My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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(After hearing of the development) “Ehn! She has lost the pregnancy? Oh! That is good. What a cause to rejoice! DPO, I’ll contact you later. Thanks for the information.”

“Mum, what is the matter? What is the cause to rejoice?” asked Imran.

“Rejoice! Come on, rejoice my son. It has finally happened. Bella has lost the pregnancy. Does that not call for us to rejoice?” said his mum.

“What? You mean Bella lost the pregnancy? As in, the pregnancy that happened as a result of our affair and you are saying it is a call to rejoice?” asked Imran.

“Yes now. Don’t you know what that means for you and this family? It means that you wouldn’t have to relate some lamentable stories to your child that his/her mother was the one who murdered your own father. You wouldn’t have to tell stories to a child that his/her mother is in jail or was sentenced to death. It wouldn’t be in the history of this family that, once upon a time in our family, there was a man named Mark who was murdered by a lady who later became the wife of his own biological son. Tell me, is that not a cause to rejoice? And again, what was a barrier to me taking actions against that girl has been eliminated. Now, I will continue to pursue my aim to ensure that that criminal doesn’t escape justice. And if you decide not to help me, don’t worry. I can do it without you.” said Imran’s mum.

Imran left the room not pleased with the development.


“Doctor, please, what can you do to help us? We are orphans, and we have become estranged with most of our relatives. Please help us.”

“I’ll still repeat what I’ve told you. I’ve administered treatment on her as far as the money you deposited can take me. I’ve told you to go look for more money so we could continue with treatment and get anti-retroviral drugs for your sister. She is an HIV patient, and the condition of her immune system and her body generally is gradually deteriorating. If her condition eventually degenerates to AIDS, a stage where her immune system will be badly affected which will leave her vulnerable to opportunistic infections, which you possibly have an idea about, the price you will have to pay then will be higher than now and her chances of living then will get slimmer. So I advise that you try harder to get the money so we can continue treatment on her.” said the doctor.

Adele, in her condition as an HIV patient had been hospitalized and her sister, Bridget was taking care of her. As the orphans that they were and the estranged relations that they had with most of their relatives, they had to look for money for treatment from their own personal means and reach. However, they encounted problems in the process. Virtually all the money they both personally possessed had been exhausted over the treatment of Adele and were still not enough even to keep her out of the hospital for that time. Bridget, who was a sales girl working in one of the big shops in the city, was trying different means to get some money for her treatment. Adele was there in the hospital, her condition was degenerating gradually and she was moving closer to her end.


She was there crying and lamenting her condition to herself. As Kate arrived the room, she tried to wipe her tears and hide her condition from her, trying to pretend like nothing happened. But Kate could sense something was wrong with her.

“What is wrong with you? You don’t look happy. Any problem?”

“I’m fine, please leave me alone.” Genevieve replied.

“Come on, you don’t look okay. Tell me, what is wrong?” Kate insisted.

(Yells) “I said I’m okay. What is your problem? Please, leave me alone.”

“Okay! (Something occurred to her mind). Or wait, hope it is not what I’m thinking?” said Kate.

Yes, it was what she was thinking. Genevieve had been defrauded again, and this time, she lost something really big – virtually all her life savings. As Genevieve was enjoying her experience with the business scheme, she decided to step onto another level in the game. So Genevieve sold virtually all her possessions including her car, combined the money with almost all her money in the bank and invested it in the business, anticipating a return bigger than she had ever received. The time which she expected that she would receive her returns lapsed and she didn’t get any alert. She decided to wait a while longer because she thought the delay was caused by the enormity of the amount of money she was expecting, but when she felt it was taking too long, she contacted the company through their mobile lines, and they were – switched off. What was going on? She rushed to their office only to find that the place had been evacuated by the officials who were there and there were no operations running in that place anymore. Still in her bewilderment, Genevieve approached the receptionist at the hotel where the office was located. Actually, the office was located in a hotel. She enquired about the company officials from the receptionist, but to her surprise, she was told that no company with that name had come to book or occupy a space in their hotel. She asserted that the people Genevieve was referring to were some group of individuals, who came to rent the hall to perform some official duties which they occupied for some months, and the time which they agreed upon and paid for had expired and they had evacuated the hall according to agreement. What a state of bemusement was Genevieve thrown into! What was happening? The hotel did not recognize them with their company name? They were just some group of individuals who came to perform some official duties? What official duties? Genevieve tried to check their website but it had been closed down. After trying to reach them through possible means, which were all to no avail, it finally dawned on her that she had been swindled again. And this time, she had become impoverished, having lost most of her assets and money.


