My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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Without going into much detail, Bella murdered John too with a similar plan. That marked number two on her list.

Bella waited for some time for the talk about John’s murder to die down to some extent to avoid being suspected. When she felt it was time, she grabbed her phone and dialed a number.

“Ehn Ehn! So what are you calling me for? Look here, your chance for that post has expired. In fact, someone else has occupied the office. You don’t just have any chance, okay? Don’t just think you can come back. You are gone, and you are gone for good. Come on, get away you. We don’t want you. We don’t need you. You don’t have any…”

(Cuts in) “Mark, will you just calm down and allow me talk?” said Bella.

“Hey! So it has not gotten to that stage? You don’t have any respect for me anymore? You couldn’t even add Mr. to my name. You know what, do as you like. I don’t care. What I know is there is just no more chance for you in our company. So just get lost. I don’t want to see you” said Mark.

“Anyways, since you say you don’t want to see me, that means I will just keep my body which I wanted to offer you for free to myself.” said Bella

“Ehn! What did I hear you say?” (Changes tone). “No now, come on. I was just joking. As in, I was just playing with you. You know I do play a lot, don’t you? I didn’t mean those things I said. So what did you say?” said Mark.

“I am ready to offer my body for your pleasure, and I don’t want anything in return. I don’t want any post or even money. I just want to be having an affair with you, that’s all.” said Bella. “You don’t mean it. That’s nice. In fact, that’s amazing. So when do you want us to meet? Can we meet this night?” said Mark.

“Yes, I will come. Don’t bother sending any car to come pick me up. I already know your house and I will find my way there. So be expecting me tonight. Bye for now” and she hung up the phone.

Without going into much detail, the bottom line was that Bella eventually murdered Mark, marking number three on her list. By virtue of Bella’s zeal for revenge, Richard, John and Mark lost their lives.

While Bella was with Mark, she noticed a briefcase which she thought would likely contain some money, so she had a change of plans. Bella was calculating the time expected for the poison to stay before working, and when Bella felt the time was near, she excused Mark and went into the toilet. After some time, when she felt it was most likely that the poison had killed Mark, she came out of the toilet, opened the briefcase and stuffed her bag with bales of currency notes as much as her bag could carry. She had quite a big bag, anyways. Then she went out to the gate and professed her wish to leave to the security man. She lied that Mark had sent her to tell him not to allow anyone into the house, as he needed to rest and didn’t want anyone to disturb him. The security man, having known her with his boss, trusted and believed her and Bella exited the house and returned home.

Feeling fulfilled having accomplished her mission, Bella thought of what next to do. Bella contacted Esther, and Esther advised that Bella should travel out of the country as soon as possible, since the security man at Mark’s house recognized her as the one with his boss that night and that could implicate her. Bella bought the idea. Bella, now possessed quite a huge sum of money, so she gathered some things and flew out of the country to South Africa. That was the situation with Bella.


(In a hotel room)

“But this is unfair. But this was not our bargain. Why would you give me such a role? I wanted a lead role in the movie. This is not what I wanted when I made all those sacrifices.” Adele complained.

“Why are you blaming me now? I’ve told you that the producers of the movie were the ones who felt that you do not merit such a role, and they instructed that I give it to someone else. They are the ones who chose to invest their money in the filming of the movie while I was only assigned by these same set of people to take charge and monitor the filming. So their decision surpasses mine. Please don’t just put the blame on me. As old as you are, I don’t expect that such a thing would seem strange to you. I expect that you should understand. There are some times when some unforeseen circumstances would just rise and disrupt or affect some already devised plans. That is the role you got, and that is it. Wait a minute, you even got that role and you’re complaining. What if you were given a role where you will be picking trash and cleaning the streets? You’d better accept what you’ve gotten and prepare yourself for it.” Johnson said.

(Adele covered her face with both palms and sobbed).

After all the sexual offers, she could not get the role. They didn’t need such quality in the filming of the movie (i.e. her sexual traits), in fact, they cared less. What they wanted was how good she could exhibit the roles assigned to her and it was concluded that she did not merit the lead role. So all her sacrifices did not eventually earn her what she wanted as she did not have the desired qualities to supplement it.


