Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iam looked up at his cousin's building trying to

decide if he should go up. Finally making a

decision, he turned and signaled a cab. He was going

to Church Street. There would be more to do and he

really didn't need to listen to any I told you so's.

It was somehow freeing to be on his own. He

knew Frances could find him if he wanted him badly

enough. But Liam wrapped himself in a spell that

would make things harder for anyone to find him even

his cousin. He wanted at least a week to think about

his life and to let Aiden make a few decisions of his

own. Which was why he came to Toronto and didn't

go to Victoria. Distance was better as far as the pissed

off red head was concerned.

Getting out of the cab, Liam shouldered his

backpack and headed for the nearest coffee shop. He

bought a latte and then sat outside at a table. People

watching was a favorite past time. He pulled out a

small sketchbook to record some of the sights.


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"Hey, can I share this table?" Liam looked up.

Standing by the table was Frances.

"Fuck, can't you leave me alone?" Liam

grumbled. "How did you find me?" He sipped his latte

and glared at his cousin, all the while wondering why

the spell he wrapped himself in hadn't worked. He

knew his magic was stronger than Frances'.

"Watcher here?" Frances laughed. "I have my

ways. If I get my own latte, will you stay here?"

"Would it matter?" Liam said.

"No, but I would hate to spill my high priced

coffee." Frances reached out and squeezed Liam's

shoulder sending a stay spell through his body.

Liam waited for his cousin to get in the line up

before he shook off the spell. To prove a point, he

moved to a table in the far corner of the roped off

patio, leaned back in his chair, his feet on the chair


"Point taken kid." Frances said, knocking Liam's

feet off the chair before sitting down. "I know you're

more powerful than I am."

"Apparently you and everyone else seem to forget

that little fact." Liam picked up his sketchbook. "What

do you want?"

"Why don't you stay with Marcie and I?" Frances


"That would be a no." Liam sighed.

"Why not?" Frances sighed. "I know your

feelings are hurt. I mean Aiden jumped to conclusions

without knowing all the facts."


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"I knew what he was thinking." Liam said. "He

has a tendency to believe anything his stupid friend

Daniel says."

"Yet he loves you?" Frances looked away.

"He does, but he doesn't know it. He has issues.

He'd rather do anything than admit his true feelings.

Though he does admit them when he thinks I'm

sleeping." Liam's smile was filled with nostalgic

memory. "It's kind of sweet actually."

"But you ran away?" Frances shook his head.

"You didn't trust Aiden to come to his senses."

"I didn't run, I decided to leave Van so Aiden can

get his priorities straight. I don't have to really worry

about school."

"It sounds to me like you're making excuses."

Frances looked deep into Liam's eyes. "Maybe you

should let yourself be found by Aiden sooner rather

than later. So he can drag your ass back home."

"I'm not interested." Liam said. "I need some

time on my own."

"But Aiden and Shay aren't safe with you here.

I'm telling you this in confidence. Zane Chambers has

vowed to take you down in payment for his parent's


"What the fuck did I have to do with that?" Liam

was truly puzzled.

"You didn't, but you're Cecil Taylor's son, or so

Zane figures. And Cecil Taylor was responsible for

their deaths."

"That has nothing to do with Aiden or Seamus."


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"But it does Liam. You love Aiden and you love

Seamus. He knows he can hurt you through them. In

fact he and his son Brad have it all figured out. They

go after Aiden and Shay and you'll come out of the

woodwork in their defense. Brad has bragged that he

has twice the power you have. He's using the fact he

has you on the run to prove it. Something about a fire

in your locker and your fear to do anything about it."

"Brad is full of shit." Liam spat standing up. "I'll

be around." He started to walk away.

"Liam, don't let the Chambers win."

"This isn't a fucking game Frances. It's my life

and Aiden's." he huffed. "And between you and I,

Shay has more fucking power at his age than Aiden

and I will ever have. That's why Chambers wants him.

He figures he can bring Shay to the dark side." He

looked hard at his cousin. "It isn't going to happen.

Shay is well protected. And how Chambers found out

about him I don't know, but when I do find out who

broke the covenant, that person will be well and truly

sorry." He leaned forward. "And that my dear

watcher, is a promise I will die keeping."

Liam left the coffee shop, disappearing from site

almost immediately. This time he made sure Frances

couldn't find him. He hadn't been too concerned

before, but there was something off about his cousin.

It wasn't something he could put his finger on, but it

was curious how the Chambers clan seemed to know

so much about him not to mention Aiden and Shay.

He was almost regretting being so open about his

admiration and love for the older Wahjee and his son.


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And then with a shake of his head, he told himself he

wouldn't have it any other way. He loved the man as

stubborn and pig headed as he was.

