Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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T he next couple of weeks seemed to escalate with

violence against gays along Davie and Denman

and especially along the Stanly Park stroll, a piece of

land leading into the heavy primeval forest that was

part of the park. It had become bad enough for Aiden,

who normally ignored human in fighting, to take

notice. At first he thought it was the weather generally

pissing off everyone. Incessant rain tends to do that.

"Aiden, I don't want you going out there." Liam

stood in the front of the heavy apartment door. Aiden

was dressed all in black from head to toe. It wasn't

club clothing, but rather what he referred to as ass

kicking clothing, though he wasn't usually violent.

"I know what I'm doing." He slipped into his

leather jacket. "I won't be late."

"You aren't a fucking comic book hero, you

aren't Fury." Liam's hands were on his hips, his voice

shrill with fear for what Aiden was doing.

"Liam, move away from the door. Miss

Demeanor is my friend. I'm not standing by doing


468 Magical Moonlight

nothing when the punks that bashed her go


"You wouldn't let me join the Davie Devils. You

said they were nothing but wanna be thugs. But it's

okay for you to go there looking for trouble."

"I'm not fucking dressed in a red fucking shirt,

head shaved like some kind of white supremast

asshole. I'm an out and proud gay man who will not

be intimated by these homophobic freaks. I thought

we were finished with this shit when Johnson was

corralled. Apparently not. I'm not looking for trouble,

but I'll tell you this once and only once. I'm not

backing down from it either."

"It's okay for you to walk around like some kind

of super hero, but it isn't okay for me to go out with a

bunch of guys just because we wear red shirts." Liam

slumped, he knew he sounded stupid and he didn't

like it. Though the shirts were hot and had a great

graphic of a faggy devil on the front, his tail on the

back, hindquarters actually, but there was a tail.

Aiden put his hands on Liam's shoulders and

moved him to one side. Then he lifted Ty off of his

shoulder and put him on the counter. Killer he shoved

with his hip, the big dog wasn't all that anxious to

make a point of keeping his master inside. "Killer, get

your leash, you're coming with me."

"Woof." The dog was pleased to be included. He

loved going for walks with Aiden, especially lately.

They got to chase people and sometimes he got to

jump on them, making the people fall to the ground


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while he pretended he was a pitt bull. It was a lot of


"You'll take Killer, but you won't let me go?"

Liam's feelings were hurt.

"Witch boy, I want you safe. I don't want to have

to worry about you." Aiden leaned forward and kissed

him soundly. "Don't wait up."

"You can't tell me what to do, you're not the boss

of me."

"Gee Lia, do you want some cheese with that

whine?" Aiden laughed and left the loft, making sure

to spend a few seconds to put a captivation spell on

the loft door. Liam would have to work pretty hard to

get the door to open, if he could do it all.

Liam kicked the metal door over and over until he

couldn't feel his foot. Then he sat down and screamed,

throwing a temper tantrum the likes of which hadn't

been seen in years.

Ty sat and watched in silence, fascinated by the

almost human reaction. Wahjee were supposed to be

more stoic. He flashed the scene in his mind to Shay's

Wah cat, Doug. They had become close over the last

few months and were rewarded with an answering

amused purrrrt.

Liam finally picked himself up off the floor and

headed for the shower. There was no way he was

going to allow the man he loved to risk his life

without some kind of back up protection. Killer was

good to a point, but he was really just a large furry

pussycat as far as Liam was concerned.


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Emerging fifteen minutes later dressed as Aiden

had been, in black, Liam headed for the roof. His

boyfriend was good, but he also underestimated his

red headed partner. Liam was of the moon as the

Wahjee liked to say. He'd been born on the night of

the new moon and since then, that shining skyclad orb

had regulated his life. Nothing could stop him when

he was exposed to its light.

Near The Odyssey, Aiden and Killer sauntered

between light and shadow. He nodded to friends and

acquaintances. Watching and seeing everything and

anything. Killer smiled his toothy doggy smile, not

really understanding why everyone backed away. He

was showing his teeth like his red haired master did.

But instead of showing their teeth back at him, they

jumped and cringed, hugging the walls.

