Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A few hours later, Liam lay awake listening to

Aiden sleep. He was tingling all over, doing his

best not to spontaneously combust. Not that he'd ever

gone combustible, but it was something that had

haunted his dreams when he was younger and less

sure of himself. He couldn't stop smiling, grinning

actually. He hoped he could do better than that, but he

suspected he'd be grinning for a long time. The last

few hours were amazing, better than amazing.

It was easy to dismiss the pesky problem of one

baby warlock, complete with powers and one more

than pesky human, complete with built in whine.

Especially when one was basking in the afterglow of

being thoroughly and completely fucked in more ways

than one. His father and the high council were not

going to be happy campers. His last fifteen years had

been in training to take over his father's position.

Father being the euphemism for the man who raised

him. He idly wondered if his so called father really

had been celibate all these years and if he was still a


Magical Moonlight


virgin. And then the question of just who his real

father was and why he had allowed such a prick to

raise him drifted through his mind. The thought was

quickly dismissed almost as if it hadn't been there.

Liam was unaware that he had nothing to do with the

questions leaving his mind.

His fingers itched to draw Aiden's likeness in

every position. His brain had captured each pose

forever to bring up on paper or canvas when the mood

struck. There had to be some advantages to being born

Wahjee besides the obvious magical ones.

The comic caught his eye, crumpled as it was on

the floor next to Aiden. It had been a gamble, the

drawing and writing of the thing. But he'd needed to

find Aiden and warn him of what was going down in

Wahjee circles. He'd tried every other way he could

think of to contact the man, but his mother was

powerful, her spells were powerful. He'd needed the

unusual to get around it. The book was a great idea,

plus it was bringing in money, something he hadn't

thought about. Not that he needed money, but it was

nice to earn some rather than just take it. When the

school requested some kind of project that involved a

mock publication, Liam knew immediately what he

was going to do.

The comic wove the story of Zane and how the

high council had destroyed his father before he'd been

born. And it told the story of Aiden, of course in a

way that didn't reveal all there was to know about the

man. But one that did tell the story of a good man with

a heart of gold, in the perfect disguise. Liam thought


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of the second issue he'd write and illustrate. Perhaps it

was time for Fury to meet Liam and Shay on the pulp

pages and in living color.

"Stop thinking and go to sleep." Aiden mumbled,

rolling over to pull the younger man into a warm tight

embrace. "You'd better have been thinking of a way

to explain that stupid comic book, or how many times

you're going to blow me in the shower."

"In your dreams, Wahjee boy." Liam snickered,

but his eyes closed and he was soon sleeping, whether

from his own exhaustion or perhaps a certain Wahjee

wizard who might have planted the suggestion.

Morning came too fast for both Aiden and Liam.

It was only the realization that Liam was snuggled

close to him that brought Aiden awake. Liam didn't

want to wake up. He loved being held by Aiden. It had

been so long since he'd had close contact with another

person, he'd forgotten how nice the feeling was.

"Fuck, I have a son." Aiden sat up abruptly. "I'm

so in shit."

"No kidding." Liam said, still grinning. "Come

on, we need to shower. Your friend is on his way


"How do you know?" Aiden asked. "Don't

answer, I don't want to know."

"Then don't ask." Liam stepped into the shower;

he'd turned it on when they were just getting out of

bed. "Now isn't this nice?" He asked letting the water,

adjusted to the perfect temperature, wash over his

face, moving slightly to let Aiden get wet as well.


Magical Moonlight

28 "It is nice." Aiden said, reaching for a condom.

"Now turn around, we're going to have the next

lesson, shower sex 101."

"Nice." Liam grinned, turning around.

Daniel couldn't believe his eyes when he got up

to the blaring of Aiden's car alarm. The whole side of

Lexus had been caved in, large hairy foot shapes stood

out in the dust and the headlights broken. What scared

him more than anything, were the very obvious claw

marks that raked the hood, as if something, large,

heavy and very pissed had climbed the car. Fucking

Werewolf. He was so going to never drive alone at

night. And walking at night, forget it. Aiden wasn't

going to be happy. The anticipation of Aiden's wrath

made him drive slower than usual toward his friend's

house. It allowed Aiden and Liam to discover the joys

of shower sex before emerging wet and sated from the


"Danny." Aiden said when the door to the loft


"Right on time." Liam muttered, wiggling his ass

so Aiden would remember what he'd been doing.

