Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Sorry, I never got that."

"I was saying, scary feeling huh?"

He shrugged, it was scary but he was sure that he wasn't scared.

"Yeah, quite thrilling. You don't seem phased. You must travel a lot." Scotty figured that contuing to remain silent during this part of the journey was only going to get him over thinking things. He decided to talk to Lisa, who was seemingly interested in the idea of a conversation.

"I do travel a lot but this is my first trip down this route. You don't seem like the travelling type," she added.

"I enjoy travelling, what exactly gives you the impression that I don't?"

"Your silence. Most travellers are talkative and jovial. You're the exact opposite." He guessed that his distant nature was the cause for her assumption.

"Well, I'm not a traveller." He quickly felt his mouth less eager to move. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of having to explain himself to her.