Mischief, Tales of a King by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As we arrived upon Landford Castle, I sat in the


“Thomas” I whispered. “We are here.”       

He arose and looked out the window.     

“Home Sweet Home” he joked.                

I was nervous. I did not know how Father was

going to take all this.                  

As Greyson opened my door, I paused and said

“Greyson, take Thomas to my room.”       

“Your room, My Queen?” He responded.        

“Yes Greyson, my room. He does not belong in the

dungeon.” I replied.                 

“But he is a prisoner, Your Highness.” He


“I will go and speak with Father and Mother first,

please give me a moment.” I said as I looked at

Greyson, then at Thomas.              

I quickly enter the Castle.           

Mother awaited me at the door.           

“My daughter, I am so relieved you are home.” She

said as she hugged me. I grabbed her hand and

kissed it.                 

“Where is Father?” I asked.             

She looked puzzled and asked “In his room, Why?”

“I need to speak with you both immediately, please

come with me.” I replied.                    

We both walked hand in hand to his room. Father

lie in his bed, he was awake but not feeling well.

He raised his hands as he saw me and murmured

“My child you have returned, what you have to say

about your adventures?”           

Mother helped him sit up as I sat at the end of his


“Am I not worthy of a hug?” He asked as he

opened his arms.                   

I moved over to him, bowed my head and hugged


“Father, I have a dilemma I must speak with you

about but you need to completely listen to

everything before you respond.” I said.                

Mother glanced over pondering what I was going

to say.                       

I took a deep breath.            

“This is something I should have told you a long

time ago.” I asserted.


“What is it my child?” Father said concerned.

“Before Thomas left to battle, he and I were wed

at a chapel in town. I know it is against your

permission but our love was too strong”.       

He looked at me then at Mother.          

“You knew about this?” He asked her.         

I interrupted “No Father, no one knew, just Thomas

and I.”                     

Mother lowered her eyes.            

“Well then, Thomas is gone, why are you telling

me this, to clear your conscience?” Father added.

“Thomas is not gone, Father” I said.                    

Mother inhaled loudly.             

“What is this you say? How do you know Thomas'

whereabouts?” Father said.             

I looked down and said “I found him in Willshire.”

“Alive?” Mother asked.                

I nodded yes.                

“WHAT? Where is he? Is he with you?” Father said


I nodded yes and replied “He is but he is the

prisoner from Willshire, he is who killed King


Mother began crying.


“Amelia, did you not think? You have committed a

crime, why did you bring him to Landford?” Father

said sternly.                     

“I could not leave him to die in Willshire.” I


“But child, that is his destiny, he killed a royal!”

Father shouted.                 

I stood up and said loudly “But he is King, Father!”             

“Just because you are Queen does not make him

King, Amelia” Father yelled upset.         

“He is my husband and I could not betray him in

that manner” I said in a soft voice.        

“No you would rather betray your Kingdom and

Willshire by harboring a murderer.” Father


“He is your son Emmanuel.” Mother said weeping.

“Where is he now?” Father asked.         

“In my room, he will not see the dungeon here.” I


“You are making a huge mistake, Amelia. Your

Kingdom will not allow this treason” Father


“If there is treason, may I be punished but in my

heart, it is what I choose.” I replied.       

“Take me to him” Father said as he weakly rose

from his bed.                   

We slowly walked down the corridor to my room.

As we opened the door, Thomas stood in the

center of the room.               

Mother quickly ran to him and began hugging him.

“My son I have prayed for the day I would see and

hold you again” Mother said.          

“As did I Mother” Thomas responded.      

Thomas walked passed Mother towards Father.

Half way to him, he kneels and says “May I

approach Father?”               

Father stood strong and nodded yes.        

They stood face to face.              

The room was silent.              

Father raised his hand, grabbed Thomas and

began hugging him. “My son, my son” he said as

he collapsed in his arms.                   

Thomas held him as tears streamed from his eyes.

“Forgive me Father” He said as he helped Father

to my bed.                 

“Thomas, the sight of you does not make me ill.

The excitement has gotten to me.” Father replied.

Greyson stood at the door.


Father called for him.            

”Greyson, come to me”.         