"What's he still doing here?" Daniel asked.

"I told you, we're taking him to school." Aiden

smirked and then kissed the end of Liam's nose.

"Well hurry up, I don't want to be late for work."

Daniel grumbled, not liking how at home Liam


"Hey it's okay, my broom is parked at the

corner." Liam joked, only to have his ass smacked by



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"In the Lexus, witch boy." Aiden muttered.

"Wizard." Liam breathed as he swished ahead of

Aiden and his friend.

"You sure got yourself a weird one this time."

Daniel shook his head. "Good luck on shaking him.

He seems kind of deranged every time he looks at


"Maybe I don't want to shake him." Aiden said,

enjoying what he was seeing. The heart shape on his

neck throbbed with pleasure/pain.

Liam, reaching the front door in the lobby first,

saw Aiden's Lexus. He giggled that his spell had

worked so well. Without thinking, he mumbled a few

words and the Lexus was back in the same pristine

shape it had been in when Daniel had left them last

night. No reason to let his new found lover know he'd

been a brat.

Aiden held the door for Daniel. He stepped into

the fresh air and smiled. Danny must have washed the

Lexus; it shone in the morning sunlight. He held out

his hand for the keys.

"Aiden, about your Lexus. I couldn't help it. I

mean Werewolves, who even knew they existed."

"Danny, you're babbling." Aiden unlocked the

doors. "Back seat, witch boy." He said as he jumped

behind the steering wheel. "Get in Danny, I'm not

going to be late because you're on the rag."

"" Daniel stuttered, afraid to touch

the Lexus's door handle.

"Cat got your brain Daniel?" Liam smirked. "I

mean tongue." He leaned forward to kiss Aiden's ear.


Magical Moonlight


"Seriously Aiden, don't take me to school. I can get

dropped off anywhere."

"I like to make sure all my red head boy ass tricks

get to school on time." He leaned over and opened the

door. "Get the fuck in Danny."

Daniel got in, his whole body shaking. "Aiden,

your car. I was sure it was…." His voice trailed off.

"My car was what? Out of gas, dirty?" Aiden

looked at his friend puzzled. He turned it on and threw

it in gear, roaring out into the morning traffic. Since

the top of the Lexus was down there was no point in

carrying on any kind of conversation. Aiden and Liam

exchanged looks in the rearview mirror. It didn't take

a rocket scientist to know that Liam had something to

do with whatever happened to the Lexus. The red head

was much too smug sitting in the rear seat, his short

red curls unruffled despite the wind.

He winced when Aiden turned down the street to

The Royal. He was in his senior year and he hated

every second he had to be there. But it was a Wahjee

requirement that all of their children be schooled in

human schools, while at the same time attending

private Wahjee academies after school and on

weekends. They all did it, including Aiden, though his

school had not been as upper crust as the Royal.

The one major rule that could never be broken no

matter what provocation was the rule about using

magic or any inborn abilities while on the school

grounds. It was a rule that was strictly enforced on all


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Wahjee children and not one to be taken lightly even

by the most rebellious.

"Gee thanks for the ride." Liam said as he got out

of the Lexus.

"No problem, little boy." Aiden's voice was a


"When will I see you again?" Liam asked.


"I thought you had something else to do tonight."

Aiden smirked, "Oh right, someone was telling a little

fib about his birthday." He leaned in and kissed Liam.

"You'll see me in your dreams witch boy."

Liam flushed with a combination of

embarrassment and pleasure. He turned to run into the

school, ignoring the catcalls of his fellow students.

Aiden was pissed that he'd allowed himself to out

the boy just for the sake of claiming his lips once

more. Without thinking, he raised his hand and

instantly all the ones yelling obscenities at Liam

became silent, just before they began to vomit up their

breakfasts. It was a mean trick, but one that would

give them something other than Liam to think about.

