Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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R osalie knew the birth of her baby was going to

be within the next few days. It was a feeling she

had deep inside, like she was going to lose something

she hadn't realized she was going to miss.

Only now did she occasionally caress her belly.

As if suddenly realizing that she had a baby growing

inside of her. "Where is Liam?" she asked Vanessa.

"He hasn't been around lately."

"He was over a couple of days ago." Vanessa said

as she finished making supper. "He said something

about taking Aiden somewhere for a week of rest and

relaxation. You know how hard Aiden's been working

since he started his company."

"Blah, blah, blah. The great god Mac Ruaidhri

has to work hard." Rosalie snorted. "Crap, what is that

taste?" she asked, spitting into a tissue. She didn't

notice Shay sitting nearby. He'd filled her mouth with

the taste of dog poop because she was talking mean

about his daddy. Rosalie leaned over the kitchen tap

and tried to rinse out her mouth, spitting wildly.


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"What in heck is wrong?" Vanessa was


"I don't know, but mouth feels like it's full of dog


Shay giggled and buried his face in Doug's fur to

smother is laughter. He'd wanted to use that spell for a

long time. Even Phoebe thought it was funny.

Rosalie was now swishing Listerine around in her

mouth while Vanessa stood near her wringing her

hands. "Maybe it's a pregnancy thing, some kind of

side effect or hormonal imbalance. We should call

your doctor."

"Leave me alone." Rosalie waved her hand

behind her.

Just outside of their cabin. Aiden sat on a lounge

chair, his chest bare and glistening with sun tanning

lotion as were his face and legs. He was wearing a pair

of cherry red silk boxers in deference to his wound.

The sun felt wonderful on his face and body. Even

though it was barely 48 hours since his surgery, he

had to admit Liam's idea had been a good one. He

could sunbathe on their private patio while watching

Liam lolling in the hot tub. They'd have to come back

when he could use all of the facilities. But for now it

didn't matter. He was able to relax while receiving

admiring glances from the staff. Which certainly

didn't hurt his ego.

It had been hard to accept Liam as his resident

nurse, who checked his wound and changed the

dressings, emailing pictures to the doctor for further

instructions. Apparently the doctor had been smitten


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by the red head. But once he'd gotten over the squick

of it, everything went okay. He'd even managed to

reduce the amount of pain medication. It was

somehow easier to manage things in such a pleasant


"You look toasted, I think you should roll over."

Liam was standing beside him.

"I didn't notice you getting out." Aiden smiled up

at the red head. "I did the other side already. I guess

I'll go in."

"Okay. I'm going to shower, join me?" Liam

wiggled his bare ass. Bathing suits were an option in

the hot tub.

"I'll wash your back." Aiden smirked. He lifted

himself up off the soft chaise slowly. There was no

point in pretending to feel any different than he did.

Liam was on to him and had been for a long time.

"I'd like that." Liam put his arm around Aiden.

"Who knew that coconut oil could be an aphrodisiac."

He giggled, sniffing at Aiden's chest.

"Brat." Aiden swatted his ass and then pulled him

close. "Recovering from surgery here."

"I can't help it. You're sexy and I'm horny."

Liam wiggled, his hard cock bouncing in front of


"Show off, my cock has been traumatized and

you wave yours around." Aiden leaned over and

kissed Liam's ear. They joked and teased one another

on the way to the shower. It wasn't going to be their

usual kind of shower, like the ones presurgery. Aiden

couldn't really get the surgical site wet with soapy


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water, but they made do and managed to not only

become clean, but to get Liam off as well.

Liam was drying Aiden, enjoying the chance to

do something for his man that Aiden didn't object to,

when Ty popped into the bathroom. "Merrrroooow."

"Hey cat." Aiden laughed and braced himself for

Ty's leap up onto his shoulder. He barely flinched

when the cat landed. "Now that you've seen I'm alive,

pop your cat self back to Killer, you know he hates

being alone."

"Hey Ty." Liam laughed as he headed to the

bedroom. "Will it wait for another few days?"

"Will what wait?" Aiden asked, following Liam.

He put Ty on the bed before laying on it himself. Liam

quickly changed the small dressing to a dry one,

pleased at the way the wound was healing. It was done

without comment as if everything was normal. Aiden

rather liked the efficient way Liam had of dealing with


"Rosalie is about to pop." Liam laughed. "Ty was

just giving us the heads up."

"I'm not even going to ask you how you know

this." Aiden sighed and shut his eyes. Liam pulled a

soft sheet up over him and kissed him on the nose.

"She's going to be having a few more days of

cramping before she goes into serious labor. Or so Ty

seems to think. He wanted us to know."

"I'm supposed to believe this?" Aiden huffed and

rolled over to bury his head in the soft pillow,

luxuriating in the bed that seemed to wrap itself

around him. Not quite as good as Liam's arms, but he


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knew they would soon appear. Liam couldn't let him

sleep alone for any length of time.

Ty jumped up to sit on the pillow by Aiden's

head and began batting him on the ear with his paw.

"Go away." He pulled the sheet over his head. "I'm


"You're doing fine. Pat your damn cat. He's

come a long way to see you." Liam crawled between

the covers, snuggling close to Aiden. "He's not

staying. I think his story about Rosalie was just an

excuse to check on you. Ouch." Liam hissed. Ty had

leaned over and bit his ear. Aiden snickered.

It was almost twenty minutes before Ty had been

placated enough to leave. Aiden sighed. "I can't

believe the stupid cat was worried about me."

"Ty is a Wah cat, hardly stupid." Liam wiggled

until he was under Aiden's arm, his head on the man's

chest. "You're doing way better than most people

after surgery."

"It's my nurse." Aiden smiled. "And the

individual attention."

"Thank you, but it has a lot to do with you and

your outlook, not to mention that when you do decide

to relax, you don't hold back."

"I like to think I do everything to the best of my

ability, including relaxing." The smirk was evident in

his voice.

"Good thing you don't have a big ego." Liam

snorted. He let his hand caress Aiden's face before

moving lower over the man's body. "I got an email

from the doctor."


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"So did I." Aiden shut his eyes; he loved the

sensation of Liam's fingers tracing lines on his body.

"They got everything. As soon as I'm healed, they can

do the mapping for the radiation. I'll be tattooed."

"It's just a pin prick. No one will notice."

"I suppose not." Aiden sighed. "I'm not looking

forward to the radiation stage."

"I heard that if you smoke up, you don't get the

full nausea thing. And it's legal."

"No kidding. I'll be first in line." Aiden chuckled.

"I'll share."

"I was hoping you would." Liam was now

fingering Aiden's cock. Playing with it, running his

fingers through the fur at the base. "It'll be nice when

all parts of you work again."

"Maybe they never will."

Liam snorted. "Let me get my pity towel out. Of

course you'll be fucking me sooner than you think.

You're Aiden Mac Ruaidhri for fuck sake and….

drum roll here. You have the hottest red haired

boyfriend in Vancouver."

Aiden was almost asleep. There was something

somehow comforting about Liam's refusal to believe

anything bad. He wished, and not for the first time,

that he'd found the red head years before.
