Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L ater that night, "Where's Aiden?" Daniel asked,

looking around Celebrities. "He said he was

going to meet us here."

"I don't know, it's early, give him a few minutes

before you send out the dogs." Evan laughed and

waved his Cosmo. "I feel especially lucky tonight."

He twirled around to show off his outfit. "Do you like

it? It came in today at Bulge and it had my name on it.

I had to buy it." He was wearing a see through black

shirt that showed off his diamond-dusted pecs to


"It's kind of sleazy." Bob said. "But it's all you."

He was dressed in his usual polyester shirt and pants.

Perhaps a bit tighter than what he'd wear to work. It

was his concession to clubbing.

"Of course it's all me Bobby." Evan gushed.

"You know, I bet Aiden is all wrapped up in that little

red head who's been hanging around."

"They're never together." Daniel said, "Why

would you think Aiden even cares about him?"


Magical Moonlight

76 "That's the whole point. They're avoiding each

other. There's something up with the two of them,

mark my words." Evan sipped his drink as he watched

the boys playing pool.

"Aiden is hardly interested in doing someone

more than once, let alone a twink. He likes his men

more mature." Daniel said as he watched as well. He

finished his drink. "I'm not waiting around here all

night. Let's go get Aiden out of his apartment. He's

probably working or something. He needs a night of


"I don't think that's such a good idea Daniel."

Bob cautioned. "You know how Aiden hates us to

come over uninvited."

"He said he was coming out tonight, so that's

almost like inviting us to come and get him." Daniel


"Works for me." Evan said, having had just

enough to drink to lose all sense of what was right or

wrong. "Shall we walk, or should we take a cab."

"We can walk, it isn't far." Daniel threw some

money on the bar. "Aiden'll drive us back. Are you

coming Bob?"

"No thanks, I want to keep my balls thank you

very much." Bob laughed. "I'm heading to The


Daniel and Evan walked out of the bar arm in

arm. They had a purpose, to find Aiden and bring him

out to play.

In the apartment, the love making, fucking or

whatever you chose to call it was something beautiful


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to see. The only light was blue shadows reflected from

the buildings on the street, but the sparks from Liam's

skin as it touched Aiden took on a different blue hue

edged in gold. That made both men surrealistic as they

moved from one position to another. Taking pleasure

in everything they did to one another. Liam was

learning and Aiden was as well. Liam, how to be

loved as a gay man, by a gay man. Aiden was learning

to give pleasure for the sake of another rather than just

him. It was a wondrous sight.

"You should ring him first." Evan said. His

Cosmo high was fading.

"He gave me a key for a reason. Because we're

friends and so he doesn't have to let me in." It was

actually in case of emergency, but wasn't this an

emergency. It was studs and suds night after all.

Daniel and Evan rode the elevator. At the top

floor Daniel made a production out of taking his key

to Aiden's place out of his pocket, like it was some

kind of Holy Grail. He turned the key and opened the

door. Music filled the air, Daniel couldn't remember

Aiden having a sound system that surrounded the

apartment, but it was kind of nice. The music that

played was like nothing he and Evan had ever heard

before. The beat steady like that of a heartbeat, yet

somehow sensuous and passion filled. Light flickered

like candles here there and everywhere, from ceiling

to floor, on walls and over doors and window.

Evan and Daniel stood there open mouthed at the

display. Slowly they walked inside, ecstasy filled

moans of pleasure drew them like moths to a flame.


Magical Moonlight


More lights flashed in Aiden's bedroom, ozone filled

the air. Daniel was somehow filled with fear and

apprehension at the same time as he looked inside

Aiden's room. Liam and Aiden, both on their knees in

the center of the bed were kissing and touching, sparks

everywhere. On their skin, the duvet, the head board,

in the air. The air stunk of sex and something else that

Daniel couldn't name. All he could think of was that

Aiden was in danger of getting burnt. He was sure

there was an electrical fault, perhaps from the blue

lights that glowed even brighter than usual. Without

thinking, Daniel launched himself at Aiden.

