Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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The coach was already waiting for the passengers in the parking bay on the other side of the check point.

"Well that was a drag," Fleezy said. Brianna nodded her head and put her headsets back on, she was back to her distant herself.

Lisa stayed close to Scotty as they proceeded through the check point and headed towards the coach. She remains silent as she figured he wasn't really up for any small talk. She wasn't keen on asking many questions on what he was going to do in Arc Vale but she was interested to know none the less.

The bus was quite a distance away so Lisa decided to talk to Kyle as they made their way.

"Your friend doesn't really talk much, I hope I'm not irritating him by trying to spark a conversation."

"Oh no," replied Kyle happy to have someone to talk to.

"That's just how he is. Don't worry about it. So Arc Vale hey?" Kyle wasn't really interested in her specifics of why she was going to Arc Vale but