Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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The comms went silent and Presto received his order in the bakery, paid for it and headed back to the motel. When he returned Hena was already in the room with Kew and Greg.

"Four coffees, black...and a truck load of doughnuts to fatten you sleezy cows," he said after Kew let him in.

There were no complaints from the crew despite none of the other three really having a keen taste for coffee. They continued to monitor the visual feeds on the screen. Kew and Greg decided to rest while Presto and Hena watched the screen.


"I'm thinking of leaving the team after this mission," Hena said. Presto was surprised by this. The team had been together for just under a decade and had gotten used to each other.

"Wow...I never saw that coming." He responded, genuinely taken aback by her sentiments to leave. "Yeah I know but I need to do something else with my life Pres. I'm tired of all this violence and uncertainty. It's a war that we've been fighting for