Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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V ancouver in the spring sparkled. The winter

rains cleared the air and cleaned the city streets.

In the foyer of the Museum of Anthropology, at the

University of British Columbia, Liam Taylor, sat with

his back to a wall, sketchbook propped on his knees,

staring at the larger than life carving of Raven and the

First Men. The carving had been created by Bill Reid

out of a laminated piece of yellow cedar many years

earlier. He often found himself sitting in the same

spot, slightly hidden by a stone bench, bothering no

one, pretending to sketch, as he pondered the carving.

Were the legends true? Did Raven really open a giant

clamshell and let out the Wahjee and the humans to

fill the earth? Or, had they all been Wahjee once and

had Raven taken away the human's powers as a

punishment for going to the dark side of life, giving

them over to Crow, Raven's cousin, to watch and


It made as much sense as anything else he'd been

told. Even more sense than some of the Wahjee


Magical Moonlight


legends that tended to be filled with innuendo and half

voiced truths, told by old men with bitter voices, for

the Wahjee were a matriarchal society.

While Liam contemplated the origin of human

and Wahjee life, not too far away as the raven flies, in

a west side diner a meeting was about to take place.

The diner was situated on a busy corner of Davie

Street and it was here in the heart of gay, as the

residents referred to the area, that Aiden Mac Ruaidhri

strolled in, his well-practiced smirk firmly in place.

"What are you reading Danny?" Aiden asked as he

slipped into his usual booth at the back, making sure

his auburn hair gleamed under the harsh lighting.

Hamburger Mary's was not known for its ambiance,

but rather for its lack of such a thing.

Lisa, the surrogate mom to dozens of gay men

and women, was standing near the kitchen having an

animated conversation with Toby, one of the servers.

Aiden signaled Lisa for a coffee only to receive a one-

finger salute in return, although he knew a coffee

would appear soon.

"It's a new comic book. This is the first issue.

The graphics are amazing and the storyline isn't all

that bad either. It's about these people called Wahjee.

They're kind of like wizards or sorcerers or

something. They live among us here on earth; no one

knows who they are. I mean shit Aiden you could be a

Wahjee." Daniel grinned. "And I'd never know.

'cause you'd be like secretive and stuff."

Aiden couldn't believe what he was hearing. He

reached over and grabbed the comic book out of his


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old friend's hand. The inside cover credited the

artwork and story-line to Liam fucking Taylor. He

should have known.

"Give that back Aiden. You're bending the

pages." Daniel reached for his comic only to have

Aiden pull it back from him.

"You've probably bought ten if it's a first issue."

Aiden said knowing his friend. He wanted to take the

comic back to his apartment and read it. That little shit

Taylor was going to be in so much trouble with

council when they found out what he'd done.

Aiden tucked the comic into his inside jacket

pocket while sugaring his coffee. He used a small

glimmer spell to change the subject. Something he

never liked to do, use his magic for himself. While he

let his friend prattle on about nothing that interested

him, Aiden thought back to his school years when

he'd first met Daniel.

Daniel had been his assignment. He had to

befriend a full-blooded human and learn to live

completely as a human while still continuing to attend

the School of Magycs. Hidden in the attic rooms of a

well-known Vancouver private school, St. Georges.

Aiden had loved the whole mystery of attending a

school that looked like a castle. It was at that school

he'd met Liam fucking Taylor, the little brat with a

head of red blond curls and eyes that were sometimes

blue and sometimes violet, son of the headmaster,

spoiled rotten, little suck up that he was. Despite the

difference in their ages, damn near twelve years, he


Magical Moonlight


was more often than not, paired up with Taylor just

because the kid all but radiated magic.

Apparently their magic was compatible or some

such shit. The kid had it all but oozing out of his pores

due to a genetic anomaly and Aiden had much the

same only more controlled. He'd always been more

controlled. In fact while his magic and abilities were

similar to Liam's, no one had known until he'd

reached puberty he'd been so in control. It was

something that had piqued the interest of those in

charge. It wasn't mentioned, but it was going to be

watched carefully.

