My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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“Here is the result of the test, madam”

Looks at the result, consequentially gets astonished and loses control.

“What! Positive?”

“Yes! I’m very sorry to tell you that you’ve been confirmed HIV positive. But, I want you to know that …”

(Adele faints before he could finish his statement)

That was the situation with Adele. After Adele accepted the role given to her in the movie, she participated in the filming. One day, while they were at a location acting out some roles and doing some filming which involved Adele herself, she broke down and was conveyed to the hospital. After some tests were run on her, she had that result. Adele had contacted Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus. Where did she get it from?

As Adele was given the role in that movie, she decided to step up her game and seek some other opportunities elsewhere. She met different men who also offered to give her roles to act if she could offer them something in return. That was how Adele was sleeping with different men, so she could feature in movies. Somehow, Adele contacted the virus. She became HIV positive.


A message notification was received on her phone. She picks the phone up, looks at it and smiled. “Yes!”, she shouted. It was a bank alert.

“What happened?” asked Kate.

“It’s about that business I told you about. My bank just sent me an alert that my account has been credited. This business is amazing. You know what? What I’m planning now is to put almost all my life savings into this business. That will mean more money for me. That is the nature of the business. The more you deposit, the more you get in return” replied Genevieve.

“Are you sure that is a nice idea? I advise you to tread slowly. Remember, your experience with those who claimed they were importers and how they swindled you of your money. I don’t want you to fall a second time” Kate said.

“Come on, go and sit down. After taking me to their office which I saw with my two eyes and after I’ve been doing business with them for three months now and they’ve been delivering accordingly without me having any cause to complain, why won’t I trust that this business is real and not fraud. For your information, they even have a website, so their case is quite different from the previous one. And I’m having this feeling that you are jealous of me. You are envying my success. And I’ll show you. You will witness it when I eventually become a successful business woman with substantial money in my account and expensive assets in my name. After putting virtually all my life savings into this next attempt, and I receive my returns, I will set up a big business and I’ll start being the boss that I’ve dreamed of. And when I make it big, trust me, I will deal with you. I will not offer you any help. In fact, if I see you trekking under scorching sun, I will not give you a ride. If it is actually in rainy season, if possible, I will drive my car across you and splash muddy water on you. I will show you pepper and you will beg me at last.” Genevieve said.

“I’ve heard you. But, I’ve told you my own.” (Kate walked out of the room afterwards)

“Jealousy! Jealousy! Bad Belle detected! I will show you.” said Genevieve.


About Ellen, the minister for women affairs. What was the situation with Ellen? Having attained such position which gave her access to public funds, Ellen due to her taste for affluence and lavish lifestyle, started acquiring different properties in her name. As in, the big girl had arrived and she was spending money to keep up with the flow of the big girl class. Using public funds, different assets were going into her name, ranging from cars to houses, she was attending different social functions and spraying money so lavishly. She would often throw a party and would invite people to come celebrate with her, and she would spend huge amounts of money on such occasions. To her, she had attained a high class in the society and was trying to enjoy such opportunity in a lavish manner. As a consequence of those actions, her official and political roles were affected.

Ellen, being the minister for women affairs in the country would often call for some gatherings where she would try to achieve her aims with the women, i.e. to instill the mindset or idea about the dominance of women into them and to implore them to put such mindset into practice. That was part of her agenda as the minister for women affairs. She would often entice the women who she could reach with different opportunities so they could follow her in her dream for women dominance. Consequentially, some women in the country were affected by her motives. The motherhood or mother-to-child relationships in some homes were jeopardized. The relationships between spouses of different marriages were severed. Whenever a social project would come up as one of the official duties in the ministry, she would give women to handle the project. And the project would sometimes be poorly delivered. That was the situation with Ellen.


(Later that day).

“Mum, you have to do something to the situation. That girl going to jail or being sentenced to death is likely to cause deplorable consequences. I know what I’m saying.” said Imran.

“What are you saying? Someone killed your father, your own biological father and also stole some of his money and you want her not to go to jail? And then you tell me you know what you are saying. Who is more important to you? That criminal of a lady or your own father who nurtured and cared for you while he was alive? What I’m only seeing is someone who has been blinded by loved and that has affected your mentality and your sense of justice. But I’m just so less concerned. I will ensure that girl goes to jail or is sentenced to death. She mustn’t escape justice.” His mum said.

“Mum, you don’t understand what I’m talking about. Okay, let me tell you. That girl is carrying my baby. She is pregnant for me” said Imran.

“Pregnancy my foo... Wait oo, what did you just say? You mean she is pregnant for you? Ah! Look at this boy. Why didn’t you tell me all these while?” said Imran’s mother.

“Mum, I tried to tell you this morning, but you were just…”

“Come on, shut your mouth. You were too sluggish. What are we going to do now?” said Imran’s mother.

“I can’t say, mom. Just try to figure something out. She is carrying my baby, and regrettable moments are possible to arise if she is eventually jailed or sentenced to death. Mum, please do something as soon as possible.” said Imran.