Seeing the way Ellen thought about women, some group of women decided to take advantage of the situation. They contacted Ellen and professed their intentions to take the idea of feminism and women dominance in the country to a higher level. They said they saw that Ellen was interested in such project and was keen on achieving female dominance in the country, and they were ready to help her accomplish her motives. This caught the interest of Ellen. Those women claimed that they had connections with other feminism movements from different parts of the world, including developed countries. So they wanted to create a platform where the feminists in the country can easily relate with those of other countries which would widen the opportunities for the movement to progress in the country. So, they requested that Ellen should award them the contract, and give them some funds for them to process such operations. They proposed to connect with developed feminist movements from all over the world and import what they were lacking in their own country into the system to make them be on same class with the developed movements. Ellen gladly accepted and she awarded them the contract. To her, she was progressing. Ellen awarded them the contract, gave them some funds and was anticipating their delivery.

One day while Ellen was on outing, she came across a fellow woman who came to greet her and discuss with her. Ellen loved to see women around her, especially the ones who were fighting for the same cause with her. She welcomed this lady in response to the warm manner in which the lady had regarded her and she agreed to chat with her.

“I can see you are enjoying your position, madam. Seriously, I love the way you do your things and so do many women like me. You have really influenced many women. The point that you were able to start handling political offices from the federal level, the ministry of women affairs at that, really amazes many people. How were you able to accomplish such a feat?” said the lady.

“Well, that is me for you. My life has always been marked with auspiciousness and that has also manifested when I became the minister for women affairs. I’m a woman with class so I don’t do petty or low level deals. That has been my principle from when I acquired my sense of freewill and discernment. I surround myself with successful people, so that is one way I achieve success. You see this position that I am now, I actually worked for it. As in my body worked for it. Yes. I exerted my power as a woman and I got what I wanted. You see, I shouldn’t have been in this position. I didn’t have any experience prior to my appointment and I did not even meet the age requirements for that office.” said Ellen.

“Oh! You mean you were not of age to attain that office when you were appointed?” asked the lady.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am still not of age up till this moment, but my feminine power got me here.” replied Ellen.

“So, tell me how you did it. Perhaps, I will be able to utilize the method you devised or something similar to it for me to achieve some things for me too. I want to be a big girl too.” the lady requested.

“You mean that one? Such a very simple thing. Okay let me tell you how it went. I talked about how I used my body, you remember? Actually, that was with Honorable, the Chairman of our political party. I was secretly dating him. So offering my body to him, I demanded something in return. And that was to handle politics in the federal level. But, it happened that I didn’t meet the age requirements. So what did we do? We forged and faked. Yes, that was what we did. He used his influence to fake some of my documents that displayed my age, including my birth certificate, and somehow, we forged my age. He also exerted his influence by settling some key political officials in the parliament. And eventually, I was given the position.” said Ellen.

“Wow! That is great. That is a good sense of manipulation. That is classy.” the lady commented.

“Yeah! That is me for you, a woman of class. I use my sense and feminine power to achieve my aims. And I’m going higher.” said Ellen.

“Oh! Okay. Anyways, thanks for giving me the privilege to confabulate with your honourable self. I so much appreciate it.” said the lady.

“That is no big deal. So far you are for me, then we are one.” said Ellen.

After awarding the contract to those women, weeks passed, but the women did not deliver and they themselves could not be reached. What was going on? After contemplating on the issue and taking some steps to find out what was happening, Ellen realized that she was too loose and she had been fooled. The whole process was all a scam and those women had swindled her of the money. It was a huge sum of money and it affected the operations of the ministry and consequentially sent some discredit to the record of the government in power as well as their political party. A lot of money had been lost. She had acquired properties and had spent lavishly with the public funds and she was also defrauded of a huge sum of money, and she didn’t really take note of how it was going. She was just so moved to spend money lavishly and meet with the standards of a big girl in town. She was making different female friends in the high class of the society and she attended different occasions. She was striving for the empowerment and dominance of the women and dispensed funds to that effect in a reckless fashion. Many homes were having problems; some couples’ relationship were severed. Many children were not adequately cared for. It was all about women affairs and dominance.

And to make it worse for Ellen, she didn’t know she had fallen into a trap. You remember that lady she had a conversation with on that outing? She was actually a political member of one of the opposition parties. She had leaked one of their secrets to her and that opposition party used it against them. Their conversations were recorded on video, as a recorder was implanted on the outfit of that lady. There were posts and comments on social media, protests on streets and political deliberations on air which were aimed at opposing such an unlawful move effected by the chairman of the political party and others involved. Ellen was not fit for the office but she was illegally appointed, violating the rule of the operating law. Assessing it with the operating constitutional or political guidelines, Ellen’s leadership was more of a failure than success, more of discredit than credit. She did not only fail in executing her roles, but also implicated her political party and the party chairman specifically. One day, the party chairman called Ellen so they could sort things out. Ellen heeded the call of the chairman, and together in his car, he drove her somewhere.

“Ellen, step out of the car now and let us sort this issue out.”

“But, can’t we sort it out it in the car?” asked Ellen.

“Hey! Don’t question me. Just step out of the car now.” the Honourable retorted.

