Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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figured if they were to have a conversation it might as well be about the trip.

"Oh yeah. First time you heading there?"

"I've never been to Arc Vale before. I assume you have?"

"Yeah, you can say that. It's an interesting place don't you think?"

"Well, I know little but I'm excited to find out. You seem a little posh for bus travel." Lisa giggled at Kyle's comment.

Is it that obvious...she thought to herself.

"You're a bit too obserant for a loud mouth," she teased trying not seem phased by his questioning. He smiled.

"That's how I get around beautiful ladies, my bad." She could tell that he had his way with the ladies but she was more interested in just getting familiar with the rather odd trio that somehow ended up with her ticket.

"You must be quite the charmer. Unlike your friend over there." She gestured over to Scotty who was now walking with Brianna.