"So are we going to The Odyssey tonight or

what?" Daniel asked. "I told the guys to meet us


"Yeah I could use a good blow job or ten." Aiden

drawled. "Not that I expect more than mediocre, but

you never know what the night might bring."

"Right." Daniel snorted, already forgetting his

comic book, just interested in what the night might

bring. Aiden had always been popular and his

popularity often rubbed off on the friends who tagged


It was almost eleven when they headed over to

the dance club. Aiden had a feeling that midnight was

going to change his life. He didn't know why, but it

was something he could feel deep inside of him.

Shaking off any premonitions that might have snuck

into his brain, Aiden entered The Odyssey and let the

throbbing music sink into his body just as he let the

smells of men in lust, filter through to his libido.


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Bob and Evan were waiting on the catwalk for the

arrival of Aiden and Daniel. Bob had a look in his eye

that he rarely let be seen; it was almost predatory as he

searched the crowd for his quarry, Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri. He was feeling lucky, perhaps tonight Aiden

would let him get close.

Evan spotted them first. He stood on his toes and

waved, showing off his body jewelry, his tall thin

body was dressed in a sheer white tummy top over

skintight leather trousers. It was like a neon beacon to

the sardonic man who nodded his acknowledgement at

their location. "Aiden is looking good tonight, isn't he

Bobby?" Evan asked.

"He looks the same as he always does." Bob

turned to the bar and ordered another beer. He wanted

to keep up the pretense that he was quenching his

thirst after a bout on the dance floor. It fooled no one,

least of all Aiden or Daniel. Bob had once again given

up before he made a move on Aiden and risking

ridicule, preferring to keep is fantasies just that, a

fantasy to be taken out in the dark of his lonely nights.

There was something about Bob that set him apart

from the others, yet he was always there, always

around watching and listening. In fact he was around

so much that he had become almost invisible to them

much like an old dog. And that's the way he liked it.

Bob liked to think he blended in, but he was just that

little bit older and dressed just a little bit like his

father, to really blend with the stripped to the waist,

well muscled dancing boys.


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"Ev, Robert." Aiden drawled as he signaled for a

beer. "How's tricks?" the smirk on his face told them

he didn't really expect an answer. He claimed his

drink and drained it. "Later boys, I see something

interesting on the dance floor."

They watched like some kind of Greek chorus as

he stalked down the stairs, his walk that of a panther,

moving effortlessly through the crowded jungle of

men. He found his prey and as usual, all he needed to

do was stare into the man's eyes to have him follow

him into the backroom.

"How the fuck does he do that?" Daniel asked,

and not for the first time.

"Honey, if I knew I'd be down there giving

lessons." Evan grinned. "I'm going to hit the old

dance floor, Bobby do you want to join me?"

"Not now Ev." Bob pretended interest in his beer.

"Daniel, why don't you dance with him?"

"I was just going to suggest it." Daniel grinned up

at his friend. "Maybe this'll be our lucky night Ev."

It was almost midnight when Daniel went looking

for Aiden. He had to work tomorrow, hell they all had

to work in the morning. If he didn't start Aiden

moving toward the exit now they'd never get home.

"Aiden, hurry up." He said when he found his friend

getting his dick sucked in the back ally.

Aiden smirked, though he pushed the trick away

who had been administering to his cock and zipped

up. The blowjob wasn't worth the aggravation he'd

get from Daniel. There were times when he'd love to

turn him into a toad or something. They came out of


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the ally, walking a few feet to the bottom of the stairs

that led back inside, when he looked over and saw

him. If it wasn't the elusive Liam fucking Taylor, all

grown up, untamed golden red curls and everything.

Their eyes met and Liam knew Aiden had

recognized him. He threw down his cigarette that was

more for a show of bravado than for the nicotine and

continued to lean against a parking meter. He thought

it was rather a romantic touch and he let mist roll in

around him, framing him under the streetlights. Even

with the harsh sodium vapor light, it was still an

impressive scene as far as Liam was concerned.

Aiden had reached him. He put one hand on the

parking meter behind Liam. "Nice touch brat." He

whispered. "What the fuck do you want?"

