Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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B ut Ma, it's my room." Daniel threw himself

down on a kitchen chair, looking a lot like he

had when he was six. He glared at his mother who

stood at the kitchen sink filling the coffee pot.

"It was your room until you moved out." She

patted his shoulder. "Now it's the spare room. Aiden

says Liam needs a safe place to stay. And really, what

safer place is there than my house."

"He can stay at Aiden's."

"No he can't Danny." Aiden drawled. He'd

walked into the house unnoticed. He kissed Lisa's

cheek. "Where is he Lis?" The door was rarely locked

when someone was home, but locks had never stopped

Aiden before. This home had been a refuge of sorts to

him, human though it was, as he grew up.

"Upstairs settling in. It's going to be nice having

a boy in the house again. Richard is looking forward

to cooking breakfast for someone who'll actually

appreciate his skills." She laughed. "I'm too busy to

eat in the morning. It drives Richard crazy." Lisa


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shared the house with her brother, and had for years,

ever since his life partner had died.

"Well we can't have that." He looked around.

"Where is Rick?"

"He's with Liam. I thought it would be nice to let

them get to know each other without everyone

hanging on to every word."

"In other words, Rick is quizzing him about me."

Aiden laughed. "Liam won't say a word. If you and

your brother want to know something just ask."

"And would you answer?" she laughed patting his

cheek with her palm, more a loving caress than

anything else. It was rare that her surrogate son let her

hug him.

"Of course I would." Aiden said tongue in cheek.

"Liam and I are friends, good friends. We fuck, we

suck and we occasionally talk, watch movies, eat

meals and do all the things friends do when they're

together. That's it." He turned to walk up the stairs. "I

think I just might do one of those things right now."

"Not in my fucking bedroom you aren't" Daniel

stood up, all but bristling like some kind of rabid dog.

"Gawd no, my dick would fall off. Luckily

though, it's Liam's room I'm heading for." With that

said, Aiden ran up the stairs taking them two at a time.

He stopped outside of the room to listen.

"It looks like you've settled in Liam." Richard

stood in the middle of the room. "Are you going to be

okay here?"

"I don't know, Aiden wants me to try it." Liam

shrugged. "I like Lisa."


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"And she likes you." Richard paused. "Liam,

about you and Aiden, be careful, don't hurt him."

"I'd never do that." Liam almost shouted. "Fuck,

he's my… I don't know… we're kind of connected.

It's hard to explain."

Aiden walked in the door. He gave Richard a one

armed hug. "Rick, I'm a big boy. I can look after

myself. And trust me on this one, Liam is the last

person on this planet who would ever hurt me."

Liam glowed with the words that Aiden said and

didn't say. "Hey Aiden. Except for getting a decent

Internet connection, I'm all settled in." he looked

around. "Oh and the wall paper sucks, but if I keep my

eyes squinted in a certain way, it looks almost


"I used to smoke up in here with Danny, it looked

great the more weed we smoked." Aiden sighed. "Of

course 90% of the time we weren't stoned, I learned to

ignore it."

"You don't have to sleep in here, not to mention

do home work." Liam was close enough to lean his

head on Aiden's arm. "But that's okay, Lisa said I

could change it if I want. I might, I'm not sure."

"We could have a paint party." Richard laughed.

"Not the kind of party I'm used to, but I'll make do.

Liam, maybe you could invite some hot young studs

to help you paint."

"I don't want to encourage your lecherous

thoughts old man." Liam teased. "But I'll tell you

what, you can watch me shower any time you want."


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"No you can't." Aiden said, aghast that Liam

would even suggest such a thing.

Richard burst out laughing, patting Aiden on the

ass. "Damn, you still can't take a joke." He snickered,

leaving the room chuckling.

"Did I mention you're a brat?" Aiden asked,

flicking his hand and closing the door across the room

so quietly it wasn't heard downstairs. He mumbled the

words of a spell that would keep the door firmly

closed until he was ready to leave.

"Naughty boy, you used magic." Liam said as he

began to remove Aiden's shirt, his lips on warm skin

as soon as it was exposed. "I'm taking you to the dark


"I've been there and came back a long time ago

Sunshine." Aiden pushed Liam backwards until he fell

across the bed. He flicked his fingers in an intricate

pattern and Liam found himself naked. The fact he

was hard had nothing to do with magic, unless it was

the magic his body felt when he was alone with the

man he adored.

