Mischief, Tales of a King by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Every day was a struggle for me. I became weary

and weak. My heart had been broken so severely

that it would never be mended.         

Thomas took advantage of the deaths of our

parents to appoint himself King.


At this point, Willshire felt betrayed by Landford,

because our King was a murderer.         

Little by little, Thomas’ true color began to show.

He had confessed to me that he was the one who

poisoned Fathers mind against David. He also

confessed to have helped Father die a little faster. 

I was utterly horrified by him and his actions. He

enjoyed knowing that he was the subject of my

nightmares. He had discharged Shyanne and

Greyson, so I had no one left in the Castle.


Thomas kept me close at hand. I was not allowed

to do anything without him or his permission.      

I had become his prisoner.             

He would often remind me about the fairy tales he

had told me as a child and told me how he knew

he was the villain in all of them and he laughed at

the thought of me seeing him as the charming



I had overheard Thomas with his advisors at the

front room. Thomas had asked for me to attend

but did not know I was at the doorway.        

“My mission is not yet complete” Thomas

addressed his advisor. “You must attend to this

promptly, my Lord” The advisor replied.              

“Oh I will. But as my Father said, my day shall

come” he added.                  

He saw me at the door and asked me to come


The Advisor and his help kneeled as I entered the


“Oh no need for that my good men, she is just my

wife.” Thomas announced.              

“You needed me, my King” I said in a soft voice. 

He laughed “Needed? No, I have never needed

you. But I want you to be aware of what is about

to come.”                      

I nodded my head.              


“Willshire has threatened to attack Landford. We

will not let it happen. Your brother King Paul does

not know who he is beginning a feud with. I will

not hesitate to annihilate him and his weak

Kingdom. ” He said.                 

I stayed quiet because I knew if I interfered the

backlash for me would be horrendous. His Advisors

whispered among themselves and decided that an

overnight attack who be best to overthrown King

Paul. I felt sad but I could not do anything. I had

betrayed King Paul by releasing Thomas and now I

was paying for it.               

Thomas dismissed his Advisors but kept me in the


“So Amelia, you have nothing to say?” He asked.                       

I turned away and nodded no.            

“I have thought very well about this.” He snarled

as he stood behind me.               

“You see my dear Amelia, it is all a game of the

mind and as I see it I am triumphant over yours.”

He added.                    

I stood immobile as he put his arms around me

and placed his dagger near my heart.            


“Did Mother not tell you never to play with a

man’s heart? Betrayals toy and tear a man apart.

It makes him insane and things begin to happen,

bad things. I did love you actually I still do in a

love/hate type of manner. I did not mean to reduce

you to rubbish but that is where you came from

and where you deserve to be after all that you

have done.” He ranted.               

“I deserve it everything I am receiving my King” I

whispered as tears ran down my face.                      

“Why could you have not just left well enough

alone, Amelia? Why?” He replied.           

“We would have been so happy.” He ended.

Thomas had gone completely mad. One moment

he was tender and kind then next a tyrant. I lived

my life on a Thomas schedule. When he was

sweet, I responded with care and niceness. When

he was cruel, I remain quiet and out of his path. It

was hard but that was the only way I knew to

survive. Thomas would not think twice about

killing me.


Landford’s Army had attacked Willshire and

successfully took over that Kingdom. Thomas was

not only King of Landford but now of Willshire

also. This made King Erich of Schillingburg very

dismayed. He began to plan just in case of attack.

Schillingburg Soldiers always protected their

boundaries, in war time or not. King Erich was very

evil but very paranoid.


One night as Thomas plotted with his soldiers; I

snuck down and listened behind the door. I had

become very curious as to what he was planning

now since he had taken over Willshire.       

“My brother David still lives and my mission will

not be finished until he is dead because only he

can remove my title.” Thomas whispered to them.            

“What is your plan, Your Excellency?” his 1st Officer


“I will go to Willshire and slain him.” Thomas


“This has to be well planned, my Lord, you are a

wanted man in Schillingburg, Words has been put

out the King Erich is looking to confront you.” 1st

Officer advised.                  


“Yes, my man I know and it will be. When I have all

the details, we will set the motion in play” Thomas


As the Officers dispersed I quickly ran to my

quarters and lay in bed.               

A few minutes later, Thomas appeared at my door,

“Amelia, I have brought you some tea my sweet.”

He said quietly.                 

I smiled softly and whispered, “Thank You.”     

He looked like something was bothering him but

with Thomas you would never know.       

He handed me my tea and said “We must talk.”             

I nodded and answered “What about my King?”                  

“Sweetheart you need to get out of this rut. I want

you to be my Queen, as you were before. I did not

lie when I said I have a soft spot in my heart for

you. I know a lot has changed us but inside there is

deep love” He insisted.                    

