Mischief, Tales of a King by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Father quickly made the preparations for me to go

to Willshire. He notified my brother Paul, who had

now become King that I would be arriving in 2

days. I sat in my room looking out as Shyanne

prepared my bag. Greyson motioned for me from

the courtyard to come down.            

“I shall return Shyanne; I need to collect a few

things.” I said as I dismissed myself.         

As I arrived at the yard, Greyson whispered. “I

have great news for you.” I smiled and replied “You

do? Is it about Thomas?” He made a sad face and

responded “No my Queen, but it is about David”.                      

I smiled.                    

“On our way to Willshire we will visit him, he has a

great surprise”. He added.            

“Oh Greyson, it warms my heart, I have missed

him so much” I said graciously.                    

Now I could not wait for our trip. Even though it

was a sad situation, just knowing I would get to

spend a bit of time with David made it more

worthwhile. Greyson kissed my hand and said “Go

rest my Queen; it is going to be long trip.”


Early morning, my carriage had arrived and was

prepared for my long trip.            

Father and Mother waited by the door.       

Shyanne grabbed my bag and accompanied me


“Amelia, you listen to Greyson, he has the best

interest for you.” Father said.                 

Mother remained looking down and said nothing.           

“Mother?” I said                

“Please do not be upset with me” I added.       

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and

whispered “Go with God, my sweet daughter.”       

I hugged her tight as if not to ever let go.     

Greyson then said “My Queen, we must leave now

to take advantage of the daylight”.           

Father leaned over and whispered “My heart is full

of pride for you.” I bowed at my parents and

boarded my carriage.            

Greyson looked in my window and winked.     

And away we went.

The view was so beautiful, as we passed through

town. The townspeople stopped what they were

doing to watch my caravan.              

I waved as we went through.          

There was not much to do but read or look at the

landscape, which was extremely exquisite.      

After a way of travelling, we were passing the

outskirts of Schillingburg.            

Greyson knew which way to go where we would

not encounter their soldiers.            

The sun began to go down. I knew I was near

David's home. I recognized a lot of the area. The

excitement in me was bursting.          

I could not wait to hug him after so long. As we

arrived I could see the little cottage.         

So many memories flowed through my mind.    

My Father and I having tea in the front room.

Thomas and I just sitting together in front of the

fire as he told me one of his wonderful stories.          

I looked down at myself to make sure I was

presentable suddenly my carriage door flies open.          

“AMELIA!” David yelled.            

I leaped out of the carriage into his arms.


We hugged hard and strong. He put me down and

laughed as he bowed. “I apologize, my Queen”.

“Stop being silly, you are my brother” I answered.

He grabbed my hand and led my inside.         

“I have so much to tell you” He said.           

I smiled.                    

“You will be an aunt soon” He said excitedly.    

Elizabeth then came out of the kitchen.         

“Oh my Elizabeth” I said as I hugged her. “You are

with child, how exciting!” I added.             

She began to curtsy at me. I stopped her and said

“No need Elizabeth, you are my sister.”          

She smiled innocently.               

“I have made you a lovely dinner” she said.       

I was so happy to be there.            

There was so much love. I missed David so much.

We spoke about so many things I could not keep


For a long time I thought to myself, if I had did the

right thing with releasing David and going against

my Father but being here and seeing his

happiness, my answer was Yes, I did what was



The time went so quick. I did not want to leave.

Greyson touched David’s shoulder and said “We

must be on our way, Prince David. Willshire awaits

us. We must get there by tomorrow evening. I do

not want to alert anyone by arriving late. Thank

you both for your hospitality.”                 

Elizabeth smiled and reached for me.          

As she hugged me she said “Thank you! You have

made my life a dream”.            

Suddenly David grabs me and spins me around “I

bet you have missed that.” He said laughing.       

I laughed.                     

We stood and just looked at each other. He smiled

and said with tears in his eyes “Look at you, My


I motioned him to stop.              

He continued “Amelia, I am so proud, thank you

for everything you did for me, may it be returned

to you tenfold”.                   

I smiled.                      