Aiden didn't mind, it saved him from actually

having to talk to anyone. Killer may look at first

glance like a curly haired friendly, overly large dog

with a bad haircut that was slowly growing in. But

when he smiled, he lost that huggable look. When

they rounded the corner at the far end of the block,

they had to walk past two bathhouses. Aiden could

feel the hair on the back of his neck rise. Something

was wrong. Killer felt it too. Gone was the prance of a

standard poodle, replaced by the stealthy and careful

glide of an ancestral wolf.

He held back, staying in the shadow of a

downtown city tree. And then they saw it. Two

Wahjee and three humans bent on trouble. Brad

Chambers at the front of the pack, for it was a pack of


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predators like any other in the city jungle. Looking for

prey to take down and destroy.

Aiden had other ideas. Three men came out of a

bathhouse arm in arm. Laughing over the antics of the

evening and talking about what they were going to do

next. To Aiden's astonishment, Brad magicked the

group into large heavy Neanderthalic thugs. This was

not acceptable. No wonder no one was able to identify

the bastards who were bashing gays in the city. The

rules about using magic near humans so that they were

aware of it were crystal clear and even Chambers

knew that little fact.

The Chambers gang pounced on three men. Aiden

and Killer quickly followed. The tall pseudo Rage had

the advantage of knowing that the look of the

attackers was merely a façade. He was holding his

own, when all of a sudden Liam was beside him, Ty

on his shoulder. The Wah cat leapt onto Chambers, his

Wah cat abilities more than a match for the evil


At his home, Shay dreamed a nightmare. He was

dreaming of the fight between Chambers and his gang

along with his father and Liam. Not realizing that his

dream was real, he unconsciously gestured just as

Chambers and the other Wahjee with him joined their

black forces in preparation for killing Aiden. The two

men had raised their hands, a mass of black energy

going unnoticed by Aiden and Liam in their efforts to

ward off the humans bent on doing them harm. But

Killer saw the dark mass. He was a dog after all, a

heredity offspring of wolves who had once walked the


472 Magical Moonlight

very spot he stood on. He leapt toward the two

Wahjee, just as Shay reduced them to the size of mice,

his mouth open, Killer's teeth closed over them,;

ignoring the black swirl of evil, his teeth bit down and

despite the bitter taste, he chewed once and


Shay, in his sleep, crowed in triumph. Phoebe,

who had leant her power to her brother, did the same

as she flipped over and over in her watery home.

Killer tried to spit out the bad taste but only

burped up a black slime that slithered into a grate near

the curb. He whined, looked around and found a

puddle of water to rinse out his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" Aiden asked when he

could catch his breath. Liam had returned from

chasing one of the humans.

"Hey Aiden, thanks for being here." One of the

gays from the baths was nursing a black eye.

"No problem Terry." Aiden glared at Liam to let

him know that it wasn't over. "Hey Jake, you okay?"

He helped another one up off the ground.

"I'll live." The man looked at Aiden who now

had Ty on his shoulder. "Man, is that a cat or what.

Did you see him rake that bastard who had me down?"

he reached over and scratched Ty behind the ears.

"Cool cat Aiden, though isn't it kind of weird to have

him on your shoulder like a parrot?"

"No." Aiden answered as he dusted off the knees

of his jeans. He looked around for Killer who

appeared to be dry heaving into the gutter. "Hey boy,

you okay?" Aiden asked the dog.


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"He must have eaten something that didn't agree

with him." Liam rubbed the dog's back. "Hey, did you

see where Brad disappeared to?" Liam asked Aiden.

"Or that other guy he was with?"

"No." Aiden looked around. "Go home brat." He

whispered in Liam's ear.

"Fury needs a sidekick." Liam snickered. "And

not one with fur."

"Fury is a figment of your imagination." Aiden

scoffed as he continued on his patrol. Liam and Killer

had to run to catch up with him. He didn't want Liam

to get over confident, but he'd been glad to see him. If

he'd had to face the attackers any longer, he might

have had to resort to Wahjee powers and that wouldn't

have been smart.

"Yes, but there's always truth in what I draw."