“I will try but give me some time, my King; I still

mourn my Mother and Father. Plus you are doing a

wonderful job as King on your own” I explained.       

“Putting all aside, good or bad, I forgive you and I

want you to forgive me. I want you to love me as

you did before. I am a sick man, my mind betrays

me at times but it has never betrayed me when it

came to loving you. I may be harsh at time but you

need that stability” He admitted.            

I did not know what to say, this all made no sense

to me.                       

I looked at him and smirked.                  

He nodded his head and said “Drink up so you can

sleep. May I sleep in your bed tonight?”                

I moved over as he walked towards the bed. I

turned my head as he crawled in.           

He placed his face by my face from behind and

whispered “Us men say things we do not mean in

a moment of anger, I do love you Amelia.”            

I closed my eyes.               

He kissed my cheek, turned over and fell asleep.                 

As I lie awake I kept thinking of what I can do. His

behavior is making me crazy. Should I flee? David

would gladly take me in. I glanced over to him as

he slept, the moonlight made his pale skin look as

if it was glistening.                

My thoughts went from love to murder in seconds.

Should I kill him? Oh my, what am I thinking?

Maybe if I gave in he’d change his motives.        

I was so lost, so confused.              


I really had to choice but to surrender and do as he

wished. Be the Queen he wanted. I reached over

and tapped his shoulder “Thomas” I said.                       

He opened his eyes and looked at me.          

“I do love you. I have never stopped loving you” I


He reached and moved my hair out of my face and


I suddenly felt really drowsy. I remember falling

onto my pillow and nothing else. I felt Thomas get

out of bed but did not react. I felt I could not, my

body felt heavy, sluggish.


This night was the night Thomas would go and

seek out David. His soldiers prepared him for his

trip. He was even told when David would arrive

home. So he planned it out perfectly. Thomas took

off on his horse towards Willshire. He did not

know Schillingburg was vigilant of his plan.        

I woke up to hearing them charging their horses.   

I slowly made my way to my window to see in

what direction they were heading. My eyes were

blurred. I felt dizzy.                    

I had a strong feeling they were heading to David’s

home. I waited until they all left and went to the

stables for my horse. I had trouble getting on and

staying on. My body flailed back and forth, as I

tried to control my riding.                


Thomas had arrived at the cottage with his men.

He walked up to the door and pounded on it.               

David opened the door. He was surprised to see

Thomas standing there.             

“Alas I see your face close up, brother.” Thomas


“What are you doing here Thomas, where is

Amelia?” David asked.            

Thomas pulled out his sword and placed it on

David’s neck.                   

“I have come to kill you. As for Amelia, she is

serving her punishment for betraying me at

Landford” Thomas said smugly.          

The soldiers grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her


“Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this.”

David yelled. He then looked at Thomas and said

“Are you mad? I will not fight you, you are my



Thomas reached out and hit David in the face.

“Then it will be easier to kill you and your peasant

girl.” Thomas whispered.                   

Thomas grabbed David by his shirt and pulled him


“PROTECT YOURSELF!” Thomas Yelled as he threw

him a sword.                  

David got up slowly.              

Thomas drew his sword and pointed it at David. “If

this is what you wish, let us bring this to an end,

my brother.” David replied.


I rode my horse as fast as I could. I was still so far

away from Willshire.               

To my left in the distance, I could see the lights at

Schillingburg Castle. I could hear other horses in

the distance, some ahead and some behind. I was

not interested in where they were coming from. I

just needed to get to David and Thomas.


David and Thomas were both very skilled

combatants. So this battle was going to be brutal.

David realized he was fighting for his life when

Thomas commented on how he had killed Father.


“Brother, you have gone insane!” David yelled as

they fought.                     

“You will NOT steal my birthright” Thomas

answered in the same tone.             

All Elizabeth could do was cry. She did not

understand why brothers would act in such a


I knew I was getting close when I heard the yells of


I had never ridden a horse that fast in my life. The

clanging of the swords got louder and louder.         

As I arrived near I could see Thomas had David on

the floor.                   

They were both bloody.                

I jumped off my horse and decided to run the rest

of the way. As I saw Thomas lift his sword, I also

saw David draw his towards Thomas’ chest.

Thomas looked down at David and said “Now you

will die, my brother.”             

At the same moment David answered “And you

will die also.”          

As I ran I screamed “Noooooooo!” and suddenly all

went black.           


I felt like I was moving but my eyes were shielded.        

After remaining blind for it seemed hours,

suddenly I heard an unrecognized voice.   

As he pulled the cover off my face I could see his

he was a King but he had an awful scowl.   

He laughed. As he walked away, he said “Amelia, I

hope you accommodations are to your liking, you

are going to be here for a while. Welcome to

Schillingburg, my Queen.”




To Be Continued…