Liam might not be able to defend himself, but nothing

was stopping Aiden. He'd long ago left school.

Daniel didn't notice anything. He was still upset

about his mistake regarding the Lexus. He'd never

before had hallucinations like this. He must have

ingested something; maybe there was something in the

juice at home. He had after all, taken a trick home last

night. Maybe the bastard had slipped something in his

juice after Aiden had called to go to the hospital.


Magical Moonlight

32 When he saw that Aiden was close to London

Drugs he said. "Wait, let me out here. I.. I don't want

anyone to know I'm gay." For some reason thinking

that Liam's outing was going to continue, though

Aiden had driven him to work hundred's of times.

"Getting a ride in a Lexus with a male friend

makes you gay?" Aiden put his head back and roared

with laughter. "You're pathetic Danny." He slammed

on his brakes. "Out you go, your queer friend doesn't

want to get too close to London Drugs." he continued

to laugh at Daniel's outrage at having to walk three

more blocks.

At the school, Liam ran inside. He had only

minutes to appear in his uniform, so he ducked inside

the boy's washroom to appear seconds later dressed in

a freshly pressed uniform. He knew it was wrong, but

after the night he'd had, nothing mattered to him.

Aiden Mac Ruaidhri was worth any kind of shit he

might get into with his father.

"Liam, Liam, wait up." He looked over to his

friend Dakota who was running down the hall.

"Hey Dakota." He smiled at her; she was one of

the few people he could count on as a friend.

"Your mom is looking for you." She said as she

checked over her shoulder. "She said you were out all


"My mom is right." He grinned. "Do I look any

different?" he turned around.

"Oh my gawd, you did it." She squealed and then

clapped her both hands over her mouth. "Your mom is

going to be sooooo pissed." Dakota was human, but


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she'd been Liam's friend long enough to have heard

endless lectures about keeping himself pure in all

aspects, body and mind. Dakota figured it was because

she and Liam were so close and spent a lot of time in

either her bedroom or his.

"Only if you tell her." He said as he turned the

lock on his locker, scooping out his backpack. "I can't

talk now, I have history class. I'll meet you at lunch."

"Okay, but what am I going to tell your mother.

She always manages to find me. I don't know why she

can never find you."

"It's a mystery." He smirked. "See you at lunch."

History class was more boring than usual. Liam

was almost holding his breath as he waited for the bell

to ring signaling that the class had ended. He had an

open period next that lasted slightly more than an

hour. There would be enough time, if he was fast, to

fix something. Something he should have done last

night but in his excited anticipation of losing his

virginity, he'd forgotten.

The problem was, once in school it was next to

impossible to skip out. Both The Royal Academy and

the Wahjee council had seen to that. He was going to

have to enlist the aid of his human friend Dakota

without her realizing he was Wahjee. It was a game

he'd played with her since he was three. Most Wahjee

were assigned a human friend when they hit puberty

like Aiden had been. In Liam's case, because of his

inborn abilities, he'd been paired with Dakota at the

age three. He often wondered if she was his Wah cat,

she certainly purred when she was happy.


Magical Moonlight

34 It helped to teach them to live with humans

without detection. It was easy to fool strangers, but

much harder to fool a close companion and friend.

Liam headed for room 203, Dakota's English Lit

class. He walked past twice before she noticed and

asked to be excused to go to the bathroom.

"Liam, what are you doing?" Dakota whispered

as they walked quickly down the hall.

"I need to get out of here. I'll be back by lunch;

we can meet by the big tree. But I have to have a

diversion to get out of here. You know how they

watch the entrances."

"What do you want me to do?" she looked at him.

"Is this because of last night? Was he really that good?

Because you can get into big trouble."

"It is because of last night." He said, "I just need

to do this."

"Okay, but be back here at noon."

"Thanks Dakota, I owe you one." Liam gave her a

quick hug and she playfully punched him on his

shoulder having long given up any hope of there being

more than friendship between them.