Liam put his hand in Aiden's, pleased when the older

man threaded their fingers together. "You've got to

send Ty home, he's kind of attracting a lot of

attention. I mean cats aren't usually part of your

wardrobe." He snickered at Ty's glare in his direction.

"I suppose we could call it a night." Aiden

glanced down at Killer who looked miserable. "Killer

doesn't look well and frankly, all this activity has

made me horny."

"Everything makes you horny." Liam laughed.

"Home it is Fury." And with that he popped them all

to the rooftop garden. "Sorry I can't do more, some

asshole put limits on my powers once I'm inside."

"Hmmmm, I wonder who that could be?" Aiden

pulled Liam down so they lay on the small plot of


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thick grass under the moonlight. Ty jumped over to

his favorite spot on the ledge. He liked to keep an eye

on everything when the two men forgot the world in

favor of each other.

Liam rolled over until he straddled Aiden. "Moon

boy remember, I can get the best of you under its


"Duh, why do you think I drag you up here all the

time?" Aiden asked with a laugh before pulling Liam


Liam laughed and made their clothes disappear,

cool air washed over their bodies.

Seeing that the men were suitably occupied, Ty

jumped down to stand near where Killer sat, huddled

in a mess of dog misery. "Uh dog, you ate two

Wahjee. It isn't an acceptable thing to do."

"I couldn't help it." " Killer was miserable. " "Do

you think the master will be angry?"

"Of course he will be dog. You don't eat people;

for one thing they taste bad and for another, they'll

make you sick for days." " He looked around. " "I, uh,

have had some experience in accidentally eating

things that don't agree with Wah cats."

"What am I going to do?" " Killer whined and put

his paws over his nose.

"Don't eat any more of them for one thing." Ty

said. He leaned back and began to wash the base of his

tale, looking up for a moment as he left hind leg

pointed to the moon. " "I mean they were only small

like a mouse, who'll miss them?"


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"Yah, nobody will care." " Killer smiled, feeling

better until his stomach rumbled and he burped.

But they were missed immediately when they

stopped breathing. For Wahjee were all part of one

and even though they strived for good, those that had

turned, affected them all. When Brad Chambers and

his friend died, each and every Wahjee alive on the

planet felt just a little bit of elation. Few knew why,

for the idea of black arts didn't occur to many. But the

ones who had allowed blackness to steal into their

souls, they knew that their number was fewer by two

and it worried them.

Liam and Aiden heard that Brad Chambers, as

well as his friend Jason, were missing. They didn't

really have time to dwell on it because their own lives

were filled with enough drama.

First, there was a dramatically staged take down

of Johnson and his henchmen. Solving a murder or

two that had taken place during the course of the

man's reign was all part of it.

While this was happening, Aiden worked at

opening his own agency. He barely had time to

acknowledge Liam's presence, let alone anything else.

The man was more stubborn than anyone Liam had

ever run into. He refused to use any Wahjee magic or

allow Liam to use any during the set up.

Even Shay and Phoebe were kept too busy to

intervene in their father's lives. Rosalie was proving a

less than ideal host for Phoebe. The baby's forces,

combined with Shay's, were constantly being used to

keep Rosalie from eating the wrong thing or


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overworking. Only by planting the threat of Aiden and

Liam in Rosalie's mind, did the woman slow down

enough to listen to her inner self, which happened to

be Phoebe.

And now, now there was this. Aiden lay on his

back on the bed. Liam lay beside him, both of the

staring at the ceiling. There were no dancing lights or

even mysterious shadows. Ty sat on top of the dresser

staring down at the two men. Killer, unable to stand

the tension in the room, had retired to the roof top

garden where he stared at the moon, hoping for some

kind of advice.

"Just have it checked out tomorrow. That's all

I'm asking." Liam said more to the ceiling than to


"I don't need this shit right now." For Aiden

knew, without doubt, that the lump Liam had found on

his right testicle was more than just a cyst or scar


"I'll go with you to the doctor." Liam offered.

"I'm a big boy. I don't need you to hold my

fucking hand."