Greyson slowly approached and knelt.       

“My King” He said.              

“Greyson, thank you for returning my children

home safely.” Father exclaimed.         

Greyson bowed his head as he stared Thomas


“It is my duty, Your Excellency. I must take the

horses to the stable for food and rest.” He said as

he dismissed himself.                 

I ran after Greyson and said “Greyson, Thank you!”

“For what my Queen, I have done nothing for you

to be thankful for” He admitted.              

I smiled and replied “You have always been a great

friend and confidant.”                 

I reached over and hugged him.          

“Oh my Queen, what an honor” He answered


I walked into my room and the view was beautiful,

all it needed was David. Mother and Father were

so pleased to have Thomas home. As I stood in the

doorway Thomas motioned for me to enter.        

“Is all well? He asked concerned.           

“Oh yes, my King all is wonderful” I answered as I

put my arms around him. Father smiled and

proposed “Tomorrow we must sit down and figure

out what we are going to do about this situation.

Thomas is still a prisoner in Willshire’s eyes.”     

I nodded in agreement.              

“But for now we shall eat and rest.” He added as

he walked towards the door to leave the room.

“Also this room must be prepared for you and

Thomas, now that you are wed. Shyanne please

make the preparations.” He continued.     

Shyanne bowed her head and proceeded out.

Mother smiled and whispered “We will leave you


I began removing my travel attire when Thomas

commented “I forget how small you really are”      

I smiled and replied “Small but dangerous”.      

He laughed. He sat in a chair near the window and

murmured “How I missed this place. I thought I

was never going to return.”              

I sat on the bed and replied “Well you are home

now; better make the best of it”.              

“I just feel so strange, I know now what these men

know, I have seen what they have seen and it is

nothing pretty. I am hoping my mind can forget.”

He added.                     

I listened and smiled.                 

As he stood up and walked towards me he added

“I also saw something, I am not sure if it was an

illusion since I was sleep deprived but it has

remain in my mind since.”              

As I removed my shoes I asked “And what was it?                       

He cleared his throat and whispered, “I think I saw


I reacted surprised “David? Our brother David? No,

where?” I asked.                

“Down by the old cottage on the outskirts of

Willshire, the one your Father built” He continued.

I began folding my clothes as to avoid eye contact

and said “Your eyes must have been playing tricks

on you, Thomas. David is dead.”         

He grabbed my face and raised it to look at him    

“Were they, Amelia?” he questioned as he looked

at me suspiciously.                   

“Yes Thomas, you saw him die” I replied hastily.

“Other mysterious things have happened, I just


He said as I quickly interrupted him “You thought

wrong. I often think I see him in town. It is because

we miss him terribly”                      

I knew if Thomas saw David he was not going to

put this to rest.                   

I must think of a way to imprison Thomas without

really imprisoning him.               

This way he could not leave the Castle and go

investigate what he saw.               

As Thomas bathed, I looked for Greyson. I found

him at the stables. “Greyson we have a problem” I


“What is it my Queen?” he replied.       

“Thomas saw David near the cottage, he says

when he was hiding in that area, he swears saw

him at a distance” I recalled.             

“It is possible but David is not unwise, he would

not show himself.” He reasoned.          

“I know Thomas, he will go and seek him out if he

believes it was David he saw” I reassured.                    

“My Queen, relax maybe after speaking with you

his mind will be at ease and he will forget about

it” Greyson theorized.                

“I hope it shall be” I added.


It was time to join Mother and Father at the dining

room. I felt nervous, Thomas’ words about David

kept replaying in my mind. If he finds him, it will be

awful. I would have betrayed Father and my

Kingdom. I will be put to death.           

Father looked at me and commented “You look a

bit jittery, is all well?”                

I took a deep breath and responded “Oh yes

Father, it was a long trip and I am still a bit jumpy.”

He nodded his head.               

Thomas glared at me from across the table and

added “Are you sure it is that?”                       

I nodded yes.                  

The evening went on as usual.            

As Thomas and I returned to our quarters I was

still uneasy, hoping he would not revisit the


He closes the door behind him and says “What is

wrong with you Amelia, all through dinner you

were acting strangely?”                

