Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A s Liam drove home; he knew he was going to

have to face his mother sooner or later. He

might as well get it over with now.

Dakota honked and waved as she drove past him

on the way to her house. Liam turned into his

driveway, parked and reluctantly got out of his car.

His mother opened the door before he had a chance to

touch the handle.

"Liam Taylor, you are in one heck of a lot of

trouble." She began.

"Hi mom, how was your day?" he said as he toed

off his shoes and hung up his school jacket. "Let me

get out of this uniform before you start on the lecture."

He ran up stairs ignoring his mother's entreaties,

shrugging out of his shirt as he ran.

Morgan Taylor followed her son. He was

somehow different. It wasn't something she could put

her finger on, but it was something. "Liam, you know

you can't stay out all night and not face some


Magical Moonlight


repercussions. You have no idea how hard it is to keep

this from your father."

"Mom I'm sorry. I told Meredeth I was going to

be out and I didn't know when I'd be back. You and

dad weren't home and it wasn't something I wanted to

write on the message board. Didn't Meredeth tell


"Yes she told me. But that isn't the point. You're

seventeen years old and you were out for the entire

night without letting me know where you were."

"I was safe. I have my cell phone. What was the

point of waking you up at midnight? This way you

and dad got a full nights sleep and I… well let's just

say I had a good night too."

"Liam you know the rules Wahjee have to live

by. I hope you haven't done anything to jeopardize

your position with the council."

"Mom the council's ideas are old fashioned. It's

not fair that kids are expected to follow rules made by

a bunch of people a thousand years ago. Times

change. People change." Liam was laying his

schoolwork out on his desk. "I have homework to do."

"Do you want something to eat, dinner isn't for

another couple of hours."

"No Dakota and I stopped for something after

school." He looked up at his mother and smiled. "Call

me when dinner is ready." He didn't dare risk using a

glimmer spell, but he did he best with old-fashioned

puppy dog eyes. It worked.

Morgan hesitated for a moment and then closed

his door. She wasn't going to get anything out of him.


ER Bryant


He'd always been a private boy. But she worried

about her son. He was in line for the high council

leadership and he didn't seem to fully appreciate the

honor or the status it would bring his family.

Liam watched his mother close his door. He

waited for her footsteps to fade before he sent an

electrical impulse toward the door, securing the lock

he'd installed. He pulled out his largest sketchbook.

He wanted to record his night. His fingers had itched

all day for a pencil, a piece of charcoal, chalk,

anything that would let him put Aiden's image down

on paper. But first he picked up the bright turquoise

and white cat that had been with him since birth. It

was heavier than it looked and he'd always used the

stuffed toy as a confident of sorts. He'd had teddy

bears and other stuffies, but his pretend Wah cat

Betty, had been his favorite. Liam tucked Betty

between his bed pillows before settling down to

sketch. He never noticed the twinkle in Betty's eyes.

But then he never did.

When Liam's mother called him for dinner, he

couldn't believe that two hours had passed. He'd lost

himself in the memories of the night before as he

recorded his time with Aiden. Page after page told the

story, not in order, but rather as the memory lived in

his mind or touched on his body. Liam sat back

pleased with what he'd done. A few of the sketches

would make great paintings. A few would find their

way with some slight alterations, into the next issue of



Magical Moonlight

58 Dakota called him at seven. Liam was back in his

room supposedly doing homework, but actually

working on the next issue of his comic book. "Hey

Liam, are you going back there tonight?" she asked.

"No." he sighed and stretched. "I'm staying

home. Do you want to come over, I'm working on a

second issue of the book."

"Cool, I'll be right over." Dakota hung up. She'd

been worried that with Liam's change of status

virginity wise, that he might somehow be different

and forget her. They'd been friends so long she didn't

know what she'd do without him.

Morgan was pleased to see Dakota. Liam was

going to be okay if his friend was still part of his life.

"Come in Dakota, Liam is upstairs in his room."

"I know, we're going to work on a project for

school." Dakota said. She didn't feel she was lying.

The original comic was a school project. She held up a

bag. "I've got cookies."

Morgan laughed. "I'll bring up some cold milk

for the two of you."

"That's okay, I can take it up." Dakota offered.

She knew Liam wouldn't want his mother to see what

he was doing.

"Open the door Liam." She kicked it gently with

her foot. "My hands are full."

"Cool, you brought food." Liam opened the door,

looked out and then locked it behind Dakota. "I've

done some great sketches of Aiden. Want to see?"

"I thought we were working the second issue of



ER Bryant


"We are, think of these as preliminary sketches."

He grinned at his friend. He sat on the floor, his back

against the footboard of his bed. Dakota took her place

beside him, folding sinuously while she held cookies

in one hand and a tray with two glasses of cold milk in

the other. "Smooth move." Liam had always admired

his best friend's grace and agility.

"A thousand years of dance practice will do that."

She snickered. "I see Betty likes Aiden too." The

stuffed cat was at the end of the bed leaning over.

"And you look so young." He nudged her with his

shoulder. A quick movement of one finger stopped the

milk from overflowing the glasses. "This is Aiden in

all his glory." He did glance at Betty, but never

thought about how she'd moved. It was something

that had always happened and Liam had never really

thought it unusual. There was more to Betty than just

pretty fur that demanded to be patted.

"Geeze Liam, I so did not need to see him like

that. I'm never going to be able to look him in the

eyes again."

Liam snickered. "I know the feeling and he has

such cool eyes, but damn he's got an even cooler



"Of course." Liam wiggled suggestively as he

thumbed through his sketchbook showing Dakota his

various impressions of Aiden.

