My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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Eventually, Bella got to South Africa and she was able to settle down somewhere. Bella thought of what she was going to be doing. While she was thinking, she remembered her experience with Mark and how she got away with a huge sum of money. She liked it, as in the way such money came into her possession was a blissful experience for her. It was like an achievement. So Bella contemplated on how she could keep the money rolling in. How was she able to get that money from Mark?, she thought. Sexual affair, murder and then theft. The idea registered and that was how Bella planned to do something similar there in South Africa to earn her some money. And aside that, she felt that the zeal for revenge which she had in reaction to her previous sexual exploitation experiences was not satisfied enough. Those experiences affected her mentality, so consequentially, she hated men generally. She was of the view that men are unfaithful and cruel and she planned that she would teach them a lesson as much as she could. That was her mentality. So to achieve her aims, Bella decided she would “officially” become a prostitute, murderer and thief. So Bella would try different means to entice men to her so she could execute her plans over whoever would fall prey to it. Sometimes, she would stand by the roadside, dressed in a provocative fashion and anticipate possible “customers”. In this case, sometimes, her stance would catch the eyes of a guy and would offer her a lift. They would go somewhere, have fun, and Bella would murder him and eventually get away with some of his possessions. Different men fell prey to that plan, and consequentially Bella got richer. Sometimes, she would go to a hotel bar to drink and dance, and would allure a guy, negotiate prices with him, and would go offer him her body, murder him and eventually, she would get away with some of his possessions. Different men fell prey to that too and she consequentially got richer. Sometimes she would go stand with fellow prostitutes at some particular stand, and one guy would pick her up, and a similar thing would happen. That was how Bella was killing different men and getting richer.

One day, while standing in the roadside, dressed in her usual provocative fashion, one car packed beside her and gave her a lift. But this guy’s case was different. He wouldn’t want to have sex with Bella. He only wanted to be friends with her, which Bella consented to thinking that would place her on the road to achieve her aims with him. Bella tried different means to make him want to have her, but no, he would refuse. The order of Bella’s plan was that she would have sexual affair with her prey, then would murder him and steal his possessions. While she was being friends with this guy, she could have killed him in one of those occasions when he would visit her at her house and she would offer him some food. But she felt that she didn’t just want to kill for nothing. That was her mentality. She would want her prey to enjoy her first, and then she would murder him as a consequence. But this guy wouldn’t just agree.

Anyways, his name was Imran and he was a Muslim. Imran was a young and successful entrepreneur. His father was a rich man back in the country where Bella came from and he had left his father during his teenage times after his secondary school. His father agreed to give him some money and Imran travelled to South Africa to start his own business, leaving his family. After setting up his own business, the business flourished and he became an auspicious entrepreneur. Well, Imran was a Muslim revert; he was not initially a Muslim and he found faith after he left his family and went to South Africa. And so his name was not initially Imran, rather Imran was a name he chose for himself after he accepted faith. The name he was called with prior to his becoming a Muslim was Paul. Anyways, Imran loved Bella so much and he wished to marry her. But Bella wasn’t all about love. Hatred was haboured in her heart for this figure who would obviously call himself a man. But because, she wanted to achieve her aims with him, she would just play along and pretend like she liked him too. She didn’t.

That was taking long a time, Bella thought. She wanted the guy dead so badly but just didn’t want to kill him for nothing. She would try different means for him to agree to enjoy her, but the guy was all about love, relationship and marriage. Eventually, Imran voiced out his mind to Bella, telling her how much he loved her and how much he loved to be in a relationship with her. That was disgusting to Bella anyways as a love relationship with a man was a big no for Bella. Deep down in her heart, she hated men so much. But Bella thought if she accepted the offer, it would bring her closer to achieving her aims, so Bella decided to accept the offer. Eventually, Bella and Imran went into a romantic relationship.




One of the fitnahs (temptations) with which we are tested is the fitnah of women, as the

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have not left behind me any fitnah (temptation) more harmful to men than women.” There follow some of the methods by

which we can avoid this temptation. We ask Allaah to set the affairs of the Muslims straight.