"YARRRRRGGHHHHH." He screamed as he

grabbed Aiden and pulled him away and onto the floor

with a thump that sounded louder than it should in the

sudden silence of the loft.


DOING IN HERE?" Aiden screamed as he tried to

pick himself up off of the floor.

Liam who lay on the bed wrapped in the duvet,

convulsed with laughter. He was laughing so hard he

could barely breath. "Oh I fucking think I pissed

myself." He finally managed to choke out. Aiden by

now was pacing around looking for a cigarette that he

didn't have. Daniel still lay on the floor. Evan had run

out of the loft screaming he was going to be late. For

what Aiden had no idea.

"Would you stop laughing please?" Aiden said,

his voice calm.


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"I can't, I can't believe your pathetic little friend

broke in here and jumped on you." Liam giggled. "I

was about to have like the best orgasm of my life."

"You're seventeen, what do you know about

orgasms?" Aiden laughed. "But I admit, it would have

been a good one."

"Aiden, he was going to kill you. I saw the

flames. I saw them." Daniel began.

"What flames Danny, do you see any flames? I

don't even have a candle lit." Aiden resisted the urge

to kick his long time human friend. "Get off my

fucking floor and tell me what the emergency was that

you had to break in on me."

"I know what I saw." Daniel had his bottom lip

out. He glared at Liam who was stuffing the duvet in

his mouth to keep from laughing. "What's he doing


"He's laughing." Aiden deadpanned "And if he

doesn't stop, I'm going to kick his ass."

"Promise?" Liam said and batted his eyes before

diving under the duvet and laughing again. He was

seventeen after all.

Aiden rolled his eyes and then turned to Daniel.

"Get out Danny but give me my key back first."

"Aiden, he was hurting you." Daniel started


"Danny, did I look like I was having a bad time?"

Aiden said as if talking to a child. "Liam and I are

consenting adults, well one of us is more adult than

the other. We were fucking. Maybe you don't


Magical Moonlight


understand because you don't do it often enough. But

trust me, that's what were doing."

"Making love, we were making love." Liam's

head popped up out of the duvet. "Call what it is lover


"Oh puleeze." Daniel sneered. "Give me a break.

Aiden fucks, he doesn't make love."

"He doesn't do either with you so how the fuck

do you know?" Liam snickered. "I'm thinking

wombat, or maybe one of those fuzzy little rats with

the long skinny pink tails." He looked up at the

ceiling, the epitome of innocence.

"What did he say?" Daniel looked puzzled.

"He's a kid, he rambles." Aiden began to steer

Daniel out of the bedroom. "Get out of here Danny.

It's late. I don't want to deal with you right now."

Daniel walked down the stairs and looked around

the loft. "Where did the music go, did you turn it off?"

he asked Aiden.

"What music?" Aiden looked puzzled.

"The music, there was music playing when we

came in." Daniel said as he looked around the loft.

"There were lights all over in here. There's nothing


"It was an optical illusion Danny. You probably

heard the music from next door. The walls are thin.

And the lights were just reflections of the city lights

through the windows."

"Oh, that makes sense." Daniel agreed. He

handed Aiden his key. "I really did think you were in



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"I know Danny." Aiden sighed. "I guess we all

have to grow up sometime. I don't need anyone

rescuing me anymore."

"But what about that kid, that Liam."

"What about him Danny." Aiden asked as he

pulled the door open.

"He's staying around, isn't he?" Daniel's voice

was sad.

"No doubt he is." Aiden agreed. "We all need

someone special in our lives. Liam is my special

person for however long he wants to stay."

"That sucks."

"And not in a good way, but that's the way life is

Danny." Aiden leaned forward and kissed Daniel

tenderly. "Later."

"Tonight at The Odyssey?" Daniel's eyes


"No, tomorrow perhaps at the diner. I don't

know." Aiden closed the door on his friend and

carefully locked it.

He felt rather than heard Liam come up behind

him. He sank back against the smaller man when

Liam's arms wrapped themselves around his body. "A

vole, he'd make a good vole." Liam whispered.

"Brat." Aiden huffed a laugh and turned around in

Liam's arms so that they were now facing each other.

"That was damn awesome sex."