The combination of a naked Liam, being in

Danny's old room, a room that had held a certain

amount of safety when he was growing up, and the

fact that he was hornier than he'd been in a long time,

had Aiden throwing himself down on Liam, roughly

grabbing his hair as he mouth sought solace in Liam's

taste. Liam's legs wrapped around Aiden's waist, he

wanted Aiden as much as Aiden wanted him. It was

their destiny to be together.


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Downstairs, Daniel continued to sulk. Richard

was at the kitchen counter making sandwiches. "Settle

down, they'll be here in a minute." He said. He looked

over at his sister. "Do you want some of my coconut


"Of course, make sure you cut a big piece for

Liam, he's a growing boy." She smiled and patted

Daniel's hand. "Do you want some cake too, Baby?"

"No, I don't want any damn cake." Daniel said

pulling away and standing up.

"Daniel, you leave those two alone." Lisa

cautioned, but Daniel was already half way up the


He tried the door handle on his old room only to

reel back, shaking his hand. It was so cold he couldn't

touch it. "Aiden, open the fucking door." He yelled,

kicking at it.

The door opened slowly. Aiden and Liam were

fully clothed and sitting on the bed. "Hey Danny."

Aiden drawled. The smell of sex was ripe in the room.

Liam's face had evidence of whisker burn, his lips

were swollen and his smile self-satisfied. "What in

hell is your problem, kicking the door in? You know

Lisa is going to be pissed."

"You two were fucking in my room?" Daniel

glared, stepping inside. "And you locked the door. Ma

doesn't let anyone lock doors around here."

"Do we look like we were fucking?" Aiden

laughed as he stood up. "And damned if I can see a

lock on the door Danny. Maybe you've been working

too hard at London Drugs."


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"No shit, he has to carry that closet he's in around

with him all day. It's probably heavy." Liam


"Fuck you." Daniel glared.

"Not even if you paid me." Liam snickered. "My

ass belongs to one person."

"Who is that?" Aiden pretended not to know.

"Some guy I met. He's hot, not too bright about a

few things, but damn he's hot." Liam jumped up off

the bed. "I'm starving, Rick said he was making

food." He moved quickly past Daniel. "I'm heading

downstairs. You and Danny boy can relive old times."

Liam fell into a routine over the next couple of

weeks. He drove to school each day, sometimes with

Dakota and sometimes on his own. They would go to

Hamburger Mary's after school and spread their

homework out on the back booth, working and eating

whatever it was Lisa decided was good for them.

Liam was surprised at how relaxed his was. He

didn't see Aiden often, but they did manage a night or

two during the week. Not that anyone was aware of

their visits. There were some advantages to being

Wahjee. The weekends were the best. On the

weekends Aiden was able to have Shay for the day,

either Saturday or Sunday, thanks to Liam's helping

hand. And Liam was free to visit Aiden officially at

his apartment. He liked to think of it as playing house.

A term Aiden hated. But one Liam used to tease the

older man when he thought he could get away with it.


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Tonight was different; tonight he had a lot on his

mind. Dakota had asked him a question that was

driving him crazy.

"Okay, spit it out." Aiden said. He was sitting on

his sofa, relaxing in the softness of it. Liam was

stretched out, his head on Aiden's lap. Shay lay on

Liam's chest sleeping peacefully.

"Spit what out?" Liam asked, his voice lazy. He

rubbed circles on the baby's back. He loved being

with Aiden and his son.

"What in hell has been bothering you all night?"

Aiden sighed. "Liam, I don't have to use my Wahjee

senses to know you've got something on your mind."

"It's Dakota."

"Dakota?" Aiden was surprised. "What about

Dakota, is she in trouble or something?"

"No, she kind of wants me to take her… to make

love to her… to you know, do her the first time."

"Does she understand the meaning of gay?"

Aiden snorted. "Surely to god you aren't thinking of

doing this?"

"I don't know what to do. I mean she has this

boyfriend, she really likes. And she's thinking of

having sex with him, maybe on prom night or

something. She figures I could kind of teach her what

to do."