"You." Liam shrugged. "Why not?"

"Go play with your little friends, you can't handle

the big boys." Aiden said, but he didn't move away,

there was something about Liam that hadn't been

there when they attended school. Of course the kid

was damn near a baby then.

"Aiden, hurry up, I have to get home. Some of us

work you know." It was Daniel whining.

"I could turn him into oh, maybe a rat or

something." Liam offered.

Aiden glared at him, took his arm and dragged

him over to the Lexus. "Get a ride with Bob. I'm

claiming this one." He all but threw Liam into the

Lexus and roared off, coming close to running over

Daniel's toes.


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Liam threw back his head and laughed as he

gestured with his hand making their seat belts fasten.

"Safety first Aiden." He laughed. This was much

better than school had ever been.

"Fuck you." Aiden mumbled as he sped toward

his apartment. He should have known Taylor would

show up. It was the fall solstice and he'd had so many

warnings but he'd ignored them all.

"Actually I was hoping you'd fuck me. It is my

eighteenth birthday as of ten minutes ago." He grinned

at Aiden. "I'm officially a man."

"Why don't you go home and let the family have

their little coming of age thing?"

"It isn't until tonight." Liam said, sinking back in

the seat with satisfaction. "I promised myself this

birthday present the day I first saw you."

"Shit, you were what, two?" Aiden looked at him,

eyes wide.

"What can I say, I was precocious." Liam blew

him a kiss. He sat forward in his seat and looked out

the rain-streaked window. "Are we there yet?" he


"Yes," Aiden slammed into his parking space

with a slide and squeal of brakes. "Now get your ass

up stairs. I want to discuss this little piece of crap with

you." He pulled out the comic and waved it in the air.

"Oh that." Liam shrugged. "I rather liked drawing

it. Did you notice that the hero has a striking

resemblance to you?"

"I haven't read it yet. But I've had a brief run

down. Are you completely out of your fucking mind?"


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"And the name Fury, suits you too." Liam

grinned and hopped from the car. "Cause you're sure

infuriated." He ran up to the door that opened without

him touching it. "Well are you coming in out of the

rain or not?" he asked sweetly.

Aiden locked the Lexus and headed for his

building. This night wasn't shaping up the way he'd

planned when he'd headed to Hamburger Mary's

earlier. He let himself through the door and walked to

the elevator where Liam was waiting somewhat

impatiently for him. He was all but bouncing up and

down on his toes with excitement.

"Would you calm the fuck down, you're giving

me a nervous itch." Aiden grumbled, not surprised

when the elevator rose swiftly to the top floor without

either of them touching the controls.

Liam was inside his apartment touching things

and generally being nosy within seconds of the

elevator stopping. "This place is so cool." Liam said,

taking off his leather jacket and shrugging out of his

blue jeans and tee shirt. He'd already kicked his

sneakers off just inside the door.

"Will you keep your damn clothes on." Aiden

said through clenched teeth. "I'm not fucking you."

"You have to; it's my birthday and you're what I

want for my birthday." Liam grinned. "Do you have

any cold water, I'm thirsty."

"In the fridge, get it yourself." Aiden stomped

toward his bedroom. But when he reached it Liam was

in front of him all naked and shiny like a fresh new

penny. His eyes were entreating with a look that


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would be better served if he were a spaniel. "Liam."

Aiden began as he waved the crumpled comic book in

the air.

"Aiden." Liam breathed. "It's my birthday." And

Aiden's shirt came off. "Please." His pants puddled at

his feet. Liam leaned forward. "One kiss, you can't

say no to one kiss."

"Ahhhh Brat, yes I can." And Liam found himself

on his back on the bed. Aiden's grin was feral. Aiden

pounced, he was in panther mode and Liam, and well

Liam was a snack.