"It was stupendous." Liam giggled. "Especially

the ending."

"I hope you didn't piss the bed." Aiden said.


Magical Moonlight

82 "It's all clean if that's what you're worried

about." Liam said as he looked up into eyes greener

than he'd seen before. "You know we're good for

each other. We bring out things in one another that

have been somehow hidden." He touched the corner

of Aiden's eye. "Like your eyes, they've become more

green each time we make love."


"Whatever." Liam smiled, his smile hidden as he

buried his face in Aiden's neck. "You inspire me to

paint in different mediums, to sketch in more detail, to

think of things I've ignored."

"All that and we've only been together twice."

Aiden tried to joke, but he knew exactly what Liam

meant. There was something that happened to him

with each meeting. Some kind of inner strength that

built up more and more. And he supposed that had he

been interested in working magic, something he

wasn't. He supposed it would be more powerful than

before and perhaps his magic was more powerful. He

hoped he never had to find out. He'd been born into a

Wahjee family, that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Come back to bed. We'll hold each other and

sleep when we can."

"Sounds rather lesbionic." Aiden muttered, but

willingly followed Liam back to the bedroom.

"It sounds normal Aiden. It's what lovers do no

matter what sex, no matter human or Wahjee. It's

what lovers do." Liam settled himself under the duvet

and waited for Aiden to get under with him. The older

man thought about it for a moment and then climbed


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in too. Liam moved over and Aiden held up his arm

for Liam to cuddle closer. It was an automatic gesture,

not one Aiden was familiar with, but one that seemed

right when it was Liam who moved into the position.


Two weeks later found Liam and Dakota on the way

to the GLC. "Are you excited?" Dakota asked,

wiggling in the driver's seat of her car. "It's like your

first show."

"Dakota, it's for charity. I'm not going to get

anything out of this." Liam laughed at her excitement.

"Sure you will. You'll get recognition for being a

great artist in the making and your mom will see you

have more talent than she realized." She clamped both

her hands over her mouth, letting go of the steering

wheel. "Oops." She grabbed the wheel again. "Sorry,

but she asked too many question. You know I can't


"Please tell me you didn't." Liam buried his head

in his hands. "Not my mother."

"She only wants what's best for you." Dakota


"She wants me on a short leash Dakota. You have

no idea. I'm not supposed to even go over to Davie

Street. I'm sure as fuck not supposed to have a

boyfriend. And I'm absolutely not supposed to lose

my virginity, any virginity. No fucking, sucking or

hard kissing. Those are the rules."


Magical Moonlight

84 "Well you've pretty much broken all of them,

what can she do?"

I could spend my life as toad. Liam thought to

himself. "You have no idea what she can do." He

muttered. "And not just to me, but to Aiden as well."

"I think you're being a drama princess." Dakota

scoffed as she turned into a parking spot near the

GLC. "I can't wait to see which ones you decided to

put in the show." They had chosen ten a few weeks

before and out of those ten; Liam was putting in five,

four sketches and an oil. He was hoping the oil would

bring in some serious money for the Center.

Liam wanted to scream and shout and generally

have a hissy fit. But instead he got out of Dakota's car

and hoped for the best.

"Liam, the work you've donated is amazing." It

was Vanessa on her way into the building.

"Thanks Vanessa." He smiled. "Can I hold

Shay?" he asked. The baby was doing his best to leap

out his mother's arms and into Liam's, despite his age.

"He seems to want you to do just that." She

laughed and handed her son over. They continued on

up the stairs and into the Center. "Rosalie should be

here any minute, she had to work late."

"She works hard." Liam said as he made faces at

Shay who giggled and cooed. "Aiden does too."

"Yes, Aiden has always been a hard worker. He

had a hard life, put himself through University and

everything." She smiled. "That's where we met."

"Didn't his parents pay? I mean I would have

thought…" his voice trailed off. Wahjee parents


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always made sure their children were educated. What

in hell was going on?

"He had a math scholarship, but I don't know

why his parents didn't help him. He didn't really talk

about them. I'm not sure he even sees them now."