"Like you're so good at hetero sex." Aiden bit his

lip to keep from laughing. "I mean if I was going to

have anyone deflower a young virgin, you'd be the

first one I'd ask."


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"Oh shut up Aiden, I know it's stupid." Liam

smiled. "But hey, maybe I'm bi."

"Of course you are. That's why there are so many

female nudes in your sketchbooks. Oops, sorry, there

isn't even a female hand, or eye or tit."

"So I specialize in men." Liam sighed. "I don't

like to disappoint her, but shit I don't have a clue what

to do to a woman to make her get off. They do get off

don't they?"

"You're right about the not having a clue." Aiden

smirked. His fingers had been combing through

Liam's hair. Before he'd never thought of red blond

curls as being especially intoxicating. He knew the

legends, only the most powerful Wahjee had red hair,

one of the reasons he'd been concerned about the deep

auburn of his son's hair. Mentally giving himself a

shake Aiden continued to comb and twist silken curls.

"Maybe I should read up on it and then do a

whole seduction scene. Kind of like on our first time


"Riiiggghhhht." Aiden huffed. "Maybe you

should rethink that one."

"Da, Li, night." Shay raised his head.

"I think he wants us to shut up." Liam giggled

and leaned in to kiss the top of the baby's head.

"You do know, it's more than a little unnerving

having the kid talk." Aiden looked at his son, love in

his eyes.

"It could be worse, he could be talking in full


"Me do that." Shay said and giggled.


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Aiden rolled his eyes. "Oh for crap sake Shay,

you're supposed to be a baby."

"He is a baby, a precocious baby who had a bit

too much of dear old dad in him." He held on as Shay

pushed himself up until he was sitting on Liam's


"Da silly." Shay agreed. He held out his hands for

Aiden and then before Aiden could pick him up, he

popped into Aiden's arms. "Pop." He said and giggled

again. "Shay pop."

"Shay is supposed to not do shit like that." Aiden

tried to be stern. "Your mommies wouldn't like it.

They'd freak."

"Shay no do shit stuff at mama's" Seamus pulled

on Aiden's nose and then leaned forward to kiss his

nose wetly.

"We need to work on your form." Aiden laughed.

"Sloppy kisses are only cute when you're a baby."

"Oh I don't know, I happen to know Shay's

daddy likes sloppy kisses." Liam laughed.

"You aren't helping Liam." Aiden laughed,

leaning over and giving Liam a very sloppy kiss

indeed and making Shay laugh at the same time.

The next day, Dakota met with Liam in the park.

"Well, what did you decide?" she asked. They were

sitting on swings, idly moving back and forth.

"Are you sure you want to do this Dakota?" he

asked. "I mean if the guy only wants you because he

thinks you're going to put out, then you don't need

him in your life."

"It's not like that. I mean I really like him."


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"The thing is Dakota, it's different with guys. I

mean guys only really want one thing and they don't

care how they get it. I'm gay and I know from

listening to them in the locker room at school that the

straight guys are just as focused. They want their dicks

to be buried in some girl's hot pussy."

"Ewwww." She flushed and turned her head.

"I know it sounds… well crass, but that's the

truth. It's all they talk about. I mean I could tell you

each and every girl who puts out at school, how often

and who they do it with. These guys are pigs."

"Glen isn't like that. I mean I'd know if he was."

Dakota defended.

"Glen used to go with Jane Seals last year. I know

she has a triangle shaped tattoo just over her hipbone.

I know she likes anal sex and I know she spits it out

when she gives a blow job." Liam looked hard at his

friend. "I know this because I've heard it talked



"Yeah," Liam shrugged. "I told you they're all


"If you were with a bunch of gay guys, would you

guys tell each other about your conquests?"

"I wouldn't, but I know some who do. I mean

Daniel and Evan and even Bob share stories all the


"What about Aiden?"

"He doesn't say much. I don't think he cares

about his tricks enough to remember them one way or



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"That's weird. I mean he's liked done a zillion


"Gee thanks for reminding me." Liam laughed.

"He doesn't do too many these days."

"Do too many what?" Aiden asked, appearing

behind the two friends. "Hey Dakota." He kissed her

cheek and then kissed Liam, pulling him back on the

swing making his legs go out from under him.

"Handstands." Liam lied and snickered when his

lover winked and blew him a kiss.