He stood up and hugged me tight. He looked over

at Greyson and said “Take care of my girl”.                     

Greyson lowered his head and replied “With my

life, Prince David.”               


Greyson helped me into my carriage and we were

on our way. David stood outside his home waving

until we were out of sight.                       

The moment was bittersweet.              

But my heart was full of love and happiness.    

I fell asleep to the gallop of the horses.       

As I awoke early the next morning I could see

Willshire Castle in the distance. The sun was

coming up behind it.                

It looked amazing.                

Greyson rode alongside my carriage and said

“We will be there by noon, my Queen.”           

I smiled but I was not glad.              

I did not know how to react to all this. I did not

know my brothers.

Upon arrival, I could see the Castle. The flags were

lowered and it was dressed in dark purple,                

in honor of the death of a King.         

Willshire soldiers stopped us at the entrance.

Immediately they raised their gate and let us in.

My brother Paul stood in the doorway. I had not

seen him in many years. He was tall, so handsome,

looked a lot like my Father. I thought our first

meeting would be awkward but it was like if we

had never been separated. As I got out of the

carriage, he came down the stairs. “My beautiful

Amelia,” Paul said.                  

I smiled and responded “Oh my brother Paul”.         

We hugged and held hands.                   

“Come inside my Queen, Greyson you also” He


Entering Willshire Castle was a bit overwhelming.

This was my original home.             

Bits and pieces of memories came to my mind but

it was hard because I was so young when I left.                 

“Lunch is being prepared; I know you had a long

trip. I will show you to your rooms so you can relax

a bit.” Paul added.                  

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. “Look at you,

all grown up” He said as we walked down the hall.

“I have prepared your old room for you” He said


I smiled and thanked him.              

He opened the door to a huge room which I did

not remember.                

He pointed out “This was your sanctuary as a little



I looked around and smiled.            

“Thank you” I said quietly.                

He smiled and replied “You are very welcome. I am

happy to have you here.          

Refresh yourself and I will return for you in a bit”.                   

I slowly wandered the room, trying to remember

the tiniest thing but nothing came to mind.       

I felt strange.                    

I felt sad.                     

How do I not remember my childhood? I could not

even remember my Fathers voice. I did not want to

seem ungrateful but I wanted to go home. Being at

Willshire Castle depressed me.        

The smells were different.             

The view also.                      

I washed my face and changed my dress as I


Soon after, Eloise, the Kings helper came for me.           

“My Queen, King Paul would like your presence in

the dining hall.” She said.              

I got up and followed her.              

The dining area was so vast; the table was long

with many chairs.                  

“Sit where you please Amelia” Paul said.          

I walked and sat next to him.             

“I am so sorry your visit has to be during this

horrible time” He mentioned.             

“It is well; I am here to honor my brother and you.”

I said with a smile.           

“Tomorrow Michael will lie in state for his

Kingdom to honor him then he shall be buried at

The Belvidere Arch.” He added.            

I shook my head.                

“Now nourish yourself, my sweet sister. We have

enough time to discuss the rest.” He ended.      

I had such an uncomfortable feeling being here.       

I could not place what it was.          

After lunch, we went into the main room to

converse. He pointed at a painting and asked “Do

you remember him?”                

I smiled and replied “Yes, that is Father.”       

He smiled in agreement.              

“How about her?” He pointed at a picture of a

beautiful lady.                    

I had no idea who she was.             

He smiled and said “That is Mother; you were so

young when she passed.”              

I smiled and replied “She was so beautiful.”          

He smiled and pointed out “You look a lot like her.”                        

I totally disagreed, she was gorgeous.        

“Do you know why she named you Amelia?” He


I had no idea.                   

I shrugged my shoulders.            

“She would say that the meaning of your name

was beauty, sophistication and intelligence, which

described you perfectly.” He added.         

That was so lovely. I never knew that detail about

my Mother.                      

We conversed for a few. It was nice reminiscing

with him. He seemed to enjoy telling me about

happier times at Willshire Castle.     

Unfortunately I had no memory of it.       

After a bit, we began talking about Michael. He

described him as a quiet, loner type. He even

confessed that he was an awful King.         

