Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A iden wasn't surprised when he arrived at

Hamburger Mary's for breakfast the next day, to

find Lisa on the warpath. She'd had almost a full day

to stew about Liam's disappearance.

He grabbed the morning paper off the counter and

headed for the back booth, moving into the seat next

to the wall followed quickly by Evan and Bob and

then finally Daniel.

"I'm not interested in hearing from any of you.

Especially you Danny." Aiden glared.

"Asshole, what's this I hear about you throwing

Liam out onto the street." Lisa demanded.

"Ask your son about that." Aiden drawled,

pretending interest in the paper. "I'll have a coffee and

some whole wheat toast, no butter."

"When are you planning on getting the kid back?"

she demanded, hands on her hips.

"He's a big boy. He'll come back when he's

ready." Aiden stood up, throwing his paper on the

table. "I'm sick of all of this. Daniel, you're just as


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responsible as I am for Liam leaving. No one's riding

your ass."

"Well what in fuck bit him in the ass?" Lisa

asked, dumbfounded at Aiden's outburst.

Aiden heard her, but ignored her words. He was

worried sick about Liam, both because the boy had

disappeared and because of what he'd said to send

him away. And he was worried about Shay. Each time

he'd driven past Vanessa's house there was an aura of

danger around it, yet it stopped twenty feet all around

the house including the roof. Aiden knew that it was

Liam's doing, keeping whatever it was away from his

son. But he couldn't help but wonder if Shay would be

in danger when he wasn't in residence.

It was time to retrieve his drama princess. He

needed him close. He needed him for himself, for his

heart and soul and he needed him for Shay, for his

safety. He knew he was in Toronto, there was no

reason why he should, it was a feeling he had.

Not waiting to pack or fly to Toronto, Aiden did

what any Wahjee would do who was soul connected

to another, he walked behind the restaurant and

disappeared, unseen by prying eyes.

Aiden didn't need any kind of link or map or

address written on a piece of paper. All he needed was

the inborn bond he had with Liam. The one that told

him they were meant to be a couple, even if his

stubborn mind couldn't make the connection. He

appeared in the main room of a luxury suite in some

Toronto hotel. There was no immediate sign of Liam

other than a half eaten club sandwich and an empty


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margarita glass. Aiden, sure he could feel Liam close,

walked into the bedroom of the suite. Sure enough, the

red head was spread out on his stomach sound asleep.

Aiden stood watching him, there were tear stains on

his cheeks and every now and then he'd make a kind

of hiccup sob, much like Shay did. Aiden sighed and

shut his eyes for a moment. Had he ever been so

young that he'd cried himself to sleep? He hadn't

done anything like that in his teens, at least not as old

as Liam was. Aiden turned off the lights in the suite,

hung a do not disturb sign from the door and then

removing his clothing, crawled into bed with Liam,

pulling a blanket over the two of them. Liam gave a

half sob again, but didn't wake; instead he wiggled

and moved until he found Aiden, wrapping himself

around the older man with a sigh of relief.

Aiden wanted to be angry; he wanted to hold

himself tense and aloof while Liam slept. But he

couldn't. Instead all he could do was pull him in

closer, kiss red haired silken curls at the top of his

head, and rub small circles on a too thin bare arm.

As he lay with Liam in his arms, Aiden let his

mind wander over the last few days. Something had

happened to him since Liam had wandered into this

life. He'd changed the order of things as Aiden had

known them. And oddly enough, it felt good having

Liam around. Even the day or so he'd been gone, had

been enough to show Aiden that the red head was a

necessary part of his life.

"Aiden?" Liam stirred.


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"Shhhhh, sleep, we'll talk in the morning."

Aiden's voice was a whisper.

"I'm sorry." Liam began.

"Don't be." Aiden sighed and he kissed the top of

Liam's head again. "It takes two to fuck up. We

appear to be good at it."

"How profound." Liam giggled sleepily. He

sniffed, buried his head closer, immediately falling


Must be nice to be young, Aiden thought smiling

to himself. And be able fall asleep like a baby without

any cares in the world. As soon as the thought went

through his mind, Aiden knew that it was wrong.

Shay, young as he was, cared. Liam, Liam cared too

much about him, about Shay, about things he

shouldn't have to care about at eighteen. He needed

time to be a child, to learn, to grow. He might legally

be an adult, but he was still young enough to cry

himself to sleep.