"Don't be an asshole just because you can. I want

to go with you." Liam rolled over to put his head on

Aiden's chest. "Whatever it is, we'll deal." He


"I'll deal. It's nothing to do with you. It's my


"I'm not even going to comment on that

statement." Liam said as his finger traced circles on

Aiden's bare chest.


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A week later they knew that Aiden had cancer. He

was scheduled for surgery almost immediately. It was

then Aiden realized just how strong Liam was,

something he was grateful for. Many times over the

next few weeks he vowed he'd repay Liam somehow.

"Hey, you packed my silk pajamas." Aiden was

looking in the small case he was getting ready for the


"Yep." Liam handed him his toiletry kit. "You

know how hot you're going to look against cheap

white cotton hospital sheets dressed in black silk?

They'll be talking about it for years."

"Hello - they're removing one of my fucking

balls." Aiden glared at him.

"All the more reason to say fuck you to the world

and insist on wearing black silk." Liam kissed Aiden

on the cheek. "You are Aiden Mac Ruaidhri and

nothing is going to ever hold you down. You have

more sex appeal in your little finger than 90 percent of

most men. Losing a ball won't even dim the appeal

enough to notice." Liam reached up and patted Ty.

"When you get out of there, I'm taking you to Spain

for a couple of days to recover from the surgery. You

won't be starting radiation for a week or two, you

might as well do it with a nice tan."

"I can't take time off to go to fucking Spain. I

have a company to run."

"You also are a great manager and having an

amazing team in place. Two weekends and five

weekdays away from Mac Ruaidhri and Associates

isn't going to matter."


478 Magical Moonlight

"You think you have an answer to everything. It's

not your fucking body." Aiden knew he sounded like a

child but he couldn't stop himself.

"No, it isn't my body, it's yours." Liam paused;

he moved his hand down to Aiden's balls, cupping

them despite his lover's flinch. "But the problem is, I

love you. I know you don't believe in love, but I do. I

love you and part of loving someone means that

everything they feel, you do. Only you know what,

loving someone so much, you feel what they do even

more. Because not only do you feel their pain, their

sorrow, their fear, you feel your own because you love

that stubborn, annoying, beautiful person more than

life itself. So shut the fuck up. I'm with you through

this every step of the way, just like you'd be with me

if the roles were reversed."

"I don't want anyone to know about this." Aiden

said after a long pause. His arm had crept out from

under Liam to hold the red head close.

"No one will know anything from me."

"I'm serious, this is between you and I." Aiden

sighed. "Liam, I'm not used to sharing my…." He

hesitated. "My pain with anyone."

"I know." Liam reached up and kissed Aiden

tenderly. "I know."

Liam also knew that his lover needed to be in

charge so he didn't argue when Aiden organized their

stay in Spain. Instead he quietly packed their vacation

bags and researched just what Aiden was going to

need for his week of recovery, making sure that

everything was ready. He knew that the plane ride was


ER Bryant 479

going to take its toll on Aiden, but he'd already

checked with the man's doctor, who agreed it was the

best thing for him. Psychological healing helped

physical healing more than people were aware.

While Liam didn't use his Wahjee powers lightly,

he made sure that he had full access to Aiden before

and after the surgery. They didn't talk, there was

nothing much to say. Instead he quietly held Aiden's

hand, letting his thumb rub his feelings for the man

deep into his soul. When he was wheeled down the

hall, Liam walked with him until he couldn't go any

further. And then he stood vigil, inches from the

swinging doors, until he felt the surgery was over.

Only then did he head back to Aiden's room to wait

for his return.

Kimberly knew that Aiden wasn't taking time off

just for a vacation. He'd drop dead from overwork

first. So she knew whatever it was, was serious and

she was going to do her damndest to make sure her

employer and friend was able to take the time without

any kind of interference from work or his friends and

family. No matter what.

"I want to talk to him." Daniel repeated for the

fifth time. He'd already tried to barge into Aiden's

office, surprised to find it locked.

"He isn't here." She said patiently, once again.

"Hey Daniel." Bob said as he rounded a corner.

He handed a sheaf of papers to Kimberly. "These go

in Aiden's office when you have a moment. But could

you look them over first. You know how he hates it

when I over do things."