I could not wait any longer. I wanted to know

about the prisoner and what happened to him.    

I looked at him and bursted out “Are you positive

the man you have imprisoned is the murderer of

Michael” I asked.                     

“You wish to speak of that now?” He asked.     


“Yes Paul, I do. I am sorry, with all my heart I

would love to speak to you about your family but I

do not remember any of you. I enjoy hearing your

memories but I figure we should get to business

now.” I answered.               

He shook his head.                 

“As you wish. Yes Amelia, I was there when this

man with no regret pierced his heart with his

sword” Paul answered.            

I felt awful, I did not want Paul to think I was


“I am sorry my King for being so direct” I quietly


He smiled and replied “I understand.”        

He stood up and walked across the room.             

I cleared my throat.               

“When can I see the prisoner?” I asked.       

“Now if you would like” he replied.             

I followed him and Greyson to the dungeon.        

As we walked Paul added. “I found it strange

because the sword he carried had the seal of

Landford engraved on it.”           

“Really?” I said.                   

It was so cold, dark and damp.          


Prisoners filled almost every cell.              

The prisoner I wanted to confront had been put in

the very last cell.                  

As I stood in front of the cell, the prisoner stood

with his back to me.              

“Kneel for your Queen, Prisoner” the guard said

out loudly.                      

The Prisoner did not move.              

He then said “I will not kneel to your Queen. I have

no Queen”.                     

The sound of that voice pierced my soul.             

I knew who it was but could not believe my ears.          

“Prisoner, turn to me” I asked.         

Suddenly a tall dark figure appeared from the


His head was held down; my heart sank as the

vision of a disheveled Thomas approached me.       

I remained in silence.               

I could not believe what I was seeing.         

Thomas looked directly at me and grinned.      

“Let me in his cell” I ordered the guard.    

He looked at Paul.                

“Are you mad? Paul asked.              

“Yes, now open it and leave me with this prisoner”


I said.                   

“Absolutely not Amelia” Paul replied.        

“Do as I say Paul” I yelled.             

“She will be fine, King Paul, do as she says. I will be

nearby” Greyson added.                

Paul motioned to the guard to open the cell.      

I walked in, not really knowing what to say.        

I want to kiss and hold him but at the same time I

wanted to kill him.


“Thomas? Prince Thomas of Landford” I


He laughed and said “When did you become

Queen, Amelia?”                  

“Thomas, what did you do?” I asked.          

He turned away and said “I did nothing. I

protected myself ”.               

“You killed my brother Michael” I whispered.         

“It was me or him, I prefer living” Thomas

answered angrily.                 

He then grabbed my arm and said “Now, when did

you become Queen? I ask.”            

His eyes were different, cold and evil.          

“Is Father finally dead? He whispered menacingly.             


“No, he is not” I replied.            

“Then?” He murmured.                

“I do not have time to explain to you what is going

on in Landford” I answered trying not to appear


“What am I going to do? I asked myself out loud.

“Yes, what are you going to do, my Queen?” He

said condescending.                 

I turned to him and nodded.             

He walked towards me and knelt before me


“My Queen, I apologize for my act of disrespect.”

He said.                      

Grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips, he

murmured “I am your King, so kneel before me” as

he pulled me down to the ground.      

Being face to face was chilling.            

He kissed my lips and whispered “We did marry or

did you forget?”                

I closed my eyes and swallowed slowly as not to


He remained kneeling as I stood and began to

walk away.                   


“Amelia, you cannot leave me here” he whispered


I turned and looked at him.        

“GUARD” I yelled.                

“Amelia, AMELIA! You cannot leave me here to

die” He repeated as he followed me to the door.        

My thoughts were all turned about.          

The man I love and longed for killed my brother

but he was my husband, my King.             

I could not leave him here to die.           

My love was strong for him still.                  

He grabbed my arm and said “Do you not feel love

for me anymore?” He asked.             

I turned away without answering.           

I left his cell breathing hard and scared, I leaned

against the wall for balance.           

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I

would be putting Thomas to death.       

What was I to do? I could not do this? I loved him.