I removed my shawl and replied “I am fine, I just

have a lot on my mind especially what to do with

you or did you forget? You are a prisoner.”             

He smirked and insisted “Are you sure? Plus a King

cannot be Prisoner? Look it up, it is in the


“Thomas, please” I answered angrily. He was

taunting me as if to get a confession of some kind.

“I apologize” He said softly.             

“Are you going to imprisoned me like any common

criminal?” He continued.                     

I shrugged my shoulders and scratched my

forehead. “I do not want to do that but what am I

to do? Maybe I can make an amendment that has

you only in the Castle and its grounds, no further.

Then you would be a prisoner but not a prisoner.”

He laughed and responded “Anything is better

than the dungeon, only thing you need to rephrase

it so Father will understand your gibberish”       

I laughed “You understood so you must be fluent in


Even though I was in Thomas’ arms I could not

sleep. I tossed and turned enough to interrupt

Thomas’ sleep. “Amelia, my love, what is bothering

you?” He asked.                   

I cuddled myself to him and whispered “Life.”    

He kissed my forehead and replied “Try to sleep a

least a little.”                    

I smiled and closed my eyes.            

My nightmares were so vivid. Thomas finding

David, David being brought back to the Castle and

imprisoned and I being put to death for treason.

There was no way of making all this correct. But

then Thomas was not sure he saw David. As long

as I could keep Thomas away, everything would be



I awoke to Thomas already gone; Shyanne said he

was riding around the grounds. I took the

opportunity to go speak with Father on the

decision to imprison Thomas.           

“My beautiful girl, come in come in” Father said.

He seemed to be feeling better and in better

spirits. “Father, I have made a decision about

Thomas. I will not imprison him in our dungeon. I

will confine him to the Castle and its grounds. He

will not have access to the outskirts. Thus he is


Father smiled and replied “But Amelia, he is your

husband and King, he must be introduced plus he

is very stubborn, you must remain strong with

your decision, no matter how much love you feel

for him.”                     

I looked confused but responded “I will be strong I

know he will try to get out of it. He can be King

and not have any real power, is that correct,


Father jested “Thomas, King with no power,

impossible and not likely.”                  

“Well if he likes his freedom, it is what he must

agree upon.” I responded.            

Father agreed so the decision was made, now to

let Thomas know. I awaited him in the garden but

he did not return promptly, this worried me.


As I was speaking with Father, Thomas decided to

take a ride to Willshire; he needed to prove to

himself the man he saw was not David. As he

arrived at the cottage, no one was there. He

looked through the windows and through the

surroundings. In the distance he created an area

where can sit inconspicuously and watch. The sun

began to go down and no one had returned to the

cottage so he decided to head towards Landford.

“Maybe it was my imagination” He thought to

himself. “But it was so real” he whispered to

himself. As he rode back through unknown

passages, he saw Schillingburg Soldiers. He rode

quickly to avoid them but they saw him and

returned to Schillingburg to alert King Erich.


“Your Highness, we have word for you.” The 1st

Soldier said.                    

King Erich disturbed snarled “About what?”

“Prince Thomas of Landford, he is free, we saw

him” answered the 2nd


King Erich got up from his throne and motioned to

the soldiers to approach him.               

“Where? Where was he?” King Erich asked.      

“He rode on the outer passages and he now wears

the King’s Cloak” 1st Soldier replied.        

“King’s Cloak? Kings Cloak from where?” He


“Landford, my King” 2nd

 Soldier responded.

“IMPOSSIBLE!!! Willshire returned him to

Landford? WHAT IDIOTS!!! Where is William? Get

me William!!! He yelled.            

William quickly entered the room.          

“My King, you called?” he said nervously.                    

“YES I called. What is this I hear that Thomas is in

Landford and wearing the King’s cloak?” he asked.

“I have no idea Your Highness” William answered.

“THEN GO FIND OUT!!!” King Erich shouted.


Upon arriving at the Castle I confronted Thomas at

the stables. “Where were you?” I snapped.        

“I was riding, why? Must I ask permission from the

Queen to go riding?” He answered.          

“Did you leave Landford? Are you mad?” I


“Just for a bit, I have returned well, what is the

problem?” He argued.              