“Thank you so much Honourable, I really appreciate. I’m so happy I finally made it”

“Come on, don’t mention. You’ve also been a good girl so you deserve to be rewarded. Now please note that heading and managing the affairs in that ministry is no child’s play. In as much as there are various packages for you to enjoy, you also have to be serious with your work. You know you haven’t been in any political office before and you had no experience prior to this your appointment. And you also know you did not meet the age requirements for the office and that would have prevented you from having the position if not for the plans we devised. You got there because of my influence. So you have to be really serious with your work and show that you have the potentials and you merit the office. Okay?” the Honourable stated.

The presidential candidate for their party eventually attained the seat and consequentially, Ellen was appointed as the head of the ministry for women affairs and social development. Ellen eventually achieved her aim on involving in politics at the federal level.

“Okay! I’ll try my best to in exerting my official duties smoothly. Once again, I thank you.” said Ellen.


“Good afternoon, young lady.”

“Good afternoon, how may I help you?”

(This was by the road side with Genevieve leaning against her car. She was approached by two individuals, a man and a woman).

“Actually, we would like to introduce a profitable business opportunity to you and we request that you give us your audience for some time if you don’t mind” said the man.

Business was something that usually caught Genevieve’s interest. Whenever she would hear the word “business”, she often tended to pay attention.

“Business? Okay, go on.” said Genevieve.

“Actually, if you look around, you would see that there are many people out there, of whom some of them are graduates seeking to be employed by available firms out there for them to earn their living but it is very obvious that such opportunities in this country are relatively low and not enough to admit the number of people seeking them. Our government itself has not done much to the situation, and virtually all the slots in the private firms out there have been occupied. Many people out there are struggling to earn their living, in different possible ways they could get. But instead of waiting for the government to provide opportunities for them or seeking to be employed and work under the name of any firm out there, it is possible for you to establish yourself and be your own boss. (The word boss is mentioned, and Genevieve is involved, so you can imagine how interested she would be in the discussion). That is why our company has devised this opportunity by which interested and smart people can achieve that. You see this opportunity is not for everyone; rather it is for those who are smart and wise. It is for those who choose to use their brains. It is for those who wish to be successful. This is an opportunity that is better than many of those out there. Let us reason, in this our country, even if you eventually find a firm to employ you, another thing is to consider is how much the firm is ready to pay you. Many people out there receive meager salaries but they just choose to push on because they don’t have any alternative job. So this is a good opportunity for you to start making money. Another thing about this opportunity is that you don’t even have to quit your job if you already have one. You can do this as a part time business and you will still make money.”

“Interesting! So what are the processes involved? How do I go about that?” asked Genevieve.

“Well, it is very simple. Actually, our firm is into charity, so we need people to help us with money to pursue our charitable aspirations. But they are not going to be doing this for free. After some time, their money will be refunded and added as profit that that money will be 50% of the money they initially deposited. So, it is more like an investment, and I hope you can see that it is a profitable one.” the man replied her.

“Are you serious? You mean if I deposit for example $100, I will get $150 in return?” Genevieve asked.

“Exactly! That is the way we roll.” replied the man.

“Oh! That is nice. So without wasting much time, how do I start? And can I start now?” said Genevieve.

“Yes, you can start now. We will have to record your details which would include the amount you want to deposit and the bank account details with which you wish to receive your returns. And in case you doubt the authenticity of this business or our company, if you don’t mind, we will hop into your car and you drive us to where our branch is located in this region, so you can witness it with your own eyes. Our company is an international one and it has been operating from quite a long time ago. We didn’t start today.” said the man.

“Okay! That is fine. Please get into the car and you direct me while I drive you there” said Genevieve.

The three of them got into Genevieve’s car and she drove to their office as she was directed. She saw the office and the operations that were going on therein and she was convinced. Genevieve disclosed the necessary details to them and she deposited a sum of $1, 500 for a start. The bottom line was she started the business. That was the situation with Genevieve.