Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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too long." She kept her eyes on the screen, she knew that eye contact would make the room a very uncomfortable place to be.

"I get you but we're really getting good and, I bet you after this mission we're probably going inter colonial." Presto really enjoyed Hena's presence on the team. She was always looking out for the team's finance. She was probably the main reason they had never gone bankrupt during a mission.


"That really sounds good and all but I'm now looking for a place to settle, I want children Presto." Presto shrugged. The last thing on his mind was a family and settling down. The life of the militia group was all he knew and all he ever wanted.

"Well, let's first get through this mission. I think now isn't the time for such thoughts, they'll weigh you down and probably slow you down in the field. If you want to settle down that's your prerogative but here you're a soldier and this mission is one that could get real ugly real fast. So for your sake as well as ours, keep your head in the game"