“Okay, I’ll contact the DPO in charge of this case. I will tell him to release her and we would settle the issue amicably.” said his mother.

Imran and his Mum arrived the Police Station together to sort things out with the DPO.

(At the police station)

“Madam, I’m really sorry to declare unto you that we will not be able to satisfy your request. The matter has gone beyond the way you are taking it. it is not possible.” said the DPO.

“DPO, please help us. There is a reason behind we coming here to seek the release of that lady. I am the one who is bereaved of my husband and sitting beside me here is his own beloved son. The death of my husband really caused us pain and I would have wanted that girl to be duly apprehended and face the repercussion of her deeds, but there’s something we seek to achieve by this move we are taking and it is important. Please, release the girl to us. It is our family that is affected, and we want to settle this issue amicably.” said Imran’s mother. “Madam, like I said, this issue has gone beyond how you are taking it. It is not an issue we can manipulate and make decisions on at this level or through this medium. Mr. Mark was a public figure before he was murdered. The government has interest in this case and has decided to take it up against her. So even if you choose to back out, it is still going to be a case between her and the government. So what you are requesting for cannot be reached. It is beyond my powers. I’m really sorry.” said the DPO.

“Government? So you mean there’s nothing you can do about this issue?” asked Imran’s mother.

“I cannot give you your request madam. I can only advise you to go get a competent lawyer to stand for her in court because she will eventually be charged to court. That will be her situation.” said the DPO.

Disappointed, they both left the DPO’s office and headed home.


The news about Bella’s arrest had reached her mother and Hassan (remember Joe was Hassan), so they decided to pay her a visit in the police custody.

“Madam, I give you ten minutes so you should know how to manage your time. No plea from you will ever make me extend that period. Your time starts now.” said a police man.

“Zaynab, is it true? Just tell me, what I’ve heard about you, is it true?” asked Bella’s mum.

“Yes, mother. I don’t have to hide it. It is true that I murdered Mark. Mum, please I need you now. I know you have always loved me and you want good for me. Even though, I have not been hearkening to some of what you have told me in the past and I have even failed you now, I beg you not to leave me in this predicament. Mother, this place is not desirable and I’m in such a deplorable situation. I’m still in a police cell. I wonder how the experience will be if I’m eventually jailed. And I’m even carrying a baby.” said Bella.

“What? You mean you are pregnant? For who? How did that happen?” asked Bella’s mum.

“When I was in South Africa, I met a man who I formed a relationship with and he got me pregnant. We actually came home for him to introduce me to his family, then that arrest happened. His name is Imran and his father was Mark who I murdered. Mum, the issue is more complicated than you think. I learnt that Imran and his mother came to secure my release when his mother learnt that I’m pregnant for him. But their request was denied as the DPO asserted that the case is now beyond his control and the government has interest in it. The only option he opined was for them to get a competent lawyer to stand for me in court. Mum, please I beg you, try all possible means to help me. I don’t want to be jailed. I don’t think I will not hate the experience.” said Bella.

“Haa! Zaynab, this is a tragic experience in your life. You have brought failure and misery upon yourself. All of these didn’t just happen to you. How did you live your life in the past? I just can’t relate or try to contemplate on how your situation got as bad as this, degenerating to the extent that you committed murder. You were even reported to have gotten away with some of his money. I never trained you to be like this, so how come all these issues are springing up in your life? Anyways, it has happened and I accept the decree of Allaah. But, I’m not going to get you any competent lawyer. You have already been proven to have committed the crime accusations leveled against you, which you have yourself confessed them to be true. I cannot employ a lawyer to try to manipulate the situation by lying and hiding the truth, so the case can be judged to favor you. It is against my religion, so I cannot do it. I can only supplicate for what is good for you and do some other possible things I can do to help your condition by the will of Allaah.” said Bella’s mother.

Moments later, the police man came to declare that the time was up and Bella had to be returned into the cell. Bella was walked back to the cell in tears and her mom and Hassan headed home.

One day, Bella was showing signs of illness due to her pregnant state and the authority at the police station asked that she should be taken to the hospital. While she was being walked towards the car to convey her to the hospital, some things occurred to the mind of Bella. Some thoughts stirred up in her mind, and she reflected on her past. Bella was eventually taken on board and the car moved. While on the vehicle, Bella was still thinking and she eventually decided to do something to her situation. What did she decide to do? She was handcuffed and was sitting with two other policemen who were guarding her at the rear and open part of the vehicle. Bella summoned some courage and exerted some strength, and forcibly threw herself off the moving vehicle and landed on the road in a catastrophic manner. Bella attempted suicide. Bella was there lying down on the ground with blood dripping from her body and marks of injury sustained on some parts of her body. Bella attempted suicide, but she did not die as a result. But she lost something; and that was her pregnancy. She was rushed to the hospital where she received treatment.