Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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W hen Aiden woke up, he was alone in the hotel

bed. He sensed Liam was close; rolling over

he wasn't surprised to see his lover sitting in the lotus

position on the dresser. He was eating ice cream from

a pint carton. "Hey you're alive." Liam grinned

around a spoonful of ice cream. "I was getting worried

and then I remembered your age."

"Brat." Aiden smiled though, Liam looked so

comfortable sitting up high. "Why in hell are you

perched on the dresser?"

"I can see you better." Liam said and ate another

spoonful. "I like to watch you sleep. It's kind of my


"And the ice cream, is that your thing as well?"

Aiden propped himself up on one elbow.

"No, that's because I like ice cream." Liam

jumped down from the dresser, unfolding himself like

a sinuous cat before landing on the floor. "Want



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Aiden laughed. "I don't think so. You do know

it's hardly the right time for eating that shit."

"There's always time for ice cream." Liam was

now straddling Aiden; he loved it when his bare ass

touched the other man's skin.

"Keep that shit away from me." Aiden protested,

but not too strongly.

Liam put a spoonful of the cold mixture in his

mouth and then leaned forward to kiss Aiden and

share his ice cream. He kept his lips on Aiden's as

they both swallowed, turning the taste into a kiss filled

with giggles. It set the pace for the next few minutes

as they took turns with ice cream kisses.

When the last spoonful was eaten, Aiden flipped

Liam over on his back; it was his turn to take over the

seduction. For seduction was what it was. Gone were

the worries they both had about things that were

unfolding in their lives back in Vancouver. All that

was left was the touch of their bodies, hot with

passion. Their nerve endings, so sensitive that the least

breath, the tiniest of whisper, and the moisture their

bodies produced, all were felt, relished and enjoyed.

"Is this your way of apologizing?" Liam asked,

lowering himself on Aiden's latex clad organ. "Cause

it's a good one if it is."

"No." Aiden gasped, his cock buried balls deep

inside Liam. He gasped again when Liam clenched.

"Maybe." Aiden admitted.

Rising back up on his knees, but keeping the end

of Aiden's dick firmly in place, Liam leaned forward

and kissed lips swollen from ice cream kisses.


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"Mmmmm, sweet." He whispered, falling back down

his own cock becoming even harder with the sharp

intake of Aiden's breath. Liam alternated his rhythm

with kisses to lips, nips on rigid nipples, all the while

riding up and down. He was fascinated with the array

of emotions that Aiden's face portrayed. More than he

ever thought possible and more than Aiden was aware

he was showing. Aiden Mac Ruaidhri had lived his

life keeping his emotions in check. But when he was

with Liam, in the quiet of the night, or the throes of

lovemaking, Aiden Mac Ruaidhri revealed his inner

most self. It was a secret Liam treasured and one he'd

never share with the man he adored. He was sure

Aiden had no idea.

"Liam." Aiden finally gasped, his eyes wide open

letting the red head see deep into his soul.


His own balls tightened and he shot his load all

over Aiden's chest at the same time as Aiden himself

came. Liam collapsed forward.

Twenty minutes later, Liam felt Aiden's cock slip

out of him. Aiden managed to remove the condom and

tie it off discarding it on the floor for the trash later.

He kept one arm on Liam to make sure he didn't

move. It was not something he would have admitted

out loud, but he did like to hold the red head after

they'd had sex. Wet and sticky wasn't really a

problem. After all, wasn't that what showers were for?

"Aiden, I had to get away. I knew you'd find me

if you wanted me." The words were spoken and hung


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in the air for Aiden to listen to and take whatever

meaning out of them he wanted.

"You know I want you." Aiden began. "And you

knew it was Daniel who left the loft unlocked and the

alarm off. Yet you said nothing."

"What was I going to say?" Liam shrugged. "He's

an ass."

"I suppose, but he's human, you can't expect a

lot." Aiden brushed Liam's hair off his damp

forehead. "Why didn't you go to Frances?"

"I thought about it." Liam tried to turn his head

away. "Aiden, I'm sick of having someone watch

every move I make. It's been like this as long as I can

remember, though I suppose with Frances he's a little

less intrusive than some watchers."

"I've never had anyone care enough about me to

assign a watcher." Aiden replied. "You should be

happy that you're loved."

"I know I'm loved in a way. I mean my mother

probably loves me and maybe my sister. Dakota too I

suppose." He looked at Aiden through his eyelashes.

"I'm not taking the bait Liam." Aiden snickered.

"My father assigned a watcher to keep me a


"Apparently that didn't work well."

"No it didn't, but that wasn't Frances' fault. I'm

pretty good at making myself lost when I want to. You

only found me because we have a connection that's

stronger than any magic. Whether you want to admit it

or not."


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"I want you to come home." Aiden said changing

the subject. "We'll put this all behind us."

"And what?" Liam asked. "I have school and I

have responsibilities to Shay. I can't risk Zane

Chambers taking you or Shay from me because I want

to fuck you and he has some perverse idea of revenge.

Revenge for something that happened so long ago that

who really cares now. Not to mention it had nothing to

do with me."

"You think shit like this hasn't happened before?"

Aiden held him tight. "Of course it has, same shit

different names. If you're uncomfortable living with

me, why don't you stay with Lisa for a while? It'll

confuse the hell out of everyone. You and I, we don't

need to actually use the front door if we don't want.

We'll still see each other."

"Aiden Mac Ruaidhri is suggesting he use a spell

or two for his own gratification. What is this world

coming to?"

"It's not for me, it's for my son, for you, for the

people around us. I'm not going to give up the first

thing that's meant something to me without a fight."

Aiden couldn't resist leaning forward and kissing

Liam's nose, which led to kissing his mouth, his

cheeks, and finally rolling so the he was leaning down

over the red head, his eyes saying more than his voice,

but knowing Liam could read every unspoken


Liam, eyes closed to better feel every tiny bit of

emotion Aiden was emoting, sighed in contentment.

One part of his mind continued to worry about Brad


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Chambers and his family, but the rest was devoted to

his lover as he continued to do his best to make

himself unforgettable to the overly sensitive, stubborn

