Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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They were in Rivine. The short stop at the check point was soon followed by a winding road that looped round a mountainous landscape. The road that lead from the checkpoint to the nearest town was a small road and wasn't anything like the dual carriageway that brought them to the border from Mobilia's side.

There were moments where Scotty looked out of the window and literally felt as though his side of the bus was no longer on the road. The drop was scary to look at but at times, he couldn't help but stare at it and hope nothing happened. At a certain point the coach slowed down to what seemed a halt as the driver was maneuvering a tricky turn. Scotty eas so discomforted by this that he stopped looking out of his window and turned his head to face the inside of the coach, he wasn't expecting to find Lisa watching him.

She smiled emphatically knowing exactly how he felt. He put on a half smile and shook his head. She said something to him but he never heard it due to the headsets in his ears. He took them off.