"This is about twenty times a hundred wrong, but

what the fuck." Aiden mumbled as his lips claimed the

virginal ones that pouted up at him. Blue neon

flickered on with the first touch of their lips. Aiden

began to trail kisses down Liam's torso, enjoying the

flickering sparks he was making as his lips contacted

skin that had never before been kissed. It was

everything he could have imagined and made even

more delicious by the utter wrongness of the

seduction. Liam Taylor after all, was meant for far

greater things than Aiden Mac Ruaidhri ever had

been. And the highest position in the Wahjee

hierarchy was to be maintained by one pure of body

and mind and that meant virginal, no sex, no ass

plowing, no touching with the big bad Mac Ruaidhri

cock. Aiden grinned as his mouth sought Liam's


The phone rang..........and rang……….and rang.

"Uh Aiden, the phone." Liam panted, barely able

to speak.


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"I don't want any phone." Aiden mumbled. "Just


His cell phone began to vibrate in chorus with the


He said leaping off of Liam and shouted into the


BUSY?" he looked at Liam, "Or is that busy


"Asshole, Vanessa's in the hospital. She's making

me call you, the baby is coming." Rosalie gritted her

teeth as she spoke. "Apparently she wants you to see

the baby." She hung up before Aiden could say

anything else.

"Aiden, uh Vanessa, she's Wahjee?" Liam asked.

"No. Human."

"Uh Aiden, what part of the 'don't fuck the

humans and procreate' didn't you understand?"

"I didn't fuck her." Aiden grinned. "It doesn't

count if you jerk off in a cup."

"Yeah, right, I'll mention that to the High Council

when they're cutting your balls off. I'm sure they'll

get the whole jerking off in a cup versus squirting up

her twat difference." Liam drawled. "This is one

fucked up birthday. I suppose we have to go to the

hospital now."

"We don't have to do bugger all. I'm going to the

hospital." Aiden was looking for his clothes only to

find that Liam had made sure the two of them were

dressed. "Good trick, you should show me how do

that. It would save a lot of time." He hid the fact that

he was uneasy. What had been almost a compulsion


Magical Moonlight


nine months before had in fact been wrong and he

knew it. If he'd been out of his mind, there might be

an excuse, but human alcohol didn't affect Wahjee, he

drank because it was expected of him and he kind of

liked the tingle and burn in his mouth and throat. No

he'd done this thing all by himself with no help from

his friends. He was fucked.

"Don't you do any magic?" Liam asked. He had

them in the elevator now and it was plunging quickly

to the fifth depth of hell as far as Aiden was


"No, and would you stop fucking with the

elevator; I think I pissed my pants." Aiden mumbled,

suddenly in the driver's seat of the Lexus.

"God damn, you're a worse drama queen than

that little human shit you hang around with." Liam

said, getting in beside him.

"Speaking of which, we have to pick up Danny.

Call him will you."

"I'm sooooo not speaking to him." Liam looked

disgusted. "I'll dial though, you talk."

Aiden explained to Daniel what had happened

and by the time he finished, they were in front of

Daniel's apartment. "Can you get him out here

without him having a stroke?" Aiden asked, already

seeing the advantage of using Liam's magic. After all

he couldn't get into trouble if he didn't use it for

himself. Or could he? Aiden wasn't sure of the

niceties at the moment.


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"Yeah, but I'd rather he had a stroke." Liam

grumbled. Daniel soon found himself standing beside

the Lexus and staring into Liam's sparkling blue eyes.

"What's he doing here?" Daniel whined.

"Not sitting in the back with you." Liam smirked

"Get in or stay out, I don't care."

Aiden gunned the engine and Daniel jumped into

the back seat, not quite sure how he got there, it was

all a blur. He glared at the back of Liam's who only

laughed. The ride to the hospital was uneventful; all

the traffic lights cooperated, turning green when they

approached each intersection. As they pulled into the

parking lot, Aiden looked at Liam who grinned. They

raised their hands in a friendly high five, clapping

them together with glee. Daniel glared from the back

seat not understanding what was going on with Aiden

and this trick he'd picked up.

Aiden and Liam were still riding the high from

the fast ride through rain-slicked streets. They raced

through the hospital halls, Daniel following, with

unerring accuracy to Vanessa's room. Everyone came

to a stop when the room was in sight and the gravity

of the situation took hold. Aiden placed his hand on

the small of Liam's back steering