They both stepped out and the party chairman pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Ellen moments later.

“Haa! Please don’t do this, please. Even if I have failed, please for the sake of our love, don’t do this.” Ellen said.

“What love? Are you insane? For you information, that love is dead in my heart, so leave the love aside. Now to the main business. Ellen, just tell me. Tell me what you thought you were doing when revealing those secrets? How could you be so loose? The affair between you and I that I was concealing for it not to affect my marriage? The forgery of your age and documents that we were concealing from the world so it would not be used against us? We actually did that in your favour, didn’t we? So tell me, what got into your head? What were you thinking?” said the Honourable still pointing the pistol to her.

“Darling, please forgive me. I accept that I was wrong. Just don’t do this please.” Ellen said.

“Oh! You accept that you were wrong, and you want me to forgive you? Then what will happen to my reputation, my honour, my record? What will happen to my image that you have tarnished and my marriage that is now in jeopardy? How about the political party; what will happen to its record? How about all the funds that you’ve squandered and lost and the problems that your leadership has caused in the society? Tell me, what will happen to those?” said the Honourable.

“Darling, please, for the sake of our love, just forgive me. Please, don’t do this. We used to love each other, didn’t we? We used to share love and affection. Please, don’t let our story end this way. We will try to sort things out and I will also adjust.” said Ellen.

“Oh! I see. For the sake of love? Oh you are right, we used to share love and affection. I used to love you and you used to reciprocate it. and you know what? I still do, so I will consider you.

you can get back into the car.” said the Honourable.

“For real?” asked Ellen

“Yeah! For real. Get back into the car. We will sort things out.”

(Ellen turns her back trying to move into the car, but…)

Gunshot! Gunshot!! Gunshot!!!

Three bullets following each other. Ellen was down and blood was dripping from her body. Mr. Chairman looked round to check if he could see anyone, and when he got convinced, he got into the car and drove off. The bottom line was He murdered Ellen. That was the end of the politician and striving feminist.


“No people who appoint a woman as their leader will ever prosper” – Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)


(Rushes to meet the doctor)

“Doctor! Here it is. As in, the money for Adele’s treatment. Please, start administering treatment on her as soon as possible.” Bridget said handing out the money to the doctor.

“Miss Bridget, you are and adult and you’ve lived life for quite a while now. So I expect that this occurrence shouldn’t be new to you. You see, death is one of the characteristics of life. But what distinguishes it from some other characteristics is that it is usually accompanied by feelings or moments of tragedy. But, I will advise that you take heart. Please, take heart.” said the doctor.

“Doctor, what are you saying? Please explicate your stance to me so I can understand you.” Bridget demanded.

“I’m sorry I cannot continue to administer treatment on your sister anymore. We eventually lost her. Your sister is dead. Like I said earlier, please take heart.” the doctor said.

Yes, that was the end of Adele too. She died from the disease. After striving to become relevant in the entertainment industry, she eventually ended her life in that manner.


Genevieve had become impoverished. She had nearly been reduced to zero. She thought that she was a failure and was ashamed of herself. She couldn’t accomplish setting up any business enterprise, she couldn’t be the boss she had wanted to be, couldn’t give orders as she wanted. She thought and thought, and thought and thought, and eventually she…

(Causing a splash)

Afterwards, there was a moment of ruckus and different people were moving towards the direction. Faces of pity, lamentable comments and different opinions from different lips were featured in the scene. There was the talk about this young lady who had jumped off the bridge into the sea and drowned consequentially. Genevieve committed suicide.


After her attempted suicide, Bella was rushed to the hospital for treatment and she got much better and ready to face justice. There was no more pregnancy; she had lost it consequential to her attempted suicide. Bella was charged to court and eventually she was sentenced to death by hanging. After all the feminism, the sexual exploitation experiences, her cases of murder and theft, her relationship with Imran and the pregnancy, Bella later ended her life in such manner.

Bella’s mum and Hassan continued with their lives. Imran returned to South Africa to look after his business and continue with his life, leaving his family behind. When Esther learnt that Bella had been arrested, she had fled from the country trying to escape being arrested. Although, Bella did not disclose any information about Esther to the police. She already regretted her actions and was even ready to die. She chose to bear the punishment issued by the law on her own and chose not to bring Esther into the picture.

A scene happened one early morning. People gathered at a point on the road and there was the talk about these three ladies whose bodies were lying on the floor lifelessly with their heads beheaded. These ladies were actually prostitutes who went on their business but they encountered these set of men whose business was to cut off some parts of the human body and sell to people who used them for rituals. After cutting off their heads, these men had dumped their body close to one another at one point on the road in the midnight and escaped. Actually, these ladies were Tracy, Shandy and Janet. You remember them? The former roommates of Bella. That was how they also ended.


{Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.} [16:97].

{And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life} [TaHa 20:124].