The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “No man should be alone with a woman unless there is a mahram with them.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1862) and Muslim (1341).

The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No man is alone with a

woman but the Shaytaan will be the third one present.”


“Now let me give you some good news; beautiful news. In Islam, you are one of three people.

Married, Engaged or Single … There is nothing else. (Friendship is not allowed)” – Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari.


But he has to remain steadfast in his actions, and not let the Shaytaan lead him down another path that will lead to the same result of committing haraam actions. There can be no

friendship between him and this girl who is a stranger (non-mahram) to him. What this

friendship leads to is well known, so he must not respond to her request. He should adhere to his stance and seek the help of Allaah, asking Him to guide him to the straight path and make him steadfast in following true guidance.



Zina (adultery, fornication) does not refer only to penetration, rather there is the zina of the hand, which is touching that which is forbidden, and the zina of the eyes, which is looking at that which is forbidden, even though zina that is committed with the private parts, is the zina which is punishable with the hadd punishment.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has decreed for every son of Adam his share of zina, which he will inevitably

commit. The zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the tongue is speaking, one may wish and

desire, and the private parts confirm that or deny it.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5889; Muslim, 2657.

It is not permissible for the Muslim to long for the things that lead to zina, such as kissing, being alone, touching and looking, for all these things are haraam and lead to the greater evil which is zina.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Faahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin, and an evil way that leads one to hell unless Allaah Forgives him)”

[al-Isra’ 17:32]

Looking at that which is forbidden is one of the arrows of the Shaytaan, which leads a person to doom, even if he did not do it intentionally at first. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts). That is purer for them. Verily, Allaah is All-Aware of what they do.

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and

protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)”

[al-Noor 24:30-31]



Undoubtedly having boyfriends and girlfriends is a major sin. – From:


One of those days when they would be together, this time in a room in Imran’s house, Bella excused Imran to visit the restroom, and while she was there, Bella’s phone produced a sound from inside her bag. It was a text message.


“Hi girl! How is it going? Have you tried that method I told you about? It’s very simple. You just make sure you put that drug in his drink, and he would be strongly sexually aroused and would feel the pressing need to satisfy himself. That drug is very potent. Trust me, he cannot help it. And when he is done with you, according to your idea, then he deserves to die. Just do it the way you know how to, and kill him straight. So we can celebrate another achievement on your list.”


Imran looked into her bag and and his hand caught a small bag. Somehow, Imran got interested in checking what was in the small bag, and he found a syringe, some poison and another type of drug. Imran didn’t know he saw a poison as he could not reccognise it as poison, so he had no idea what was actually going on. He just thought what he saw was some medications for Bella so he cared less and ignored it. Anyways, the reason why he looked into her bag was to check her phone. And alas, he found and read the text message.

After reading the message, seeing things like “drug” and “kill him”, Imran wondered what was happening. He flashed back and recalled what he had seen of a syringe and some other substances. What was happening, Imran thought. Bella exited the restroom and came into the room to find Imran in his perplexed state, holding the small bag and her phone in his hand. Trying to manipulate the situation and hide things, Bella rushed to withdraw the bag from his hand, but Imran refused to release it. Imran showed her the message on her phone and demanded for an explanation. Actually, the message was from Esther. The support Bella got from Esther in fulfilling her aims still continued while Bella was in South Africa. After she flew to South Africa, Bella explained what she decided to do with men to Esther, and Esther reasoned along and even offered to supply her with possible support. Esther had also been a victim of sexual exploitation without going into much detail about how it happened, so Esther also had a mentality similar to that of Bella.

Bella refused to give any explanation on Imran’s demand, and she requested to have her belongings back. She even declared that she was calling off the relationship between them and would want them to depart. Imran loved Bella and didn’t want to lose her, but still, he felt he needed to know what was happening. Imran refused to release her belongings to her, but Bella felt they were important and possibly implicative, so she didn’t want to leave without them. Bella couldn’t force Imran to hand them over to her. She was a lady and she was obviously weaker than Imran. Bella opted for begging Imran to release her belongings to her and Imran demanded that Bella should give him his requested explanations before he released them. Eventually, Bella started to speak.