“The problem is that you are a prisoner Thomas,

you cannot be doing as you please, it can get you

killed.” I suggested.                

“Killed? Not likely.” He laughed.           

“For once Thomas, you need to take things

seriously, your imprisonment is not a laughing

matter. I spoke with Father and we have agreed

upon you being confined to the Castle and its

grounds only” I continued.          

“WHAT? I am not a child” he replied angrily.            

“Yes and as your title of King, it will remain but

you have no power.” I added.                    

“Is this a joke, a King without power?” He replied

with a laugh.                 

“Take it or leave it Thomas, I am done trying to

make you comfortable and you with no respect,

not even for yourself, be trotting around like you

are a free man.” I concluded.           

“Wait and what is my other option?” Thomas


“The dungeon” I said as I walked away. “Oh and

make your decision hastily” I added from a



As I entered the Castle I came across Father who

overheard the conversation.             

He smiled and said “Well done.”            

I smiled and went to my room for a bath, maybe it

could relax my tension especially after the moment

I just had.                     

Shyanne as always had everything prepared for


“My lady, your warm bath water awaits you.” She


I smiled as I began to remove my clothing.        

“I cannot wait.” I replied excitedly.         

“Yes, Your Highness, I added lavender and other

oils, it is perfect.” Shyanne added.                  

I walked across the room and climb into the basin.

The water was so warm and inviting.       

Suddenly the door flies open and Thomas stood in

the doorway.                  

“Excuse us Shyanne, I must have a word with the

Queen.” He said loudly.             


Shyanne quickly left the room and closed the door

behind her.                     

I had nowhere to run so I remained covered by the


“What is it Thomas? Can you not see I am

occupied?” I said annoyed.                

“It is a perfect time because you cannot run and

hide, as usual” He implied.              

I watched as he stormed across the room.      

“Have you gone mad, you are just as unreasonable

as Father. A King without power is a joke an

unflattering spectacle. I will be the laughing stock”

he protested.                   

“And what would you like me to do, Thomas?” I


“I am fine with being jail at the Castle and its

grounds but not a King without power” he


“Give me some time to think and see what I can

come up with, yes?” I responded.           

He looked at me serious and walked away.  

Thomas did not return to our room that night. He

remained in his old quarters or so I thought.


As I slept, Thomas again made his way to

Willshire. This time he uncovered my secret. It was

not an illusion. It was David, in the flesh.       

“But how could this be? I saw him die.” He asked


As he rode home, he could not help but think

Amelia knew about this. “She did react strangely

when I mentioned David and she is rather witty”

He said to himself.


At the same time Greyson and William were

meeting. William asked Greyson about Thomas

and Greyson told him what he knew but nothing to

incriminate anyone.                 

He advised Greyson that Thomas was seen around

Schillingburg Castle and if he is seen there again

they will be force to kill him.          

Greyson agreed and went on his way.

William returned to Schillingburg with the news.

King Erich could not believe what he had just


“So Thomas is King” He said confused.        

“How is that possible?” He added.           

“I cannot believe Willshire did not execute him for

killing their King.” He continued.           

“IT IS UNACCEPTABLE!” He yelled.          

“I am sure when King Paul finds out about Thomas

he will think the same. Maybe I should take things

into my own hands and punish Thomas myself, you

know, a show of good faith for Willshire” He


“What will you do, My King?” asked William.     

King Erich stared off and mumbled “Hmmm,

maybe it is time Thomas lost what is important to

him. What greater punishment is there than losing



The next morning as I walked along the garden,

Greyson confronted me “My Queen, I spoke with

William of Schillingburg and he informed me

Thomas was there.”                

I nodded my head                   

“I know, he told me he went to Willshire” I


“He is going to get himself killed” Greyson


“I know, I have told him but he is of strong will and

laughed. He does not care.” I responded.        

“It will end soon enough. I am confining him to the

Castle as his punishment. He will not be allowed to

leave.” I added.                 

“Do you think he will obey?” Greyson asked.        

“I am hoping so, for his sake, he really does not

have a choice.” I concluded.


As I returned to my room, Thomas stood there

with flowers in hand.              

Smiling he sai