scouted out the building and they know the layout enough to navigate through the building. But please meet us there.” She gave them both a hug and I did as well then we pushed them on their way, to keep Raph from being suspicious.