“Guard, take me to your King” I said. 


As I walked through the long hallway I thought of

what to say. I could not let him know Thomas was

my husband.                    


As I entered the room, there sat my brother Paul

on his throne.                  

“So, what did he say?” Paul asked.            

“He confessed but he says it was self-defense”    

I answered.                    

Paul laughed “Really? Everyone knew Michael was

not a warrior. Michael was lured into the forest

and slaughtered like an animal. How is that self-

defense? He is a paid killer from Schillingburg and

must die for the murder”.                     

I nodded in disagreement.            

I was still in shock that Thomas was the man who

did this. I could not believe it or show Paul I had

any connection to him.               

I had to think quickly.               

I knew I was of stronger will than Paul so I just

came out and said “I will be taking the prisoner

with me to Landford. Here in Willshire, he will not

get the proper trial he deserves.”              

“A Proper trial Amelia? Are you trying to save this

man? He will not get a trial, he WILL die. He killed

your brother” Paul yelled.           

“He killed your brother Paul. I did not know

Michael.” I argued.               


“This is unbelievable Amelia; you would not be

Queen of Landford if it was not for THIS family. You

ungrateful...” Paul said before I interrupted him.                       

“I am Queen because of you? I laughed.    

“Believe as you wish but the prisoner leaves with

me. He will not get a trial here as I see it Paul, and

you will not stop me. I have made the decision and

he will accompany me to Landford in the


I added as I walked away.            

Greyson followed and said “What are you doing

my Queen?”                     

I turned to him and replied “I am bringing Thomas

home; I will not be responsible for his death”.


“But my Queen, it is his destiny, he killed a King.”

Greyson said worried.              

“He is a King also, Greyson. This discussion is over.”

I whispered.               

Greyson stared at me confused. “A King? What are

you talking about? He is not King!” Greyson


“I will explain later Greyson; just prepare him for

the trip.” I replied.                

Paul paced back and forth.         

He then followed me into the hallway.         

“What will I tell our people?” He asked angrily.       

“The truth, I suggest, you do not want to begin

your reign on lies, as did other Kings” I answered.

I was not sure if my decision was the right one but

my love for Thomas could not leave him there to

die even though he took my brother’s life.


Greyson returned to the dungeon. “King Thomas?”

he murmured quietly.            

Thomas turned towards him.          

“Pardon me, I mean no disrespect, but can you

explain how and when you became King?”

Greyson said as he kneeled.         

Thomas answered “My loyal friend, Amelia and I

married before I left Landford. She became Queen,

thus that makes me King.”       

Greyson slowly stood up and whispered. “Your

highness, if you have deceitful thoughts or ill

feelings towards my Queen, I will slay you,

remember I taught you everything you know and I

will not think twice in using it to protect her

against anyone, including you.”         


Thomas smiled “My man you taught me to kill

others. I will not my own.”                  

Greyson replied “You think I not know that it was

you who betrayed your brother. Who poisoned him

in your Fathers mind and requested his death”.                   

Thomas laughed and said “You give me too much

credit, Greyson.”                

Greyson nodded his head. “You have been warned

my King” He added.                 

Thomas smiled and replied “You do not scare me

but do not worry, Amelia is the only person I care

for, she will never be harmed by my sword BUT be

afraid for others. Those I cannot spare.”     

Greyson bowed at Thomas and ended “We leave

for Landford in the morning my King.”


The morning came quick.             

I was anxious to leave but I had to pay my respects

to Michael. I slowly entered the front room where

his body lies for funeral. I could not help but see his

resemblance to Father.               

I placed a medal on his chest. “King Michael, my

brother. I feel so ashamed that I have no

recollection of you. Please forgive me. Your death

was an accident, please pardon me for exonerating

who did this to you but he is my husband.” I

whispered as I touched his face.        

I looked up with teary eyes and said “Say hello to

Father for me, I hope he is proud of me, aside of

this, which you may see as an indiscretion.”                  

As I turned, I saw Paul stood in the doorway. He

looked at me with anger but respect.         

“Are you sure you want to do this, Amelia? Paul

asked for the last time.