"No kidding." Liam was puzzled. He'd have to

find out what was up with Aiden and his parents. Shay

gurgled and smiled up at Liam, waving his hands in

the air. "He's really getting big."

"I think he'll be tall like his father." She said.

"Liam, there you are." He turned at the sound of

his mother's voice. "Hello Dakota."

"Hi mom." He smiled. "This is Seamus and his

mom Vanessa. Vanessa, this is my mom."

"Hello." She smiled at Vanessa and then looked

enquiringly at Liam who still held Shay. "Your son is

quite handsome." She said.

"He looks a lot like his father." Vanessa said.

"Oh, is he here?" Morgan looked around the

room. It was now crowded with people looking at the


"Oh, I'm sure Aiden won't come. He never

supports the GLC. I'm sure he thinks it's beneath

him." Vanessa smiled. "Oh there's my wife." She

waved at Rosalie who had just come in the door.

"Your wife?" Morgan looked from Liam to

Vanessa, to Dakota and then to Rosalie.

"They're lesbians, mom." Liam said. "Aiden is a

friend. He donated his sperm to make Shay."

"Yes, he did it in a cup." Dakota shivered

dramatically. "It's so gross."


Magical Moonlight

86 "Interesting." Morgan said. "I'd like to see your

work Liam. You never show us at home."

"You're never interested." Liam said. He handed

Shay back to Vanessa after kissing him on the

forehead and then on the end of his nose, making the

baby giggle. "Later Lil' Guy."

"It's over here." He nodded toward a part of the

wall where a crowd stood admiring the artwork.

"Oh, my, you have a lot of people looking at it."

Morgan was pleased. She knew her son would

succeed at being an artist. She began to stroll over,

Liam following reluctantly.

"Oh, that's a lovely picture of Molly and her

doll." Morgan said. "I'm surprised you got her to sit

still long enough. And there's Shay and his mother.

You really should give that to Vanessa."

"It's a sale for charity mom. I can't give them


"Liam, did you do this?" Morgan stood in front of

two sketches, both of nude males. One was of Brad

Chambers when he stood in the locker room at school.

Of course Liam had made sure nothing would identify

him. He did want to live to see eighteen. The other

one was Aiden, sleeping after a passion filled few

hours of sex. There was no mistaking who that one

was if you knew Aiden Mac Ruaidhri.

"It says Liam Taylor in the corner. Unless there's

another one, that would be me."

"Watch your mouth." Morgan hissed. "I'll talk to

you later about these two sketches."


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Liam tried to steer her away from what she would

see next around the next corner. "Look, there's some

nice landscapes over there." He nodded to a far wall.

"Liam, I'd prefer to look at these works on my

own thank you very much." Morgan patted his cheek.

"Don't worry dear, I can see you're very talented.

Your father doesn't have to know about the subject

matter of your sketching."

"He's not my father." Liam mumbled. For of

course Cecil Taylor, the celibate Grand Wizard of the

High Council, was not only celibate, but also

supposedly virginal as Wahjee law dictated. Liam was

determined to find his real father, but that was

something he kept to himself. It was strictly forbidden.

"He is your father for all intents and purposes."

Morgan replied. "I'll not have you saying anything

else." And then she stepped around the room divider

and was faced with a painting that already had been

sold for an incredible donation of five thousand

dollars. It had been purchased by a wealthy gay couple

that was planning on it being the focal point of their

collection in their new home.

His mother stood silently in front of the large

canvas. She was unable to speak, so powerful was the

painting in on the wall in front of her. It told her far

more than it did anyone else in the room, this

surrealistic swirl of blues and sparks of yellows and

golds surrounding the two men who faced each other

on their knees. So close it was hard to tell where one

began and the other left off. No faces were visible just

the impression of love and sex and something more.


Magical Moonlight


Something that couldn't be defined, but was felt by

everyone who saw the painting. It was almost magical

in the way it brightened the faces who gazed at it,

hardened their cocks, made their pussies drip and

filled them with desire, both men and women alike.

"Liam Taylor, you didn't." she finally managed to

say, her voice so low it was hard to hear.

"But he did." Aiden dr