Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L ater that day, Liam and Dakota left school as

soon as the bell rang. They wanted to avoid Brad

and his friends at all costs. The last confrontation had

ended in a week's worth of detentions.

"I'll drive you to Davie Street, but can we stop

and get something to eat?"

"Sure, I parked near Hamburger Mary's. I had a

great burger there last night."

"I wonder if they have milk shakes?" Dakota

asked, getting in her car. "Hurry up; I'm starving."

"You're always starving," Liam laughed. "I'll

share a milkshake and burger with you."

"And fries. We need fries," she laughed.

It didn't take long to find Liam's car and stash his

school bag. He and Dakota walked the half a block to

Hamburger Mary's, both of them thrilled to be

walking on the colorful street.

"Here it is," Liam pulled open the door of the

diner and held it for Dakota.


Magical Moonlight

48 "Come on in kids and have a seat. I'll be with you

in a minute," Tanya called from the rear of the diner

where she was busy filling sugar containers.

Dakota and Liam sat at the counter near Tanya.

"We know what we want," Liam said. "Take your


"Oh, this isn't rocket science kids, but it needs to

be done before the dinner rush. I'm Tanya by the


"I'm Liam, and this is my friend Dakota."

"I love your costumes," Tanya grinned.

"They aren't costumes," Dakota giggled. She was

trying to decide if Tanya was male or female. "We

just got out of school, and we're starving to death."

The server was dressed for success in a 1950s style

waitress dress, complete with perky hat, white nurse's

shoes, and white nylon stockings.

"Well then, I'd better feed you," Tanya grinned.

"You look like a bacon cheeseburger and fries kind of


"And a strawberry shake," Dakota grinned.

"We're sharing." She cocked her head, "Where do you

get white nylons these days?"

"Sweetie, down here you can buy pretty much

anything you want," Tanya laughed and twirled

around. "These ones are seamless, but I have ones

with seams too. I get them off eBay actually, but I

think there's a store two blocks over that sells them,

probably from their original stock. The owner is about

a thousand years old."


ER Bryant


"Sharing is good," Tanya said, writing up their

order. "I'll have the burger cut in two. You'll need lots

of room for our fries. They're real potatoes, not those

frozen things."

"Hey, where's Ma?" Daniel breezed in the door,

interrupting Tanya and ignoring the kids at the


"Hi, Daniel. She stepped out to get her nails

done," Tanya called as she headed for the kitchen.

"Have a seat; I'll get your usual."

"If it isn't Danny, Aiden's bestest friend in the

whole world," Liam drawled, turning around on his


"Don't call me Danny." Daniel glared, sitting in

the back booth. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Slumming?" Liam asked.

"Asshole," Daniel mumbled, reaching for a

discarded newspaper, hoping to ignore Liam.

"Who is that?" Dakota whispered.

"He's Aiden's friend. He has a thing for Aiden; I

can tell. He was sure pissed that we were together last

night. All night." The last he said in a voice loud

enough to make sure Daniel heard it.

"Don't flatter yourself kid; you're only a fuck to

Aiden. He does this all the time." Daniel pretended

interest in the paper he'd grabbed.

"But Liam, Aiden—" Dakota was going to ask

about Aiden coming to the school earlier.

"Dak, he wouldn't want anyone to know that,"

Liam whispered to his friend. "It's between us." He


Magical Moonlight


looked up as Tanya delivered their food. "Thanks

Tanya. It looks good."

"I brought two glasses for the milkshake," Tanya

said, placing the burger and fries between them as

well as giving each one a side plate and silverware.


"Thank you, Tanya," Dakota said as she reached

for a fry."

Liam and Dakota ate their after school snack,

talking in the code that two friends develop over a

long relationship and giggling over nothing. Every

now and then, Tanya would join them. All of them

ignored Daniel's glares from the corner.

Finally finished, Liam paid the bill while Dakota

leaned over the counter. "Tanya, your eyelashes are

amazing," she whispered, having finally decided that

Tanya was a man dressed as a woman.