Bella went emotional and her heart became softened, and also contemplating on how Imran had been treating her all those while, Bella felt she shouldn’t lie to Imran. So Bella narrated the story of her life right from when she was still young, even before her university days till that present time. Adele, Ellen, Genevieve, John, Mark, Richard, Tracy, Shandy, Janet, Esther and some others all featured in her recounted story. After narrating her story, Imran gave her some Dawah. Imran had gained some knowledge about the Deen and he also had some intellect.

Eventually, Bella decided to quit executing her plans, as in, to “officially” resign from prostitution, murder and theft. And that didn’t stop there. Bella also decided to repent and start practicing Islam. Imran and Bella continued with their relationship, and this time, Bella loved Imran for real. As time went on, they eventually had sexual intercourse and consequentially, Bella got pregnant. As that development came up, Imran decided it was time for them to take their relationship to the next level, so he planned for them to return to their home country and both see his family so he could introduce Bella as the one he wanted to marry. So they both gathered some things, made some preparations and they flew back to their country. Imran had called his mother that he was coming with a surprise for her, so she and some other members of their family were anticipating his return. Eventually, they arrived and were welcomed into the house. But all of a sudden,…

“Hey! Hold her! Hold her! She mustn’t escape. In fact, you, lock that gate. Yes, she is the one. I recognize her very well.”

Sighting the face of the man speaking, Bella realized what was going on.

“What is the matter? Hold her for what?” asked Imran’s mother.

“Madam, (referring to Imran’s mother) this is the lady we are looking for. This is the lady who was with boss the night he was murdered. She is the one he spent his last moments with. The very face that was caught in camera performing that criminal act. (Turning to Bella) Or do you want to deny it?”

That was the security man who let Bella out of the compound the night she murdered Mark. He recognized Bella as he saw her.

“What! You mean this lady? (Turning to Imran) Imran, how is this lady to you?” asked Imran’s mother.

“Mum, she is the surprise I told you about. She is the woman I intend to marry.” Imran replied.

“Ehn! For where? Not while I am alive. You see this lady here will sleep in the police custody tonight. In fact, I’ll see to it that she ends up in jail. I even wish that she should be sentenced to death. (To the maid) Hey! You, go get me my phone inside the house.” said Imran’s mother.

“Mum! Please, let me get you. I’m telling you this is who I want to marry, you say you want her to be sentenced to death. What is her offence? Please, tell me.” said Imran.

All these while, Bella just kept mute.

“Didn’t you hear what the security man said? This lady killed your father. Yes, she did. She was caught on camera while applying poison to his drink. And even the security man recognizes her as the one who was with your father during his last moments. She cannot just escape justice as we have concrete evidence against her.” said Imran’s mother.

“Mum, there is something you don’t know about this lady. Let me tell you, she…” Imran said.

(Cutting in) “Shut up your mouth and keep that to yourself. I’m calling the police. Period!” Imran’s mother retorted.

The maid returned with the phone and Imran’s mother called the police. Moments later, they arrived.

Yes, that was it. Mark was Imran’s deceased father. In case you are wondering why Bella didn’t recognize the house and should have possibly done something to escape being caught, it was actually not the house where Bella murdered Mark. Mark, as it has been said, was a rich man. He didn’t have one house. After Mark died, his wife and Imran’s siblings returned to the country. And they chose not to stay in house where Mark died, and they moved to another one, along with the workers working in the previous house. And yes, the room where Bella and Mark spent that moment was under camera. Bella actually applied the poison in that same room. As Bella turned her back against Mark, trying to shield him from viewing what she wanted to do, Bella applied the poison into his drink. And that action was caught on camera. What is the bottom line anyways? Bella was eventually arrested.