"Damn right you do." She said as she disappeared

into the girl's bathroom. She counted to fifty, knowing

Liam would ready to make his move through the door

by then. Stealing herself for the drama that would

follow, Dakota began to scream, working herself into

hysteria knowing it wouldn't be long before the office

staff would hear her and come running, leaving the

monitors on the door unattended.


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The moment Liam heard Dakota start to scream;

he counted to five and then slipped through the main

door, opening it just barely enough not to snag his

uniform. Once outside the building he was able to

duck behind a tree the minute he stepped off the

school grounds. Using magic, something he couldn't

do inside, he ended up near Saint Paul's hospital. It

didn't take much effort to find him outside of

Vanessa's room. He was in time, Vanessa was dressed

and holding her son. Rosalie was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey." He said stepping inside. "I'm Liam from

last night. I wanted to see the baby again. Is he


"Of course, Liam." Vanessa was as polite as her

upbringing had taught her. But she had no idea why

one of Aiden's tricks wanted to see the baby. "You

helped name Seamus."

"It's a good name," he said with a smile that

disarmed her. "He's beautiful."

"He is, isn't he"? She smiled down at her son.

"Can I hold him for a minute?" Liam asked in his

most entreating manner.

"Just for a minute, we're getting ready to go

home." Vanessa handed Liam her baby.

Rosalie walked in, recognizing Liam. She was

about to say something when Vanessa asked her a

question about the check out time. They began to

discuss the homecoming so Liam took the opportunity

to do what he had come to do.

"Shay," he said, his voice pitched so only the

baby could hear him. "I know you're all excited about


Magical Moonlight


being born into this world again. But you've been

born to a human family. Your daddy is Wahjee, but

your mommies are human. I'm going to put a binding

spell on you until you're just a bit older and can

control your urges to use your talents." He leaned

down and placed a kiss on the baby's forehead,

muttering the words of the spell. And then to bind

Shay to him so that he would forever be the boy's

protector, Liam placed a small almost imperceptible

heart shaped mark, identical to his father's, just below

his pulse point. Vanessa would notice, but she'd think

it was something Aiden had passed on to his son.

"From this point on, you are under my care and

protection from all that is human and any who are

Wahjee who wish you harm."

The baby looked up at Liam, his eyes flashed like

they had the night before, only this time they settled

back into baby mode faster than ever. He was human

as far as anyone, human or Wahjee was concerned and

therefore safe for now from the high council's

detection. And if Shay was safe, Aiden was as well, at

least for now. Liam had accomplished what he'd set

out to do.

He turned to the two women. "Thanks for letting

me see the baby again. He's the youngest human I've

ever seen." He handed Shay to Rosalie. "You know if

you ever need a babysitter, I'm your man. I have a

younger sister so I know what to do."

"We'll keep that in mind." Rosalie said, puzzled

about Liam but choosing not to question anything this



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Liam quickly left the room. He didn't dare use

any more magic. His parents weren't stupid, they'd

figure out eventually that he'd over used. There was

always someone willing to tattle. He checked his

pockets; he had enough money for bus fare. It was

going to take all his left over time to make it back to

The Royal by bus. Sighing heavily, he resigned

himself to the long bus ride as he ran to catch the first

of many.

Meanwhile Dakota had calmed down. She had

convinced everyone that she'd been chased up onto

the sink vanities by a herd of rats. Though most of

them thought she was seeing things. After all, no rat

would dare enter the hallowed halls of The Royal

Academy let alone a herd of them. She was in the

nurse's room lying on the cot while they decided what

to do with her. Checking her watch, Dakota figured

she had about fifteen more minutes to endure the

sideways glances of Nurse Sweeny before she could

stage a miraculous recovery and meet Liam outside

for lunch break.

Liam transferred to the last bus that would let out

near his school. It had been interesting traveling by

bus rather than by car. He had grown used to driving

the little Mazda he'd received for his birthday last

year. But he'd left it down near Davie Street last night

and hadn't had time to retrieve it.

The lunch hour was in full swing when he stepped

off the bus. The small pop he made in t