"Thanks sweetie; I do try my best." Tanya looked

at Dakota. "I love the uniform."

Dakota giggled. "It's kind of cool. Doesn't Liam

look hot in his?"

"Not bad, but you look pretty hot in yours as

well." Tanya winked, making Dakota giggle again.

"Come on, Dakota, stop flirting with Tanya. It's

time to go," Liam called from the front door.

"Wait," Tanya called. "I want to ask you a favor."

"Sure." Liam turned back, intrigued.

Tanya pulled out her large purse from behind the

counter. "I bought this the other day. You are the

Liam Taylor who wrote and drew it, aren't you?" She

pulled out a plastic-wrapped comic. "It's the first issue


ER Bryant


from the first printing. Would you autograph it for


"You want my autograph?" Liam was pleased.

"This was just a school project for extra credit."

"I bet you got an A," Tanya said. "I love this

story line, and I love the character Fury. He reminds

me of someone. Someone from around here who does

things for the community and for individuals but who

never lets anyone tell that he helped." Tanya looked

into Liam's eyes, telling him that she suspected Fury

was Aiden.

"You could be right," Liam said and actually

flushed, though he hated when this betrayal by his

body happened. He picked up Tanya's plastic-

wrapped book. "Do you have a pen? My book bag is

in my car."

"Are you doing another issue?" Tanya asked.

"Because Liam, honey, this is just what the

community needs: a superhero for us."

"I wasn't planning on it when I first had it

published. But my publisher has issued two more

reprints. He said it's been picked up all over the

country. So I'm going to do another issue. In fact, I'm

working on it now."

"I sure hope you continue with this." Tanya

smiled as she looked at Liam's autograph.

"Oh, how sweet?" she blushed at the words he'd

written. "You come back here anytime."

"Oh, I'll be back," Liam said. "How can I resist?"

He winked at Daniel, who was listening intently to

everything that they said.


Magical Moonlight

52 Daniel couldn't believe that the twink had done

what he'd always wanted to do: write a comic—a

comic that was catching on and could become famous.

Liam had been gone for an hour when Lisa came

into the diner. "Hi, Daniel," she said, bending to kiss

him on the forehead. His mother worked occasionally

at Hamburger Mary's, but she was there almost every

day for one reason or another. There were a lot of lost

boys and girls on the streets of Davie and Denman,

and Lisa was a surrogate mom to a good many of


"Ma, you're late."

"Honey, I stopped punching a clock a few years

ago," she laughed. "Tanya, you can take off now if

you'd like," she called out.

"Lisa, take your time. I'll bring you a coffee.

Daniel, do you want another soda?" Tanya asked as

she bustled around.

"Thank you, Tanya, don't mind if I do." Lisa sat

back in the booth, put her feet on the seat opposite,

and relaxed. She pulled out a comic book from her

rainbow-colored bag. "Did you see this Daniel? The

whole beauty parlor is talking about it."

"Put it away; I know about it."

"Oh, you bought Fury. I have one too." Tanya

looked at the one in Lisa's hand. "You have a second

printing one. I have a first issue, and—you'll never

guess—I met the boy who wrote it and did all of the

illustrations. He autographed mine for me."

"He's just a fucking trick of Aiden's. No one

special." Daniel muttered.


ER Bryant


"He's a fucking brilliant artist," Tanya snapped

back. "Aiden Mac Ruaidhri better be nice to him."

"Holy shit, what's going on?" Lisa asked, looking

from Daniel to Tanya. "It's just a fucking comic


"It's that twink. He somehow makes everyone he

meets like him. Like he puts a spell on them or


Lisa looked at Daniel. "He didn't put a spell on

you." She shook her head. "I think you're just jealous.

Snap the fuck out of it." She drained her coffee and

stood up, but not before punctuating her statement

with a snap to her son's ear. "Go home, Tanya; I'll

take over."

Daniel grabbed the comic book his mother had

left on the table and began to leaf through it. He hated

the fact that it was Liam who was responsible for what

he'd always wanted to do. But he loved the story and

the drawings were amazing.

