Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A iden was going crazy. He'd taken to driving by

The Royal Academy at eight thirty in the

morning and three o'clock in the afternoon, like some

kind of pervert, hoping to catch sight of Liam. But the

boy remained elusive to his sight. Twice he'd see

Dakota and more times than he cared to, he'd seen

Brad Chambers, who always sent a glare in his

direction, but never Liam.

Everyone else in his world of family and friends

had seen the boy. Daniel bitched that he was always in

the diner. Vanessa and Rosalie told stories of Liam's

artistic abilities as well as sang his praises as a

babysitter. Even Evan had run across the boy in

Bulge. Aiden was reaching a point of desperation,

something that was completely foreign to his nature. If

he didn't know better, he'd swear that the kid had put

a spell over him.

Finally unable to resist, Aiden dialed the number

of Liam's cell phone. It was seven on a Saturday night

and while Aiden would go out later, now was that


Magical Moonlight


quiet time when he found himself at a loss for

something to do. Oh he could check his email, or surf

the net, read something, or channel surf, but nothing

appealed; when all he could see was flashing blue and

violet eyes and all he could feel were fingers tingling

with electricity tracing circles on his skin. Liam's cell

number hadn't been an easy one to get. But the week

before he'd seen it on a piece of paper on Vanessa's

fridge. She used it to call him for babysitting duties.

Aiden didn't have to look for the number, he

knew it by heart. The phone rang once, twice and then

Liam said. "It's about damn time Mac Ruaidhri." And

Aiden could hear the laugh in his voice.

"Witch boy, what are you up to?" Aiden drawled,

he could feel the tightening his groin at the sound of

Liam's voice.

"Nothing special." Liam grinned to himself.

"I can fix that." Aiden couldn't stop grinning.

"I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes."

"Tell you what, why don't I just drive to your

apartment. That way I'll have my car and I won't have

to listen to my mother when she sees you."

"You have a car?" Aiden asked. "Why didn't

someone tell me?"

"Did you ask?" Liam laughed. "I bet you've been

your usual silent self."

"Shut up and come over here." Aiden wanted

Liam in his arms, not on the phone. Now that he had

his number, there was a lot of time for phone sex. For

now, he needed to hold him.


ER Bryant


When Aiden had called, Liam had only been a

block away from the loft. He was going to surprise the

stubborn man. That Aiden had broken first, was great

as far as Liam was concerned.

Liam let himself into Aiden's building. He took

the stairs two at a time and then let himself into the

loft. "Hey." He grinned at Aiden's startled look. "You

did invite me over."

"What did you do, fly on your broom?" Aiden

shook his head.

"I was driving near here. It didn't take long." He

shrugged out of his jacket and kicked off his shoes.

The shoes and jacket disappeared into the closet by

the door.

"Make yourself at home." Aiden laughed. "Want

to watch a movie?"

"Maybe after we've made love." Liam began to

remove his shirt.

"Fucked Liam, we're gay, we fuck." Aiden said

the words slowly and carefully. But he said them

without the usual force behind the words.

"Okay, fuck. I don't care what you call it to get

you through the day. I'm horny and I'm seventeen, did

you really think I wanted to watch a movie?" Liam

laughed, wiggled his ass and disappeared into Aiden's


"You have done something, haven't you?" Aiden

asked as he followed the boy up the three stairs.

"I've attended school, babysat for Shay, worked

on a project or ten, hung out at the diner and generally

lived my life Aiden. It's something I do and have done


Magical Moonlight


for almost eighteen years. Oddly enough I've done

most of it without any contact with you." The rest of

his clothes were on the floor and he now lay in

ethereal whiteness on shadowed grey velvet, lit by

twinkling blue lights. "Now stop thinking so hard and

come and join me. I'm ready for lesson two in how to

be the best homosexual I can be." He grinned up at

Aiden, his smile lighting up the room and dispelling

any shadows that might have lingered in the corners.

"You're driving me crazy." Aiden admitted. He

felt a shiver of cold air wash over him and he looked

down, he was standing naked in the room, his clothing

neatly folded on a chair. Aiden looked from his

clothing to Liam's, which littered the floor. "Why did

you fold my stuff?"

"'Cause I knew you'd freaken well would do it

yourself instead of coming to bed. It saves time."

Liam stroked his hard cock suggestively.

"Let me get the lights." Aiden said, but before the

words were out of his mouth, all the lights, with the

exception of blue flashes, were out.

"Anything else? You want a drink of water?

Perhaps a cookie?" Liam asked. "Will you get on the

damn bed."

"I'm the one in charge here." Aiden said as he

moved to the bed. "Not you. It's my place." As soon

as he said the words he found himself wound up in

Liam's legs in a small single bed, in a room decorated

with posters from art shows, the desk littered with

books and a glowing computer screen with Aiden

himself as the screen saver.


ER Bryant


"Now you're in my bed." Liam whispered. "But it

would be a lot more fun if we were in yours. After all,

my mom is just two doors down, not to mention my

little sister is in the room beside us."

"Freak, get me back to the loft." Aiden looked

around as if expecting the two women to walk in any

moment. Momentarily startled by a bright turquoise

and white stuffed cat with twinkling eyes, he took a

breath and then found himself back in the loft

bedroom. "Showing off your magic is considered bad

form." He huffed. "You don't see me doing shit like


"Considering you're supposed to be my equal in

the magic department according to the stats in the high

council library, you're not very good at it." Liam

wiggled until he was straddling Aiden. "But I don't

mind teaching stuff. We'll trade."

"I can do as much or more than you witch boy.

I'm just not interested in that shit. I never have been.

I've seen what it can do; my father and mother are

perfect examples of power corrupting. I don't need

that kind of shit in my life."

"It's only bad if you let it be bad. I mean you

have to know moderation." Liam explained. "You

have to have moderation in everything you do with

your life, from drinking, smoking, bad language and

yes, magic. Anybody with an ounce of brains can tell

you that. I never use my magic to hurt anybody even

when I would dearly love to. For instance, your friend

Danny would make an awesome wallaby or

something. And that fucking Brad Chambers, five-


Magical Moonlight


day-old road kill would be too good for him though I

haven't actually entirely dismissed that idea."

"Shut up witch boy and show me some magic that

I can relate to. Like perhaps it's time to see what kind

of a blow job you can do."

"Hmmmm, sounds like a plan." Liam moved

lower until he was between Aiden's legs. "I'll even

leave out the magic and do it the old fashioned way,

after all I wouldn't want to spoil you so early in our


"I don't do relationships." Aiden muttered before

he lost the use of his voice when Liam's mouth began

to work on his cock. Who knew your voice was

connected to your cock was all he could think of

before other sensations took over his mind.
